A similarity between Muslims and Republicans

The Islamic protestors are blaming the entire country of America for a film that one asswipe produced and made simply because he produced and made it in America.

Much like the Republicans blame Islam for the actions of a few.

More emotional retardation on both sides.

Poor behind the times Ravi. Those protests are not about that film. That is a made up story. Bill maher ripped Islam in his film and made millions off it and no one rioted.

They are rioting because they hate America liberal republican and in-between.

They are rioting cuz they are idiots and have nothing better to do than hate.

They are rioting because they hate Jews

They are rioting because they think American women are sluts

They are rioting because they hate Obama for killing bin laden
I don't hate anyone, well I take that back there was this one guy in Everquest....

To much effort to hate someone. You give them the power by doing it.

I do however know who my enemies are.

You said your enemies are muslism. So how do you not hate your enemies?

When one has enemies, one must learn about them, study them. If possible learn how they think and act. Hate just gets in the way of that and makes for a poor knowledge of your enemies.

Ohh and I am a Christian we are told not to hate others.

Okay you know what I'm gonna rant on your lying ass. This motherfucker is cursing muslims left and right, telling us how muslims are evil, over and over again. Then he has the balls to tell us he doesn't hate anyone but he wants them killed. What kind of fucking hypocritical people are you? Huh? This guy wants to talk about Muslims. Except Amercia is the country who has been fucking with Muslim countries way before 9/11, america killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq. America puts dictators into power. Like they did with Iran. America blindly supports Israel. Amercia is killing Muslims everyday. They are the ones murdering civilians in Pakkstan and Yemen. Americans were shelving lebenese for Israel during the 80s. Remember Abu Gharib? Is this motherfcuker trying to joke us right now!? Huh then he has the balls to say muslism hate us because of our religon. Fuck people like you! It's all about their Interets of taking over the middle east. This fucker never has been bombed by America. He doesn't have family who has been killed by a drone bomb or any bombing. Ive had 4 cousins killed by Israel during the war. I fucking seen what they do there before 2005 and after 2005. Americans aren't peaceful people. This so called Christian calling for the invasion of Iran? Why? The American media propoganda campaign convinced this clueless Moron. Amercia has killed millions of muslims maybe that's why people from the regions who experience war hate us you fuckup
All these threads about lets hate Muslims and they aren't hateful people right? I am somehow hateful for objecting this hate. Are you guys fucking kidding me?


yes, you believe that if it makes you feel better.

I know I don't believe. I bet she's also one of those People who is anti Turkey as well....haha I've seen posts where you are talking with Israelis

oohh.... now i talk with israelis? Do tell... what israelis are they? :lmao:

im talking with you...and you are a muslim....whats the difference?

Hey, some froot loop informed me today that I am a "liberal Jew hater".


rw's are not known for their honesty or intelligence.

Actually, even I(shitty) Santorum said that the R would never have the support of the intelligent people.
You said your enemies are muslism. So how do you not hate your enemies?

When one has enemies, one must learn about them, study them. If possible learn how they think and act. Hate just gets in the way of that and makes for a poor knowledge of your enemies.

Ohh and I am a Christian we are told not to hate others.

Okay you know what I'm gonna rant on your lying ass. This motherfucker is cursing muslims left and right, telling us how muslims are evil, over and over again. Then he has the balls to tell us he doesn't hate anyone but he wants them killed. What kind of fucking hypocritical people are you? Huh? This guy wants to talk about Muslims. Except Amercia is the country who has been fucking with Muslim countries way before 9/11, america killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq. America puts dictators into power. Like they did with Iran. America blindly supports Israel. Amercia is killing Muslims everyday. They are the ones murdering civilians in Pakkstan and Yemen. Americans were shelving lebenese for Israel during the 80s. Remember Abu Gharib? Is this motherfcuker trying to joke us right now!? Huh then he has the balls to say muslism hate us because of our religon. Fuck people like you! It's all about their Interets of taking over the middle east. This fucker never has been bombed by America. He doesn't have family who has been killed by a drone bomb or any bombing. Ive had 4 cousins killed by Israel during the war. I fucking seen what they do there before 2005 and after 2005. Americans aren't peaceful people. This so called Christian calling for the invasion of Iran? Why? The American media propoganda campaign convinced this clueless Moron. Amercia has killed millions of muslims maybe that's why people from the regions who experience war hate us you fuckup

What an idiot you are.
What group did your "cousins" belong to?
Of course in your head they were brave freedom fighters fighting for the cause.
Radical Islam has been murdering innocents of all races around the world for hundreds of years.
They are a murderous, cowardly people preying on the innocent in the name of allah.
You are no better.
Go fight for the cause piss ant, they'll take you....but then YOU don't want to do anything but type and spew your hate from your mom's basement.
I know I don't believe. I bet she's also one of those People who is anti Turkey as well....haha I've seen posts where you are talking with Israelis

oohh.... now i talk with israelis? Do tell... what israelis are they? :lmao:

im talking with you...and you are a muslim....whats the difference?

Hey, some froot loop informed me today that I am a "liberal Jew hater".


rw's are not known for their honesty or intelligence.

Actually, even I(shitty) Santorum said that the R would never have the support of the intelligent people.

That's all they can say. Pathetic people. My opposition to Israel has nothing to do with being liberal. Ive had cousins and friend killed. The main thing was the sick lie that Israelis are peaceful. Ive been to Gaza when Israeli was occupying it with military forces and all they did was raid homes 24/7, close streets, fuck the people over
When one has enemies, one must learn about them, study them. If possible learn how they think and act. Hate just gets in the way of that and makes for a poor knowledge of your enemies.

Ohh and I am a Christian we are told not to hate others.

Okay you know what I'm gonna rant on your lying ass. This motherfucker is cursing muslims left and right, telling us how muslims are evil, over and over again. Then he has the balls to tell us he doesn't hate anyone but he wants them killed. What kind of fucking hypocritical people are you? Huh? This guy wants to talk about Muslims. Except Amercia is the country who has been fucking with Muslim countries way before 9/11, america killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq. America puts dictators into power. Like they did with Iran. America blindly supports Israel. Amercia is killing Muslims everyday. They are the ones murdering civilians in Pakkstan and Yemen. Americans were shelving lebenese for Israel during the 80s. Remember Abu Gharib? Is this motherfcuker trying to joke us right now!? Huh then he has the balls to say muslism hate us because of our religon. Fuck people like you! It's all about their Interets of taking over the middle east. This fucker never has been bombed by America. He doesn't have family who has been killed by a drone bomb or any bombing. Ive had 4 cousins killed by Israel during the war. I fucking seen what they do there before 2005 and after 2005. Americans aren't peaceful people. This so called Christian calling for the invasion of Iran? Why? The American media propoganda campaign convinced this clueless Moron. Amercia has killed millions of muslims maybe that's why people from the regions who experience war hate us you fuckup

What an idiot you are.
What group did your "cousins" belong to?
Of course in your head they were brave freedom fighters fighting for the cause.
Radical Islam has been murdering innocents of all races around the world for hundreds of years.
They are a murderous, cowardly people preying on the innocent in the name of allah.
You are no better.
Go fight for the cause piss ant, they'll take you....but then YOU don't want to do anything but type and spew your hate from your mom's basement.

None of the groups that's the point they said they hit the wrong house and didnt compensate at all or apologize. They just said the same old bullshit that they only care about keeping Jews safe
When one has enemies, one must learn about them, study them. If possible learn how they think and act. Hate just gets in the way of that and makes for a poor knowledge of your enemies.

Ohh and I am a Christian we are told not to hate others.

Okay you know what I'm gonna rant on your lying ass. This motherfucker is cursing muslims left and right, telling us how muslims are evil, over and over again. Then he has the balls to tell us he doesn't hate anyone but he wants them killed. What kind of fucking hypocritical people are you? Huh? This guy wants to talk about Muslims. Except Amercia is the country who has been fucking with Muslim countries way before 9/11, america killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq. America puts dictators into power. Like they did with Iran. America blindly supports Israel. Amercia is killing Muslims everyday. They are the ones murdering civilians in Pakkstan and Yemen. Americans were shelving lebenese for Israel during the 80s. Remember Abu Gharib? Is this motherfcuker trying to joke us right now!? Huh then he has the balls to say muslism hate us because of our religon. Fuck people like you! It's all about their Interets of taking over the middle east. This fucker never has been bombed by America. He doesn't have family who has been killed by a drone bomb or any bombing. Ive had 4 cousins killed by Israel during the war. I fucking seen what they do there before 2005 and after 2005. Americans aren't peaceful people. This so called Christian calling for the invasion of Iran? Why? The American media propoganda campaign convinced this clueless Moron. Amercia has killed millions of muslims maybe that's why people from the regions who experience war hate us you fuckup

What an idiot you are.
What group did your "cousins" belong to?
Of course in your head they were brave freedom fighters fighting for the cause.
Radical Islam has been murdering innocents of all races around the world for hundreds of years.
They are a murderous, cowardly people preying on the innocent in the name of allah.
You are no better.
Go fight for the cause piss ant, they'll take you....but then YOU don't want to do anything but type and spew your hate from your mom's basement.

And also I love how you're trying to tell me they are radical groups who fell out the sky to kill jews. Eat shit is that pathetically weak argument supposed to mean anything?

Alll those groups were created as a direct result if Israel occupation
Okay you know what I'm gonna rant on your lying ass. This motherfucker is cursing muslims left and right, telling us how muslims are evil, over and over again. Then he has the balls to tell us he doesn't hate anyone but he wants them killed. What kind of fucking hypocritical people are you? Huh? This guy wants to talk about Muslims. Except Amercia is the country who has been fucking with Muslim countries way before 9/11, america killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq. America puts dictators into power. Like they did with Iran. America blindly supports Israel. Amercia is killing Muslims everyday. They are the ones murdering civilians in Pakkstan and Yemen. Americans were shelving lebenese for Israel during the 80s. Remember Abu Gharib? Is this motherfcuker trying to joke us right now!? Huh then he has the balls to say muslism hate us because of our religon. Fuck people like you! It's all about their Interets of taking over the middle east. This fucker never has been bombed by America. He doesn't have family who has been killed by a drone bomb or any bombing. Ive had 4 cousins killed by Israel during the war. I fucking seen what they do there before 2005 and after 2005. Americans aren't peaceful people. This so called Christian calling for the invasion of Iran? Why? The American media propoganda campaign convinced this clueless Moron. Amercia has killed millions of muslims maybe that's why people from the regions who experience war hate us you fuckup

What an idiot you are.
What group did your "cousins" belong to?
Of course in your head they were brave freedom fighters fighting for the cause.
Radical Islam has been murdering innocents of all races around the world for hundreds of years.
They are a murderous, cowardly people preying on the innocent in the name of allah.
You are no better.
Go fight for the cause piss ant, they'll take you....but then YOU don't want to do anything but type and spew your hate from your mom's basement.

None of the groups that's the point they said they hit the wrong house and didnt compensate at all or apologize. They just said the same old bullshit that they only care about keeping Jews safe

Of course your cousins cursed the PLA and Hezbollah and all of the muders they visited upon innocent Israeli's.
Okay you know what I'm gonna rant on your lying ass. This motherfucker is cursing muslims left and right, telling us how muslims are evil, over and over again. Then he has the balls to tell us he doesn't hate anyone but he wants them killed. What kind of fucking hypocritical people are you? Huh? This guy wants to talk about Muslims. Except Amercia is the country who has been fucking with Muslim countries way before 9/11, america killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq. America puts dictators into power. Like they did with Iran. America blindly supports Israel. Amercia is killing Muslims everyday. They are the ones murdering civilians in Pakkstan and Yemen. Americans were shelving lebenese for Israel during the 80s. Remember Abu Gharib? Is this motherfcuker trying to joke us right now!? Huh then he has the balls to say muslism hate us because of our religon. Fuck people like you! It's all about their Interets of taking over the middle east. This fucker never has been bombed by America. He doesn't have family who has been killed by a drone bomb or any bombing. Ive had 4 cousins killed by Israel during the war. I fucking seen what they do there before 2005 and after 2005. Americans aren't peaceful people. This so called Christian calling for the invasion of Iran? Why? The American media propoganda campaign convinced this clueless Moron. Amercia has killed millions of muslims maybe that's why people from the regions who experience war hate us you fuckup

What an idiot you are.
What group did your "cousins" belong to?
Of course in your head they were brave freedom fighters fighting for the cause.
Radical Islam has been murdering innocents of all races around the world for hundreds of years.
They are a murderous, cowardly people preying on the innocent in the name of allah.
You are no better.
Go fight for the cause piss ant, they'll take you....but then YOU don't want to do anything but type and spew your hate from your mom's basement.

And also I love how you're trying to tell me they are radical groups who fell out the sky to kill jews. Eat shit is that pathetically weak argument supposed to mean anything?

Alll those groups were created as a direct result if Israel occupation

Bullshit, go fight for the cause kid or shut up.
What an idiot you are.
What group did your "cousins" belong to?
Of course in your head they were brave freedom fighters fighting for the cause.
Radical Islam has been murdering innocents of all races around the world for hundreds of years.
They are a murderous, cowardly people preying on the innocent in the name of allah.
You are no better.
Go fight for the cause piss ant, they'll take you....but then YOU don't want to do anything but type and spew your hate from your mom's basement.

None of the groups that's the point they said they hit the wrong house and didnt compensate at all or apologize. They just said the same old bullshit that they only care about keeping Jews safe

Of course your cousins cursed the PLA and Hezbollah and all of the muders they visited upon innocent Israeli's.

Wtf was that? There is no Hezbollah or PLO in Gaza moron. Oh so now you're trashing my dead cousins right? What an asswipe hateful bigot
What an idiot you are.
What group did your "cousins" belong to?
Of course in your head they were brave freedom fighters fighting for the cause.
Radical Islam has been murdering innocents of all races around the world for hundreds of years.
They are a murderous, cowardly people preying on the innocent in the name of allah.
You are no better.
Go fight for the cause piss ant, they'll take you....but then YOU don't want to do anything but type and spew your hate from your mom's basement.

And also I love how you're trying to tell me they are radical groups who fell out the sky to kill jews. Eat shit is that pathetically weak argument supposed to mean anything?

Alll those groups were created as a direct result if Israel occupation

Bullshit, go fight for the cause kid or shut up.

Typical republican moron will deny the groups are an result of the occupation. Even Israelis admit it
Okay you know what I'm gonna rant on your lying ass. This motherfucker is cursing muslims left and right, telling us how muslims are evil, over and over again. Then he has the balls to tell us he doesn't hate anyone but he wants them killed. What kind of fucking hypocritical people are you? Huh? This guy wants to talk about Muslims. Except Amercia is the country who has been fucking with Muslim countries way before 9/11, america killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq. America puts dictators into power. Like they did with Iran. America blindly supports Israel. Amercia is killing Muslims everyday. They are the ones murdering civilians in Pakkstan and Yemen. Americans were shelving lebenese for Israel during the 80s. Remember Abu Gharib? Is this motherfcuker trying to joke us right now!? Huh then he has the balls to say muslism hate us because of our religon. Fuck people like you! It's all about their Interets of taking over the middle east. This fucker never has been bombed by America. He doesn't have family who has been killed by a drone bomb or any bombing. Ive had 4 cousins killed by Israel during the war. I fucking seen what they do there before 2005 and after 2005. Americans aren't peaceful people. This so called Christian calling for the invasion of Iran? Why? The American media propoganda campaign convinced this clueless Moron. Amercia has killed millions of muslims maybe that's why people from the regions who experience war hate us you fuckup

What an idiot you are.
What group did your "cousins" belong to?
Of course in your head they were brave freedom fighters fighting for the cause.
Radical Islam has been murdering innocents of all races around the world for hundreds of years.
They are a murderous, cowardly people preying on the innocent in the name of allah.
You are no better.
Go fight for the cause piss ant, they'll take you....but then YOU don't want to do anything but type and spew your hate from your mom's basement.

And also I love how you're trying to tell me they are radical groups who fell out the sky to kill jews. Eat shit is that pathetically weak argument supposed to mean anything?

Alll those groups were created as a direct result if Israel occupation

the "Palestinians" could have lived in peace as Israeli citizens but chose not to.
What an idiot you are.
What group did your "cousins" belong to?
Of course in your head they were brave freedom fighters fighting for the cause.
Radical Islam has been murdering innocents of all races around the world for hundreds of years.
They are a murderous, cowardly people preying on the innocent in the name of allah.
You are no better.
Go fight for the cause piss ant, they'll take you....but then YOU don't want to do anything but type and spew your hate from your mom's basement.

And also I love how you're trying to tell me they are radical groups who fell out the sky to kill jews. Eat shit is that pathetically weak argument supposed to mean anything?

Alll those groups were created as a direct result if Israel occupation

the "Palestinians" could have lived in peace as Israeli citizens but chose not to.

That's bullshit. I thought that until I went to an occupied territory and saw how the IDF is so "peaceful". What a joke they were building settlements and talking about peace at the same time
None of the groups that's the point they said they hit the wrong house and didnt compensate at all or apologize. They just said the same old bullshit that they only care about keeping Jews safe

Of course your cousins cursed the PLA and Hezbollah and all of the muders they visited upon innocent Israeli's.

Wtf was that? There is no Hezbollah or PLO in Gaza moron. Oh so now you're trashing my dead cousins right? What an asswipe hateful bigot

You are an idiot with the IQ of a frog.

Yes, they are there.

Did your cousins condemn the muder of the israeli people?

No, they cheered so fuck them.
All these threads about lets hate Muslims and they aren't hateful people right? I am somehow hateful for objecting this hate. Are you guys fucking kidding me?

Spewing hatred of your own is not objecting to hate.......
All these threads about lets hate Muslims and they aren't hateful people right? I am somehow hateful for objecting this hate. Are you guys fucking kidding me?

Spewing hatred of your own is not objecting to hate.......

I wasn't spewing hatred I objected hatred and all these people want to tell me I'm an apologist ....Islam lover...etc.

All that demonizing Muslims and that's it hate right? They went the point where they want Muslims marching in every city for something they had nothing to do with. And I bet if they did march these seem nazis would complain about them.
Of course your cousins cursed the PLA and Hezbollah and all of the muders they visited upon innocent Israeli's.

Wtf was that? There is no Hezbollah or PLO in Gaza moron. Oh so now you're trashing my dead cousins right? What an asswipe hateful bigot

You are an idiot with the IQ of a frog.

Yes, they are there.

Did your cousins condemn the muder of the israeli people?

No, they cheered so fuck them.

What murder? There were no Israelis dying during the gaza war besides 13, 10 were soldiers. And how would someone know if any Israelis died if their electricity is completely cut off and they are being bombed 24/7? Huh you nazi pig?

And you pathetic asswipe hazbollah is in lebonan and PLO doesn't exist in gaza
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The Islamic protestors are blaming the entire country of America for a film that one asswipe produced and made simply because he produced and made it in America.

Much like the Republicans blame Islam for the actions of a few.

More emotional retardation on both sides.

The common denominator is religion.

It is a societal cancer.

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