A "jury" of one.....Barr did what he was hired by Trump to do....

I'm sure NY is watching.

Yeah, that’s what you said about Russia and Stormy to. Y’all remind me of those people who go on about the world ending on March 25th. The 26th comes and y’all say you meant next year. Meh.
MSLSD says it is White Privilege. Because no Black Family could avoid Jail under two years and 20 attorneys and FBI digging into them and crew.
Trump said its Barr's call. I'll say its Barr's call. During his interview Barr said that he would release as much as possible.
Personally I would not release the report because the LAW says I don't have to.
The fucking dems don't deserve to see how their coup attempt played out.

Trump can cover up the report

It will only make it appear he is hiding something. If the report is as good as Barr said...why can’t we see it?

1. Trump has nothing to do with the report, its Barr's.
2. No collusion and no obstruction, means that there is nothing to hide.
3. The LAW says that the AG presents a summary, if you want the report next time change the law. (Hint: if its not indictable you don't say anything)
Sure he does

If Trump wants it released, it will be released

No collusion or obstruction means nothing meeting criminal thresholds. We can only assume the rest

Barr said he would release the report. If hi meant a personal summary, he should have said that at his confirmation

At his confirmation he said that "he would release as much as he could". So its up to Barr's interpretation.
The House voted unanimously that the report should be released to the public

Why are Republicans changing their mind. If the report exhonorates the President, wouldn’t they want everyone to see it?

because it's illegal to release information that would jeopardize ongoing cases. Like the ones with the Russian firms.

But I suppose breaking the law and allowing Russian firms to escape the consequences of t heir more risk crimes isn't important if you can play politics eh?
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)

Then explain why the signer of the last FISA warrant (Rosenstein) agree on the findings?

You people are screwed, you really are, and all your spinning is laughable, but predicted-)

Laugh all you want Nat, because very soon, we are going to be laughing even harder at you!

Why wait? Start laughing now
Trump said its Barr's call. I'll say its Barr's call. During his interview Barr said that he would release as much as possible.
Personally I would not release the report because the LAW says I don't have to.
The fucking dems don't deserve to see how their coup attempt played out.

Trump can cover up the report

It will only make it appear he is hiding something. If the report is as good as Barr said...why can’t we see it?

1. Trump has nothing to do with the report, its Barr's.
2. No collusion and no obstruction, means that there is nothing to hide.
3. The LAW says that the AG presents a summary, if you want the report next time change the law. (Hint: if its not indictable you don't say anything)
Sure he does

If Trump wants it released, it will be released

No collusion or obstruction means nothing meeting criminal thresholds. We can only assume the rest

Barr said he would release the report. If hi meant a personal summary, he should have said that at his confirmation

At his confirmation he said that "he would release as much as he could". So its up to Barr's interpretation.
The House voted unanimously that the report should be released to the public

Why are Republicans changing their mind. If the report exhonorates the President, wouldn’t they want everyone to see it?

Because it's ALWAYS the AG's responsibility to assure the UNCHARGED people are respectively protected from having personal/private details in any FBI investigation or special council proceedings.. Nothing NEW here at all..

It's NOT a "party of one" like the OP Idiot offered up.. It's whatever group or commission Barr wants to put together to review and release what the public can see. Barr is not DOING THIS by himself, I guarandamntee. Because Rosenstein hung around probably JUST FOR this purpose...

Public has no expectations of getting "transcripts" of Presidential private meetings with world leaders.. And the public also has no expectations of reading every last bit of interviews, grand jury, actual Intel information, personal phone tapping, NSA spying or whatever ELSE might have been used in this Inquisition that ruined so many innocent people like PapaDopolous, Caputo and Flynn...

You brats need to stop at the boundaries of sanity... Pursuing FAMILY and FINANCES for no reason is Mafia tactics, intimidation and actually NOT any role of Congress that the Constitution recognizes.. If you want you party to cross that line -- your all gonna picking ass parts for decades....
Trump can cover up the report

It will only make it appear he is hiding something. If the report is as good as Barr said...why can’t we see it?

1. Trump has nothing to do with the report, its Barr's.
2. No collusion and no obstruction, means that there is nothing to hide.
3. The LAW says that the AG presents a summary, if you want the report next time change the law. (Hint: if its not indictable you don't say anything)
Sure he does

If Trump wants it released, it will be released

No collusion or obstruction means nothing meeting criminal thresholds. We can only assume the rest

Barr said he would release the report. If hi meant a personal summary, he should have said that at his confirmation

At his confirmation he said that "he would release as much as he could". So its up to Barr's interpretation.
The House voted unanimously that the report should be released to the public

Why are Republicans changing their mind. If the report exonerates the President, wouldn’t they want everyone to see it?

The LAW is the LAW. The law says what the law says. Whining about it is just whining.
If Barr doesn't follow the Law as written take it to court, otherwise stop fucking whining.
Right now Trump won and the game is over. If the House wants to take it to court, go for it.
No collusion, no obstruction, game over.

If Trump wants this thing to be over, he needs more in his defense than a summary from his attorney general
Trump can cover up the report

It will only make it appear he is hiding something. If the report is as good as Barr said...why can’t we see it?

1. Trump has nothing to do with the report, its Barr's.
2. No collusion and no obstruction, means that there is nothing to hide.
3. The LAW says that the AG presents a summary, if you want the report next time change the law. (Hint: if its not indictable you don't say anything)
Sure he does

If Trump wants it released, it will be released

No collusion or obstruction means nothing meeting criminal thresholds. We can only assume the rest

Barr said he would release the report. If hi meant a personal summary, he should have said that at his confirmation

At his confirmation he said that "he would release as much as he could". So its up to Barr's interpretation.
The House voted unanimously that the report should be released to the public

Why are Republicans changing their mind. If the report exhonorates the President, wouldn’t they want everyone to see it?

Because it's ALWAYS the AG's responsibility to assure the UNCHARGED people are respectively protected from having personal/private details in any FBI investigation or special council proceedings.. Nothing NEW here at all..

It's NOT a "party of one" like the OP Idiot offered up.. It's whatever group or commission Barr wants to put together to review and release what the public can see. Barr is not DOING THIS by himself, I guarandamntee. Because Rosenstein hung around probably JUST FOR this purpose...

Public has no expectations of getting "transcripts" of Presidential private meetings with world leaders.. And the public also has no expectations of reading every last bit of interviews, grand jury, actual Intel information, personal phone tapping, NSA spying or whatever ELSE might have been used in this Inquisition that ruined so many innocent people like PapaDopolous, Caputo and Flynn...

You brats need to stop at the boundaries of sanity... Pursuing FAMILY and FINANCES for no reason is Mafia tactics, intimidation and actually NOT any role of Congress that the Constitution recognizes.. If you want you party to cross that line -- your all gonna picking ass parts for decades....
The public has an expectation that a fair and thorough investigation was conducted. In the absence of actual facts, conspiracies will substitute

There is the court of law and the court of public opinion

If Trump supresses the actual report, the public can judge its content accordingly

What is he hiding?
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)

LMAO!!! Just one mega disappointment after another for Nattybooboo! Spin and spin again!

You should know that the above was NOT what Mueller stated.......But, I know, since Hannity told you, what can a Trump ass licker do??? Correct.................LMAO
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)

I like what Stacy Abrams said…. “Its like having your brother summarize your report card for your parents."
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)

LMAO!!! Just one mega disappointment after another for Nattybooboo! Spin and spin again!

Trump Derangement Worsens, Despite Mueller Report, Dems Still Think He Committed a Crime
Trump Derangement Worsens, Despite Mueller Report, Dems Still Think He Committed a Crime

"The highly anticipated cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome has failed.

The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not, as some hoped, end the speculation that President Trump conspired with Russia to win the election and then obstructed justice to keep law-enforcement authorities from prosecuting him.

Instead, the Mueller report, which returned zero indictments for what Democrats have claimed is a conspiracy to destroy the American Republic, seems instead to have intensified TDS.

Democrats don’t believe Mueller’s report, and are still carrying on about crimes the president did not commit. . . ."

1. Trump has nothing to do with the report, its Barr's.
2. No collusion and no obstruction, means that there is nothing to hide.
3. The LAW says that the AG presents a summary, if you want the report next time change the law. (Hint: if its not indictable you don't say anything)
Sure he does

If Trump wants it released, it will be released

No collusion or obstruction means nothing meeting criminal thresholds. We can only assume the rest

Barr said he would release the report. If hi meant a personal summary, he should have said that at his confirmation

At his confirmation he said that "he would release as much as he could". So its up to Barr's interpretation.
The House voted unanimously that the report should be released to the public

Why are Republicans changing their mind. If the report exonerates the President, wouldn’t they want everyone to see it?

The LAW is the LAW. The law says what the law says. Whining about it is just whining.
If Barr doesn't follow the Law as written take it to court, otherwise stop fucking whining.
Right now Trump won and the game is over. If the House wants to take it to court, go for it.
No collusion, no obstruction, game over.

If Trump wants this thing to be over, he needs more in his defense than a summary from his attorney general

You think you have more cards to play? Go for it.
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)

I like what Stacy Abrams said…. “Its like having your brother summarize your report card for your parents."

.......and from the Washington Examiner.....no less......lol

Trump attorney general pick wrote memo warning Mueller's investigation into obstruction of justice could do 'lasting damage to the presidency'

Trump attorney general pick wrote memo warning Mueller's investigation into obstruction of justice could do 'lasting damage to the presidency'
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)
your side lied.

get over it.
In Barr's wording, Mueller did also not say there was no collusion. Let's all let that sink in.
Why do you hate the fact the President did not collude with the Russians?
Why do you hate the fact the President did not obstruct justice?

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