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A Grim Fall Awaits the GOP

That's like saying I like to hit my head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop.

What policies has got you riled...........................

Would you have rather had higher taxes with Hillary......
Would you rather have Hillary picking SCOTUS.......
Would you rather be in the Paris Accord..........
Would you rather have more regulations under Hillary......
Would you rather have the EPA creating laws and attacking industries.....
Would you rather have a President refusing to give drilling permits via the EPA.......
Plenty of other things.........

That is what we'd have had with Hillary..........and handing them power is not the answer.

You would have had a Democrat President and a Republican congress. She would not have been able to pass anything she wanted. Republicans have shown themselves to be too far to the right. We are seeing extremism in reverse.

The Republicans gave the rich huge new tax breaks. They kept the carried interest deduction which even Trump admits is a special interest deduction. Created a new deduction in the pass-through rate, gave passive investors a huge break, and created a new deduction for real estate trusts that benefits Trump. Little wonder why he refuses to release his tax returns.

The fact is that Republicans are under-regulating. I do not believe that we should get rid of every regulation we have. Some are necessary. We should not be getting rid of the endangered species act. We should not allow public lands to be destroyed by big coal and big oil.

Kavanaugh is a boon to big business. They control the Supreme Court and stomp on the little guy. The idea that big business can force employees into binding arbitration is constitutionally protected is so much garbage. This is the Republican Supreme Court. Yeah to big business and crap to the little guy.

The fact is we need to give each side some power to force both parties to move to the center.
Democrats have never moved to the center, idiot.

You have Manchin in West Virginia, Donnelly in Indiana, Heitkamp in ND to name a few. Angus King and Joe Manchin were former Governors who tried to come up with a compromise on healthcare but were turned down by Republicans.

They didn't move to the center. Their voters did and they ere forced to change their views of lose their asses in the next election. They will vote for any Trump SC nominee or lose their seats.

Not true. Manchin has consistently run as a more conservative candidate when he first ran in 2010. Heitkamp has been concerned about the deficit and as a result voted against the tax bill. They may or may not vote for the SC nominee.

You are missing the point!

Manchin is not more conservative. His voters are! That is why he is facing a tough reelection bid.

Heitkamp will likely lose because she has not supported her electorate. Trying to take money out of a voters pocket is never a good strategy.
Uh, no he didn't. pathetic GDP growth for 8 years, more people on welfare and foodstamps than ever before, more in poverty than ever before, companies leaving the USA in droves, high unemployment rates, high underemployment rates, low consumer confidence, gave billions to Iran, sold out Israel, lied to the American people. Doubled the national debt. Worst president in history is too kind.

Trump is the worst President in history. The fact is that the number of low income people continue to go up under Trump and Republicans. Republicans make it look better by refusing to help people. On nearly every major issue, voters side with Democr4ats over Republicans. The unemployment rate was around 9.5% when Obama took office and was 4.7 when he left. Also companies started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Trump has led to Americans so much that if you wrote it down, it would rival War and Peace.
O.k....first rule of political work...don’t let emotions get the better of facts and common sense. Remember 2016? If you go 200 miles inland from both our coastlines...Donald Trump is very popular. People in “ flyover country” are tired of narcissistic liberals talking down to them. Democrats lost these folks in 2016 forever.

The fact is that things have changed since 2016. Suburban voters very reluctantly voted for Trump and now they are abandoning the GOP. Suburban women are angry at the GOP. We saw that in Virginia. The cold hard facts are against the GOP.

Why are suburban women angry at the GOP? You don't have a clue!
Oh, be honest! The only handicapped American he makes fun of are liberals, who are mentally handicapped. He called McCain a loser, not POWs and vets losers.

You better start liking losers, because it would be terrible to despise yourself even more after November.

Why don't you try being honest. He did make fun of a journalist who had a disability. He attacked McCain for being captured. McCain was a hero for his service. Trump is the loser for failing to honor him.

It is the Trump Republican Party that will be the loser in November.

No, he did not make fun of a journalist with a disability. He does that to everyone who flails about. There are videos of him doing it to others. It's an act!

I stated what he said about McCain, but your inability to read got in the way again. He never mentioned veterans or POWs. He was talking about McCain. I didn't like it much, but McCain was a bit of a cranky old bastard when it came to Trump anyway. I respected McCain's service but as a politician, he sucked ass!

Yes he did. Still making excuses for Trump. He was mocking a journalist with a disability.

This is what he said about McCain, “He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

That is a criticism of POWs. McCain was a war hero because he refused to accept a early release which would have handed the Vietnamese a propaganda victory. This from bonespurs Trump.

Where is your link? We know how libtards like to make shit up as they go!

Trumps first deferments were for education, just like dear old Bubba Clinton. Do you trash him as being the true draft dodger he was?

You are saying that Trump is a draft dodger?

We know how Trumptards like to lie. You are a good example.

Once again you prove the libtard ability to read for comprehension. The last name before the pronoun was Clinton. That is to whom "he" refers. I guess I should never assume a libtard can read.
Getting corruption put of our government is one sided?

What exactly is the President doing that needs to be checked that isnt?

How much corruption needs to be exponsed before you realize that the president and his administration are deep in it?

I wish you could point just one piece of evidence of corruption, but you cannot.

Hiring lobbyists to oversee agencies that they lobbied for to start with.

How is that illegal? It isn't!

Next stupid assertion, please!

I am sure you have hundred of stupid things to post because that is all you seem to do.

You are stupid and crooked. The fact is that the swamp is still there and it is stocked with new creatures thanks to Trump. Is illegal your only standard? It is clearly unethical and will kill more Americans in the future.

You demonstrate your stupidity in every post.

When will you prove ANYTHING? Your imagination runs away with you so easily that many of us wonder what world you are inhabiting.

The only people being killed these days it seems are young black men living in your cesspools that once were once great cities.
Hard to believe that with severe GOP gerrymandering, that Dems could take the House

Shows the degree of dissatisfaction with the Republicans

When you gerrymander seats, you assume things remain the same. The fly in the ointment for Republicans is suburban voters especially female suburban voters. In Virginia, Clinton won the female vote by 11 points. In 2017, Democrats won the female vote by 22. The Trump Administration has done everything they can to turn off suburban female voters and they will bury the GOP control of the House.
Virginia is a suburb of Washington D.C. and the women’s vote will matter when Trump does well with them again. Why do you assume that ALL women support Roe v. Wade or any of the other aspects of the liberal agenda? Suburban moms don’t care about family values? What have the Democrats done to sway them? This mid-term is not about Trump...but more about the unfair way he has been treated and liberal lunatics screaming at the sky. You really think a suburban mom wants to have Antifa, Maxine Waters, and Kamala Harris run our country? GOP will hang on to the House and make big gains in the Senate.

This administration has done everything it can to irritate women. DeVos is making it harder for college women who are raped to get justice. Sessions says women who are in danger of being killed by their husbands because their home country will not protect them is no longer grounds for asylum, other assorted attacks on the safety net and other assorted things. The GOP will lose the House and maybe even the Senate.

where do you get this crap? Nothing you have posted is true.
Republicans have promised much and delivered little.

Worse, they cannot govern quietly and competently, but through divisive invective, fear-mongering, and outright lies.

I may pull the (D) lever for a straight-party vote for the first time in my long life.

Not that I want to, mind you, but in order to put the brakes on these corrupt, lying assholes.

That's like saying I like to hit my head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop.

What policies has got you riled...........................

Would you have rather had higher taxes with Hillary......
Would you rather have Hillary picking SCOTUS.......
Would you rather be in the Paris Accord..........
Would you rather have more regulations under Hillary......
Would you rather have the EPA creating laws and attacking industries.....
Would you rather have a President refusing to give drilling permits via the EPA.......
Plenty of other things.........

That is what we'd have had with Hillary..........and handing them power is not the answer.

You would have had a Democrat President and a Republican congress. She would not have been able to pass anything she wanted. Republicans have shown themselves to be too far to the right. We are seeing extremism in reverse.

The Republicans gave the rich huge new tax breaks. They kept the carried interest deduction which even Trump admits is a special interest deduction. Created a new deduction in the pass-through rate, gave passive investors a huge break, and created a new deduction for real estate trusts that benefits Trump. Little wonder why he refuses to release his tax returns.

The fact is that Republicans are under-regulating. I do not believe that we should get rid of every regulation we have. Some are necessary. We should not be getting rid of the endangered species act. We should not allow public lands to be destroyed by big coal and big oil.

Kavanaugh is a boon to big business. They control the Supreme Court and stomp on the little guy. The idea that big business can force employees into binding arbitration is constitutionally protected is so much garbage. This is the Republican Supreme Court. Yeah to big business and crap to the little guy.

The fact is we need to give each side some power to force both parties to move to the center.
Democrats have never moved to the center, idiot.
Obama was center
Republicans have promised much and delivered little.

Worse, they cannot govern quietly and competently, but through divisive invective, fear-mongering, and outright lies.

I may pull the (D) lever for a straight-party vote for the first time in my long life.

Not that I want to, mind you, but in order to put the brakes on these corrupt, lying assholes.

That's like saying I like to hit my head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop.

What policies has got you riled...........................

Would you have rather had higher taxes with Hillary......
Would you rather have Hillary picking SCOTUS.......
Would you rather be in the Paris Accord..........
Would you rather have more regulations under Hillary......
Would you rather have the EPA creating laws and attacking industries.....
Would you rather have a President refusing to give drilling permits via the EPA.......
Plenty of other things.........

That is what we'd have had with Hillary..........and handing them power is not the answer.

You would have had a Democrat President and a Republican congress. She would not have been able to pass anything she wanted. Republicans have shown themselves to be too far to the right. We are seeing extremism in reverse.

The Republicans gave the rich huge new tax breaks. They kept the carried interest deduction which even Trump admits is a special interest deduction. Created a new deduction in the pass-through rate, gave passive investors a huge break, and created a new deduction for real estate trusts that benefits Trump. Little wonder why he refuses to release his tax returns.

The fact is that Republicans are under-regulating. I do not believe that we should get rid of every regulation we have. Some are necessary. We should not be getting rid of the endangered species act. We should not allow public lands to be destroyed by big coal and big oil.

Kavanaugh is a boon to big business. They control the Supreme Court and stomp on the little guy. The idea that big business can force employees into binding arbitration is constitutionally protected is so much garbage. This is the Republican Supreme Court. Yeah to big business and crap to the little guy.

The fact is we need to give each side some power to force both parties to move to the center.
Democrats have never moved to the center, idiot.
Obama was center

Boy are you funny. Obama was so far to the left its a wonder he could walk upright.
Obama had a strong economy and still lost the House and Senate

Uh, no he didn't. pathetic GDP growth for 8 years, more people on welfare and foodstamps than ever before, more in poverty than ever before, companies leaving the USA in droves, high unemployment rates, high underemployment rates, low consumer confidence, gave billions to Iran, sold out Israel, lied to the American people. Doubled the national debt. Worst president in history is too kind.

Trump is the worst President in history. The fact is that the number of low income people continue to go up under Trump and Republicans. Republicans make it look better by refusing to help people. On nearly every major issue, voters side with Democr4ats over Republicans. The unemployment rate was around 9.5% when Obama took office and was 4.7 when he left. Also companies started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Trump has led to Americans so much that if you wrote it down, it would rival War and Peace.
O.k....first rule of political work...don’t let emotions get the better of facts and common sense. Remember 2016? If you go 200 miles inland from both our coastlines...Donald Trump is very popular. People in “ flyover country” are tired of narcissistic liberals talking down to them. Democrats lost these folks in 2016 forever.

The fact is that things have changed since 2016. Suburban voters very reluctantly voted for Trump and now they are abandoning the GOP. Suburban women are angry at the GOP. We saw that in Virginia. The cold hard facts are against the GOP.

Why are suburban women angry at the GOP? You don't have a clue!
LOL, like that azzhole Trump, making fun of handicapped Americans, calling American vets & POWs "losers"?

I don't give a shit what you think about me but Trump; yep, he's a real penis, I mean dick.

Oh, be honest! The only handicapped American he makes fun of are liberals, who are mentally handicapped. He called McCain a loser, not POWs and vets losers.

You better start liking losers, because it would be terrible to despise yourself even more after November.

Why don't you try being honest. He did make fun of a journalist who had a disability. He attacked McCain for being captured. McCain was a hero for his service. Trump is the loser for failing to honor him.

It is the Trump Republican Party that will be the loser in November.

No, he did not make fun of a journalist with a disability. He does that to everyone who flails about. There are videos of him doing it to others. It's an act!

I stated what he said about McCain, but your inability to read got in the way again. He never mentioned veterans or POWs. He was talking about McCain. I didn't like it much, but McCain was a bit of a cranky old bastard when it came to Trump anyway. I respected McCain's service but as a politician, he sucked ass!

Yes he did. Still making excuses for Trump. He was mocking a journalist with a disability.

This is what he said about McCain, “He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

That is a criticism of POWs. McCain was a war hero because he refused to accept a early release which would have handed the Vietnamese a propaganda victory. This from bonespurs Trump.

Where is your link? We know how libtards like to make shit up as they go!

Trumps first deferments were for education, just like dear old Bubba Clinton. Do you trash him as being the true draft dodger he was?

Trump was a retard so, yep; special ED
Uh, no he didn't. pathetic GDP growth for 8 years, more people on welfare and foodstamps than ever before, more in poverty than ever before, companies leaving the USA in droves, high unemployment rates, high underemployment rates, low consumer confidence, gave billions to Iran, sold out Israel, lied to the American people. Doubled the national debt. Worst president in history is too kind.

Trump is the worst President in history. The fact is that the number of low income people continue to go up under Trump and Republicans. Republicans make it look better by refusing to help people. On nearly every major issue, voters side with Democr4ats over Republicans. The unemployment rate was around 9.5% when Obama took office and was 4.7 when he left. Also companies started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Trump has led to Americans so much that if you wrote it down, it would rival War and Peace.
O.k....first rule of political work...don’t let emotions get the better of facts and common sense. Remember 2016? If you go 200 miles inland from both our coastlines...Donald Trump is very popular. People in “ flyover country” are tired of narcissistic liberals talking down to them. Democrats lost these folks in 2016 forever.

The fact is that things have changed since 2016. Suburban voters very reluctantly voted for Trump and now they are abandoning the GOP. Suburban women are angry at the GOP. We saw that in Virginia. The cold hard facts are against the GOP.

Why are suburban women angry at the GOP? You don't have a clue!
Oh, be honest! The only handicapped American he makes fun of are liberals, who are mentally handicapped. He called McCain a loser, not POWs and vets losers.

You better start liking losers, because it would be terrible to despise yourself even more after November.

Why don't you try being honest. He did make fun of a journalist who had a disability. He attacked McCain for being captured. McCain was a hero for his service. Trump is the loser for failing to honor him.

It is the Trump Republican Party that will be the loser in November.

No, he did not make fun of a journalist with a disability. He does that to everyone who flails about. There are videos of him doing it to others. It's an act!

I stated what he said about McCain, but your inability to read got in the way again. He never mentioned veterans or POWs. He was talking about McCain. I didn't like it much, but McCain was a bit of a cranky old bastard when it came to Trump anyway. I respected McCain's service but as a politician, he sucked ass!

Yes he did. Still making excuses for Trump. He was mocking a journalist with a disability.

This is what he said about McCain, “He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

That is a criticism of POWs. McCain was a war hero because he refused to accept a early release which would have handed the Vietnamese a propaganda victory. This from bonespurs Trump.

Where is your link? We know how libtards like to make shit up as they go!

Trumps first deferments were for education, just like dear old Bubba Clinton. Do you trash him as being the true draft dodger he was?

Trump was a retard so, yep; special ED

LMAO Well for a retard he's doing a damned fine job. Guess we can all see who the retard is and it ain't Trump.
Republicans have promised much and delivered little.

Worse, they cannot govern quietly and competently, but through divisive invective, fear-mongering, and outright lies.

I may pull the (D) lever for a straight-party vote for the first time in my long life.

Not that I want to, mind you, but in order to put the brakes on these corrupt, lying assholes.

That's like saying I like to hit my head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop.

What policies has got you riled...........................

Would you have rather had higher taxes with Hillary......
Would you rather have Hillary picking SCOTUS.......
Would you rather be in the Paris Accord..........
Would you rather have more regulations under Hillary......
Would you rather have the EPA creating laws and attacking industries.....
Would you rather have a President refusing to give drilling permits via the EPA.......
Plenty of other things.........

That is what we'd have had with Hillary..........and handing them power is not the answer.

You would have had a Democrat President and a Republican congress. She would not have been able to pass anything she wanted. Republicans have shown themselves to be too far to the right. We are seeing extremism in reverse.

The Republicans gave the rich huge new tax breaks. They kept the carried interest deduction which even Trump admits is a special interest deduction. Created a new deduction in the pass-through rate, gave passive investors a huge break, and created a new deduction for real estate trusts that benefits Trump. Little wonder why he refuses to release his tax returns.

The fact is that Republicans are under-regulating. I do not believe that we should get rid of every regulation we have. Some are necessary. We should not be getting rid of the endangered species act. We should not allow public lands to be destroyed by big coal and big oil.

Kavanaugh is a boon to big business. They control the Supreme Court and stomp on the little guy. The idea that big business can force employees into binding arbitration is constitutionally protected is so much garbage. This is the Republican Supreme Court. Yeah to big business and crap to the little guy.

The fact is we need to give each side some power to force both parties to move to the center.
Democrats have never moved to the center, idiot.
Obama was center

Good grief
Republicans have promised much and delivered little.

Worse, they cannot govern quietly and competently, but through divisive invective, fear-mongering, and outright lies.

I may pull the (D) lever for a straight-party vote for the first time in my long life.

Not that I want to, mind you, but in order to put the brakes on these corrupt, lying assholes.

That's like saying I like to hit my head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop.

What policies has got you riled...........................

Would you have rather had higher taxes with Hillary......
Would you rather have Hillary picking SCOTUS.......
Would you rather be in the Paris Accord..........
Would you rather have more regulations under Hillary......
Would you rather have the EPA creating laws and attacking industries.....
Would you rather have a President refusing to give drilling permits via the EPA.......
Plenty of other things.........

That is what we'd have had with Hillary..........and handing them power is not the answer.

You would have had a Democrat President and a Republican congress. She would not have been able to pass anything she wanted. Republicans have shown themselves to be too far to the right. We are seeing extremism in reverse.

The Republicans gave the rich huge new tax breaks. They kept the carried interest deduction which even Trump admits is a special interest deduction. Created a new deduction in the pass-through rate, gave passive investors a huge break, and created a new deduction for real estate trusts that benefits Trump. Little wonder why he refuses to release his tax returns.

The fact is that Republicans are under-regulating. I do not believe that we should get rid of every regulation we have. Some are necessary. We should not be getting rid of the endangered species act. We should not allow public lands to be destroyed by big coal and big oil.

Kavanaugh is a boon to big business. They control the Supreme Court and stomp on the little guy. The idea that big business can force employees into binding arbitration is constitutionally protected is so much garbage. This is the Republican Supreme Court. Yeah to big business and crap to the little guy.

The fact is we need to give each side some power to force both parties to move to the center.
Democrats have never moved to the center, idiot.
Obama was center

Good grief

I know huh?? She's such and Obama ass kisser she's enough to make someone sick.

Obama was so far left its a wonder he could walk upright.
That's like saying I like to hit my head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop.

What policies has got you riled...........................

Would you have rather had higher taxes with Hillary......
Would you rather have Hillary picking SCOTUS.......
Would you rather be in the Paris Accord..........
Would you rather have more regulations under Hillary......
Would you rather have the EPA creating laws and attacking industries.....
Would you rather have a President refusing to give drilling permits via the EPA.......
Plenty of other things.........

That is what we'd have had with Hillary..........and handing them power is not the answer.

You would have had a Democrat President and a Republican congress. She would not have been able to pass anything she wanted. Republicans have shown themselves to be too far to the right. We are seeing extremism in reverse.

The Republicans gave the rich huge new tax breaks. They kept the carried interest deduction which even Trump admits is a special interest deduction. Created a new deduction in the pass-through rate, gave passive investors a huge break, and created a new deduction for real estate trusts that benefits Trump. Little wonder why he refuses to release his tax returns.

The fact is that Republicans are under-regulating. I do not believe that we should get rid of every regulation we have. Some are necessary. We should not be getting rid of the endangered species act. We should not allow public lands to be destroyed by big coal and big oil.

Kavanaugh is a boon to big business. They control the Supreme Court and stomp on the little guy. The idea that big business can force employees into binding arbitration is constitutionally protected is so much garbage. This is the Republican Supreme Court. Yeah to big business and crap to the little guy.

The fact is we need to give each side some power to force both parties to move to the center.
Democrats have never moved to the center, idiot.
Obama was center

Good grief

I know huh?? She's such and Obama ass kisser she's enough to make someone sick.

Obama was so far left its a wonder he could walk upright.

It's a she? Really or in the leftist make sense?
Another substantive article with facts and data that the Trump supporters will continue to laugh at and ignore it to their own peril

A Grim Fall Awaits GOP
Sadly, I think you are right. Time to hide my money from the democrats taxes again like I did in 2007.

They won't get my money.

Then I will watch as the economy dies as a result of the democrat policies and see them blame it on republicans.

Protect your money people. They are coming after it. Don't doubt it.

Trump will still be President and the GOP will retain the Senate. Taxes aren’t going up.

I thought state and local taxes in high tax states would have to go up to make up for loss of tax base because it is required by most muni bond covenants. Was I wrong about that?
vote the leftists out of office and regain your state, or move. has nothing to do with federal tax reform at all. you're just lost and misguided by boobs on the left. we understand, you're vulnerable and believe anything.
The typical dumb American will fall for anything but I'm not the typical dumb American.

No you are the typical dumb liberal insulting Americans and calling them names and wondering why you keep losing.
May I suggest doubling down on the name calling?

LOL, like that azzhole Trump, making fun of handicapped Americans, calling American vets & POWs "losers"?

I don't give a shit what you think about me but Trump; yep, he's a real penis, I mean dick.
when did he do that? hmmmm:ack-1:
You would have had a Democrat President and a Republican congress. She would not have been able to pass anything she wanted. Republicans have shown themselves to be too far to the right. We are seeing extremism in reverse.

The Republicans gave the rich huge new tax breaks. They kept the carried interest deduction which even Trump admits is a special interest deduction. Created a new deduction in the pass-through rate, gave passive investors a huge break, and created a new deduction for real estate trusts that benefits Trump. Little wonder why he refuses to release his tax returns.

The fact is that Republicans are under-regulating. I do not believe that we should get rid of every regulation we have. Some are necessary. We should not be getting rid of the endangered species act. We should not allow public lands to be destroyed by big coal and big oil.

Kavanaugh is a boon to big business. They control the Supreme Court and stomp on the little guy. The idea that big business can force employees into binding arbitration is constitutionally protected is so much garbage. This is the Republican Supreme Court. Yeah to big business and crap to the little guy.

The fact is we need to give each side some power to force both parties to move to the center.
Democrats have never moved to the center, idiot.
Obama was center

Good grief

I know huh?? She's such and Obama ass kisser she's enough to make someone sick.

Obama was so far left its a wonder he could walk upright.

It's a she? Really or in the leftist make sense?

LOL I think Winger is a she but I don't know. How bout you???
Congress is supposed to provide a check and balance to Executive and Judiciary (as they all do to each other).

Let me know when you can find examples of when they have done so in the last couple years :)

what have they needed to check?

the biggest they've been doing is pushing for oversight in the DoJ.

I think your concerns there are VERY one sided.

Getting corruption put of our government is one sided?

What exactly is the President doing that needs to be checked that isnt?

How much corruption needs to be exponsed before you realize that the president and his administration are deep in it?

I wish you could point just one piece of evidence of corruption, but you cannot.
Peter Strzok? that's the biggest piece of evidence that exists today.
Democrats have never moved to the center, idiot.
Obama was center

Good grief

I know huh?? She's such and Obama ass kisser she's enough to make someone sick.

Obama was so far left its a wonder he could walk upright.

It's a she? Really or in the leftist make sense?

LOL I think Winger is a she but I don't know. How bout you???

It's really difficult to tell with leftists, the men are girly and the women manly
The typical dumb American will fall for anything but I'm not the typical dumb American.

No you are the typical dumb liberal insulting Americans and calling them names and wondering why you keep losing.
May I suggest doubling down on the name calling?

LOL, like that azzhole Trump, making fun of handicapped Americans, calling American vets & POWs "losers"?

I don't give a shit what you think about me but Trump; yep, he's a real penis, I mean dick.

We werent talking about me. Or your hatred for Trump. We were talking about your hatred for Americans. "typically dumb" Americans. Hillary felt the same way. She is a loser too.

I have no "hatred" for Americans but that does not mean that MANY Americans are not dumb; they proved they are dumb when they voted for Donald 'Prick' Trump.

Donald Trump called ex-wife Maples's family "dumb Southerners" and reason for divorce, reporter says

Trump's reported 'dumb southerner' jab at Jeff Sessions could be hurting him in Alabama

(repeat the below using the opening theme music to DRAGNET)
Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb ....... Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb ....... LOL
so you aren't american. fk off foreigner.

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