A Freedom of Speech Test

Boy do I just love to hear you stupid piggies squeal. The freedom of speech test was just that. Anybody else can say what they want. I'm just not obliged to listen to their inane, parasitic gibberish. Like yours. I have heard all such arguments before. It may serve non-Whites to say them, but not me. Then you think it's funny that I said that nobody on the sites I was banned from could refute my points of view. That is another reason why I don't want to hear your non-White filth. Because they include bullshit like yor calling me a liar. As for your calling me a liar about the "elders of zion thing, fuck off again. As for the stormfront thing, what I actually said was more along the lines of not feeling any need to talk to people who would only likely agree with me. Also, I think I remember the reply you got this from. It was where I told that looser and anybody else who read it to go to their browser and enter, "Talmud, Three years and a day." Where Jewish religious people were talking about having sex with female children of that age. Are you a supporter of babyfucking too? But if you're thinking of responding to this, don't bother. I'll not read any more of your replies with their filthy lies and insults.
I noted the Islamic unfluence in your avatar. Are you one of those diseased Islamic scumbags? If so, you have no business even talking to me. But for anybody else who may be reading this, I have some interesting information for you. The filthy scum sucking maggot who called himself Mohammed cut the heads off of between six hundred and nine hundred people. Possibly all in one time. One after the other. From an old mural I saw of the scene, he didn't do it cleanly with a sword or ax. That pile of bloodthirsty dogshit did it with a knife. I suppose the "hands on" approach appealed to him more.
I saw another old mural done by moron towel heads. It was of Mohammed and the angel gabriel. Some religiously dazed raghead obliterated the face of Mohammed. Apparwently because it was too "holy" to look at. But they didn't do anything to the face of gabriel. But gabriel was supposed to be an angel of god. Somebody who you would think would have actually been in the presence of "allah." But Mohammed was more "holy" than him? All ragheads are a joke! Also, if you are islamic, I take it you're well aquainted with a practice called pederasty. Don't bother replying to this. I won't read it.
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If anybody around here has a low IQ, it's you. Why do you think "racism" even exists. It's because it serves a useful pirpose. Because the most common forms of life on the planet are parasites. "Racism" is a guard against that. Also, even babies have been shown to be "Bigoted." What am I doing even talking to somebody who doesn't even have the sense of a baby! If you're thinking of replying, don't bother. I won't read it.

Okay, mental picture time.

You want things spiced up? I can spice things up for you. A really spicy thing was told by one of the 9-11 responders. He talked of seeing a body that was just skin. All of the other tissue was blasted out of it. He also talked about having to drive over body parts.
If you care to try, try picturing this in your minds eye. You are in one of the World Trade Center buildings. You have just been forced out of a hole in the wall by flames. Possibly with other people. You look around quickly in terror for something to grab onto. But there is nothing. The side of the building starts going by more quickly and you see the ground getting closer. You are terrified beyond imagination as you know you are going to die a messy death. You try with superhuman strength to summon up some sort of telekenetic power to try to slow your fall. You also pray harder to god than you thought possible to save you. But nothing works. As the ground gets ever closer, thought run through your mind as to the people you will never see again or the things you will never do. Your muscles are rigid with terror as the ground gets closer. Your face is also frozen in terror. SPLAT!
But as I said in my original post, whatever happens doesn't really matter. As long as it happens to someone else. Right? You fill me with disgust. You may think that kissing ass is the way to solve all our problems. But don't disparage those with a sliver of dignity. If you're thinking of replying to me, don't bother. I won't read it.
Usually test questions are shorter than that. Often they are followed by a true/false option, fill in the blank entry, or multiple choice options. Even an essay test question is seldom longer than the essay response.


I didn't even bother to read his post. No paragraphs means I don't bother reading.
You want things spiced up? I can spice things up for you. A really spicy thing was told by one of the 9-11 responders. He talked of seeing a body that was just skin. ...

What??? The skin would burn away before anything else. I think you're just making stuff up. You are a silly person.
I'm always impressed with people who can type such long post and still manage to say nothing it's a rare talent.
You have your opinion. As worthless as it is. You know what isn't a rare talent? Reading something significant and denying the truth of it. As you seem to be good at. Somebody once said that it's hard to get somebody to understand the truth. Especially when their livelihood depends on them not understanding. So go ahead and keep trying to not understand. It's your loss. By the way, now that I know where you stand, don't bother replying to this. I won't read it.
You have your opinion. As worthless as it is. You know what isn't a rare talent? Reading something significant and denying the truth of it. As you seem to be good at. Somebody once said that it's hard to get somebody to understand the truth. Especially when their livelihood depends on them not understanding. So go ahead and keep trying to not understand. It's your loss. By the way, now that I know where you stand, don't bother replying to this. I won't read it.
You post nothing worth replying to but I'm going to anyway knowing the reason you won't read it is because you know I like many other's here see you for what you are a self important blowhard who believes their long pointless rambling post are a sign of intelligence. This slightly altered quote from Shakespeare is the prefect description of you and your post and a great way to end this. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”
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Usually test questions are shorter than that. Often they are followed by a true/false option, fill in the blank entry, or multiple choice options. Even an essay test question is seldom longer than the essay response.


A right wing member of USMB was crying about how some liberal sued to try and have a cross taken down off public land. There's more to the story but bottom line is the guy was saying we don't like to give "freedom of expression"

And he wanted me to give him an example of how/where/when Republicans do this.

I could go with the time Chaney had a man arrested right in front of his kid just for telling Chaney he didn't approve of his job performance.

But instead I'll go with Scott Walker arresting peaceful protesters just for singing

This is Scott Walker s Wisconsin Protesters Arrested For Singing and Clapping at Capitol - Mic
We don't need these illegal scabs coming here to take what jobs are left. For you White people out there, (As well as other Americans) you should be concerned that these invaders are ultimately taking food out of your children's mouths.

What a crock of shit. We had full employment in 2007, with just as many illegals here as we have now, if not more.

Then something happened. Can you guess what it was? It was in all the papers.

I'll give you a hint: It had nothing to do with illegal aliens.

Besides, if a darkie was able to take your job, what does that say about you, oh Master Racist? Hmmm?
"...not being able to defeat me in debate."

I'm going to be laughing about that one all day. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
It's bad enough that so many traitorous companies started sending jobs overseas.

If you lost your lava lamp assembly line job to a Chinaman, perhaps you should have acquired a better skill!

The low tech jobs belong overseas. America isn't going to remain number one if we do not maintain our innovative edge. We should be training our children for the jobs of tomorrow. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are over, Aryanboi.
90% does sound very high, until you look at this:

Not so racist now is it?

Nope not racists, just stupid and blind.

Your opinion is noted, and rejected. However I am only too happy to acknowledge that you believe the ******* are too stupid to vote for the people who actually care about them, the party of whitey, AKA, the GOP. That is the dogma here...
Blacks are not going to vote for the GOP since it is chock full of people who so clearly hate minorities and the GOP does nothing to kick the bigots to the curb.
You may not like what I have to say. But I have a right to say it. Now this is how I would like things to go. If you think I am wrong about a particular point that I make, tell me what it is and why you think it is wrong. I will tell you it isn't wrong. And so on. To keep things simple, please send a separate reply for each point that you disagree with.
First of all, I have heard some religious people basically say that they wouldn't mind seeing the world destroyed. Because that would mean that they would get to go to heaven and be with Jesus. For most other people, they operate by a similar principal. Which is not really caring what happens. As long as it happens to someone else. It's no wonder that people like lies so much. But get ready for some truth.
The rock bottom basis for true patriotism lies in what you are. Just as it is in the animal kingdom. Like it or not, there is no better species of human than the White species of human. (You know, like what Michael Jackson tried to make himself look like) Also, I am far from caring what other species of human may think about this. Just as a dog would likely be unconcerned with what a flea's feelings about things are. You may not believe it, but Whites can get along just fine without non-Whites around. And no doubt, much better. Despite what your Jewish slavemasters have brainwashed you to believe. Or their Christian lap dogs who believe that a good way to demonstrate the power of their god is to support the Jewish people. For all you White people out there, stick up for yourselves and support each other!
For example, look at the illegal invaders flooding over our southern border. I think the U.S. should start sending the ones they catch back over the border with catapults! (Land mines would be helpful also) That would slow down the invasion. This may sound harsh. But you'll likely find it difficult to stop desperate overbreeders without desperate measures. And the White species, along with the land that we occupy, are worth fighting for. No matter what the cost! Besides, the U.S. should be more than a dumping ground for illegal lowlifes who don't believe in population control. (If they've even heard of the term) I'm glad that we don't share a land border with places like China, India, Pakistan or Rwanda. Also, ever hear of a Mexican group called, "La Raza?" It means, "The Race." You can't get much more racist than that. Yet between Bill Gates and the U.S. government, that group has received over ten million dollars!
It's bad enough that so many traitorous companies started sending jobs overseas. Which caused so many more of the less traitorous companies to do the same, just to compete. We don't need these illegal scabs coming here to take what jobs are left. For you White people out there, (As well as other Americans) you should be concerned that these invaders are ultimately taking food out of your children's mouths. But if sticking up for what you are doesn't hold much interest for you, I don't suppose that sticking up for your children would hold much interest for you either. Which is the ultimate in pathetic. Unfortunately, the ruling elite capitalist scum who run this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
I have another example of racism for you. I was watching a news program once. (For as much as you can believe those) They were saying that when Obama was first running for president, blacks were registering to vote in larger than normal numbers. Both times Obama ran, he received over ninety five percent of the black vote. I would have to assume that the main reason for that was just because he was black. That sounds pretty racist to me.
For anybody who wants to respond to this post, I don't even want to hear from you unless you're White. Why? Because a bottle nose dolphins have no business telling spotted dolphins anything that has to do with what spotted dolphins do. Lynx have no business telling bobcats anything that has to do with what bobcats do. Mule deer have no business telling white tail deer anything that has to do with what white tail deer do. Etc. times millions. So non-Whites have no business telling Whites anything that has to do with what Whites do. Also, I know that insults come easier than reason. But please save any insults you have for somebody who cares. Another thing is that for those who disagree with me, it would be helpful for those with a doctorate degree to respond to me. Or anybody who has a high level of status quo entrenched, "Bo Peep" education. Because cutting the head off any political cult is a good place to start.

The First Amendment does not protect you from a message board not posting your opinion or from another person telling you to shut the fuck up. It ONLY protects you from the government doing so

So many people seem confused about that.

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