A Freedom of Speech Test

Newsflash for Cultzombie: The world has already dealt with your type. Banging away on a keyboard in your bunker is all you have to look forward to in life.
"My type" may have been "dealt with." But that is far from being defeted. Because you can never defete the truth. Also, this is just a hobby. I have much more important interests in my life.
Maybe the percentage of the black vote doesn't seem quite as racist. But it was still racist enough to turn the tide in Obama's election. It would appear that my figures were a little askew. In 2012, only ninety three percent of blacks voted for Obama. Though ninety six percent of black women did. But Obama did get ninety six percent of the black vote in 2008. Also, in 2012, a larger percentage of blacks voted than Whites for the first time ever. Though given the choices they were given, I can see why.
Racism was involved, but not as much as one might believe based solely upon the numbers.

It's race loyalty when blacks vote for Blacks because they are black, But when whites do it, well that's racists lol
Until Obama, what else could you vote for other than white men?
They may not be doing a very good job. But I would rather vote for a White person. And after seeing what obama has done and has planned, voting White would have been a better choice.
The rock bottom basis for true patriotism lies in what you are. Just as it is in the animal kingdom. Like it or not, there is no better species of human than the White species of human.

Better? What do you mean by better?

Better at killing? Better at math? Better at making paper airplanes? What do you mean better?

You may not believe it, but Whites can get along just fine without non-Whites around. And no doubt, much better.

Sure they can. They can also get along fine with non-whites around. So what?

I think the U.S. should start sending the ones they catch back over the border with catapults! (Land mines would be helpful also) That would slow down the invasion.

It'd also make the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights more of a joke than it's ever been.

Though I replied to this because I thought there might be something good in it, there isn't, I'll leave it at that.
The rock bottom basis for true patriotism lies in what you are. Just as it is in the animal kingdom. Like it or not, there is no better species of human than the White species of human.

Better? What do you mean by better?

Better at killing? Better at math? Better at making paper airplanes? What do you mean better?

You may not believe it, but Whites can get along just fine without non-Whites around. And no doubt, much better.

Sure they can. They can also get along fine with non-whites around. So what?

I think the U.S. should start sending the ones they catch back over the border with catapults! (Land mines would be helpful also) That would slow down the invasion.

It'd also make the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights more of a joke than it's ever been.

Though I replied to this because I thought there might be something good in it, there isn't, I'll leave it at that.
For your first answer, you need to read my posts, "Is The White Species Superior?" and "Is The White Species Superior, Part 2." Also, Whites can get along better without non-whites around. Believe it or not. As for the U.S. Constitution or bill of rights, they don't apply to foreign invaders. You say you didn't like my thread. I thought it was quite interesting, for instance, to basically point out that White people being so fucked up must have been why Michael Jackson tried to make himself look White.
For your first answer, you need to read my posts, "Is The White Species Superior?" and "Is The White Species Superior, Part 2." Also, Whites can get along better without non-whites around. Believe it or not. As for the U.S. Constitution or bill of rights, they don't apply to foreign invaders. You say you didn't like my thread. I thought it was quite interesting, for instance, to basically point out that White people being so fucked up must have been why Michael Jackson tried to make himself look White.

Why would a white person get on better with just white people around? You say believe it or not as if your one article that points to LINGUISTIC differences having an impact on the economy effects black and white relationships in the US where both speak ENGLISH.

The Bill of Rights only concerns what the US govt can and can't do. And at times it prevents them doing things to "all people".

Okay, you think it's interesting. I'm telling you it's not. Michael Jackson doesn't make things more interesting.
For your first answer, you need to read my posts, "Is The White Species Superior?" and "Is The White Species Superior, Part 2." Also, Whites can get along better without non-whites around. Believe it or not. As for the U.S. Constitution or bill of rights, they don't apply to foreign invaders. You say you didn't like my thread. I thought it was quite interesting, for instance, to basically point out that White people being so fucked up must have been why Michael Jackson tried to make himself look White.

Why would a white person get on better with just white people around? You say believe it or not as if your one article that points to LINGUISTIC differences having an impact on the economy effects black and white relationships in the US where both speak ENGLISH.

The Bill of Rights only concerns what the US govt can and can't do. And at times it prevents them doing things to "all people".

Okay, you think it's interesting. I'm telling you it's not. Michael Jackson doesn't make things more interesting.
You ask why Whites would get along better around other Whites. Because people are filthy scum. The lowest of the low. Despite the intelligence of man, many often act no better than chimps. Also because of the aggressive and parasitic nature of man. It sure doesn't take much for people to abuse and exploit each other. Some even do it for fun. All of these things are less likely to happen where there is a sense of community. That sense of community comes from being around others of your kind.

Also, recently on the news they were takling about another monkey who killed a White woman. He may have even killed a really beautiful White woman in the past. Somebody who was worth ten million *******. There have been more White women to go that way than you could shake a stick at. That is why in my mind, anybody who kills a darkie is a hero!

You also bring up speaking English. But as you know, many tar babies speak ebonics. I wish they would all die from ebola. Then there all the "latinos" here who want to speak spanish. Ever hear of the chupacabra? Directly translated, it says "suckergoat." Why would anybody want to speak a language that would make them say "sucker goat" instead of "goat sucker?"

As to what the "Bill of Rights" does or doesn't allow, I couldn't say for sure. But I do know that if there is anything that a filthy foreign invader can hide behind, it should be done away with. If the bill of rights does indeed protect the rights of foreign invaders, I would take the original and staple it to the forehead of some foreign invader before giving them the catapult fling back over the border.

You also bring up the Michael Jackson thing. You really don't find it interesting why some other species of human would want to have himself made to resemble some other species of human? Well be that as it may. I always find human behavior to be interesting.
For your first answer, you need to read my posts, "Is The White Species Superior?" and "Is The White Species Superior, Part 2." Also, Whites can get along better without non-whites around. Believe it or not. As for the U.S. Constitution or bill of rights, they don't apply to foreign invaders. You say you didn't like my thread. I thought it was quite interesting, for instance, to basically point out that White people being so fucked up must have been why Michael Jackson tried to make himself look White.

Why would a white person get on better with just white people around? You say believe it or not as if your one article that points to LINGUISTIC differences having an impact on the economy effects black and white relationships in the US where both speak ENGLISH.

The Bill of Rights only concerns what the US govt can and can't do. And at times it prevents them doing things to "all people".

Okay, you think it's interesting. I'm telling you it's not. Michael Jackson doesn't make things more interesting.
You ask why Whites would get along better around other Whites. Because people are filthy scum. The lowest of the low. Despite the intelligence of man, many often act no better than chimps. Also because of the aggressive and parasitic nature of man. It sure doesn't take much for people to abuse and exploit each other. Some even do it for fun. All of these things are less likely to happen where there is a sense of community. That sense of community comes from being around others of your kind.

Also, recently on the news they were takling about another monkey who killed a White woman. He may have even killed a really beautiful White woman in the past. Somebody who was worth ten million *******. There have been more White women to go that way than you could shake a stick at. That is why in my mind, anybody who kills a darkie is a hero!

You also bring up speaking English. But as you know, many tar babies speak ebonics. I wish they would all die from ebola. Then there all the "latinos" here who want to speak spanish. Ever hear of the chupacabra? Directly translated, it says "suckergoat." Why would anybody want to speak a language that would make them say "sucker goat" instead of "goat sucker?"

As to what the "Bill of Rights" does or doesn't allow, I couldn't say for sure. But I do know that if there is anything that a filthy foreign invader can hide behind, it should be done away with. If the bill of rights does indeed protect the rights of foreign invaders, I would take the original and staple it to the forehead of some foreign invader before giving them the catapult fling back over the border.

You also bring up the Michael Jackson thing. You really don't find it interesting why some other species of human would want to have himself made to resemble some other species of human? Well be that as it may. I always find human behavior to be interesting.
Just saying hello from my "A Freedom of Speech Test" thread to get it out of the old messages thing.
Oh boy indeed. I have been on many political forums. Most of which I got banned from. I guess they got tired of not being able to defeat me in debate. But PaintMyHouse shut down one of my statements to a pretty good degree. Though since nobody else has ever managed to do so, I don't think it will happen again. But you too are welcome to try.

There is not a debate subject in existence that a racist fuckwad can out argue a thinking man in. I would prove that to you but the only thing racists fuckwads bring out in me is scorn and derision.

By the way, eat some neg rep.
Quantum Windbag,
You couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag.
Whites can get along just fine....

I hate to break the bad news to you, but Whites do not get along with other Whites. Even now, there are many international precautions and safeguards to keep Europeans nations from attacking one another with catastrophic effects.

Yet, even with these 'safeguards' it still occur. Ukraine and Russia is just a recent example.

Only in America does Whites think they are a single homogeneous group. The truth is, White is a mixture of ethnicities and cultures. Whites are alike as the ingredients in Gumbo.

Plus, Whites in America do not consider all Caucasians as White! Hence White is a subcategory to Caucasian, which is the race.

Let us not talk about the Aryans and how the Nazi's deliberately got it wrong.
I like the avatar. It is the brainwashed types who think things like 6 million Jews having died in the holocaust bullshit who don't.
I am tired of you people citing 6 million jews... all the time.... how about 30 million Russians killed by communists...nobody says shit about communist atrocities....
Whites can get along just fine....

I hate to break the bad news to you, but Whites do not get along with other Whites. Even now, there are many international precautions and safeguards to keep Europeans nations from attacking one another with catastrophic effects.

Yet, even with these 'safeguards' it still occur. Ukraine and Russia is just a recent example.

Only in America does Whites think they are a single homogeneous group. The truth is, White is a mixture of ethnicities and cultures. Whites are alike as the ingredients in Gumbo.

Plus, Whites in America do not consider all Caucasians as White! Hence White is a subcategory to Caucasian, which is the race.

Let us not talk about the Aryans and how the Nazi's deliberately got it wrong.

Whites get along with each other a hell of a lot better than they do with non-whites. Also, look at what negros do to each other in Africa. Or look at what Indains did to each other in the western hemisphere. Most notably, the Aztecs. There are also instances of Orientals not treating each other very well. But when you start mixing actually different ethnic groups, only a deluded idiot could expect at least equal results. The most likely result would be even worse results. Such as the number of negros in jail here. Or the negro riots. Ir what happened in Paris. Etc. etc. etc. etc.
I like the avatar. It is the brainwashed types who think things like 6 million Jews having died in the holocaust bullshit who don't.
I am tired of you people citing 6 million jews... all the time.... how about 30 million Russians killed by communists...nobody says shit about communist atrocities....

Have you ever read the thread, "Jewish Warfare?" Russians haven't enslaved the U.S. Jews have. Also, in another thread, I added this picture. Did you never see it?

I like the avatar. It is the brainwashed types who think things like 6 million Jews having died in the holocaust bullshit who don't.
I am tired of you people citing 6 million jews... all the time.... how about 30 million Russians killed by communists...nobody says shit about communist atrocities....

Have you ever read the thread, "Jewish Warfare?" Russians haven't enslaved the U.S. Jews have. Also, in another thread, I added this picture. Did you never see it?

View attachment 55263
I am familiar with Solzhenitsyn. I am also familiar with the Red Cheka. The irony is that the Germans learned the concentration camp idea from the Bolsheviks.
I like the avatar. It is the brainwashed types who think things like 6 million Jews having died in the holocaust bullshit who don't.
I am tired of you people citing 6 million jews... all the time.... how about 30 million Russians killed by communists...nobody says shit about communist atrocities....

Have you ever read the thread, "Jewish Warfare?" Russians haven't enslaved the U.S. Jews have. Also, in another thread, I added this picture. Did you never see it?

View attachment 55263
I am familiar with Solzhenitsyn. I am also familiar with the Red Cheka. The irony is that the Germans learned the concentration camp idea from the Bolsheviks.
What you call "concentration camps" I choose to refer to either as prison camps or internment camps. As for learning that idea, maybe the Russians learned it from the English during the Boer war. Where well over 20,000 Boer men, women and children died in prison camps.
The rock bottom basis for true patriotism lies in what you are. Just as it is in the animal kingdom. Like it or not, there is no better species of human than the White species of human.

Better? What do you mean by better?

Better at killing? Better at math? Better at making paper airplanes? What do you mean better?

You may not believe it, but Whites can get along just fine without non-Whites around. And no doubt, much better.

Sure they can. They can also get along fine with non-whites around. So what?

I think the U.S. should start sending the ones they catch back over the border with catapults! (Land mines would be helpful also) That would slow down the invasion.

It'd also make the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights more of a joke than it's ever been.

Though I replied to this because I thought there might be something good in it, there isn't, I'll leave it at that.
Would you mind being answered by a freemind? Cultsmasher wrote a thread called, "Is the White species superior?" If you want to know what cultsmasher meant by "better," I suggest you read it. Then you say that Whites can get along fine with non-whites around. Were you sniffing glue when you wrote that? Since 1965 nearly 200,000 Whites have been murdered by negros. I wouldn't call that getting along fine.

As to the thing cultsmasher said about catapults and landmines, he left our wood chippers. Also, OUR constitution and bill of rights doesn't or at least shouldn't pertain to the citizens of other countries. Would you care to discuss more?
What you call "concentration camps" I choose to refer to either as prison camps or internment camps. As for learning that idea, maybe the Russians learned it from the English during the Boer war. Where well over 20,000 Boer men, women and children died in prison camps.
I am not one who wouldn't admit lack of knowledge but I was not a ware of the Boer having camps like that
What you call "concentration camps" I choose to refer to either as prison camps or internment camps. As for learning that idea, maybe the Russians learned it from the English during the Boer war. Where well over 20,000 Boer men, women and children died in prison camps.
I am not one who wouldn't admit lack of knowledge but I was not a ware of the Boer having camps like that

Yes. The English weren't doing to well in defeating the Boers. So they decided to imprison the famlies. In the South Aftican prison camps that held the White Boers, 4177 women died, 22,074 children died and 1676 men died. Though the men were mainly the old who were too old to fight.

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