Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

What do anti abortion people intend to do with all those unwanted children? I do not see them lining up to adopt them.

By the way, I am not pro choice. I am in favor of government financed abortion at any stage of pregnancy.

I am not pro life either. I am an enthusiast for capital punishment.
the great replacement for the immigrants will be the unwanted children of the citizens.
Biologically speaking, that child is certainly alive. Biologically speaking, non-living things do not and CANNOT grow or develop, while an unborn child does both. I thought we were supposed to revere and follow science.

No it isn't. It's not breathing and for humans breathing is life. If it was "alive", it could live on its own, outside the womb

Biologically speaking, the fetus in gestation is not an "unborn baby". It's a fetus.
No it isn't. It's not breathing and for humans breathing is life. If it was "alive", it could live on its own, outside the womb

Biologically speaking, the fetus in gestation is not an "unborn baby". It's a fetus.
The unborn baby grows and changes. Dead tissue does not grow or change. Sorry, that child is alive, whether you want to admit it or not. Tell you what, go up to the next pregnant woman you see and congratulate her on the dead thing inside her. Tell us how it went after you get to the ICU.
There is no way to credibly claim that an unborn child is not a living human being. Once that's established, we can talk about the relative value of that life, but we need to be clear about what we're killing.

Personhood is a legal concept, and we understand that a newborn child is not a person until the Lawyer Fairy consults with the mother (not the father, he doesn't count), sprinkles his magic dust and declares the child to be a person, but biology states the developing child is a human being at an early stage of development.
1. Since prolife advocates don't rely on laws or govt punishing them in order not to believe in or seek abortion,
it is not necessary to ban abortions or impose penalties to prevent them.
2. The disparity complained about with enforcing bans on abortion through govt: the process of enforcement
and punishment is applied to the women but does not affect the men who are either 50% responsible for
the unwanted pregnancy or can be 100% if the sex and pregnancy is forced on the woman by the man.
Until laws address the men equally as responsible as the women, there is a problem with discrimination.
3. As for legally recognizing human rights at conception or before birth,
how would you propose or explain rights of citizenship then?
Would unborn children carried in the womb be recognized as have equal rights as US citizens as children physically born in the US? How exactly does that work legally?
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the People of this State have adopted a Constitutional amendment directly aimed at stopping courts from excluding ‘unborn life’ from legal protection.”

That isnt a religious argument, dummy.

A Question For Pro-Choicers 231028
{post•1020} ding Oct’23 Saqfpc: Consciousness did indeed evolve unless of course you believe life went from non-self aware single cell organisms to highly complex, self aware beings magically. {post•1020} ding 231027 Saqfpc01020

An abortion and IVF question for Saint Tnharley: Does a frozen embryonic unborn baby have consciousness?
Those “unused frozen embryos”ae human beings, and to intentionally cause their death—how is that not murder?

A Question For Pro-Choicers 231028
{post•1020} ding Oct’23 Saqfpc: Consciousness did indeed evolve unless of course you believe life went from non-self aware single cell organisms to highly complex, self aware beings magically. {post•1020} ding 231027 Saqfpc01020

Yes indeed you can say it is human and a potential human being so I have the following question for you Saint Bobblaylock

An abortion and IVF question for Saint Bobblaylock: Does a frozen embryonic unborn baby have consciousness capable of self-awareness?
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A Question For Pro-Choicers 231028
{post•1020} ding Oct’23 Saqfpc: Consciousness did indeed evolve unless of course you believe life went from non-self aware single cell organisms to highly complex, self aware beings magically. {post•1020} ding 231027 Saqfpc01020

An abortion and IVF question for Saint Bobblaylock: Does a frozen embryonic unborn baby have consciousness?

Writing like a malfunctioning AI 'bot gets you nothing but mockery.

Write like a grown-up human being.

Rational people know that messiahs don’t molest women and brag about it​

Write like a grown-up human being.
It's not an insult. It's a statement of fact. For you to deny that consciousness did indeed involve and continues to evolve is to deny evolution itself. Consciousness did indeed involve unless of course you belief life went from non-self aware single cell organisms to highly complex, self aware beings magically. Apparently this was beyond your level to comprehend. Because if you did comprehend it then it would be much simpler to see that everything continues to evolve. All aspects of evolution; stellar, chemical and biological continue to evolve. Consciousness is most certainly a stage of the evolution of space and time. The most important one. It's when the universe literally became self aware. So for you to fail to acknowledge this self evident fact can only be because it is beyond your ability to comprehend it. So it wasn't an insult. It was a factual statement.
ding wrote:

Consciousness did indeed evolve unless of course you believe life went from non-self aware single cell organisms to highly complex, self aware beings magically.​
Yes indeed you can say it is human and a potential human being so I have the following question for you Saint Bobblaylock

An abortion and IVF question for Saint Bobblaylock: Does a frozen embryonic unborn baby have consciousness capable of self-awareness?

So could you please answer the question now?
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ding wrote: Consciousness did indeed evolve unless of course you believe life went from non-self aware single cell organisms to highly complex, self aware beings magically.

Tell me Bob Blaylock if you are absolutely certain that every frozen embryo in Alabama has evolved to the point where it has become a highly complex self-aware human being with consciousness equivalent to a human being, who has met a live birth requirement on the day, he, or she was separated from their birth mother
ding wrote: Consciousness did indeed evolve unless of course you believe life went from non-self aware single cell organisms to highly complex, self aware beings magically.

Consciousness normally present in highly complex, self-aware human beings, does not naturally occur with every insemination / fertilization of a human egg as a result of sexual intercourse between a highly complex self-aware, human male organism and a highly complex human female organism, does it Saint Ding?

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