A true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch

Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

AFTER...Yovanovitch stated to a visitor at the US Embassy in Republic of Ukraine that there is no need to worry about President of USA,Donald J. Trump as he will be impeached before the end of his first term.
Link to a respected media, super duper?

The Washington Post, The Hill, don't be a franco okay.
This is just the tip of the corruption iceberg this so called patriot ambassador was tangled up in...

- Pete Sessions (R-Tex.) wrote to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to say that Yovanovitch “reportedly demonstrated clear anti-Trump bias.”

- the Hill’s John Solomon published an interview with Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, who alleged that Yovanovitch had given him a “do not prosecute list,” ostensibly to protect Obama-Clinton allies, back in 2016.

- Soon after taking office, (Ukraine General Prosecutor) was summoned to the U.S. Embassy to meet the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch. Lutsenko told Solomon that Yovanovitch handed him “a list of people whom we should not prosecute.” I guess that’s what happens when one tries to investigate an Obama administration/Soros group.

- The implied message to Ukraine’s prosecutors was clear: Don’t target AntAC in the middle of an America presidential election in which Soros was backing Hillary Clinton to succeed another Soros favorite, Barack Obama, Ukrainian officials said. “We ran right into a buzzsaw and we got bloodied,” a senior Ukrainian official told me.

John Solomon is a known liar. But you will learn this.

I utterly destroyed you on this topic, go lick your wounds.

Lol! You destroyed yourself.

Solomon's Part in the Trump–Ukraine controversy
In April 2019, The Hill published two opinion pieces by Solomon regarding allegations by Ukrainian officials that "American Democrats" and particularly former Vice-President Joe Biden of collaborating with "their allies in Kiev" in "wrongdoing...ranging from 2016 election interference to obstructing criminal probes."[26][27] Solomon's stories attracted attention in conservative media.[22] Fox News frequently covered Solomon's claims;[28] Solomon also promoted these allegations on Sean Heannity's Fox News show.[22] According to The Washington Post Solomon's pieces "played an important role in advancing a flawed, Trump-friendly tale of corruption in Ukraine, particularly involving Biden and his son Hunter", and inspired "the alleged effort by Trump and his allies to pressure Ukraine’s government into digging up dirt on Trump’s Democratic rivals."[22] On the same day that The Washington Post published its article, The Hill published another opinion piece by Solomon in which Solomon states that there are "(h)undreds of pages of never-released memos and documents...(that) conflict with Biden’s narrative."[29]

Solomon's stories had significant flaws.[22][19] Not only had the State Department dismissed the allegations presented by Solomon as "an outright fabrication", but the Ukrainian prosecutor who Solomon claimed made the allegations to him is not supporting Solomon's claim.[22][19] Foreign Policy noted that anti-corrupton activists in Ukraine had characterized the source behind Solomon's claims as an unreliable narrator who had hindered anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine.[30] Solomon pushed allegations that Biden wanted to remove a Ukrainian prosecutor in order to prevent an investigation of a Ukrainian company that his son, Hunter Biden, served on; however, Western governments and anti-corruption activist wanted the prosecutor removed because he was reluctant to pursue corruption investigations.[19] By September 2019, Solomon said he still stood 100% by his stories.[22] There is no evidence of wrong-doing by Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, and no evidence that Hunter Biden was ever under investigation by Ukrainian authorities.[31] WNYC characterized Solomon's Ukraine stories as laundering of foreign propaganda.[32]

Prior to the publication of a story where Solomon alleged that the Obama administration had pressured the Ukrainian government to stop investigating a group funded by George Soros, Solomon sent the full text of his report to Ukrainian-American businessman Lev Parnas and the two pro-Trump lawyers and conspiracy theorists Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing.[33] Solomon said he did so for fact-checking, but Parnas, DiGenova and Toensing were not mentioned in the text, nor did Solomon send individual items of the draft for vetting (but rather the whole draft).[33]

John Solomon (political commentator) - Wikipedia

Lev Parnas was arrested last week as part of several illegal situations involving his work in the Ukraine for Trump and Giuliani.


And there goes blueslegend.
A patriot fights to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They fight for the values their country says it upholds. A patriot does not just blindly agree to anything a president says without question. Sometimes a patriot must fight the powers that be. They do not fight imaginary things, they do not fight in order to divide. They are not demagogues.

Having said that, let us look and honor a true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch


Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said the State Department removed her from the diplomatic post earlier this year after being pressured by President Donald Trump, according to her opening statement in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill with lawmakers Friday.

In her remarks, Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

The State Department official "added that there had been a concerted campaign against me, and that the department had been under pressure from the president to remove me since the Summer of 2018," according to her statement. "He also said that I had done nothing wrong and that this was not like other situations where he had recalled ambassadors for cause. I departed Ukraine for good this past May."

Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her
I doubt if she was important enough to have a "concerted effort against her-only Trump has that. I have asked companies to remove salesmen from my account when I thought they were unfit-it is done in business all the time-the whole thing is no big deal, and she sounds like she has sour grapes.

Yup. Being an ambassador is a pretty easy, lucrative job.

They serve at the discretion of the POTUS and can be removed at any time.

The Op is a moron.

The OP is right. And you will just watch how right he is as time goes on.


The time has come for Trump..
A patriot fights to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They fight for the values their country says it upholds. A patriot does not just blindly agree to anything a president says without question. Sometimes a patriot must fight the powers that be. They do not fight imaginary things, they do not fight in order to divide. They are not demagogues.

Having said that, let us look and honor a true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch


Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said the State Department removed her from the diplomatic post earlier this year after being pressured by President Donald Trump, according to her opening statement in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill with lawmakers Friday.

In her remarks, Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

The State Department official "added that there had been a concerted campaign against me, and that the department had been under pressure from the president to remove me since the Summer of 2018," according to her statement. "He also said that I had done nothing wrong and that this was not like other situations where he had recalled ambassadors for cause. I departed Ukraine for good this past May."

Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her
She's a whore, and a quear, and she helped Joe Biden and Hunter Biden extort The Ukraine and get rich off of Greed, Graft, and Extortion.

She ran her mouth against her boss, POTUS. The President is the head of The Executive Branch and can fire anyone in the Executive Branch for any reason.

If President Trump knew what was good for him, he would purge the government of all Clinton and Obama associates.
A patriot fights to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They fight for the values their country says it upholds. A patriot does not just blindly agree to anything a president says without question. Sometimes a patriot must fight the powers that be. They do not fight imaginary things, they do not fight in order to divide. They are not demagogues.

Having said that, let us look and honor a true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch


Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said the State Department removed her from the diplomatic post earlier this year after being pressured by President Donald Trump, according to her opening statement in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill with lawmakers Friday.

In her remarks, Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

The State Department official "added that there had been a concerted campaign against me, and that the department had been under pressure from the president to remove me since the Summer of 2018," according to her statement. "He also said that I had done nothing wrong and that this was not like other situations where he had recalled ambassadors for cause. I departed Ukraine for good this past May."

Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her
She's a whore, and a quear, and she helped Joe Biden and Hunter Biden extort The Ukraine and get rich off of Greed, Graft, and Extortion.

She ran her mouth against her boss, POTUS. The President is the head of The Executive Branch and can fire anyone in the Executive Branch for any reason.

If President Trump knew what was good for him, he would purge the government of all Clinton and Obama associates.


The game is over.
A patriot fights to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They fight for the values their country says it upholds. A patriot does not just blindly agree to anything a president says without question. Sometimes a patriot must fight the powers that be. They do not fight imaginary things, they do not fight in order to divide. They are not demagogues.

Having said that, let us look and honor a true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch


Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said the State Department removed her from the diplomatic post earlier this year after being pressured by President Donald Trump, according to her opening statement in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill with lawmakers Friday.

In her remarks, Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

The State Department official "added that there had been a concerted campaign against me, and that the department had been under pressure from the president to remove me since the Summer of 2018," according to her statement. "He also said that I had done nothing wrong and that this was not like other situations where he had recalled ambassadors for cause. I departed Ukraine for good this past May."

Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her
She's a whore, and a quear, and she helped Joe Biden and Hunter Biden extort The Ukraine and get rich off of Greed, Graft, and Extortion.

She ran her mouth against her boss, POTUS. The President is the head of The Executive Branch and can fire anyone in the Executive Branch for any reason.

If President Trump knew what was good for him, he would purge the government of all Clinton and Obama associates.


The game is over.
I agree. President Trump will be re-elected and serve 5 more years, followed up by Pence, and you are going to be losing a ton of seats in the house over your promoting 3 years of lies towards The American People.

COUP 3.0 is a failure. So will COUP 4.0 be too. Just like you are, a loser supporting a loser cause.

Who's a whore?

You are. Adam Schiff was outted again, and so was Nancy Pelosi. At least Chuck Schummer is smart enough to disappear, and he is becoming increasingly irrelevant in The DemNazi Party.

Can't see Nazi Pelosi hanging on to her seat much longer either.

She'll be replaced by some pedophile or drug addict, I am certain.
Last edited:
A patriot fights to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They fight for the values their country says it upholds. A patriot does not just blindly agree to anything a president says without question. Sometimes a patriot must fight the powers that be. They do not fight imaginary things, they do not fight in order to divide. They are not demagogues.

Having said that, let us look and honor a true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch


Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said the State Department removed her from the diplomatic post earlier this year after being pressured by President Donald Trump, according to her opening statement in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill with lawmakers Friday.

In her remarks, Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

The State Department official "added that there had been a concerted campaign against me, and that the department had been under pressure from the president to remove me since the Summer of 2018," according to her statement. "He also said that I had done nothing wrong and that this was not like other situations where he had recalled ambassadors for cause. I departed Ukraine for good this past May."

Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her
I doubt if she was important enough to have a "concerted effort against her-only Trump has that. I have asked companies to remove salesmen from my account when I thought they were unfit-it is done in business all the time-the whole thing is no big deal, and she sounds like she has sour grapes.

Yup. Being an ambassador is a pretty easy, lucrative job.

They serve at the discretion of the POTUS and can be removed at any time.

The Op is a moron.

The OP is right. And you will just watch how right he is as time goes on.


The time has come for Trump..
So Pelosi and Schiff are introducing articles of impeachment as we speak? No? Then the OP IS a moron.
A patriot fights to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They fight for the values their country says it upholds. A patriot does not just blindly agree to anything a president says without question. Sometimes a patriot must fight the powers that be. They do not fight imaginary things, they do not fight in order to divide. They are not demagogues.

Having said that, let us look and honor a true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch


Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said the State Department removed her from the diplomatic post earlier this year after being pressured by President Donald Trump, according to her opening statement in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill with lawmakers Friday.

In her remarks, Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

The State Department official "added that there had been a concerted campaign against me, and that the department had been under pressure from the president to remove me since the Summer of 2018," according to her statement. "He also said that I had done nothing wrong and that this was not like other situations where he had recalled ambassadors for cause. I departed Ukraine for good this past May."

Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her
I doubt if she was important enough to have a "concerted effort against her-only Trump has that. I have asked companies to remove salesmen from my account when I thought they were unfit-it is done in business all the time-the whole thing is no big deal, and she sounds like she has sour grapes.
She was standing in the way of trumps and giuliani's shenanigans blackmailing ukrainians for personal gain. A disgrace. Kind of like you people....
She is in no one's way-she is a glory seeker and a poor one at that. This is another "let me get even with Trump whom I hate" fake worker. We need to clean out ALL these bums and get fresh blood-patriot-I don't see a rifle in her hands-where did she fight?
Sure troll that's why she's all over the news being interviewed etc etc LOL. She certainly used to be in their way that's why they fired her stupid.
A patriot fights to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They fight for the values their country says it upholds. A patriot does not just blindly agree to anything a president says without question. Sometimes a patriot must fight the powers that be. They do not fight imaginary things, they do not fight in order to divide. They are not demagogues.

Having said that, let us look and honor a true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch


Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said the State Department removed her from the diplomatic post earlier this year after being pressured by President Donald Trump, according to her opening statement in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill with lawmakers Friday.

In her remarks, Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

The State Department official "added that there had been a concerted campaign against me, and that the department had been under pressure from the president to remove me since the Summer of 2018," according to her statement. "He also said that I had done nothing wrong and that this was not like other situations where he had recalled ambassadors for cause. I departed Ukraine for good this past May."

Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her
I doubt if she was important enough to have a "concerted effort against her-only Trump has that. I have asked companies to remove salesmen from my account when I thought they were unfit-it is done in business all the time-the whole thing is no big deal, and she sounds like she has sour grapes.

Yup. Being an ambassador is a pretty easy, lucrative job.

They serve at the discretion of the POTUS and can be removed at any time.

The Op is a moron.

The OP is right. And you will just watch how right he is as time goes on.


The time has come for Trump..
So Pelosi and Schiff are introducing articles of impeachment as we speak? No? Then the OP IS a moron.
First you investigate then you vote on the impeachment for crying out loud, brain-washed functional moron.
Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

AFTER...Yovanovitch stated to a visitor at the US Embassy in Republic of Ukraine that there is no need to worry about President of USA,Donald J. Trump as he will be impeached before the end of his first term.
Link to a respected media, super duper?

The Washington Post, The Hill, don't be a franco okay.
Bologna super duper liar....
Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

AFTER...Yovanovitch stated to a visitor at the US Embassy in Republic of Ukraine that there is no need to worry about President of USA,Donald J. Trump as he will be impeached before the end of his first term.

Exactly! ^^^

Yovanovitch is an undiluted piece of shit..... imo, she can not badmouth the President that way and at the same time expect to work for him happily ever after!

Good riddance to the traitor.:eusa_clap:
Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

AFTER...Yovanovitch stated to a visitor at the US Embassy in Republic of Ukraine that there is no need to worry about President of USA,Donald J. Trump as he will be impeached before the end of his first term.

Exactly! ^^^

Yovanovitch is an undiluted piece of shit..... imo, she can not badmouth the President that way and at the same time expect to work for him happily ever after!

Good riddance to the traitor.:eusa_clap:
Exactly! You believe a lot of garbage character assassination propaganda. Fox Rush Limbaugh etcetera etcetera just make up stuff non-stop for 30 years now.
Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

AFTER...Yovanovitch stated to a visitor at the US Embassy in Republic of Ukraine that there is no need to worry about President of USA,Donald J. Trump as he will be impeached before the end of his first term.

Exactly! ^^^

Yovanovitch is an undiluted piece of shit..... imo, she can not badmouth the President that way and at the same time expect to work for him happily ever after!

Good riddance to the traitor.:eusa_clap:

If you badmouth your boss you may get fired, a lesson this swamp occupant learned.
Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

AFTER...Yovanovitch stated to a visitor at the US Embassy in Republic of Ukraine that there is no need to worry about President of USA,Donald J. Trump as he will be impeached before the end of his first term.

Exactly! ^^^

Yovanovitch is an undiluted piece of shit..... imo, she can not badmouth the President that way and at the same time expect to work for him happily ever after!

Good riddance to the traitor.:eusa_clap:
Exactly! You believe a lot of garbage character assassination propaganda. Fox Rush Limbaugh etcetera etcetera just make up stuff non-stop for 30 years now.

I'd point out that you are lying but why bother its so obvious.
Marie Yovanovitch is still a piece of shit.

"The prominent conservative figures — journalists and persons with ties to President Donald Trump — allegedly unlawfully monitored by the State Department in Ukraine at the request of ousted U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch include:

Jack Posobiec

Donald Trump Jr.

Laura Ingraham

Sean Hannity

Michael McFaul (Obama’s ambassador to Russia)

Dan Bongino

Ryan Saavedra

Rudy Giuliani

Sebastian Gorka

John Solomon

Lou Dobbs

Pamella Geller

Sara Carter

Judicial Watch continues its investigation of these matters and will update its reporting as the situation unfolds."

Breaking: JW Investigates if Ousted Ukraine Ambassador Ordered State Dept. to Monitor Journalists, Trump Allies - Judicial Watch
A patriot fights to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They fight for the values their country says it upholds. A patriot does not just blindly agree to anything a president says without question. Sometimes a patriot must fight the powers that be. They do not fight imaginary things, they do not fight in order to divide. They are not demagogues.

Having said that, let us look and honor a true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch


Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said the State Department removed her from the diplomatic post earlier this year after being pressured by President Donald Trump, according to her opening statement in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill with lawmakers Friday.

In her remarks, Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

The State Department official "added that there had been a concerted campaign against me, and that the department had been under pressure from the president to remove me since the Summer of 2018," according to her statement. "He also said that I had done nothing wrong and that this was not like other situations where he had recalled ambassadors for cause. I departed Ukraine for good this past May."

Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her
I doubt if she was important enough to have a "concerted effort against her-only Trump has that. I have asked companies to remove salesmen from my account when I thought they were unfit-it is done in business all the time-the whole thing is no big deal, and she sounds like she has sour grapes.
She was standing in the way of trumps and giuliani's shenanigans blackmailing ukrainians for personal gain. A disgrace. Kind of like you people....
She is in no one's way-she is a glory seeker and a poor one at that. This is another "let me get even with Trump whom I hate" fake worker. We need to clean out ALL these bums and get fresh blood-patriot-I don't see a rifle in her hands-where did she fight?
Sure troll that's why she's all over the news being interviewed etc etc LOL. She certainly used to be in their way that's why they fired her stupid.
Hey-don't call me stupid or troll you don't know me-snd she was a prissy sort from elitest connecticut origins and did not follow the directives of her boss, so she SHOULD be fired. How;s that shit head?
A patriot fights to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They fight for the values their country says it upholds. A patriot does not just blindly agree to anything a president says without question. Sometimes a patriot must fight the powers that be. They do not fight imaginary things, they do not fight in order to divide. They are not demagogues.

Having said that, let us look and honor a true American patriot- Marie Yovanovitch


Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said the State Department removed her from the diplomatic post earlier this year after being pressured by President Donald Trump, according to her opening statement in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill with lawmakers Friday.

In her remarks, Yovanovitch said she was told by a high-ranking agency official "that the President had lost confidence in me and no longer wished me to serve as his ambassador."

The State Department official "added that there had been a concerted campaign against me, and that the department had been under pressure from the president to remove me since the Summer of 2018," according to her statement. "He also said that I had done nothing wrong and that this was not like other situations where he had recalled ambassadors for cause. I departed Ukraine for good this past May."

Ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells lawmakers Trump 'pressured' State Department to remove her
I doubt if she was important enough to have a "concerted effort against her-only Trump has that. I have asked companies to remove salesmen from my account when I thought they were unfit-it is done in business all the time-the whole thing is no big deal, and she sounds like she has sour grapes.

Yup. Being an ambassador is a pretty easy, lucrative job.

They serve at the discretion of the POTUS and can be removed at any time.

The Op is a moron.

The OP is right. And you will just watch how right he is as time goes on.


The time has come for Trump..
So Pelosi and Schiff are introducing articles of impeachment as we speak? No? Then the OP IS a moron.
First you investigate then you vote on the impeachment for crying out loud, brain-washed functional moron.
Strike two for you asshole-the comment was for someone else and it is SARCASM!
Looks like a TDS afflicted stupid bitch to me. Part of the Deep State that is really an enemy of the people of the US. The filthy government is full of them. Thank god Trump is outing them.

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