A Freedom of Speech Test

We don't need these illegal scabs coming here to take what jobs are left. For you White people out there, (As well as other Americans) you should be concerned that these invaders are ultimately taking food out of your children's mouths.

What a crock of shit. We had full employment in 2007, with just as many illegals here as we have now, if not more.

Then something happened. Can you guess what it was? It was in all the papers.

I'll give you a hint: It had nothing to do with illegal aliens.

Besides, if a darkie was able to take your job, what does that say about you, oh Master Racist? Hmmm?
I would ask where you got the idea that we had full employment since 2007. But I don't want to know the answer. The fact is, there are millions of unemployed Americans. Along with a lot of underemployed Americans and those who simply gave up trying to look for work. Then you bring up darkies who take our jobs. I guess Americans, for now, aren't desparate enough to be slaves. Though this country is working on that problem. Also, a maggot is accustomed to eating putrefied meat. In that, I would be glad to bow to the superiority of the maggot.
I don't even want to hear from you unless you're White.

The thread is titled "freedom of Speech Test" and the OP dictates a limit on freedom of speech.

But it gets funnier even further down!

The OP claims that he was banned from other forums because no one could refute his drivel!

The OP's avi is Adolf Hitler but the OP denies knowing about the Elders of Zion!

The OP claims that he has "heard of Stormfront" but doesn't want to post there because everyone agrees with him.

At this point it is patently obvious that we are dealing with a low IQ racist POS that doesn't deserve anything beyond outright mockery. Furthermore it won't last any longer than the rest of it's ilk does in this forum so definitely going to pull the chain and flush this turd!


one does not have to have a LOW IQ to be a racist pig.
"...not being able to defeat me in debate."

I'm going to be laughing about that one all day. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Talk is cheap. Find a particular point in my original post and tell me why you think it is wrong.
Hitler is rotting in hell....and you will join him if you admire him.
It's bad enough that so many traitorous companies started sending jobs overseas.

If you lost your lava lamp assembly line job to a Chinaman, perhaps you should have acquired a better skill!

The low tech jobs belong overseas. America isn't going to remain number one if we do not maintain our innovative edge. We should be training our children for the jobs of tomorrow. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are over, Aryanboi.
The more you write, the stupider you get. Would you like proof? Well how about this. I was watching an American brainwashing program about some American guy who went to India to see where his phone service job went. After everything was said and done, his conclusion was that they needed his job more than he did. (Probably some Stockholm Syndrome was also involved) Because as an American, he had the opportunity to remake himself and find another occupation. But I don't know what kind of job that looser thought he would do that some desparate foreigner wouldn't take from him too.
Maybe he could have spent the next ten years becoming a doctor. Oh! Wait! Overseas hospitals are vying for American patients to go over there and have surgeries done for a cheaper price. Which is an idea that a lot of American insurance companies like. It puts a little bit of a different spin on the bullshit Americans have been fed about our economy supposedly heading toward a service based one.
A lot of the people who work low wage jobs here in the U.S. are also on food stamps. Depending on who you listen to, with China alone, the U.S. has between a little over three hundred billion and over seven hundred billion per year in trade deficit. Though when you take in the cost of crimes committed by the unemployed and the cost to victims, along with other factors, the U.S. is probably loosing out on way over seven hundred billion per year.
Also, look at things like education, compensation for work, medical care, etc. The U.S. ranks low among developed countries. Is it any wonder that the U.S. produces more serial killers than any other country? Come on! Laugh it up bitch! Come on! LAUGH!!!!
Hitler is rotting in hell....and you will join him if you admire him.
I would rather be in hell with Hitler than in heaven with all the lie loving, traitorous, brainwashed loosers I have ran across on this forum.
It's bad enough that so many traitorous companies started sending jobs overseas.

If you lost your lava lamp assembly line job to a Chinaman, perhaps you should have acquired a better skill!

The low tech jobs belong overseas. America isn't going to remain number one if we do not maintain our innovative edge. We should be training our children for the jobs of tomorrow. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are over, Aryanboi.
The more you write, the stupider you get. Would you like proof? Well how about this. I was watching an American brainwashing program about some American guy who went to India to see where his phone service job went. After everything was said and done, his conclusion was that they needed his job more than he did. (Probably some Stockholm Syndrome was also involved) Because as an American, he had the opportunity to remake himself and find another occupation. But I don't know what kind of job that looser thought he would do that some desparate foreigner wouldn't take from him too.
Maybe he could have spent the next ten years becoming a doctor. Oh! Wait! Overseas hospitals are vying for American patients to go over there and have surgeries done for a cheaper price. Which is an idea that a lot of American insurance companies like. It puts a little bit of a different spin on the bullshit Americans have been fed about our economy supposedly heading toward a service based one.
A lot of the people who work low wage jobs here in the U.S. are also on food stamps. Depending on who you listen to, with China alone, the U.S. has between a little over three hundred billion and over seven hundred billion per year in trade deficit. Though when you take in the cost of crimes committed by the unemployed and the cost to victims, along with other factors, the U.S. is probably loosing out on way over seven hundred billion per year.
Also, look at things like education, compensation for work, medical care, etc. The U.S. ranks low among developed countries. Is it any wonder that the U.S. produces more serial killers than any other country? Come on! Laugh it up bitch! Come on! LAUGH!!!!
Yes, because singular objective remarks gleaned from an unlinked source you seen on television is what actually ranks as 'evidence.'

That might be why no one seems to be able to 'refute' your 'arguments.' There aren't any arguments there...
90% does sound very high, until you look at this:

Not so racist now is it?

Nope not racists, just stupid and blind.

Your opinion is noted, and rejected. However I am only too happy to acknowledge that you believe the ******* are too stupid to vote for the people who actually care about them, the party of whitey, AKA, the GOP. That is the dogma here...
Blacks are not going to vote for the GOP since it is chock full of people who so clearly hate minorities and the GOP does nothing to kick the bigots to the curb.
Listen to you stupid fucks, I have never said anything even remotely racists on this board, Yet because I am not a democrat you stupid ignorant fucks label me one, and make assumptions about what I think.

Only one using racial words on this thread is one of the so called Compassionate Liberals.
Despite what your Jewish slavemasters have brainwashed you to believe. Or their Christian lap dogs who believe that a good way to demonstrate the power of their god is to support the Jewish people.
Horse hockey, use the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as bathroom tissue. This is the second time this slime has been posted.

I didn't see the protocols mentioned in the quote. You made that up.
Despite what your Jewish slavemasters have brainwashed you to believe. Or their Christian lap dogs who believe that a good way to demonstrate the power of their god is to support the Jewish people.
Horse hockey, use the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as bathroom tissue. This is the second time this slime has been posted.

I didn't see the protocols mentioned in the quote. You made that up.

"Jewish slavemasters" sounds like the POEZ.

The Metzgers......no, they acted more like slaves when Daddy was out to sea; they worried about my mother, she was a Type I diabetic. I remember Mrs. Metzger coming over with cooked meals, asking if my mother needed HER to do housework (she also snuck me sweets but I never ratted her out. My mommy limited sweets). Mr. Metzger was a higher rank, when HE was out to sea, we got treated to dinner out; my mother tried to pay half, Mrs. Metzger would only allow her to leave the tip, though my mommy was a low tipper....I remember one time Mrs. Metzger added to the tip.

Shoney's, and some other local restaurants, in Norfolk. I got PANCAKES with SYRUP..........a rare occasion at home.

I will not elaborate further about the family that owned Bahia Beach, and the DECADES of kindness to my grandparents, my family and my aunt's.........................which began long before I was born.
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Listen to you stupid fucks, I have never said anything even remotely racists on this board, Yet because I am not a democrat you stupid ignorant fucks label me one, and make assumptions about what I think.

Only one using racial words on this thread is one of the so called Compassionate Liberals.
Its not so much as a label as it is a weapon. It is a hand grenade that they keep in their back pocket because as soon as it is used they can simply disregard anything you state.

It is another example of how our political system has been reduced to tatters - we don't need to pay attention anymore because the other side is eeeeevil.
It's bad enough that so many traitorous companies started sending jobs overseas.

If you lost your lava lamp assembly line job to a Chinaman, perhaps you should have acquired a better skill!

The low tech jobs belong overseas. America isn't going to remain number one if we do not maintain our innovative edge. We should be training our children for the jobs of tomorrow. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are over, Aryanboi.
The more you write, the stupider you get. Would you like proof? Well how about this. I was watching an American brainwashing program about some American guy who went to India to see where his phone service job went. After everything was said and done, his conclusion was that they needed his job more than he did. (Probably some Stockholm Syndrome was also involved) Because as an American, he had the opportunity to remake himself and find another occupation. But I don't know what kind of job that looser thought he would do that some desparate foreigner wouldn't take from him too.
Maybe he could have spent the next ten years becoming a doctor. Oh! Wait! Overseas hospitals are vying for American patients to go over there and have surgeries done for a cheaper price. Which is an idea that a lot of American insurance companies like. It puts a little bit of a different spin on the bullshit Americans have been fed about our economy supposedly heading toward a service based one.
A lot of the people who work low wage jobs here in the U.S. are also on food stamps. Depending on who you listen to, with China alone, the U.S. has between a little over three hundred billion and over seven hundred billion per year in trade deficit. Though when you take in the cost of crimes committed by the unemployed and the cost to victims, along with other factors, the U.S. is probably loosing out on way over seven hundred billion per year.
Also, look at things like education, compensation for work, medical care, etc. The U.S. ranks low among developed countries. Is it any wonder that the U.S. produces more serial killers than any other country? Come on! Laugh it up bitch! Come on! LAUGH!!!!
Yes, because singular objective remarks gleaned from an unlinked source you seen on television is what actually ranks as 'evidence.'

That might be why no one seems to be able to 'refute' your 'arguments.' There aren't any arguments there...
90% does sound very high, until you look at this:

Not so racist now is it?

Nope not racists, just stupid and blind.

Your opinion is noted, and rejected. However I am only too happy to acknowledge that you believe the ******* are too stupid to vote for the people who actually care about them, the party of whitey, AKA, the GOP. That is the dogma here...
Blacks are not going to vote for the GOP since it is chock full of people who so clearly hate minorities and the GOP does nothing to kick the bigots to the curb.
Listen to you stupid fucks, I have never said anything even remotely racists on this board, Yet because I am not a democrat you stupid ignorant fucks label me one, and make assumptions about what I think.

Only one using racial words on this thread is one of the so called Compassionate Liberals.
90% does sound very high, until you look at this:

Not so racist now is it?

Nope not racists, just stupid and blind.

Your opinion is noted, and rejected. However I am only too happy to acknowledge that you believe the ******* are too stupid to vote for the people who actually care about them, the party of whitey, AKA, the GOP. That is the dogma here...
Blacks are not going to vote for the GOP since it is chock full of people who so clearly hate minorities and the GOP does nothing to kick the bigots to the curb.
Listen to you stupid fucks, I have never said anything even remotely racists on this board, Yet because I am not a democrat you stupid ignorant fucks label me one, and make assumptions about what I think.

Only one using racial words on this thread is one of the so called Compassionate Liberals.
I'm still ignoring you and your mindless drivel too.
Hitler is rotting in hell....and you will join him if you admire him.
I would rather be in hell with Hitler t...

You'll get your wish eventually, you worthless coward. May it be many years from now; long enough for you to learn just what a vile piece of shit you are so you can take a lot of regrets with you.
You worthless worm. I just couldn't resist insulting you again. But you should know that I am an atheist. So I'm not concerned with either heaven or hell. But being around lie loving brainwashed idiots like you is hell enough for anybody.
Hitler is rotting in hell....and you will join him if you admire him.
I would rather be in hell with Hitler t...

You'll get your wish eventually, you worthless coward. May it be many years from now; long enough for you to learn just what a vile piece of shit you are so you can take a lot of regrets with you.
You worthless worm. I just couldn't resist insulting you again. .

Aren't you scared to say what you "really want to say," pussy? Your idiotic spinelessness has by now been well-established. Run back to your little pansy club at stormyfront, you clown.

For anybody who wants to respond to this post, I don't even want to hear from you unless you're White. Why? Because a bottle nose dolphins have no business telling spotted dolphins anything that has to do with what spotted dolphins do. Lynx have no business telling bobcats anything that has to do with what bobcats do. Mule deer have no business telling white tail deer anything that has to do with what white tail deer do. Etc. times millions. So non-Whites have no business telling Whites anything that has to do with what Whites do. Also, I know that insults come easier than reason.

Um. . . . Your analogy is fatally flawed. The usage of race in the sociopolitical context is useful only to the elites as a tool to divide the more ignorant classes into hating each other and diverting their anger off of them. It is a tactic that has been used since the Roman Patricians. Congratulations for becoming such an easy victim. Biologically? Race doesn't actually exist. It is a misnomer.

noun: species; plural noun: species; noun: sp.; plural noun: spp.
a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g., Homo sapiens.

Race (human classification)
Anthropologists long ago discovered that humans' physical traits vary gradually, with groups that are close geographic neighbors being more similar than groups that are geographically separated. This pattern of variation, known as clinal variation, is also observed for many alleles that vary from one human group to another. Another observation is that traits or alleles that vary from one group to another do not vary at the same rate. This pattern is referred to as nonconcordant variation. Because the variation of physical traits is clinal and nonconcordant, anthropologists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries discovered that the more traits and the more human groups they measured, the fewer discrete differences they observed among races and the more categories they had to create to classify human beings. The number of races observed expanded to the 1930s and 1950s, and eventually anthropologists concluded that there were no discrete races.[72] Twentieth and 21st century biomedical researchers have discovered this same feature when evaluating human variation at the level of alleles and allele frequencies. Nature has not created four or five distinct, non-overlapping genetic groups of people.

IOW, there is no such things as race, only genetic variation. If a person has four grandparents; one of them is "black", one of them is "American Indian", one of them is "Chinese", and one of the is "European". . . . what "race" are they?
Oy. Now I see the whys and wherefores.

Meanwhile...admin...can we have our Disagree button back? I sure could use it about now.

btw....cultsmasher..I am "white".

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