A Political and Moral dilemma solved: Homosexuality

I DON'T like being told what to think and how to think, what to accept and what I can't by anyone.

You aren't. But when you open a business, you agree to serve the public. Such agreement would require a cogent thought process in order to make that choice.

Just because that's the current popular paradigm. Challenge popular ideals, fight conformity.

It isn't popularity, it isn't conformity, paradigms or deals, it is the law.
Hmmm. Slavery used to be legal.
Hmmm. Slavery used to be legal.

Eeeyeah? That's my point. It was outlawed for a reason. And are you somehow suggesting that because a business owner is being made to stick to an agreement he entered into with the government to serve the public that it is somehow slavery?

Holy guacamole!
I DON'T like being told what to think and how to think, what to accept and what I can't by anyone.

You aren't. But when you open a business, you agree to serve the public. Such agreement would require a cogent thought process in order to make that choice.

Just because that's the current popular paradigm. Challenge popular ideals, fight conformity.

It isn't popularity, it isn't conformity, paradigms or deals, it is the law.
Yeah, it's law. Gays already have the rights they need, and they are such a small minority, I am at a loss as to how they are having their rights violated when someone doesn't make them a patty cake when it might offend the baker's sensibilities. Somewhere there is a middle ground here, too, don't you think? Gay bakeries that cater to homosexuals? Forcing people to cater to something that offends them, not cool. Not constitutional, I think.

If we were dealing with an honest broker; a reasonable entity... you'd be correct. There would be common ground and as such a means for compromise.

Sadly, what you're dealing with, is an irrational cult... who desperately crave legitimacy and who are determined to do ANYTHING to get it, except ... turn from their illegitimate behavior.

And there's nothing even remotely honest or reasonable about that.
Gays already have the rights they need, and they are such a small minority, I am at a loss as to how they are having their rights violated when someone doesn't make them a patty cake when it might offend the baker's sensibilities. Somewhere there is a middle ground here, too, don't you think? Gay bakeries that cater to homosexuals?

What does them being a minority have to do with anything? I am at a loss as to how someone would agree to serve the public, but ignore parts of that agreement to pick and choose who they serve. That is a breach of the agreement.
Breach of what Agreement? Never mind. Gays are a trivial tiny part of America, for all the focus put on them, you would never know it. I am amazed that their broken sexuality somehow transcends real issues like race or income. Homosexuals come off more like a few spoilt rich kids with a trust fund and a chip on their shoulder than a valid group that needs defending, that's what I am saying.
Not buying Homosexuals as anyone more than a tiny minority that has all the rights it needs already.

You don't have to buy anything they believe. But if you open your business to the public, you agree to let them buy anything you sell. It's that simple.

Oh my, another "conservative" catches the lavender flu and fully embraces the LGBT PC agenda. Brainwashing apparently works.

Oh my, another conservative calling me names. For people who champion the Constitution, you don't mind when laws are passed that don't jibe with it. Now, you are no different from a liberal. You can't tolerate a different opinion, nor can you tolerate when someone breaks from you on a certain issue.

Now I know how Jonathan Capehart felt.

I can tolerate different opinions and I didn't call you any names, I just find it amusing that some one can suddenly change their long held morality to suit the latest political correctness.

It is not politically incorrect to change your mind. I get the distinct impression that changing your mind as a member of one party or the other is expressly forbidden. I don't wish to be a part of that. Sorry.

I have also made it clear throughout this thread that my personal beliefs say homosexuality is sinful and immoral. What isn't immoral is making sure a law, when it is passed, is applied equally to whom it pertains, in accordance with the Constitution.

So the law is more important to you than your morality. Got it.
Let me ask you a simple question, Mr. Right:

What if we treated the 10 Commandments in the same manner, and we told God

"I cant follow that commandment because if conflicts with my conscience!?"

Just how do you think God would react?
This ranks as one of the top ten dumbest questions I've ever heard.

Or is this because you are afraid to answer it?
I'm done with you. You just don't get it. According to you, just because someone is a business owner, they lose their Constitutional right to follow their conscience. No one has the right to force someone to do something that they believe is wrong. No one! Those perverts could have gone to another store. And I'll better there was a place that even advertised gay cakes.
No one on this Board has ever shown an injury from being subjected to marriage equality.
openly embracing homosexual behavior has led to the downfall of many nations. Read some history, why don't you?

No it hasn't.

In truth, there is no end to the extinct culture's who just shortly after the normalization of sexual abnormality failed and were conquered by otherwise lower cultures... who weren't as tolerant of infectious, unsustainable ideas.

Greece and Rome are two biggies, and the Japanese Samurai culture, is a well known example of a smaller variation.

Ya see scamp, sexual abnormality is a presentation of perverse reasoning. Perverse reasoning is unsustainable reasoning and it's not known to be unsustainable, because cultures have been long sustained by it.

Nothing complex about ANY of this.


Tell me... were you under the impression that WE were the first culture to allow the homosexuals out of the closet?
Breach of what Agreement?

The one you automatically make when you open your business.

Gays are a trivial tiny part of America, for all the focus put on them, you would never know it. I am amazed that their broken sexuality somehow transcends real issues like race or income.

I'm amazed how easily Americans trivialize other Americans because they are simply the minority.

Homosexuals come off more like a few spoilt rich kids with a trust fund and a chip on their shoulder than a valid group that needs defending, that's what I am saying.

Of course, I see what you're saying.

But, BUT, just what makes you think they are all that way? I mean, liberals think all gun owners are killers, that all Christians are bigots, on and on and on. Republicans think all Muslims are propensed to terrorism, that all liberals are evil. Liberals think ill of Jews, Republicans think ill of Palestinians. The list goes on.

So, why is it all homosexuals "come off more like spoiled rich kids with a trust fund and a chip on their shoulder than a valid group that needs defending?"
You don't have to buy anything they believe. But if you open your business to the public, you agree to let them buy anything you sell. It's that simple.

Oh my, another "conservative" catches the lavender flu and fully embraces the LGBT PC agenda. Brainwashing apparently works.

Oh my, another conservative calling me names. For people who champion the Constitution, you don't mind when laws are passed that don't jibe with it. Now, you are no different from a liberal. You can't tolerate a different opinion, nor can you tolerate when someone breaks from you on a certain issue.

Now I know how Jonathan Capehart felt.

I can tolerate different opinions and I didn't call you any names, I just find it amusing that some one can suddenly change their long held morality to suit the latest political correctness.

It is not politically incorrect to change your mind. I get the distinct impression that changing your mind as a member of one party or the other is expressly forbidden. I don't wish to be a part of that. Sorry.

I have also made it clear throughout this thread that my personal beliefs say homosexuality is sinful and immoral. What isn't immoral is making sure a law, when it is passed, is applied equally to whom it pertains, in accordance with the Constitution.

So the law is more important to you than your morality. Got it.

Obeying the law and following the rules is part of being moral. Why do you think the Bible has the 10 Commandments? Nice try but no.
Let me ask you a simple question, Mr. Right:

What if we treated the 10 Commandments in the same manner, and we told God

"I cant follow that commandment because if conflicts with my conscience!?"

Just how do you think God would react?
This ranks as one of the top ten dumbest questions I've ever heard.

Or is this because you are afraid to answer it?
I'm done with you. You just don't get it. According to you, just because someone is a business owner, they lose their Constitutional right to follow their conscience. No one has the right to force someone to do something that they believe is wrong. No one! Those perverts could have gone to another store. And I'll better there was a place that even advertised gay cakes.
No one on this Board has ever shown an injury from being subjected to marriage equality.
openly embracing homosexual behavior has led to the downfall of many nations. Read some history, why don't you?

No it hasn't.

In truth, there is no end to the extinct culture's who just shortly after the normalization of sexual abnormality failed and were conquered by otherwise lower cultures... who weren't as tolerant of infectious, unsustainable ideas.

Greece and Rome are two biggies, and the Japanese Samurai culture, is a well known example of a smaller variation.

Ya see scamp, sexual abnormality is a presentation of perverse reasoning. Perverse reasoning is unsustainable reasoning and it's not known to be unsustainable, because cultures have been long sustained by it.

Nothing complex about ANY of this.


Tell me... were you under the impression that WE were the first culture to allow the homosexuals out of the closet?
We are not. And we won't be the first to regret it. It is clear that America is suffering a moral decline. It is also clear, from numerous historical examples, where we're heading as a result.
Not buying Homosexuals as anyone more than a tiny minority that has all the rights it needs already.

You don't have to buy anything they believe. But if you open your business to the public, you agree to let them buy anything you sell. It's that simple.

Oh my, another "conservative" catches the lavender flu and fully embraces the LGBT PC agenda. Brainwashing apparently works.

Oh my, another conservative calling me names. For people who champion the Constitution, you don't mind when laws are passed that don't jibe with it. Now, you are no different from a liberal. You can't tolerate a different opinion, nor can you tolerate when someone breaks from you on a certain issue.

Now I know how Jonathan Capehart felt.

I can tolerate different opinions and I didn't call you any names, I just find it amusing that some one can suddenly change their long held morality to suit the latest political correctness.
What's amusing is for someone to perceive settled, accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence as 'political correctness.'

Indeed, there is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right; the Constitutional case law being used to invalidate state measures denying same-sex couples access to marriage law has been consistently applied for well over 100 years to all manner of cases where the states have improperly sought to disadvantage a class of persons motivated solely be animus toward that class of persons.

All persons residing in the states are entitled to due process and equal protection of the law, including same-sex couples, having nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'
That was the Bush/Cheney admin

And you were doing so well.

I don't trust when someone quotes only part of a post.

What I said is true.

No it's not. But we aren't discussing Bush or Cheney, nor the economy.

Sorry. I didn't know you were a moderator but you might want to talk to the one who brought it up and whose post I replied to. As far as I can see, you don't have the authority to tell anybody what post they can respond to.

Over the months, I've read some of your posts but with this OP, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. I could be wrong but with your conservative posts and that whole templar knight fantasy, you come across as really young but already set in cement. But like I say, I'll try to withhold judgment but only if you will stop trying to moderate my posts. If you're a moderator, then please accept my apology.

It's not a Moderator. It's an attention seeking moron, with an irrational, fatally flawed argument which can't find the strength of character to simply admit that it's full of crap.
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What's amusing is for someone to perceive settled, accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence as 'political correctness.'

There's nothing about the 14th amendment that is not mired in political correctness.

Few of the amendments past 10, are anything but... and fewer still federal judicial decisions are anything but.

Absent the Federal Judicary, the Ideological Left would not exist in the United States.
We are not. And we won't be the first to regret it. It is clear that America is suffering a moral decline. It is also clear, from numerous historical examples, where we're heading as a result.

Believe it or not, America is declining because people in power are deciding to ignore the law. America is in decline because of elected men and women who are bent on causing divisions among the people rather than helping heal them.

People such as Obama, who issue edicts instead of following the legislative process, are also the cause of this decline. Intolerance of opinions, or people, are another cause of this decline.
That was the Bush/Cheney admin

And you were doing so well.

I don't trust when someone quotes only part of a post.

What I said is true.

No it's not. But we aren't discussing Bush or Cheney, nor the economy.

Sorry. I didn't know you were a moderator but you might want to talk to the one who brought it up and whose post I replied to. As far as I can see, you don't have the authority to tell anybody what post they can respond to.

Over the months, I've read some of your posts but with this OP, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. I could be wrong but with your conservative posts and that whole templar knight fantasy, you come across as really young but already set in cement. But like I say, I'll try to withhold judgment but only if you will stop trying to moderate my posts. If you're a moderator, then please accept my apology.

It's not a Moderator. It's an attention seeking moron, with an irrational, fatally flawed argument which it can't find the strength of character to simply admit its full of crap.
You have described yourself. TK clearly and concisely cleaned your clock, Keys. You will be defined by your failure here for your remaining days on the Board.

He has given the perfect libertarian defense of marriage equality.

He demonstrates the moral courage of one who can change his mind in relationship to the evidence and our Constitutional principles.

You wish, like the Islamists, Keys, to have our law conform to your religious beliefs.

No, that will not happen. Ever.
Not buying Homosexuals as anyone more than a tiny minority that has all the rights it needs already.

You don't have to buy anything they believe. But if you open your business to the public, you agree to let them buy anything you sell. It's that simple.

Oh my, another "conservative" catches the lavender flu and fully embraces the LGBT PC agenda. Brainwashing apparently works.

Oh my, another conservative calling me names. For people who champion the Constitution, you don't mind when laws are passed that don't jibe with it. Now, you are no different from a liberal. You can't tolerate a different opinion, nor can you tolerate when someone breaks from you on a certain issue.

Now I know how Jonathan Capehart felt.

I can tolerate different opinions and I didn't call you any names, I just find it amusing that some one can suddenly change their long held morality to suit the latest political correctness.
What's amusing is for someone to perceive settled, accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence as 'political correctness.'

Indeed, there is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right; the Constitutional case law being used to invalidate state measures denying same-sex couples access to marriage law has been consistently applied for well over 100 years to all manner of cases where the states have improperly sought to disadvantage a class of persons motivated solely be animus toward that class of persons.

All persons residing in the states are entitled to due process and equal protection of the law, including same-sex couples, having nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'
It's really sad that so many people are incapable of knowing what is morally right and wrong. History has many examples of homosexuality, and other immoral behavior, destroying entire nations. History repeats itself. We're repeating it now. The end results will be the same as they have always been.
This ranks as one of the top ten dumbest questions I've ever heard.

Or is this because you are afraid to answer it?
I'm done with you. You just don't get it. According to you, just because someone is a business owner, they lose their Constitutional right to follow their conscience. No one has the right to force someone to do something that they believe is wrong. No one! Those perverts could have gone to another store. And I'll better there was a place that even advertised gay cakes.
No one on this Board has ever shown an injury from being subjected to marriage equality.
openly embracing homosexual behavior has led to the downfall of many nations. Read some history, why don't you?

No it hasn't.

In truth, there is no end to the extinct culture's who just shortly after the normalization of sexual abnormality failed and were conquered by otherwise lower cultures... who weren't as tolerant of infectious, unsustainable ideas.

Greece and Rome are two biggies, and the Japanese Samurai culture, is a well known example of a smaller variation.

Ya see scamp, sexual abnormality is a presentation of perverse reasoning. Perverse reasoning is unsustainable reasoning and it's not known to be unsustainable, because cultures have been long sustained by it.

Nothing complex about ANY of this.


Tell me... were you under the impression that WE were the first culture to allow the homosexuals out of the closet?
We are not. And we won't be the first to regret it. It is clear that America is suffering a moral decline. It is also clear, from numerous historical examples, where we're heading as a result.

Thank you...

There's a reason that homosexuals have spent 99.999999~% of human history in the closet and it's NOT that no one's ever let'em out.
Or is this because you are afraid to answer it?
I'm done with you. You just don't get it. According to you, just because someone is a business owner, they lose their Constitutional right to follow their conscience. No one has the right to force someone to do something that they believe is wrong. No one! Those perverts could have gone to another store. And I'll better there was a place that even advertised gay cakes.
No one on this Board has ever shown an injury from being subjected to marriage equality.
openly embracing homosexual behavior has led to the downfall of many nations. Read some history, why don't you?

No it hasn't.

In truth, there is no end to the extinct culture's who just shortly after the normalization of sexual abnormality failed and were conquered by otherwise lower cultures... who weren't as tolerant of infectious, unsustainable ideas.

Greece and Rome are two biggies, and the Japanese Samurai culture, is a well known example of a smaller variation.

Ya see scamp, sexual abnormality is a presentation of perverse reasoning. Perverse reasoning is unsustainable reasoning and it's not known to be unsustainable, because cultures have been long sustained by it.

Nothing complex about ANY of this.


Tell me... were you under the impression that WE were the first culture to allow the homosexuals out of the closet?
We are not. And we won't be the first to regret it. It is clear that America is suffering a moral decline. It is also clear, from numerous historical examples, where we're heading as a result.

Thank you...

There's a reason that homosexuals have spent 99.999999~% of human history in the closet and it's not that no one's ever let'em out.

So, you are akin to a schoolhouse bully who likes to shove poor kids in lockers and lock the door. You really are a character.

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