A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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You bleat and blather your utter nonsense and I knock it down. You can’t defend any of your contentions. You are a worthless troll.

I speak the truth. This confuses the snot out of you.
You wouldn't know the truth if it shit on your chest!
You wouldn't know the truth if it shit on your chest!
Your problem, dicklessthing, is that you associate the truth with shit. You’ve already established that you’re utterly worthless. So, sharing your vapid opinions ia never going to be persuasive.
Your problem, dicklessthing, is that you associate the truth with shit. You’ve already established that you’re utterly worthless. So, sharing your vapid opinions ia never going to be persuasive.
I think you've been hitting that neutronium too hard.
Your Orange Anti-god has you all worked up, doesn't he? Trump for breakfast, Trump for Lunch, Trump when kiss your boyfriend a bunch.

Trump Trump Trump
Hump Hump Hump
You Love Trump It's as Scary
As your boyfriend's ass is Hairy.
Does it bother any of you Trumpers that you agree with this moron?
When you try to illegally take or retain control of the government after an election that you lost

Yes Virginia, that’s a coup attempt
The actual mechanics of any takeover far exceeded the capacity of this rag tag bunch
It’s another emotional pilgrimage for you lib loons to quake fearfully about a non existent coup attempt.
So your six years of screeching about Russia rigging the 2016 election and calling Trump an illegitimate president is a coup attempt? Good to know...I'll call the FBI.
Not illegal to screech in America. Calling a president names is not a coup attempt. I mean look at all the pieces of shit who call the sitting president vile things in sort of a gleeful yet vitriolic way, that is kind of spooky to the sane.....

Where do you get such un-American ideas from.

You really do hate beer don't you?
Why didn't Pence go along with plan? What was his reasoning?
His plan was to not end up in jail. And even that is more intelligence than I gave him credit for. Before that awakening he was the most sycophantic puppy dog I've ever seen. It should have been as embarrassing for him and the party as it was to witnesses from the outside.
The actual mechanics of any takeover far exceeded the capacity of this rag tag bunch
It’s another emotional pilgrimage for you lib loons to quake fearfully about a non existent coup attempt.
Then you should have invited them all over to your place for a friendly cookout. LOL BYON Bring your own Noose.
I don't worship any pedos.
But you absolutely worship your orange God and savior.
Your baby hissy fits won't help you.
1. Xiden is a pedo who showered with his daughter Ashley, so says her diary, that the FBI was looking desperately for.

2. I'm not a Trump fan, I'm voting Desantis, or Nikki Haley, or Mike Pompeo, or Jim Jordan, or _______ in the GOP primary. Trump lit the fuse, but he alienated too many voters with his egomaniac antics.

3. Pointing out one of Joe Xiden's many flaws isn't a hissy fit. Its truth telling.
This is all so absolutely true that every Democrat (and sane Republican) should make it their mantra, and repeat it daily.
So you like these lies? See my rebuttals below...

No, you're too stupid to understand that an abnormal person like Trump does not have any ideology.
When he was desperately trying to be liked by elite society in New York and elsewhere, he said liberal things.
When he was desperately trying to be liked by Billy Bush, he bragged about sexual assault.
When he found self affirming praise and attention from the teabaggers and other various deplorables tasted just as sweet, he became the Birther in Chief.
While he was squealing "America First", he was sharing a lie to the American people with Putin .
When he was desperately trying to be liked by his autocrat heroes abroad, he said shocking things that would end the career of any other politician.
Trump is whatever you morons make of him, at this point. Whatever deviant, fraudulent, racist thing you say, he will gleefully repeat back to you and charge you money to see him do it.

1. General Kelly said Trump was a "very flawed man". I believe that is true.
2. Whining about Trump's political antics proves nothing. There is no bad publicity.
3. America First has nothing to do with Putin. Xiden's killing KeystoneXL, and his "war on energy" jacking up the price of oil to $116/bbl proves Xiden is "Putin's Whore". As McCain said "Russia is a gas station acting like a country". Trump had oil so low Putin lost money, TRump also had the US "energy independent", now the US is begging Putin to pump more oil. Biden is Putin's WHORE, QED.
4. What autocrat heroes abroad was Trump saying shocking things to? What were they? How about Xiden's catastrophic withdrawal from AFG? How about Canada and the Brits holding Xiden in CONTEMPT? Did our allies ever hold Trump in CONTEMPT? (NO!!)
5. If Trump win the GOP nomination I'll vote for him. He's 1,000,000x better than anyone the dems can put up. Funny you should say "deviant", how about those showers Joe Biden took with his daughter Ashley?


As for "racist" Trump, he got 6% more black votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.
We'll see in November and in 2024 who the voters prefer.
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When you try to illegally take or retain control of the government after an election that you lost
Yes Virginia, that’s a coup attempt
If there was a coup attempt, there would have been GUNS, lots and lots of GUNS.
Picture the French Revolution.

J6 was a weak protest of a fraudulent election.
Why didn't Pence go along with the plan? What was his reasoning?
His reasoning was that he could not find any legal pathway to joining the coup, despite his efforts to do so. And that doing something illegal in that setting would put his own political career in jeopardy.

Nothing more. Pence does not give a shit about due process or the integrity of democracy. He tried to find a way to legally do it, knowing that option could propel him right into the Oval Office in 2024. He called numerous people to see if they knew of a legal way to refuse to count the electors (apparently his hand picked counsel did not tell him what he was hoping to hear: "No problem Mikey, just refuse to count the electors and prepare the exploratory team for the 2024 election."). But he could not. So, he went with the next best option to preserve his own, future opportunities.

You have to keep this in mind about Pence; He thinks he is God's chosen one. If he thought refusing to count the electors would have helped his chances to be president, then that is what he would have done. The Jihad Rule.
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