A little post mortem

Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.

I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.
How are the actual health plans structured?

I'm hearing HSA's, is that the plan?

HSAs could be a part of it. that's the beauty of competition, each company can offer something different or tailor a policy to a specific group of people. Let the free market decide how policies are structured, by need not government dictate.
Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.

I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.
How are the actual health plans structured?

I'm hearing HSA's, is that the plan?
HSAs are definitely one way.
Republicans are in control now
It is their responsibility to fix the problem

They fought Obamacare from the beginning, yet never offered a better alternative

Now, if they want to scrap Obamacare......they have that responsibility
No one wants to get rid of all of Obamacare, but the making it mandatory must be stopped. There are millions and millions of Americans that want nothing to do with fucking obamacare and yet these fuckers want to shove obamacare down our throats. For it to be fair it has to be a choice making people sign up for it is a bunch of bullshit. Lol

How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts

Simple question

How do you get insurance companies to insure those with pre-existing conditions?
you eliminate frivolous lawsuits first of all, you put caps on how large lawsuit can get.
But getting everyone involved is not right, and forcing everyone into the program is evil.
Thank God we don't have to have mandatory insurance anymore, or pay a fine if we don't.

Insurance companies will laugh at you

Tort reform is no panacea. States that have strict limits do not see significant reductions in rates
The fact remains insurance will no longer be mandatory, people all over the country are canceling their enrollment in the exchanges for good reason. No one should be forced into buying insurance That's just legalized extortion. Fact
But how do Republicans wrap that up into a replacement for Obamacare?

Large insurance pools allowed insurance companies to cover high risk patients. Empty the pool and it becomes unaffordable for everyone left

Drop mandatory insurance but force insurance companies to take anyone with a pre- existing condition and you have people joining once they find out they have cancer

It is not easy......but now it is Republicans turn to solve
I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.
How are the actual health plans structured?

I'm hearing HSA's, is that the plan?

HSAs could be a part of it. that's the beauty of competition, each company can offer something different or tailor a policy to a specific group of people. Let the free market decide how policies are structured, by need not government dictate.
We have HSAs right now. Nothing prevents Republicans from expanding them under Obamacare
Problem for Trump is that along with that rage he harnessed, he also created a lot of rage against him

We saw that in yesterdays protests
Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.

I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.

We have insurance companies competing across state lines now. Look at Aetna and Blue Cross. Problem is with state regulations not Obamacare

2&3 are why we have Obamacare. But to get it affordable to insurance companies you need large pools to keep down costs. If you are not required to have insurance. What prevents you from getting insurance when you find out you need a heart transplant?
2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

My thought exactly and one of the reasons I think Hillary lost. How can she say she identifies with the middle class when she's partying with celebrities? No one in middle America wants to be told by Jay Z, Beyonce and Lady Gaga who to vote for. That's doesn't pay the bills. It's one of the reasons I think Republicans identified with the middle class more.
No one wants to get rid of all of Obamacare, but the making it mandatory must be stopped. There are millions and millions of Americans that want nothing to do with fucking obamacare and yet these fuckers want to shove obamacare down our throats. For it to be fair it has to be a choice making people sign up for it is a bunch of bullshit. Lol

How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts

Simple question

How do you get insurance companies to insure those with pre-existing conditions?
you eliminate frivolous lawsuits first of all, you put caps on how large lawsuit can get.
But getting everyone involved is not right, and forcing everyone into the program is evil.
Thank God we don't have to have mandatory insurance anymore, or pay a fine if we don't.

Insurance companies will laugh at you

Tort reform is no panacea. States that have strict limits do not see significant reductions in rates
The fact remains insurance will no longer be mandatory, people all over the country are canceling their enrollment in the exchanges for good reason. No one should be forced into buying insurance That's just legalized extortion. Fact
But how do Republicans wrap that up into a replacement for Obamacare?

Large insurance pools allowed insurance companies to cover high risk patients. Empty the pool and it becomes unaffordable for everyone left

Drop mandatory insurance but force insurance companies to take anyone with a pre- existing condition and you have people joining once they find out they have cancer

It is not easy......but now it is Republicans turn to solve
The solution is long-term medical savings accounts, preventative nutrition, tort reform… The list goes on. But you Cannot force people into something like mandatory insurance, it's nothing more than legalized extortion. Right now it's almost like a taxation without representation...
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.
How are the actual health plans structured?

I'm hearing HSA's, is that the plan?

HSAs could be a part of it. that's the beauty of competition, each company can offer something different or tailor a policy to a specific group of people. Let the free market decide how policies are structured, by need not government dictate.
We have HSAs right now. Nothing prevents Republicans from expanding them under Obamacare
The only way those can work is getting rid of the mandatory insurance part of Obama care. Having mandatory insurance is unacceptable...
Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.

I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.

We have insurance companies competing across state lines now. Look at Aetna and Blue Cross. Problem is with state regulations not Obamacare

2&3 are why we have Obamacare. But to get it affordable to insurance companies you need large pools to keep down costs. If you are not required to have insurance. What prevents you from getting insurance when you find out you need a heart transplant?
The only way to keep cost down is get rid of the frivolous lawsuit and the ridiculously high prices that go along with frivolous lawsuits and a nanny state… fact
The problem was the socialist behavior you're always expecting someone else to pay for your shit. Fucking deadbeats LOL
Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.

I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.

We have insurance companies competing across state lines now. Look at Aetna and Blue Cross. Problem is with state regulations not Obamacare

2&3 are why we have Obamacare. But to get it affordable to insurance companies you need large pools to keep down costs. If you are not required to have insurance. What prevents you from getting insurance when you find out you need a heart transplant?
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there..
Says a Hillary supporter..
I voted for her because I found Trump even more repulsive than her.

Maybe you could just comment on the point made.

Most people assume - maybe even rightly so - that voting for the person you like best (or voting against the person you like least) ensures good government.

This election is an anomaly. Nobody liked anybody. So, it came down to issues. When people looked at the issues - jobs, security, economy, etc. - Clinton offered more of the same failed policies of the past 8 years. It didn't take a genius to figure out that wouldn't work.

Trump, on the other hand, offered alternatives. Not necessarily effective alternatives - though some of us would argue most of them make pretty damn good sense - but a change from failure.

Maybe, for the first time in a long time, people voted policies, and not personalities. As you watch the post mortem, most of those bemoaning the election are upset about the personality of Trump - not Trump policies. Is he a racist, a misogynist, a sexual predator? Frankly, most of those are creations of the left in an attempt to vilify him. I think, with the exception of millennials, most chose to simply ignore all those accusations as political rhetoric. The Dems went low - and nobody went with them.
Interstate competition is not as easy as writing a law

Most of the impediments right now are being imposed by states which establish strict rules and regulations to sell insurance in their state
Secondly, selling health insurance is not as easy as setting up a website that says "Cheap Insurance"
You must set up networks with doctors and pharmacies in EVERY state. Not an easy thing to do

Well, nobody will spend TWO BILLION DOLLARS on a website like your First Lady's pal charged us. Nobody said this will be easy or the lazy democrats would have done it long ago. The industry knows how to adapt...this is the beginning of the end of government trying to pick one-size-fits-all. And it's about time destructive behavior is addressed in insurance rates. A yearly physical to set premium and deductible rate is coming...if you're obese or drink like a fish, you're going to pay more.

Of course the Republicans will do better. They have had seven years to develop a plan that is better than Obamacare

If Obamacare is such a disaster why can't they deliver a plan that:

1. Covers pre-existing conditions
2. Is affordable
3. Covers those who have low incomes
4. Eliminates the fallback of emergency rooms as healthcare providers for those without insurance

Ball is in Republicans court once they repeal Obamacare. It would be nice to know their plans before they pull the plug wouldn't it?

Asked and answered. Expecting a for-profit insurance company to give affordable insurance to somebody already in need of expensive care is folly....they won't do it. It's like trying to insure a ride at an amusement park that regularly throws riders to their deaths....crazy talk. Rubio is the man who wrote out the provision that Sam pays back the insurers for loses....that was the end of the line for Barry-Care.

Logic is no more part of the Liberal resume than is truth.
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.
How are the actual health plans structured?

I'm hearing HSA's, is that the plan?

HSAs could be a part of it. that's the beauty of competition, each company can offer something different or tailor a policy to a specific group of people. Let the free market decide how policies are structured, by need not government dictate.
We have HSAs right now. Nothing prevents Republicans from expanding them under Obamacare

when all of your money is going for premiums and deductibles, there isn't any left to put in an HSA.

the flaw in obozocare is that it assumed that young healthy people would pay high premiums for insurance that they did not need or want.
OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.
How are the actual health plans structured?

I'm hearing HSA's, is that the plan?

HSAs could be a part of it. that's the beauty of competition, each company can offer something different or tailor a policy to a specific group of people. Let the free market decide how policies are structured, by need not government dictate.
We have HSAs right now. Nothing prevents Republicans from expanding them under Obamacare

when all of your money is going for premiums and deductibles, there isn't any left to put in an HSA.

the flaw in obozocare is that it assumed that young healthy people would pay high premiums for insurance that they did not need or want.
That's why Obama care is legalized extortion
Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.

I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions

The solution is easy:

pass a one page bill with the following provisions

1. insurance companies can compete across state lines
2. no policy can include a lifetime maximum payment
3. no one with a pre-existing condition can be refused insurance
4. block grant Medicaid funds to the states with the requirement that they be used to cover the uninsured who are UNABLE to afford insurance.

We have insurance companies competing across state lines now. Look at Aetna and Blue Cross. Problem is with state regulations not Obamacare

2&3 are why we have Obamacare. But to get it affordable to insurance companies you need large pools to keep down costs. If you are not required to have insurance. What prevents you from getting insurance when you find out you need a heart transplant?

blue cross Illinois is a different company form blue cross Indiana. the same company is not allowed to compete across state lines. Try to get some facts before making yourself look foolish------which you are very good at BTW.

If ACA only did 2 and 3 it would have been successful.
Why did Trump win?

1) hi:IARy was a horrible candidate that lied every time she opened her fat ugly pie hole. The American people REJECTED the fat sickly bitch. Message to hiLIARy- Please go away now and take your sleazebag husband with you. You are offensive. If you disappear, maybe Trump will allow you to stay out of prison. Seriously, go the fuck away.

2) Trump spoke the obvious truth without the politically correct bullshit. We are run by idiots. We have made lousy trade deals. We need secure borders. Etc...

The chattering classes and talking heads will talk about this election for years- but the bottom line is simple- Trump, not Obama, not hiLIARy, not Bernie the Commie, TRUMP is the real "Hope and Change" candidate. He's actually DONE SOMETHING in his life. Not just being a sleazy politician or worse, the wife of one. He's a real man who's built things, built a great company, a great family. He's a real man- an Alpha male, not some feeble half-fag anxious not to offend anyone for any reason.
I've been seeing some pretty interesting analysis on this (of course, the analysis is always easier AFTER the fact).

1. If you had asked the average person, say, 5 or 10 years ago, which party would be closer to being populist and which was closer to being for The Big Guy, I think it's pretty clear that most would have said the Dems were closer to being populist. But somehow the GOP beat the Dems to the punch, and the Dems made it easier by running Hillary. Stunning. And reading Dems sites, they're sure as hell stunned, too.

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

3. Finally, now that the dust has settled a bit, I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there. Obama was not able to deliver on the promises he made overall, and a lot of faith was placed in him. Let's see how Trump responds.

My two cents, worth every penny.
Maybe one day you will be able to reject the propaganda....
Just as I don't know or understand you, you don't know or understand me.

The constant insults aren't necessary.
I have him on ignore but I gotta ask, where was the insult in that post?
I've been seeing some pretty interesting analysis on this (of course, the analysis is always easier AFTER the fact).

1. If you had asked the average person, say, 5 or 10 years ago, which party would be closer to being populist and which was closer to being for The Big Guy, I think it's pretty clear that most would have said the Dems were closer to being populist. But somehow the GOP beat the Dems to the punch, and the Dems made it easier by running Hillary. Stunning. And reading Dems sites, they're sure as hell stunned, too.

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

3. Finally, now that the dust has settled a bit, I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there. Obama was not able to deliver on the promises he made overall, and a lot of faith was placed in him. Let's see how Trump responds.

My two cents, worth every penny.
Maybe one day you will be able to reject the propaganda....
Just as I don't know or understand you, you don't know or understand me.

The constant insults aren't necessary.
I have him on ignore but I gotta ask, where was the insult in that post?
That I buy into propaganda, which is generally the theme of many of his posts to me. Among others.

Ironic, coming from a person who has clearly bought into everything sold to him by right wing radio and conservative internet.

He doesn't have normal adult conversations, he simply spouts talking points and vague insults.
I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests

And then you'll see the cops go "Chicago" on them.....these kids ain't the protestors of the 60's...they don't have the nads to take a trimming at the end of a cop baton. And once they understand that, the street demonstrations will stay peaceful.

I guess that is what we can expect from a Trump Presidency

Winger is a pathetic, and I can no longer keep lurking.

We, the power of the republic, regardless if you like it or not, known as the states, elected the 45th President of the United States overwhelmingly under constitutional standards, not your wishful thinking democracy standards.

He WILL have the support of the OVERWHELMING majority of the states, if protests for any reason, by any group get out of hand, to use the power of the government to shut them down, throw their ass in jail, as it should be. They want to peacefully protest, no problem. Get out of hand, and get slapped! That is called LAW AND ORDER.

Let me tell you something LEFTWINGER.............know why they are protesting with crime acts now, probably getting paid as those videos proved! Because once Trump gets in, those snowflakes if they destroy anything, are going to get bitch slapped, and that will end the protests; and if it isn't, the DNC will have to pay their rabble rousers more, and they will still be controlled-) A protest isn't worth anything unless you can show your SUPPOSED anger by destroying something, or beating somebody up, lol. (notice how it always the lefties that do this) Try that once Trump is in, and the DNC will paying more for bail and lawyers fees, than for protestors to make noise. Doubt me? Watch and see, lol. Your snowflakes are going to be rendered next to useless, and that has just got to gall you, hehehehehehehehe!

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