A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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You don't care about the GOP? Good one. Are you always this funny?
I don't care for or about the GOP. As far as I'm concerned they're a bunch of worthless cowards.

I'm looking for a statesman. There aren't any, in either party, and there hasn't been for MOST of my lifetime.

The last one I personally remember is Tom Lantos, who happened to be a Democrat.

That guy Trump, he's kind of a wanna-be statesman, but he's too gruff and inexperienced when he talks to Putin and Kim. (In other words, he doesn't qualify).

We need to raise the bar on these fucktard politicians.

First of all, BOTH parties are diseased, they each have a bad case of institutional rot.

Secondly, the Neo-Cons who used to infest the Republican party have now taken up residence in the Democratic party, they call themselves progtards but it's the SAME bunch of people doing the SAME stupid shit. "Why do you hate America", remember that? Today they just call you a racist.

Thirdly, we do NOT have to accept the candidates the party wants to give us

It's time to get the rats off the ship. Call in the exterminators with the high power chemicals.
Get used to it. It's called conspiracy. And that's what will finally bring the entire Trump mob to justice.

To justice for what? This is just another BS witch hunt by the left.

When in fact, the left should be the ones nominating Trump.
He funded planned parenthood and gender studies
Increased the size and scope of government
Increased spending 33%
Gave Pelosi everything she wanted.
Banned bump stocks
Trade war with China (as Obama tried to do, and the left praised Obama for)

And the left is too stupid to even realize just how liberal Trump was. I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative, who hasn't voted for a republican since 2012. I couldn't stand Trump. But that was because he was too liberal. So when I see morons on the left opposing Trump, I just can't help but laugh and shake my head.

If Hitlery had won, the left wouldn't have gotten funding for planned parenthood, gender studies, bump stock ban, the trade wars. You guys got everything Pelosi wanted, and you still don't even realize it.

LOL... We saw what MAGA-land looked like on January 6th, didn't we? All of the racist white trash in America has coalesced into one political force.
Voting demographics don't lie. As income rises, so does rhe likihood of voting Republican.
Are you interested in facts? Because that will be the focus of what we will see and hear starting June 9. Bet you thought the GOP would get away with their numerous crimes. They won't. Then it won't make a bit of difference whether you agree or are interested. But buckle up there Trump sheep. It's gonna be a wild ride.
1. What numerous crimes has the GOP been charged with? Hint: zero
2. There is no "ride", the voters will decide in November, and the dems will get "das boot"
Dude, you're nuts

Political maneuvering is not an "attempted coup".

If you believe it is, then Hillary is also guilty of an "attempted coup", for her political maneuvering in relation to the fake dossier.

You need to grow a brain and turn off the idiot box
You have some stiff competition, but I'd have to say your post qualifies as the most ridiculous one I've read from a Trumpleton. Equating the attorney for Hillary's campaign hiring Fusion GPS to continue oppo research on Trump, who then hired Michael Steele, who didn't know he was doing the research for Clinton, while Clinton didn't know Steele existed let alone the methods he was using, all for a report the Clinton campaign did not use during the campaign...........equating that with Trump's plan to have fake slates of electors cause votes in contested states to be thrown out so Repub controlled legislatures could usurp the will of the people in order to illegally install Don as prez for another term (see the Eastman memo) is ludicrous.
Your god has abandoned you. He sees your new idol worship.

And he is laughing at your conspiracy theories.
You are just mad at God because your false gods Obama, Biden and Clinton got caught in lies again.

Between Russian Collusion and Hunter Biden's laptop you should be ashamed of yourself for being a pathological liar, but you have no shame.

And trust me, everyone is laughing at you, but God is just marking another one of your sins down on your account.

You will have some explaining to do on Judgment Day, Lucy.

Wisconsin law prevents counting absentee ballots prior to election day.
The consequence is that they count those votes overnight (at voting day) at a central location, so you see these jumps in the vote counts.

Other states arent like this. Each state makes its own election laws, so you'll see these differences.
Horse Shit. Everyone saw what happened. Just because a bunch of corrupt assholes successfully covered it up, does not mean we are going to believe your lying horse shit and buy your snake oil.
You have some stiff competition, but I'd have to say your post qualifies as the most ridiculous one I've read from a Trumpleton. Equating the attorney for Hillary's campaign hiring Fusion GPS to continue oppo research on Trump, who then hired Michael Steele, who didn't know he was doing the research for Clinton, while Clinton didn't know Steele existed let alone the methods he was using, all for a report the Clinton campaign did not use during the campaign...........equating that with Trump's plan to have fake slates of electors cause votes in contested states to be thrown out so Repub controlled legislatures could usurp the will of the people in order to illegally install Don as prez for another term (see the Eastman memo) is ludicrous.
Everyone forgets Steele's Partner Skirpal who was a retired former Russian double agent.

When the news came out about the fact that Russian Collusion was a fraud paid for by Obama, Clinton and Biden, Skirpal and his daughter were poisoned in an assassination attempt after living for 10 years peacefully in the UK unmolested and living normal lives.

Skirpal you see was the direct link between Putin himself, Steele and Obama, Biden Clinton.

Do you think he and his daughter got the message? I don't think they were expected to survive, just like the same people who tried to rig the 2016 election did not believe Trump would beat the odds and defeat their fraud machinery.

Lesson here is, never accept a phone call, a dinner invitation or money from anyone associated with The Clintons, Biden or Obama.
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You are just mad at God because your false gods Obama, Biden and Clinton got caught in lies again.
Hey fruit loop, normal, sane human beings do not worship politicians like Republicans worship Trump. In fact, most normal, sane human beings don't worship fairy tales, either, but that's another story.

Trump is as flawed a human being as anyone who has ever held the office of President of the United States, and arguably, the most mentally ill person to ever hold the office in a long history of flawed human beings elected President.

But you keep worshipping your Golden Calf.
Hey fruit loop, normal, sane human beings do not worship politicians like Republicans worship Trump. In fact, most normal, sane human beings don't worship fairy tales, either, but that's another story.

Trump is as flawed a human being as anyone who has ever held the office of President of the United States, and arguably, the most mentally ill person to ever hold the office in a long history of flawed human beings elected President.

But you keep worshipping your Golden Calf.
No one worships Trump. Only you DimTards say that and use that lie as a propaganda tool.

Why did you and your piece of shit demonic satan worshiping DemNazi party pay Putin for a Dirty Dossier they knew was a lie, and then commit FISA Fraud, alter emails, lie to a Federal Judge, Wipe Cell Phones in violation of a Federal Court Order, lied to the Attorney General, used a Weaponized FBI for a Fake Investigation and Coup Attempt over False and Lying Accusations which Mueller and his Posse were told were false, spent Billions of Dollars on a Fake Investigation and two Fake COUP attempts (fake impeachments), and then poisoned the only direct link between Putin-Steele Obama Clinton and Biden when the Russian Collusion Fake Dirty Dossier was made?

You will all burn in Hell for that.

Everyone forgets Steele's Partner Skirpal who was a retired former Russian double agent.

When the news came out about the fact that Russian Collusion was a fraud paid for by Obama, Clinton and Biden, Skirpal and his daughter were poisoned in an assassination attempt after living for 10 years peacefully in the UK unmolested and living normal lives.

Skirpal you see was the direct link between Putin himself, Steele and Obama, Biden Clinton.

Do you think he and his daughter got the message? I don't think they were expected to survive, just like the same people who tried to rig the 2016 election did not believe Trump would beat the odds and defeat their fraud machinery.

Lesson here is, never accept a phone call, a dinner invitation or money from anyone associated with The Clintons, Biden or Obama.
Skripal was poisoned by PUTIN you dolt.

That's FACT
Skripal was poisoned by PUTIN you dolt.

That's FACT
Clinton Obama Biden Putin. No difference between who gave the order and who carried it out!

One does not buy a dirty dossier from Russia without Putin Rubber stamping it.

One does not carry out an assassination attempt on a Russian Source of The Dirty Dossier without Obama, Clinton, Biden and Putin being involved in it.
Hey fruit loop, normal, sane human beings do not worship politicians like Republicans worship Trump. In fact, most normal, sane human beings don't worship fairy tales, either, but that's another story.

Trump is as flawed a human being as anyone who has ever held the office of President of the United States, and arguably, the most mentally ill person to ever hold the office in a long history of flawed human beings elected President.

But you keep worshipping your Golden Calf.


Another asshole atheist being an asshole.
You have some stiff competition, but I'd have to say your post qualifies as the most ridiculous one I've read from a Trumpleton. Equating the attorney for Hillary's campaign hiring Fusion GPS to continue oppo research on Trump, who then hired Michael Steele, who didn't know he was doing the research for Clinton, while Clinton didn't know Steele existed let alone the methods he was using, all for a report the Clinton campaign did not use during the campaign...........equating that with Trump's plan to have fake slates of electors cause votes in contested states to be thrown out so Repub controlled legislatures could usurp the will of the people in order to illegally install Don as prez for another term (see the Eastman memo) is ludicrous.
Another completely retarded leftTARD. ^^^

I'm not even going to bother responding to this stupid bullshit anymore.

I'm just going to WORK, to boot all these delusional progtards out of power and into the bonepile of political history.

These progtards are WAY too stupid to run a country.
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