A Freedom of Speech Test

So, all these 90% ******* who vote for the Dems are just stupid right?

I said that anyone who votes for an incumbent, of either party is stupid. Only racists care about skin color, which is why I never brought it up.

Terrific, so who do you vote for, the always new guy with always new promises?

I vote for the guy that makes the most sense, which is why I have never voted for a Republican.

Or a Democrat.

Rough, to be honest, I would have voted for a Republican in the last presidential election, but they drove that guy out of the primary early, and then tried to keep him off the ballet with the help of Democrats because both parties are against freedom.
I said that anyone who votes for an incumbent, of either party is stupid. Only racists care about skin color, which is why I never brought it up.

Terrific, so who do you vote for, the always new guy with always new promises?

I vote for the guy that makes the most sense, which is why I have never voted for a Republican.

Or a Democrat.

Rough, to be honest, I would have voted for a Republican in the last presidential election, but they drove that guy out of the primary early, and then tried to keep him off the ballet with the help of Democrats because both parties are against freedom.

No Dems or Reps eh? Perfect, I love people who throw their votes away...
Terrific, so who do you vote for, the always new guy with always new promises?

I vote for the guy that makes the most sense, which is why I have never voted for a Republican.

Or a Democrat.

Rough, to be honest, I would have voted for a Republican in the last presidential election, but they drove that guy out of the primary early, and then tried to keep him off the ballet with the help of Democrats because both parties are against freedom.

No Dems or Reps eh? Perfect, I love people who throw their votes away...

Which is why you are the answer to your question.
Freedom of Speech test?

Well there is a simple freedom of speech test, just a few questions:

1) Can you tolerate a poster/sign/newspaper/media medium that is anti-Semitic, anti-ethnic, or anti-religion/ideology x in the private sphere?

Sub-question: Can you tolerate it in the public sphere?

A: You have to allow this to occur (by US at laws at least) in private or public; and in the public sphere you could oppose it only on grounds of public safety like if it actually resulted in horrific acts of violence, discrimination or persecution. Naturally though, you can condemn it and those that carried it out, and try to make sure it isn't published or distributed - through private means.
I vote for the guy that makes the most sense, which is why I have never voted for a Republican.

Or a Democrat.

Rough, to be honest, I would have voted for a Republican in the last presidential election, but they drove that guy out of the primary early, and then tried to keep him off the ballet with the help of Democrats because both parties are against freedom.

No Dems or Reps eh? Perfect, I love people who throw their votes away...

Which is why you are the answer to your question.
My party is in power, so no worries...

"Brevity is the soul of wit".

Can someone tell me what that wall of words says? I'm not reading that thing.

Anyone want to take bets on how quickly the OP gets banned?

As I said, that is the dogma here, but tell us, if such a thing were true, would that not make the ******* very, very stupid? I mean, how dumb do you have to be to vote for the people who year after year, decade after decade, screw you?

Ah...another slur on blacks. I'm not sure how dumb one must become. It occurs in whites also....just not near 100 percent.

So the ******* are just dumber than whitey eh? Almost 100% dumb? Got it.

BTW, what's the percentage of stupid whiteys? 40%? 50%?

Your words not mine.
Ah...another slur on blacks. I'm not sure how dumb one must become. It occurs in whites also....just not near 100 percent.

So the ******* are just dumber than whitey eh? Almost 100% dumb? Got it.

BTW, what's the percentage of stupid whiteys? 40%? 50%?

Your words not mine.
It's my truer version of what you are too big a pussy to actually say, but it's obviously. When you say that the Dems have conned the blacks who should vote for your side instead, you just said stupid *******, and they know it.
So the ******* are just dumber than whitey eh? Almost 100% dumb? Got it.

BTW, what's the percentage of stupid whiteys? 40%? 50%?

Your words not mine.
It's my truer version of what you are too big a pussy to actually say, but it's obviously. When you say that the Dems have conned the blacks who should vote for your side instead, you just said stupid *******, and they know it.

What you are insinuating is entirely untrue. You're the one calling blacks stupid and doing that by using a slur. Your bitterness and rage has affected any rational thinking.
Your words not mine.
It's my truer version of what you are too big a pussy to actually say, but it's obviously. When you say that the Dems have conned the blacks who should vote for your side instead, you just said stupid *******, and they know it.

What you are insinuating is entirely untrue. You're the one calling blacks stupid and doing that by using a slur. Your bitterness and rage has affected any rational thinking.
Ah, you've said these people are too stupid to vote for the right party. There's nothing unclear about that and my thinking is entirely rational. When you say the Dems have conned people into voting for them, against their best interests, you just called those people stupid, and in this case, stupid *******.
You may not like what I have to say. But I have a right to say it. Now this is how I would like things to go. If you think I am wrong about a particular point that I make, tell me what it is and why you think it is wrong. I will tell you it isn't wrong. And so on. To keep things simple, please send a separate reply for each point that you disagree with.
First of all, I have heard some religious people basically say that they wouldn't mind seeing the world destroyed. Because that would mean that they would get to go to heaven and be with Jesus. For most other people, they operate by a similar principal. Which is not really caring what happens. As long as it happens to someone else. It's no wonder that people like lies so much. But get ready for some truth.
The rock bottom basis for true patriotism lies in what you are. Just as it is in the animal kingdom. Like it or not, there is no better species of human than the White species of human. (You know, like what Michael Jackson tried to make himself look like) Also, I am far from caring what other species of human may think about this. Just as a dog would likely be unconcerned with what a flea's feelings about things are. You may not believe it, but Whites can get along just fine without non-Whites around. And no doubt, much better. Despite what your Jewish slavemasters have brainwashed you to believe. Or their Christian lap dogs who believe that a good way to demonstrate the power of their god is to support the Jewish people. For all you White people out there, stick up for yourselves and support each other!
For example, look at the illegal invaders flooding over our southern border. I think the U.S. should start sending the ones they catch back over the border with catapults! (Land mines would be helpful also) That would slow down the invasion. This may sound harsh. But you'll likely find it difficult to stop desperate overbreeders without desperate measures. And the White species, along with the land that we occupy, are worth fighting for. No matter what the cost! Besides, the U.S. should be more than a dumping ground for illegal lowlifes who don't believe in population control. (If they've even heard of the term) I'm glad that we don't share a land border with places like China, India, Pakistan or Rwanda. Also, ever hear of a Mexican group called, "La Raza?" It means, "The Race." You can't get much more racist than that. Yet between Bill Gates and the U.S. government, that group has received over ten million dollars!
It's bad enough that so many traitorous companies started sending jobs overseas. Which caused so many more of the less traitorous companies to do the same, just to compete. We don't need these illegal scabs coming here to take what jobs are left. For you White people out there, (As well as other Americans) you should be concerned that these invaders are ultimately taking food out of your children's mouths. But if sticking up for what you are doesn't hold much interest for you, I don't suppose that sticking up for your children would hold much interest for you either. Which is the ultimate in pathetic. Unfortunately, the ruling elite capitalist scum who run this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
I have another example of racism for you. I was watching a news program once. (For as much as you can believe those) They were saying that when Obama was first running for president, blacks were registering to vote in larger than normal numbers. Both times Obama ran, he received over ninety five percent of the black vote. I would have to assume that the main reason for that was just because he was black. That sounds pretty racist to me.
For anybody who wants to respond to this post, I don't even want to hear from you unless you're White. Why? Because a bottle nose dolphins have no business telling spotted dolphins anything that has to do with what spotted dolphins do. Lynx have no business telling bobcats anything that has to do with what bobcats do. Mule deer have no business telling white tail deer anything that has to do with what white tail deer do. Etc. times millions. So non-Whites have no business telling Whites anything that has to do with what Whites do. Also, I know that insults come easier than reason. But please save any insults you have for somebody who cares. Another thing is that for those who disagree with me, it would be helpful for those with a doctorate degree to respond to me. Or anybody who has a high level of status quo entrenched, "Bo Peep" education. Because cutting the head off any political cult is a good place to start.

One, you're racist.
Two, about Michael Jackson--he had a skin disease called vitiligo universalis. Vitiligo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Three, all humans are the same species and we all bleed red and have the same organs (male and female differentials.)

Four, fuck you.
[ame=http://youtu.be/vw1z6ujgMhM]Demon Hunter-Relentless Intolerance-with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Wow, he's a lonely fellow isn't he. Gotta admire the honesty though.

"Don't respond unless you're white."

And how do you propose verifying it since most here don't have selfies? :)
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Technically, any race can be a "******"--excuse my French.
****** - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Quantum Windbag,
You weren't kidding with the handle you chose. As I said in my original post, insults come easier than reason. Especially when you aren't capable of reason. Thanks for letting me know where you stand. Now I can justt pass by anything I see written by Quantum Douchebag.
Quantum Windbag,
You weren't kidding with the handle you chose. As I said in my original post, insults come easier than reason. Especially when you aren't capable of reason. Thanks for letting me know where you stand. Now I can justt pass by anything I see written by Quantum Douchebag.

Please also pass by anything written by dblack.

You have no idea how many people point out the imperfections of my penmanship. Maybe it's just me, but I can understand what I'm trying to say. But whatever I say or how I say it doesn't really matter. Because I will likely be banned from this site like I have been banned from so many others. People look at my avatar and read my post. They then tend to dismiss me as some wacko nazi. But then and many others make the mistake of debating me. Which except for what PaintMyHouse pointed out, usually ends up with them getting trounced. This website nor most others like it can have that. They fail the freedom of speech test and I get banned. Let me give you an example of something I pointed out from a site where I got banned.
During WW II, the U.S. would have doubtlessly been better off backing Hitler than Stalin. Even though as we all now know, Hitler wasn't perfect. But how many world leaders are. No doubt Germany would have also much preferred being on friendly terms with the U.S. rather than Japan. Then maybe that whole Pearl Harbor thing wouldn't have happened. Also. look at the Korean war. Even though we helped the Chinese during WW II, five years after the war one American soldier talked about being attacked by so many Chinese that he could have fired a bullet blindly in the direction of the enemy and have been sure of hitting one of them. The U.S. could also have done without the whole Vietnam thing. There have also been many proxy wars fought with Russia. On a couple of occasions, the world almost came to a nuclear end. Let's all sing it! Hitler bad! Hitler bad! Hitler bad bad bad!
I made many points in my original post that you probably disagreed with. Just pick one and go with it.

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