Zone1 A question for the USMB left.

Nope, sorry, you guys have already lost over the abortion issue... you take a pasting at the polls every time it's on the ballot.
Moving the goal posts is just a tacit admission of your defeat.
Moving the goal posts is just a tacit admission of your defeat.
nobody moved the goalposts.

Fetuses ain't people.

Yes, there are women with no more regard for human life than you.
Quite right.

Now- here's the thing. I knew a gal when I was in the service. She was dating a fellow NCO, a friend of mine (before I started getting a better class of friends.) Well, this guy was emotionally abusive, strung her along for years promising to marry her, and she finally got knocked up.

Why did she get an abortion? Because she didn't want her traditional, Asian, Catholic family to know she wasn't still a virgin at 21.
nobody moved the goalposts.
Fetuses ain't people.
Semantics won’t save you, son. A fetus is an individual human life in its first stages of development. Quibbling over whether or not it can be classified as a person is just a shallow diversion from that fact.
As a democrat , I do not say I hate etc, etc, etc well accept certain foods. clothing, and objects.

Since you imply all democrats will say "I hate" that is a flawed assumption

at best this is just a projection by the OP
Not at all.

I just have more empathy for a full grown woman with her whole life ahead of her than a clump of cells.

How stupid can you get? If "whole life ahead of her" is the measure, which has more "whole life ahead," shitforbrains?
Nope, it makes all the difference.

We don't count fetuses on tax purposes
we don't count fetuses on the census

Not people.
Again, they are individual human lives. All your other blather is irrelevant.
You do have to admit, though,that it is a good example of the utter depravity of the left.
Yeah, here's the thing.

Nobody has identified the gay gene. Nobody has identified any of the racial genes you think exist.

Hey there's this little thing called "Freedom".

As long as she has the right to abort a baby, a man has a right to wash his hands and walk away.

Sorry, man, that's what you have in a free society. If you want to live in a society where people do what society expects of them, all the time, move to China and get a high Social Credit Score from President Xi. Just don't creep on the Chinese ladies and call them "Oriental." They hate that.
Walking away, that's what men did for YEARS. with little to no consequences. Lets be honest leveling the playing field, really gets the control freaks going. Sure there are zero answers that work for every one. Dividing the country is hurting us all.
Walking away, that's what men did for YEARS. with little to no consequences. Lets be honest leveling the playing field, really gets the control freaks going. Sure there are zero answers that work for every one. Dividing the country is hurting us all.
I don't approve, but I recognize human nature.

In an ideal world, no one would have sex with someone who isn't a good partner, and contraception would work perfectly every time.

We don't live in that world.
Yeah, so is cancer and witch burning, but of course being a pagan sociopath you actually think this infantile 'logic' you're babbling makes sense.
Paganism is socially invented as is pagan burning. Cancer is a natural aliment it isn't the same thing as a natural form of human sexuality.

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