A Ginsburg replacement is 'worth the White House and Senate'

Hmmm ... Whaddaya think?

I say replace Ruthy NOW, AND keep the White House and Senate and win back the House too!

Supreme_Court_Ruth Cap.jpg
Is it alleged that the people who overwhelmingly support President Trump will abandon him if he appoints a conservative judge? That's convoluted reasoning isn't it? It's more likely that Trump will pick up conservative independents by replacing the little liberal gnome with a conservative justice.
Regardless of the election consequences , the GOP need to get a new judge seated before the election. PERIOD.

That being said, I believe that Trump will win easily. By showing backbone and getting a new judge appointed, it will only help down ballot races as well. There is a very good chance that the GOP will hold majorities in the Supreme Court, the House, the Senate, and the White House. I am still not tired of winning!!

Trump has proven that playing "nice" with Democrats is a bad strategy. They understand only one thing- a kick in the face! STRENGTH WINS. Get this judge seated and continue to destroy and expose Demorats at every turn. Take no prisoners. Be ruthless. Then blame them for making you do it to them.
I would think it’s going to be Amy Comey Barrett replacing Ginsburg. She’s already stared down Feinstein and the rest of th idiots in her previous hearing so they won’t affect her at all. Nominating a woman takes away the Dims sexist card and would reveal THEIR sexism if they fight it. Schumer is already making threats but fuck him. McConnell needs to get this through. That may well solidify Trump’s win in November.
We are at war. Sure...it's currently a cold war...but a war none the less. The Dems have launched their offensive with the universal mail-in voting fiasco. This totally blunts that attack. A Conservative Constitutional Supreme Court will not hand the election to the Dems.

That leaves them high and dry. Trump will be the President. Conservatives will defend their Senators that fought to achieve a conservative court...and that will help down-ballot races.

On the other side...dems are already pissed off and have been since 2016. The only effect on them will demoralization. It takes the Supreme Court off the table. They lose again, and Trump wins again.

We are at war. Sure...it's currently a cold war...but a war none the less. The Dems have launched their offensive with the universal mail-in voting fiasco. This totally blunts that attack. A Conservative Constitutional Supreme Court will not hand the election to the Dems.

That leaves them high and dry. Trump will be the President. Conservatives will defend their Senators that fought to achieve a conservative court...and that will help down-ballot races.

On the other side...dems are already pissed off and have been since 2016. The only effect on them will demoralization. It takes the Supreme Court off the table. They lose again, and Trump wins again.


Exactly. The GOP have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The time for niceties ended when Obama and the Democrats spied on the Trump campaign, acused him of being a Russian agent, called him a Nazi, and then staged a phony impeachment.

They tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh., Crazy Nanshee tearing up the State of the Union address on TV, Biden shamelessly enriching his son and brother....the list is endless.

It is time we send Crazy Nanshee, AOC and her squad of scumbag commies, Cryin' Chuck Schumer, Comrade deBlasio, Governor Nuisance, Governer Half Whitmer, Little Mikey Bloomberg, Governer Cuomo, the entire MSM, Antifa, BLM, and the rest of these America hating shitbirds a clear message - YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED.

This ain't your Daddy's Democrat party, this is a party that hates America and Americans.
I thunk RBG will be replaced before the election.
Trump will win the election.
Repub's will keep the senate.
Repub's will take back the house.

And the leftists will be like old dan tucker...just stand there a lookin' :shock:
What makes you think the senate and White House would be gained by the democrats over this? this is one of the reasons if not the greatest reason why he won in 2016. If people don't vote for Trump because of this they were never going to vote for him in the first place.

I don't. Just a question concerning the worth of the SC seat postulated by some Yahoo news anonymous source. I thought it an interesting question.

My primary reason in voting for Trump is the SCOTUS. If it were an actual case of either or, which would you choose?
How will this cost the Pubs the White House and the Senate?

The Dims are only pissed because they planned on contesting the election through Scotus. Now they are fucked.

If this will cost the Pubs the White House and the Senate, why are Dims mad?

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