A Real President Arrived

I'm always fascinated with how receptive conservatives are to russian propoganda. They soak it right up, like little sponges.
I don't think the anti-war folks, are nearly as receptive to Russian agit-prop. as western audiences are to Atlantacist propaganda.

Especially after they have come right out and TOLD you that they were doing it to ya. :rolleyes:

Ron Paul: CIA Admits Feeding Americans Unsubstantiated Info About Ukraine​

I don't think the anti-war folks, are nearly as receptive to Russian agit-prop. as western audiences are to Atlantacist propaganda.

Especially after they have come right out and TOLD you that they were doing it to ya. :rolleyes:

Ron Paul: CIA Admits Feeding Americans Unsubstantiated Info About Ukraine​

I've seen conservatives on this board call for Biden's impeachment because of 'acts of war' against Putin.

I've seen conservatives in this thread express their hope that Putin kill Biden with nukes.

I've seen conservatives TODAY ape Putin's propaganda about denazifying Ukraine and being justified in their attacks on Ukraine because of 'biolabs'.

'Useful idiots' doesn't begin to describe the deplorables, their hapless gobbling of Russian propaganda, or their 'Blame America First' mentality.
I don't like the Russians either. But they're not Nazis like the Khazars.
My goodness, the allowable info on this, in the MSM discourse, sure has evolved, since last I looked into it, three or four years ago.

I think I had a conversation with Dale, and told him, this might be accepted in some circles, but it will forever be, CT stuff.

Interesting what they are now putting it in the wiki. . . very interesting.

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I've seen conservatives in this thread express their hope that Putin kill Biden with nukes.
No you haven't. I read the entire thread through. . . .

No where does anyone say they hope Putin nukes Biden.

They just said that they hope Biden and Ukraine get nuked.

You DO KNOW, that Russia is NOT the only one in this world that has nukes.

Britain has them, France has them, China has them, Israel has them, hell, even America has them.

It would not surprise me ONE BIT, if you believe that Russia bombed it's own natural gas pipeline which supplied Europe with natural gas.

. . . and? Whomever DID THAT? That is an act of war. :rolleyes:

Don't start whining to me. . . about, "useful idiots." Useful idiots are not folks that want peace. Nor are the folks who wish for the colossal waste of money and lives of this senseless war to be over. That is not being a useful idiot.

If the leaders of the corrupt US government, and the corrupt Ukrainian government, should accidentally nuke themselves by their own tactical nuke they were planning to use in yet another false flag? :dunno:

So much the better. I agree. It would save the US taxpayer many billions of dollars, and save thousands of Ukrainian lives, on both sides. Would it not?

As Americans? We have already been lied to enough - about biological weapons labs in Ukraine, about who sabotaged the NORDSTREAM pipeline, about why Russia felt it had to put troops into Ukraine, to stop the invasion of the Donbas and Crimea. Enough is enough. IMO.
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Love it how Trump can look more presidential. Even after being cheated still having the support. That's a real President who cares about his country and people. Not even the current President but still appeared like it. The polls went up 10 percent!

Note the date. Your "real" president during the time he actually was president rescinded rules requiring better brakes on trains carrying hazardous materials. Guess what happened?

This is not about "looking" presidential but about actual acting like a president. Guess your "real" president forgot to mention that little piece of information.
I've seen conservatives on this board call for Biden's impeachment because of 'acts of war' against Putin.

I've seen conservatives in this thread express their hope that Putin kill Biden with nukes.

I've seen conservatives TODAY ape Putin's propaganda about denazifying Ukraine and being justified in their attacks on Ukraine because of 'biolabs'.

'Useful idiots' doesn't begin to describe the deplorables, their hapless gobbling of Russian propaganda, or their 'Blame America First' mentality.
Progs destroy Deplorables every day. Separate the nation. We all go our own ways. A loose confederation with laws for each area enforced. The Federal apparatus weakened and even split into at least a few areas of influence. Then you can do what you want without blaming Deplorables for Prog agenda failures anymore.
I'm always fascinated with how receptive conservatives are to russian propoganda. They soak it right up, like little sponges.
I put out quite a bit of effort understanding ideological politics, and I'm getting to the point where I may give up. At least on this topic.

How these people can look at Putin and see a sympathetic figure, how they can look at Trump and see a presidential figure... I want to at least understand it, I swear, but I'm not having any luck at all. It is simply alien to me.
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Note the date. Your "real" president during the time he actually was president rescinded rules requiring better brakes on trains carrying hazardous materials. Guess what happened?

This is not about "looking" presidential but about actual acting like a president. Guess your "real" president forgot to mention that little piece of information.
I have noted this issue among several of my left leaning friends, and this is a pertinent issue to point out, if, indeed, this issue has to do with the derailment.

". . . The Department's analysis shows that the expected costs of requiring ECP brakes would be significantly higher than the expected benefits of the requirement. This regulatory change does not affect the ability of a railroad to implement ECP brakes.. . "

So before we make this part of the issue, we must ask, were brakes the cause? :dunno:

It may, just be a tad to early to tell. Perhaps. . . better breaking might have been able to partially mitigate this catastrophe, but at first glance, no, it does not appear to be the fault of this deregulation.

US investigators to release preliminary report into East Palestine train derailment​

The release will coincide with Pete Buttigieg's first visit to the Ohio town.

". . . National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy and Director of the NTSB's Office of Railroad, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Robert J. Hall will hold a press conference Thursday afternoon at the agency's headquarters in Washington, D.C., to share their initial findings into the incident.

The agency released an investigative update last week saying that through surveillance video it identified and examined a rail car with "what appears to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure moments before the derailment."

Thirty-eight rail cars derailed in the incident, NTSB said. Eleven of those cars contained hazardous materials, five of which contained vinyl chloride, a highly volatile colorless gas produced for commercial uses.

The preliminary report will not offer a cause of the derailment but will document factual evidence during the on-scene portion of the investigation. . . . "

It would appear that some of this has to do with. . . the "Great Reset," and the global technocrats wanting to use technology/AI, etc., to try to increase automation into everything. . ., so that labor can be reduced.

Union blames train crew shortage on cutbacks related to Precision Scheduled Railroading (updated)​

By Bill Stephens | April 4, 2022


Biden, other government officials try to avert rail work stoppage​

By | September 13, 2022

Biden signs bill preventing nationwide railroad strike​

By | December 2, 2022
So are you hoping that Biden gets nuked.....in Washington? Or in the Ukraine?
I'm always fascinated with how receptive conservatives are to russian propoganda. They soak it right up, like little sponges.
i'm always fascinated by SCUM demonRATS that LIE, DENY, and TWIST TO SUIT----that covers them all
how about the billions in ukraine that the pedophile in the white house had to go and make sure is still there.....
never mind the AMERICANS in ohio that are suffering from the train wreck, that the SCUM demonRATS sabotaged .....or how about the steel plant that exploded----
where oh where is the EPA, or any one from the CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION of beijing xiden, and the SCUM demonRATS-----thats right, the PEDOPHILE, beijing xiden, is checking on the billions that the SCUM demonRATS raped AMERICANS for
I have noted this issue among several of my left leaning friends, and this is a pertinent issue to point out, if, indeed, this issue has to do with the derailment.

". . . The Department's analysis shows that the expected costs of requiring ECP brakes would be significantly higher than the expected benefits of the requirement. This regulatory change does not affect the ability of a railroad to implement ECP brakes.. . "

So before we make this part of the issue, we must ask, were brakes the cause? :dunno:

It may, just be a tad to early to tell. Perhaps. . . better breaking might have been able to partially mitigate this catastrophe, but at first glance, no, it does not appear to be the fault of this deregulation.

US investigators to release preliminary report into East Palestine train derailment​

The release will coincide with Pete Buttigieg's first visit to the Ohio town.

". . . National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy and Director of the NTSB's Office of Railroad, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Robert J. Hall will hold a press conference Thursday afternoon at the agency's headquarters in Washington, D.C., to share their initial findings into the incident.

The agency released an investigative update last week saying that through surveillance video it identified and examined a rail car with "what appears to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure moments before the derailment."

Thirty-eight rail cars derailed in the incident, NTSB said. Eleven of those cars contained hazardous materials, five of which contained vinyl chloride, a highly volatile colorless gas produced for commercial uses.

The preliminary report will not offer a cause of the derailment but will document factual evidence during the on-scene portion of the investigation. . . . "

It would appear that some of this has to do with. . . the "Great Reset," and the global technocrats wanting to use technology/AI, etc., to try to increase automation into everything. . ., so that labor can be reduced.

Union blames train crew shortage on cutbacks related to Precision Scheduled Railroading (updated)​

By Bill Stephens | April 4, 2022
View attachment 759665
View attachment 759666

Biden, other government officials try to avert rail work stoppage​

By | September 13, 2022

Biden signs bill preventing nationwide railroad strike​

By | December 2, 2022
I stand corrected and will agree to wait for the report. Thank you for a well considered rebuttal. They are rare on this board and deserve specific praise when they occur.
I'm always fascinated with how receptive conservatives are to russian propoganda. They soak it right up, like little sponges.
Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia!

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