A question for the anti-choice crowd.

Sorry but it's certainly not personal and private if it effects the life of another human being.
Using your Free Dictionary that you like so much:

a member of any of the races of Homo sapiens; person; man, woman, or child

Now, "child", in that Free Dictionary, includes a definition of "infant: fetus". Interestingly enough, "fetus" does not include child:

n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

In fact, it specifically notes that after birth there is no longer a fetus. This is because, after birth there is a baby, infant, child. A fetus is not a child. a fetus is not a human being. A fetus is a potential human being, nothing more, nothing less.

Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Now who's cherry picking their definitions? You forgot the last part: person; man, woman, or child. Not fetus.

Geeeez now you don't even know how to read a dictionary?

You still haven't answered why the Oxford dictionary refers to pregnancy as being "with CHILD."

Your incessant denial of the fact that a human being in the fetal stage of their life is a child has already been refuted.
Using your Free Dictionary that you like so much:

a member of any of the races of Homo sapiens; person; man, woman, or child

Now, "child", in that Free Dictionary, includes a definition of "infant: fetus". Interestingly enough, "fetus" does not include child:

n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

In fact, it specifically notes that after birth there is no longer a fetus. This is because, after birth there is a baby, infant, child. A fetus is not a child. a fetus is not a human being. A fetus is a potential human being, nothing more, nothing less.

Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Now who's cherry picking their definitions? You forgot the last part: person; man, woman, or child. Not fetus.

Geeeez now you don't even know how to read a dictionary?

You still haven't answered why the Oxford dictionary refers to pregnancy as being "with CHILD."

Your incessant denial of the fact that a human being in the fetal stage of their life is a child has already been refuted.
By chance, does the "with child" have a "child's" heartbeat, or a "fetal" heartbeat?

I can never remember.
According to you. Tell that to a mother who is six months in and has the room already decorated. Or the cops when she gets stabbed and the baby dies. You live in a shallow world, under the skin it's fetal tissue, cut her open, pull it out and it's a baby. Just like magic.
Having a baby is not the same as you have a baby. Common sense.

And yeah, if sucks when you lose one too early but that is the nature of the beast.

Shame you weren't lost or aborted. It would have done the world a favor.
God hates you. He put me here to tell you so.

He also says, stop calling yourself pro-life, since you aren't.

Since God doesn't hate, you lie again.
God is God, He can do whatever he likes, including hating you.

He can but hating is not one of those things. You talk about God yet believe things about God that simply aren't true.

That you exist shows God has a sense of humor. Otherwise, he wouldn't have created you to be the piece of shit you are so the rest of us can laugh at your miserable existence.
Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Now who's cherry picking their definitions? You forgot the last part: person; man, woman, or child. Not fetus.

Geeeez now you don't even know how to read a dictionary?

You still haven't answered why the Oxford dictionary refers to pregnancy as being "with CHILD."

Your incessant denial of the fact that a human being in the fetal stage of their life is a child has already been refuted.
By chance, does the "with child" have a "child's" heartbeat, or a "fetal" heartbeat?

I can never remember.

Are you saying the heart of an unborn child is somehow different than the heart of a child that has been born? Does the function of it change when the child is born?
This is a bit different. This starts as a single cell that must divide and develop within the body of another. The rest might need help, but they don't need a host. That is a damn big difference.

Nope... This DOES NOT start as a single cell. This starts as two cells... an egg cell (female) and a sperm cell (male) and when they fuse, conception takes place. The fused cells reproduce... thus a new organism comes into existence and state of being. We call this organism a human being.
When they "fuse" they become one.

Shall I continue?

And is a unfertilized egg a 1/2 human, or a potential human, if you can find some sperm around?

No.... 1+1 =/= 1.

A human egg cell is not a living organism. Alone, it has zero potential to ever be a human being. The same goes for a sperm cell.

Now, you were correct in stating the cells divide and develop within the body of another... this is the case with every mammal. All mammals reproduce this way. A new living organism exists as soon as cells divide and reproduce. That qualifies it as an organism. Before that happens, it's not an organism... After that happens, it IS an organism. Since it is comprised of human egg and sperm, it is a human organism. Since it physically exists in a state of being, it is a human being. The fact this happens inside another human being means it's a mammal doing what mammals do.

Now... Why in the hell am I paying school taxes when I have to come here and teach you something you should have learned in 6th grade? :dunno:
Actually, until about the 25th week, it's not. It does not reproduce. It does not achieve homeostasis - in fact, it relies solely on its host to perform that function - there is no evidence that it reacts to stimuli (wellll...not until about the 13th week), and it is solely dependent on its host for its metabolism. In short, a non-viable fetus meets none of the criteria of an independent life.

Well you're wrong. The egg and sperm cells fuse and begin to reproduce. It already has homeostasis (meaning it's system is regulated and controlled by physiological processes). It does not rely solely on it's host.... it depends on it's host for nutrition but the host doesn't carry on the processes of life for the organism itself. It does that for cancer cells and fingernails... not for fetuses.

The moment the fused egg/sperm cell reproduces another cell, it meets the threshold for a living organism. That's science and biology and you've not refuted that.
Actually, you're wrong. It relies on its host for homeostasis. This is why a non-viable fetus cannot survive outside of the woman - it does not maintain its system, the host does.

No.... It does what every mammal does and relies on it's host to provide incubation so that it can carry out homeostasis, which it does on it's own. Eventually, it will be able to do this without incubation inside the host... like every mammal that has ever existed. This doesn't ever change what the organism is. You're still talking about changes in the development of an already-existing organism.
Sure looks like one to me.

Doesn't look like "one" to me. Zygote begins with TWO... clearly. Then 4... then 8... reproduction is happening. The reproducing cells have met the biological criteria for an organism. This is all happening inside a membrane, isolated from the host organism. The host organism is not making this happen. It is doing nothing but providing an environment and nutrition.
Sure looks like one to me.

Doesn't look like "one" to me. Zygote begins with TWO... clearly. Then 4... then 8... reproduction is happening. The reproducing cells have met the biological criteria for an organism. This is all happening inside a membrane, isolated from the host organism. The host organism is not making this happen. It is doing nothing but providing an environment and nutrition.
One, then two, then four, then eight. It's a math thing so that probably confuses you.
This is a bit different. This starts as a single cell that must divide and develop within the body of another. The rest might need help, but they don't need a host. That is a damn big difference.

Nope... This DOES NOT start as a single cell. This starts as two cells... an egg cell (female) and a sperm cell (male) and when they fuse, conception takes place. The fused cells reproduce... thus a new organism comes into existence and state of being. We call this organism a human being.
When they "fuse" they become one.

Shall I continue?

And is a unfertilized egg a 1/2 human, or a potential human, if you can find some sperm around?

No.... 1+1 =/= 1.

A human egg cell is not a living organism. Alone, it has zero potential to ever be a human being. The same goes for a sperm cell.

Now, you were correct in stating the cells divide and develop within the body of another... this is the case with every mammal. All mammals reproduce this way. A new living organism exists as soon as cells divide and reproduce. That qualifies it as an organism. Before that happens, it's not an organism... After that happens, it IS an organism. Since it is comprised of human egg and sperm, it is a human organism. Since it physically exists in a state of being, it is a human being. The fact this happens inside another human being means it's a mammal doing what mammals do.

Now... Why in the hell am I paying school taxes when I have to come here and teach you something you should have learned in 6th grade? :dunno:
When 1 merges with 1 and is still 1, that's, ah, 1.

Soon one, hopefully, divideds itself and makes two.
This is a bit different. This starts as a single cell that must divide and develop within the body of another. The rest might need help, but they don't need a host. That is a damn big difference.

Nope... This DOES NOT start as a single cell. This starts as two cells... an egg cell (female) and a sperm cell (male) and when they fuse, conception takes place. The fused cells reproduce... thus a new organism comes into existence and state of being. We call this organism a human being.
When they "fuse" they become one.

Shall I continue?

And is a unfertilized egg a 1/2 human, or a potential human, if you can find some sperm around?

No.... 1+1 =/= 1.

A human egg cell is not a living organism. Alone, it has zero potential to ever be a human being. The same goes for a sperm cell.

Now, you were correct in stating the cells divide and develop within the body of another... this is the case with every mammal. All mammals reproduce this way. A new living organism exists as soon as cells divide and reproduce. That qualifies it as an organism. Before that happens, it's not an organism... After that happens, it IS an organism. Since it is comprised of human egg and sperm, it is a human organism. Since it physically exists in a state of being, it is a human being. The fact this happens inside another human being means it's a mammal doing what mammals do.

Now... Why in the hell am I paying school taxes when I have to come here and teach you something you should have learned in 6th grade? :dunno:
When 1 merges with 1 and is still 1, that's, ah, 1.

Soon one, hopefully, divideds itself and makes two.

Sorry your math skills are as lacking as your biology skills but 1+1=2 ....not 1.
This is a bit different. This starts as a single cell that must divide and develop within the body of another. The rest might need help, but they don't need a host. That is a damn big difference.

Nope... This DOES NOT start as a single cell. This starts as two cells... an egg cell (female) and a sperm cell (male) and when they fuse, conception takes place. The fused cells reproduce... thus a new organism comes into existence and state of being. We call this organism a human being.
When they "fuse" they become one.

Shall I continue?

And is a unfertilized egg a 1/2 human, or a potential human, if you can find some sperm around?

No.... 1+1 =/= 1.

A human egg cell is not a living organism. Alone, it has zero potential to ever be a human being. The same goes for a sperm cell.

Now, you were correct in stating the cells divide and develop within the body of another... this is the case with every mammal. All mammals reproduce this way. A new living organism exists as soon as cells divide and reproduce. That qualifies it as an organism. Before that happens, it's not an organism... After that happens, it IS an organism. Since it is comprised of human egg and sperm, it is a human organism. Since it physically exists in a state of being, it is a human being. The fact this happens inside another human being means it's a mammal doing what mammals do.

Now... Why in the hell am I paying school taxes when I have to come here and teach you something you should have learned in 6th grade? :dunno:
When 1 merges with 1 and is still 1, that's, ah, 1.

Soon one, hopefully, divideds itself and makes two.

Sorry your math skills are as lacking as your biology skills but 1+1=2 ....not 1.
Not in this case. it's why we say they Merge.

Search Results
3rd person present: merges
combine or cause to combine to form a single entity.

"the utility companies are cutting costs and merging with other companies"
synonyms: join (together), join forces, amalgamate, unite, affiliate, team up, link (up)

Would you like to try again? The picture should have been enough?
One, then two, then four, then eight. It's a math thing so that probably confuses you.

No... it's NOT one... It was one egg cell... there is one membrane... there was one sperm cell... but once the two cells fuse, they are never again just one cell. Once the two fused cells reproduce, they become an organism. Nothing else happens to change them into an organism, they ARE an organism already. From the moment cells are reproduced, an organism exists. Everything else is semantics surrounding development.
Nope... This DOES NOT start as a single cell. This starts as two cells... an egg cell (female) and a sperm cell (male) and when they fuse, conception takes place. The fused cells reproduce... thus a new organism comes into existence and state of being. We call this organism a human being.
When they "fuse" they become one.

Shall I continue?

And is a unfertilized egg a 1/2 human, or a potential human, if you can find some sperm around?

No.... 1+1 =/= 1.

A human egg cell is not a living organism. Alone, it has zero potential to ever be a human being. The same goes for a sperm cell.

Now, you were correct in stating the cells divide and develop within the body of another... this is the case with every mammal. All mammals reproduce this way. A new living organism exists as soon as cells divide and reproduce. That qualifies it as an organism. Before that happens, it's not an organism... After that happens, it IS an organism. Since it is comprised of human egg and sperm, it is a human organism. Since it physically exists in a state of being, it is a human being. The fact this happens inside another human being means it's a mammal doing what mammals do.

Now... Why in the hell am I paying school taxes when I have to come here and teach you something you should have learned in 6th grade? :dunno:
When 1 merges with 1 and is still 1, that's, ah, 1.

Soon one, hopefully, divideds itself and makes two.

Sorry your math skills are as lacking as your biology skills but 1+1=2 ....not 1.
Not in this case. it's why we say they Merge.

Search Results
3rd person present: merges
combine or cause to combine to form a single entity.

"the utility companies are cutting costs and merging with other companies"
synonyms: join (together), join forces, amalgamate, unite, affiliate, team up, link (up)

Would you like to try again? The picture should have been enough?

You're welcome to keep trying to make 1+1=1 if you like... I really don't care.
Simply being genetically human does not make it a human being.

No.. it has to carry on the process of homeostasis, reproduce and independently carry on the process of life. A fingernail is genetically human, it's not a living organism. A fetus is.
Actually, until about the 25th week, it's not. It does not reproduce. It does not achieve homeostasis - in fact, it relies solely on its host to perform that function - there is no evidence that it reacts to stimuli (wellll...not until about the 13th week), and it is solely dependent on its host for its metabolism. In short, a non-viable fetus meets none of the criteria of an independent life.
So what's your point?
I cannot help someone who can't understand that two can become one before dividing into two.


combine or cause to combine to form a single entity. (as above)
Nope... This DOES NOT start as a single cell. This starts as two cells... an egg cell (female) and a sperm cell (male) and when they fuse, conception takes place. The fused cells reproduce... thus a new organism comes into existence and state of being. We call this organism a human being.
When they "fuse" they become one.

Shall I continue?

And is a unfertilized egg a 1/2 human, or a potential human, if you can find some sperm around?

No.... 1+1 =/= 1.

A human egg cell is not a living organism. Alone, it has zero potential to ever be a human being. The same goes for a sperm cell.

Now, you were correct in stating the cells divide and develop within the body of another... this is the case with every mammal. All mammals reproduce this way. A new living organism exists as soon as cells divide and reproduce. That qualifies it as an organism. Before that happens, it's not an organism... After that happens, it IS an organism. Since it is comprised of human egg and sperm, it is a human organism. Since it physically exists in a state of being, it is a human being. The fact this happens inside another human being means it's a mammal doing what mammals do.

Now... Why in the hell am I paying school taxes when I have to come here and teach you something you should have learned in 6th grade? :dunno:
When 1 merges with 1 and is still 1, that's, ah, 1.

Soon one, hopefully, divideds itself and makes two.

Sorry your math skills are as lacking as your biology skills but 1+1=2 ....not 1.
Not in this case. it's why we say they Merge.

Search Results
3rd person present: merges
combine or cause to combine to form a single entity.

"the utility companies are cutting costs and merging with other companies"
synonyms: join (together), join forces, amalgamate, unite, affiliate, team up, link (up)

Would you like to try again? The picture should have been enough?

They don't merge. wtf? The sperm fertilizes the egg.

Fertilize: cause (an egg, female animal, or plant) to develop a new individual by introducing male reproductive material.

fertilize - Google Search

Once the egg is fertilized by sperm, the zygote now contains both female and male material.
I cannot help someone who can't understand that two can become one before dividing into two.


combine or cause to combine to form a single entity. (as above)

There are two different materials inside the egg.

Prior to fertilization, there was only female inside the egg; after fertilization there are female and male. Two.

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