A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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And the left is too stupid to even realize just how liberal Trump was
No, you're too stupid to understand that an abnormal person like Trump does not have any ideology.

When he was desperately trying to be liked by elite society in New York and elsewhere, he said liberal things.

When he was desperately trying to be liked by Billy Bush, he bragged about sexual assault.

When he found self affirming praise and attention from the teabaggers and other various deplorables tasted just as sweet, he became the Birther in Chief.

While he was squealing "America First", he was sharing a lie to the American people with Putin .

When he was desperately trying to be liked by his autocrat heroes abroad, he said shocking things that would end the career of any other politician.

Trump is whatever you morons make of him, at this point. Whatever deviant, fraudulent, racist thing you say, he will gleefully repeat back to you and charge you money to see him do it.
No, you're too stupid to understand that an abnormal person like Trump does not have any ideology.

When he was desperately trying to be liked by elite society in New York and elsewhere, he said liberal things.

When he was desperately trying to be liked by Billy Bush, he bragged about sexual assault.

When he found self affirming praise and attention from the teabaggers and other various deplorables tasted just as sweet, he became the Birther in Chief.

While he was squealing "America First", he was sharing a lie to the American people with Putin .

When he was desperately trying to be liked by his autocrat heroes abroad, he said shocking things that would end the career of any other politician.

Trump is whatever you morons make of him, at this point. Whatever deviant, fraudulent, racist thing you say, he will gleefully repeat back to you and charge you money to see him do it.
You are the abnormal Godless Putin Xi Dupe, Dupe.
Noe go back to cleaning dingleberries off of the Ayatollah's Assahollah.
For those Trumpleton's who blankly stare at their TV's each day, uncritically accepting every lie they hear on Faux News, you might want to familiarize yourselves with the Eastman memo since it isn't likely you know anything about it.

It’s important to understand that in the hours before the Jan. 6 insurrection, Trump’s entire effort to undo the result of the election turned on the radical theory of the vice president’s powers that was at the foundation of the Eastman memo, which falsely claimed:

There is very solid legal authority, and historical precedent, for the view that the President of the Senate does the counting, including the resolution of disputed electoral votes (as Adams and Jefferson did while Vice President, regarding their own election as President), and all the Members of Congress can do is watch.
Eastman’s legal position was absolutely unequivocal, without any hint of uncertainty about its conclusion:

The fact is that the Constitution assigns this power to the Vice President as the ultimate arbiter.
(For what it’s worth, both Eastman and the Claremont Institute where he is a fellow now claim that this was only a draft and that he orally advised Trump and Pence that the memo’s theory was “the weaker view.” That’s a bit like writing a memo for Julius Caesar that concluded, without qualification, that “the fact is that the Roman Constitution assigns this power to you, Caesar, as the ultimate arbiter about whether to cross the Rubicon.” And then later claiming that the day before Caesar started the Roman Civil War, you had told him that actually it was the weaker view and he shouldn’t do it.)

You worship the orange god. What you are doing is called anti-worship. Trump is your god, but to you a malevant god, and you worship him every day with your hatred of him.
Your self soothing crybabying does not distract from your actions, cultist. If you could, you would literally attack those who criticize your orange God. But you instead are relegated to hiding in your basement, prostrating yourself for your orange God on message boards, while your violent fantasies go unfulfilled.

Thanks goodness.
No, you're too stupid to understand that an abnormal person like Trump does not have any ideology.

When he was desperately trying to be liked by elite society in New York and elsewhere, he said liberal things.

When he was desperately trying to be liked by Billy Bush, he bragged about sexual assault.

When he found self affirming praise and attention from the teabaggers and other various deplorables tasted just as sweet, he became the Birther in Chief.

While he was squealing "America First", he was sharing a lie to the American people with Putin .

When he was desperately trying to be liked by his autocrat heroes abroad, he said shocking things that would end the career of any other politician.

Trump is whatever you morons make of him, at this point. Whatever deviant, fraudulent, racist thing you say, he will gleefully repeat back to you and charge you money to see him do it.

Trumps actions speak louder than words. Why didn't the left show him some respect for the progressive crap he crammed down our throats?

He funded planned parenthood and gender studies
Increased the size and scope of government
Increased spending 33%
Gave Pelosi everything she wanted.
Banned bump stocks
Trade war with China (as Obama tried to do, and the left praised Obama for)
Trumps actions speak louder than words.

Like when he tried to reverse sanctions on Russia, and the congress stopped him. Like when he had support for Ukraine removed from the 2016 RNC platform. Like when he extorted the Ukrainian president for personal gain. Like when he tried to steal an election. Like when he cheered on insurrection on his television.

Like when he appointed a foreign agent to be head of national security. Like when he fired the FBI director for investigating his political allies. Like when he bragged about sexual assault.

And every action taken by him -- historically unethical, high crime, or otherwise-- was for personal gain. Self interest.

So yes, let's look at his actions. They really do tell the tale and utterly and completely establish the amoral, unethical, classless behavior of a malignant narcissist.
Your self soothing crybabying does not distract from your actions, cultist. If you could, you would literally attack those who criticize your orange God. But you instead are relegated to hiding in your basement, prostrating yourself for your orange God on message boards, while your violent fantasies go unfulfilled.

Thanks goodness.
All your Putin-Xi-Obama-Biden-Clinton-Chicom=Ruskie lies have all been debunked, yet you still persist in them like the last Zealot of a dying religion.

Just more proof that Trump is your orange anti-god and you worship him with every fiber of your being.
Just more proof that Trump is your orange anti-god and you worship him with every fiber of your being.
Sorry Cletus, that don't make no sense. You literally flung yourself at me like a crazed lunatic, because I criticized your orange God and savior. I imagine I would be putting you to sleep with a naked choke right now, if I had dared blaspheme your orange God and savior in your presence.

Back to the thread...
Haha, criticize the orange God, and his worshippers go on the attack...
Spelling isn't your strong suit, huh?
Trump ran the US way better than pedo Joe is.

Anyway, we don't worship sick pedos like you dems do...who has that damn diary???????

Sorry Cletus, that don't make no sense. You literally flung yourself at me like a crazed lunatic, because I criticized your orange God and savior. I imagine I would be putting you to sleep with a naked choke right now, if I had dared blaspheme your orange God and savior in your presence.

Back to the thread...
Your Orange Anti-god has you all worked up, doesn't he? Trump for breakfast, Trump for Lunch, Trump when kiss your boyfriend a bunch.

Trump Trump Trump
Hump Hump Hump
You Love Trump It's as Scary
As your boyfriend's ass is Hairy.
No, you're too stupid to understand that an abnormal person like Trump does not have any ideology.

When he was desperately trying to be liked by elite society in New York and elsewhere, he said liberal things.

When he was desperately trying to be liked by Billy Bush, he bragged about sexual assault.

When he found self affirming praise and attention from the teabaggers and other various deplorables tasted just as sweet, he became the Birther in Chief.

While he was squealing "America First", he was sharing a lie to the American people with Putin .

When he was desperately trying to be liked by his autocrat heroes abroad, he said shocking things that would end the career of any other politician.

Trump is whatever you morons make of him, at this point. Whatever deviant, fraudulent, racist thing you say, he will gleefully repeat back to you and charge you money to see him do it.

This is all so absolutely true that every Democrat (and sane Republican) should make it their mantra, and repeat it daily.
This is all so absolutely true that every Democrat (and sane Republican) should make it their mantra, and repeat it daily.
I especially like the parts when he said it would be cool to be president forever and that he would take away guns without due process. You know, typical conservative rhetoric.

I imagine the Trump humping Preppers still haven't quite figured out how to resolve this in their brains.

Like when he tried to reverse sanctions on Russia, and the congress stopped him. Like when he had support for Ukraine removed from the 2016 RNC platform. Like when he extorted the Ukrainian president for personal gain. Like when he tried to steal an election. Like when he cheered on insurrection on his television.

Like when he appointed a foreign agent to be head of national security. Like when he fired the FBI director for investigating his political allies. Like when he bragged about sexual assault.

And every action taken by him -- historically unethical, high crime, or otherwise-- was for personal gain. Self interest.

So yes, let's look at his actions. They really do tell the tale and utterly and completely establish the amoral, unethical, classless behavior of a malignant narcissist.
He funded planned parenthood and gender studies
Increased the size and scope of government
Increased spending 33%
Gave Pelosi everything she wanted.
Banned bump stocks
Trade war with China (as Obama tried to do, and the left praised Obama for)
He funded planned parenthood and gender studies
Increased the size and scope of government
Increased spending 33%
Gave Pelosi everything she wanted.
Banned bump stocks
Trade war with China (as Obama tried to do, and the left praised Obama for)
Yeah, getting our asses kicked in his vain trade war was pretty embarrassing.

His failed efforts to raise oil prices also taught him a lesson about the limited powers of a president.

I doubt he learned any lessons in humility from either event.
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