A sixth migrant child dies in Fed custody....

How f_ing desperate do you think these people are to find a better life for their families...that they pick up and leave their homes? And your demented so called president now wants to cut aid to the central American countries they are coming from.


Finding a better life is not grounds for asylum. Frankly, this poor little girl had congenital heart problems and her parents should not have subjected her to this in the first place. You are nothing but a TDSer and using a child's death for political demagoguery.
From the OP's link...."She had a history of congenital heart defects." Sad but nobody's fault.
But why not blame that on Trump if it makes leftists feel good about themselves? The fact that Trump had nothing to do with her bad health doesn't seem to even register on their lizard-like consciousness.

It’s something for there hopeless fight to grab onto. Libtards a sad braindead people.

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Finding a better life is not grounds for asylum. Frankly, this poor little girl had congenital heart problems and her parents should not have subjected her to this in the first place.
Doesn't matter. We are to blame if someone wants something from us. Doesn't matter that we've sent them countless millions over the decades. Doesn't matter that Obama has had the same policy as Trump.
"We" are angry and outraged.
How sad that the losers think it’s funny that children are dying because if what their corrupt orange bigot is doing.

Then they’ll tell you they’re “pro life”. What jokes they are.

What did Trump do to cause the death of the girl in the OP?
Be specific.
When a child is sick, vomiting and running a fever, you call real medical personnel. You don't throw them on a bus for a long ride to a detention center assuming they will be ok.
------------------------------------------- Floppers thinking is good example of what you REALAmericans have to deal with as you lose the USA and its WESTERN Ways to invaders and other fureigners . [thanks for your example Flopper !!
Now, 10 year old sick children are invaders.

Especially if they are not white.
--------------------------------- only if they aren't American JimH .
Do you party like trump when brown kids die?
We prefer it when they stay home.

How f_ing desperate do you think these people are to find a better life for their families...that they pick up and leave their homes? And your demented so called president now wants to cut aid to the central American countries they are coming from.

Ohh these cretins will do a lot for a lifetime free ride courtesy of the American tax payer. They sell their daughters into prostitution and their sons into being drug mules. Those countries should not get a dime. 25% tax on remittances.
Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September

Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September - CNNPolitics

So when are trump and Miller just going to build a gas chamber and finish the job? What an embarrassment to the world....
How sad that the losers think it’s funny that children are dying because if what their corrupt orange bigot is doing.

Then they’ll tell you they’re “pro life”. What jokes they are.

Pro Life....for white babies

Dumb ass ! Show us some evidence of the doctor who didnt care for these children because of their race.
Your an idiot, and a hateful person. Find some medication.
Why are these inbred, incestuous savages invading the USA? Democrat POS scum whose hatred of Whitey is so intense, they want to destroy the country that provides the finances and military gear (besides the nukes they stole from Pennsylvania in the 60's) for their insane, fake ass homeland.
Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September

Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September - CNNPolitics

So when are trump and Miller just going to build a gas chamber and finish the job? What an embarrassment to the world....
How sad that the losers think it’s funny that children are dying because if what their corrupt orange bigot is doing.

Then they’ll tell you they’re “pro life”. What jokes they are.

Oh give me a fucking break ! No one is happy about anyone dying for crying out loud !
The point here, is when you have tens of thousands crossing our border in waves, there are going to be deaths no matter what the conditions are.
Have you taken a look at the # of deaths of refugees/migrants in custody in European countries ?
You guys and your media are simply trying to score political points.

"Deaths rose and then fell during the Obama administration, from 10 in 2008 to five in 2012, a period in which ICE implemented policies to improve detention conditions and oversight. But deaths then ticked up to 12 in President Obama's last full year in office, 2016, as the number of detainees grew."

22 immigrants died in ICE detention centers during the past 2 years
Thanks for the link, I learned a lot. Course, Obama didn’t become president till 2009.

This remains below the peak of 32 deaths in 2004, the first full calendar year records were kept. Deaths rose and then fell during the Obama administration

Why are these inbred, incestuous savages invading the USA? Democrat POS scum whose hatred of Whitey is so intense, they want to destroy the country that provides the finances and military gear (besides the nukes they stole from Pennsylvania in the 60's) for their insane, fake ass homeland.
inbred, incestuous savages

Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September

Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September - CNNPolitics

So when are trump and Miller just going to build a gas chamber and finish the job? What an embarrassment to the world....

This is disgusting.

Trump and Miller probably high five when they hear another child dies.

You want to try and punish illegal adults - okay. Not cool - but I can live with it.

But a child?

Only a fucking maggot would do this to children.

I would spit on Trump and bash Miller’s face in if I could get at them.

Separating children from their parents was bad enough....now kids are dying in their custody.

Miller is a 21st century Adolph...trump is an incompetent.
For an emergency, Trump needed a crisis so he created one with his rhetoric of building impenetrable walls, closing the border, and cutting aid to Central America. It's like he sent invitations to all would be migrants, "last chance to get into the US."

He would have to be completely stupid, to think that there was sufficient resources, housing, medical facilities, social workers, border patrol, guards, etc. to handle these people. He just turned 160,000 families loose because he has no place to put them. And that was just after he said he expected few of asylum seekers would be accepted which pretty well guarantees that a large number of these people are going to be no shows. I wouldn't be surprised if by the end his term, we didn't have more undocumented immigrants in the US than when he took office.
Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September

Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September - CNNPolitics

So when are trump and Miller just going to build a gas chamber and finish the job? What an embarrassment to the world....
So what are we going to do about it? It could be the cocktail of vaccines that they are forcing on them. Just imagine that they are trying to force them on us.

The lawsuit alleges mistreatment of children by Shiloh Treatment Center — a government contractor south of Houston that houses immigrant minors — and other detention centres.

It claims children held at the government-funded centre had been given a cocktail of drugs without their parents' consent.

Affidavits filed in April described children being held down and injected.
Immigrant children forced to take drug cocktail at Texas centre, lawsuit alleges

A USA TODAY Network investigation finds the number of migrants who died crossing the U.S. border with Mexico since 2010 is higher than what federal officials have reported. A USA TODAY NETWORK video production.

Before 2000, the remains of fewer than five migrants were found each year, the Arizona OpenGIS Initiative for Deceased Migrants shows.

In 2000, just one was found. In 2001, the number soared to 79 and then to 151 the year after that. The number of annual migrant deaths since then has remained well above 100, according to Humane Borders, a Tucson-based group that compiles data and logs it on the OpenGIS website.
The remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in southern Arizona in 2018


RW trump humpers love to see deaths of non-whites.

Then they come on here and posts smiley faces to show their approval. Miller is their Hitler.
Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September

Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September - CNNPolitics

So when are trump and Miller just going to build a gas chamber and finish the job? What an embarrassment to the world....

This is disgusting.

Trump and Miller probably high five when they hear another child dies.

You want to try and punish illegal adults - okay. Not cool - but I can live with it.

But a child?

Only a fucking maggot would do this to children.

I would spit on Trump and bash Miller’s face in if I could get at them.

Separating children from their parents was bad enough....now kids are dying in their custody.

Miller is a 21st century Adolph...trump is an incompetent.
For an emergency, Trump needed a crisis so he created one with his rhetoric of building impenetrable walls, closing the border, and cutting aid to Central America. It's like he sent invitations to all would be migrants, "last chance to get into the US."

He would have to be completely stupid, to think that there was sufficient resources, housing, medical facilities, social workers, border patrol, guards, etc. to handle these people. He just turned 160,000 families loose because he has no place to put them. And that was just after he said he expected few of asylum seekers would be accepted which pretty well guarantees that a large number of these people are going to be no shows. I wouldn't be surprised if by the end his term, we didn't have more undocumented immigrants in the US than when he took office.

You still talking about this bullshit. Not Trumps fault Blame the parents. Liberals will make any excuse to say something bad about him. 6 kids out of how many and most of the six were all sick before they got here.

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Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September

Feds say a sixth migrant child died while in the care of authorities in September - CNNPolitics

So when are trump and Miller just going to build a gas chamber and finish the job? What an embarrassment to the world....

This is disgusting.

Trump and Miller probably high five when they hear another child dies.

You want to try and punish illegal adults - okay. Not cool - but I can live with it.

But a child?

Only a fucking maggot would do this to children.

I would spit on Trump and bash Miller’s face in if I could get at them.

Separating children from their parents was bad enough....now kids are dying in their custody.

Miller is a 21st century Adolph...trump is an incompetent.
For an emergency, Trump needed a crisis so he created one with his rhetoric of building impenetrable walls, closing the border, and cutting aid to Central America. It's like he sent invitations to all would be migrants, "last chance to get into the US."

He would have to be completely stupid, to think that there was sufficient resources, housing, medical facilities, social workers, border patrol, guards, etc. to handle these people. He just turned 160,000 families loose because he has no place to put them. And that was just after he said he expected few of asylum seekers would be accepted which pretty well guarantees that a large number of these people are going to be no shows. I wouldn't be surprised if by the end his term, we didn't have more undocumented immigrants in the US than when he took office.

You still talking about this bullshit. Not Trumps fault Blame the parents. Liberals will make any excuse to say something bad about him. 6 kids out of how many and most of the six were all sick before they got here.

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When you take a child into custody, you are taking responsible for that child, so you have to be prepared to handle sick kids. The child was sick and vomiting and with a fever. Nothing was done accept to throw the child on the bus for long bus ride. When the child finally got medical attention, she had a fever of over 105.

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