A Red Tornado will sweep the nation: Cancel Communism!

Will a Red Tornado Sweep Away Communism this November?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 15 78.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters
They really do think that it's Trump or communism. Seriously.

The only people they're convincing of this, of course, are each other.

This is so genuinely stupid...where are people coming up with this resurgence of the Red Scare? No one wants communism - we are all quite happy with capitalism thank you.

Dumbest thread ever designed to exploit divisions and fear monger.
It is, but they're absolutely serious. They're terrified. I don't know what to say to them.

It's bizarre...but my guess is....they've built up "Antifa" into this outsized bogeyman; emphasized Marxism in BLM and it is both easier to put a face to than the harder to define issues of law enforcement vs. racism, the overall economic downturn, the issue of covid, and worldwide unrest. A new "Red Scare" headed up by China as a leading actor, and Antifa and BLM and the "radical left" (which is all democrats) is an easier sell - after all, we've been through it before and we still have the same playbook in living memory.
I think we've become intellectually lazy as a society and culture, and this is a part of it. They don't want examine nuance, because it takes them off their track and makes things too complicated. They don't want to take a moment to find words that more accurately describe something, so they just settle for silly hyperbole. They don't want to hold their own accountable, because they fear it may weaken their argument.

Well, recognizing nuance, valuing accuracy and honestly admitting fault are three primary pillars of constructive adult communication.

So here we are.

There is very little nuance today.
Instead it is in-your-face media anti-Americanism and propaganda, lawlessness backed by the Dimm political class, and a minority mob attempting to instill fear in the pursuit of perpetual Marxist power.

I respect turban wearing Ihlan Omar more than you as at least she is out front and honest about toppling liberty and freedom.

You, on the other hand, are nothing more than a sneaky Marxist pig!!!
It is rather unclear but I know Republicans were originally blue. In fact I tend to remember blue for Republicans when I was a kid.

Now, we know that RED is often associated with marxism or communism.

I seem to recall learning as a kid that the color schemes were made in 1888 Grover Cleveland. Republicans Blue represented the UNION. Democrats were red.

Something tells me that the leftists in the media made that switch for the reason that they want their agenda hidden.

Anyway this dork seems to have the answer.

Fresh shiny American flags are now hanging from nearly every house on Long Island.

The guns stores are depleted of all ammo and firearms. Massive guarded train shipments come every day to resupply them. Less than a month ago people were getting tickets from the store owners to hold their place in line the following day.

Everyone wants to send their kids back to school...most of us can't afford babysitters when we go to work.

People now openly express their weariness of wearing these masks and believe it's an overreaction.

No one thinks that rioting and looting and arson are good things.

When tucker carlson is speaking from my phone (youtube) people around me say they love him and also say they are usually afraid to express their views (I made a thread on this prior to the CATO study which confirmed that most people on the right are afraid to express their views, and moderate Democrats are also afraid to express their views).

Gaming culture literally memes the far left with all kind of funny screen names, sprays and trolling (pretending to be a radical SJW).

The word "communist" is now a popular description of the far-left.

No one I've talked to in person wants to defund the police.

So fuck your fake polls (Hillary is going to win by a landslide!), even people in New York (Long Island) are now majority red.

People who were mostly non-political and didn't vote, are PISSED OFF of the far left hijacking of the NFL and other sports organizations...they certainly were surprised to hear "Cancel the National Anthem..." the far-left woke a SLEEPING NON-VOTING GIANT by attacking sports. They will vote now. Now they're doing their research and realizing their nation and Republic is under assault from radicals, including burning and tearing down historical monuments, seizing police stations and setting up autonomous zones. They didn't know any of this prior to the attack on sports.

Cancel Communism this November!

The silent red majority has now swelled to epic proportions.
Long Live These United States.
For the Constitution, For the Flag, for the Republic for which it stands.

We can't cancel Communism until after comrad Trump sends us another $1,200 economic stimulus money, and stops sending us $600 per week not to work!
Fresh shiny American flags are now hanging from nearly every house on Long Island.

The guns stores are depleted of all ammo and firearms. Massive guarded train shipments come every day to resupply them. Less than a month ago people were getting tickets from the store owners to hold their place in line the following day.

Everyone wants to send their kids back to school...most of us can't afford babysitters when we go to work.

People now openly express their weariness of wearing these masks and believe it's an overreaction.

No one thinks that rioting and looting and arson are good things.

When tucker carlson is speaking from my phone (youtube) people around me say they love him and also say they are usually afraid to express their views (I made a thread on this prior to the CATO study which confirmed that most people on the right are afraid to express their views, and moderate Democrats are also afraid to express their views).

Gaming culture literally memes the far left with all kind of funny screen names, sprays and trolling (pretending to be a radical SJW).

The word "communist" is now a popular description of the far-left.

No one I've talked to in person wants to defund the police.

So fuck your fake polls (Hillary is going to win by a landslide!), even people in New York (Long Island) are now majority red.

People who were mostly non-political and didn't vote, are PISSED OFF of the far left hijacking of the NFL and other sports organizations...they certainly were surprised to hear "Cancel the National Anthem..." the far-left woke a SLEEPING NON-VOTING GIANT by attacking sports. They will vote now. Now they're doing their research and realizing their nation and Republic is under assault from radicals, including burning and tearing down historical monuments, seizing police stations and setting up autonomous zones. They didn't know any of this prior to the attack on sports.

Cancel Communism this November!

The silent red majority has now swelled to epic proportions.
Long Live These United States.
For the Constitution, For the Flag, for the Republic for which it stands.

We can't cancel Communism until after comrad Trump sends us another $1,200 economic stimulus money, and stops sending us $600 per week not to work!

The $600 is off the table for now. It's looking like it will temporarily morph into $200.
The key operative word is temporary, ignoramus!
Fresh shiny American flags are now hanging from nearly every house on Long Island.

The guns stores are depleted of all ammo and firearms. Massive guarded train shipments come every day to resupply them. Less than a month ago people were getting tickets from the store owners to hold their place in line the following day.

Everyone wants to send their kids back to school...most of us can't afford babysitters when we go to work.

People now openly express their weariness of wearing these masks and believe it's an overreaction.

No one thinks that rioting and looting and arson are good things.

When tucker carlson is speaking from my phone (youtube) people around me say they love him and also say they are usually afraid to express their views (I made a thread on this prior to the CATO study which confirmed that most people on the right are afraid to express their views, and moderate Democrats are also afraid to express their views).

Gaming culture literally memes the far left with all kind of funny screen names, sprays and trolling (pretending to be a radical SJW).

The word "communist" is now a popular description of the far-left.

No one I've talked to in person wants to defund the police.

So fuck your fake polls (Hillary is going to win by a landslide!), even people in New York (Long Island) are now majority red.

People who were mostly non-political and didn't vote, are PISSED OFF of the far left hijacking of the NFL and other sports organizations...they certainly were surprised to hear "Cancel the National Anthem..." the far-left woke a SLEEPING NON-VOTING GIANT by attacking sports. They will vote now. Now they're doing their research and realizing their nation and Republic is under assault from radicals, including burning and tearing down historical monuments, seizing police stations and setting up autonomous zones. They didn't know any of this prior to the attack on sports.

Cancel Communism this November!

The silent red majority has now swelled to epic proportions.
Long Live These United States.
For the Constitution, For the Flag, for the Republic for which it stands.

We can't cancel Communism until after comrad Trump sends us another $1,200 economic stimulus money, and stops sending us $600 per week not to work!

The $600 is off the table for now. It's looking like it will temporarily morph into $200.
The key operative word is temporary, ignoramus!

Ok, I get it. We go temporary communist, whenever capitalism fails!
They really do think that it's Trump or communism. Seriously.

The only people they're convincing of this, of course, are each other.

This is so genuinely stupid...where are people coming up with this resurgence of the Red Scare? No one wants communism - we are all quite happy with capitalism thank you.

Dumbest thread ever designed to exploit divisions and fear monger.
They are desperate....that's why they keep coming up with old chestnuts like the Red Scare and "blacks will come to the suburbs" type stuff.
yeah, there's a red wave coming alright

View attachment 367618

Hillary is gonna win by a landslide in 2020, watch.
Look! Over there! Isn't that Hillary Clinton?
They really do think that it's Trump or communism. Seriously.

The only people they're convincing of this, of course, are each other.

This is so genuinely stupid...where are people coming up with this resurgence of the Red Scare? No one wants communism - we are all quite happy with capitalism thank you.

Dumbest thread ever designed to exploit divisions and fear monger.
It is, but they're absolutely serious. They're terrified. I don't know what to say to them.
Or not.

The OP and his fellow rightwing demagogues know very well that there is no ‘red tornado’ and that no one advocates for ‘communism.’

And this isn’t so much about exploiting divisions and fear mongering as it is to carpet bomb the political landscape with lies, stupidity, fake news, and misinformation intended to undermine the political process to the point where voters stop participating – perceived by conservatives as beneficial to Republican officeholders and candidates.

What they’re terrified of is losing the WH and Senate, not ‘communists.’
They really do think that it's Trump or communism. Seriously.

The only people they're convincing of this, of course, are each other.

This is so genuinely stupid...where are people coming up with this resurgence of the Red Scare? No one wants communism - we are all quite happy with capitalism thank you.

Dumbest thread ever designed to exploit divisions and fear monger.
It is, but they're absolutely serious. They're terrified. I don't know what to say to them.

Terrified is the correct word. I have a couple of Trump supporting colleagues who are convinced that if Biden wins, there will be an immediate war on white people along with the rounding up of guns. I point out to them that what they are saying is the plot of the movie "Red Dawn" but they never seem to get it. :) I have some idea of why they may be terrified. A lot of them see their belief system and ideology being slowly rejected by changing demographics. They know they won't have the majority voice for much longer. The people who pay attention to policy know that conservatism (in its present form) hasn't had any success stories in a long time. And some of them are just afraid of evolution. Things are changing.
Who are you kidding? Your whole system depends on lowering standards and the endless taxation of other individuals to pay for all of the irresponsible ways we humans can be. The Prog leadership knows its only power are over those who listen to them. And that are the civilized people. Any civilized person who tends to vote Prog will be run over by her/his own votes eventually. Taking inches at a time is a lot better then taking feet and yards if the nation stays viable. As it stands now, most Non Progs have no concern for deep blue areas. That is a big change from just a couple of decades ago.
I have advisory clients who are like your colleagues - they ask me what I think of some whacked-out paranoia of theirs, and they have this wide-eyed, pleading look on my face like they're hoping for some magical answer that will make them feel better. I try to calm them down, but who knows if it works.

They. Really. Fucking. Believe. This. Stuff.
Yeah, remember the Russian Collusion thingy?
The lefties weren't terrified like you guys are. You are inconsolable.

The Politics of Fear - must be miserable to live like that.
The politics of fear worked in 2016 – it would be naïve to believe conservatives won’t return to that same playbook in 2020.
Fresh shiny American flags are now hanging from nearly every house on Long Island.

The guns stores are depleted of all ammo and firearms. Massive guarded train shipments come every day to resupply them. Less than a month ago people were getting tickets from the store owners to hold their place in line the following day.

Everyone wants to send their kids back to school...most of us can't afford babysitters when we go to work.

People now openly express their weariness of wearing these masks and believe it's an overreaction.

No one thinks that rioting and looting and arson are good things.

When tucker carlson is speaking from my phone (youtube) people around me say they love him and also say they are usually afraid to express their views (I made a thread on this prior to the CATO study which confirmed that most people on the right are afraid to express their views, and moderate Democrats are also afraid to express their views).

Gaming culture literally memes the far left with all kind of funny screen names, sprays and trolling (pretending to be a radical SJW).

The word "communist" is now a popular description of the far-left.

No one I've talked to in person wants to defund the police.

So fuck your fake polls (Hillary is going to win by a landslide!), even people in New York (Long Island) are now majority red.

People who were mostly non-political and didn't vote, are PISSED OFF of the far left hijacking of the NFL and other sports organizations...they certainly were surprised to hear "Cancel the National Anthem..." the far-left woke a SLEEPING NON-VOTING GIANT by attacking sports. They will vote now. Now they're doing their research and realizing their nation and Republic is under assault from radicals, including burning and tearing down historical monuments, seizing police stations and setting up autonomous zones. They didn't know any of this prior to the attack on sports.

Cancel Communism this November!

The silent red majority has now swelled to epic proportions.
Long Live These United States.
For the Constitution, For the Flag, for the Republic for which it stands.

We can't cancel Communism until after comrad Trump sends us another $1,200 economic stimulus money, and stops sending us $600 per week not to work!

The $600 is off the table for now. It's looking like it will temporarily morph into $200.
The key operative word is temporary, ignoramus!

Ok, I get it. We go temporary communist, whenever capitalism fails!
Capitalism doesnt fail. Government involvement fails capitalism
Fresh shiny American flags are now hanging from nearly every house on Long Island.

The guns stores are depleted of all ammo and firearms. Massive guarded train shipments come every day to resupply them. Less than a month ago people were getting tickets from the store owners to hold their place in line the following day.

Everyone wants to send their kids back to school...most of us can't afford babysitters when we go to work.

People now openly express their weariness of wearing these masks and believe it's an overreaction.

No one thinks that rioting and looting and arson are good things.

When tucker carlson is speaking from my phone (youtube) people around me say they love him and also say they are usually afraid to express their views (I made a thread on this prior to the CATO study which confirmed that most people on the right are afraid to express their views, and moderate Democrats are also afraid to express their views).

Gaming culture literally memes the far left with all kind of funny screen names, sprays and trolling (pretending to be a radical SJW).

The word "communist" is now a popular description of the far-left.

No one I've talked to in person wants to defund the police.

So fuck your fake polls (Hillary is going to win by a landslide!), even people in New York (Long Island) are now majority red.

People who were mostly non-political and didn't vote, are PISSED OFF of the far left hijacking of the NFL and other sports organizations...they certainly were surprised to hear "Cancel the National Anthem..." the far-left woke a SLEEPING NON-VOTING GIANT by attacking sports. They will vote now. Now they're doing their research and realizing their nation and Republic is under assault from radicals, including burning and tearing down historical monuments, seizing police stations and setting up autonomous zones. They didn't know any of this prior to the attack on sports.

Cancel Communism this November!

The silent red majority has now swelled to epic proportions.
Long Live These United States.
For the Constitution, For the Flag, for the Republic for which it stands.
The Tangerine Tornado has tRumped any possibility of that. (Pun intended).

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