A Republican Revolution In Kentucky...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
By Jack Hunter

From 2000 to 2008, I was politically homeless. As a conservative I would’ve liked to have been a part of the Republican Party, but there was simply no conservatism in the GOP at the time. It was the Republican Party of Bush, Cheney, war, torture and executive orders, and it was anti-Constitution and anti-civil liberties.

Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan were nowhere to be found. No Child Left Behind and Medicare Plan D were front and center. The traditional conservatism of the Founding Fathers, Robert Taft and Russell Kirk didn’t exist beyond my bookshelf. The world-police and nation-building policies of Woodrow Wilson and the New Deal socialism of Franklin Roosevelt had become “conservative.” For constitutionalists and limited-government advocates, it sucked. Bad.

The presidency of big-government Barack Obama, who now leads the party of war, torture and executive orders, and has even upped the ante on Bush with his anti-Constitution and anti-civil liberties policies, has been a time of reflection for conservatives. It has also been a time of rejection — of what they deemed “conservative” just a few short years ago.

Tuesday, Thomas Massie won the Republican nomination in Kentucky’s Fourth Congressional District. He won by a huge 16-point margin. For most of the right-wing media this wasn’t a huge deal. It was simply another Republican winning: Democrats are bad and Republicans are good, therefore this win must be good. Partisanship intact. Move along. Did you know Obama wants gays to get married? And he ate dog!

But for those who care about what the Republican Party actually stands for, this was a revolutionary victory. Massie is a fiscal hawk who wants to balance the budget now, not decades from now. He wants to audit and potentially abolish the Federal Reserve. He wants to get rid of the Department of Education and other federal departments. A strict constitutionalist, Massie supports not only the Second and Tenth Amendments, but the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments, hence his opposition to the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act’s indefinite detainment provisions...

Read more: Thomas Massie | A Republican revolution in Kentucky | The Daily Caller
The national republican party as we know it will be dead in 2 years.
A couple of points:

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is poorly written legislation- but the conservative idea behind is was to hold states accountable for federal education dollars and also provide parents an avenue to hold local schools accountable. The democrat Ted Kennedy was on board with the legislation until he found out how difficult it would be to re-direct federal dollars.

The Patriot Act (PA) was a terribly UN-Constitutional piece of legislation: That said our government is charged with protecting citizens. What should have happened post 911 was to round up all foreign nationals and depot them. To then place a moratorium on student and foreign visas from terror sponsoring states. The problem? It would have never flown with the progressives.

Department of Education- You cannot simply eliminate such a large department- you can reform it.
The national republican party as we know it will be dead in 2 years.

That doesn't mean it will benefit your Democratic Party. I know you think it will, but you might want to think again.
The national republican party as we know it will be dead in 2 years.

That doesn't mean it will benefit your Democratic Party. I know you think it will, but you might want to think again.

It certainly will when the GOP degenerates into an openly racist regional party.

Don't you guys have to regularly replace your race cards? You play them so much that you have to wear them out fairly often.
That doesn't mean it will benefit your Democratic Party. I know you think it will, but you might want to think again.

It certainly will when the GOP degenerates into an openly racist regional party.

Don't you guys have to regularly replace your race cards? You play them so much that you have to wear them out fairly often.

You know they always double-down after a loss, it's the only place the GOP has left to go.
Department of Education- You cannot simply eliminate such a large department- you can reform it.

Any meaningful changes to the DOE would be the equivalent of killing it. Let's say that Doctors figured out how to turn tumors into useful cells - a liver tumor, for example, could become more liver! A brain tumor, more brain!

You're still killing the tumor.
A couple of points:

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is poorly written legislation- but the conservative idea behind is was to hold states accountable for federal education dollars

There shouldn't be federal education dollars.

Department of Education- You cannot simply eliminate such a large department

Actually, yeah, you can.
Kill it! Kill it with fire!

Or a Plasma Ray!

Good for Thomas Massie! Federal Departments have turned into little more than mafia enforcers for the government. Be good to them, they'll funnel money to you. Cross them and they send in the goons.
A couple of points:

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is poorly written legislation- but the conservative idea behind is was to hold states accountable for federal education dollars and also provide parents an avenue to hold local schools accountable. The democrat Ted Kennedy was on board with the legislation until he found out how difficult it would be to re-direct federal dollars.

The Patriot Act (PA) was a terribly UN-Constitutional piece of legislation: That said our government is charged with protecting citizens. What should have happened post 911 was to round up all foreign nationals and depot them. To then place a moratorium on student and foreign visas from terror sponsoring states. The problem? It would have never flown with the progressives.

Department of Education- You cannot simply eliminate such a large department- you can reform it.

NCLB was written by Teddy Kennedy...
A couple of points:

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is poorly written legislation- but the conservative idea behind is was to hold states accountable for federal education dollars and also provide parents an avenue to hold local schools accountable. The democrat Ted Kennedy was on board with the legislation until he found out how difficult it would be to re-direct federal dollars.

The Patriot Act (PA) was a terribly UN-Constitutional piece of legislation: That said our government is charged with protecting citizens. What should have happened post 911 was to round up all foreign nationals and depot them. To then place a moratorium on student and foreign visas from terror sponsoring states. The problem? It would have never flown with the progressives.

Department of Education- You cannot simply eliminate such a large department- you can reform it.

NCLB was written by Teddy Kennedy...

That explains it! :lol:
Good for Thomas Massie! Federal Departments have turned into little more than mafia enforcers for the government. Be good to them, they'll funnel money to you. Cross them and they send in the goons.

Except for GSA. They send in the clowns.

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