A true emergency, record illegal immigration surge at the border

In 2007 Bush was a lame duck president who didn't have the house or senate nor the balls to make a real move like Trump.

Nothing changed, other than we have a president with gonads to actually do something.

Apparently the lefty loons don't mind spending billions each year of illegal aliens.

They also don't mind American citizens being raped, robbed and murdered by illegals.

We have over 11 million illegal aliens in the US right now and its been an emergency for decades.

Thank God Trump is going to do something about it.

Go Trump.
As I've been saying for months since I live near the Arizona border, the situation has been purposely downplayed by the Democratic Media to deceive the American public. Well they can't hide from this number. The housing, security, health and food services at all border towns is overwhelmed. And that is just the beginning as this massive numbers of illegals will quietly be distributed into communities of all 48 states.

CBP at breaking point, Trump administration says
This is blowing up in the Democrats faces.. These are numbers you cant hide.
As I've been saying for months since I live near the Arizona border, the situation has been purposely downplayed by the Democratic Media to deceive the American public. Well they can't hide from this number. The housing, security, health and food services at all border towns is overwhelmed. And that is just the beginning as this massive numbers of illegals will quietly be distributed into communities of all 48 states.

CBP at breaking point, Trump administration says
Yep, The first act these fucking illegal aliens do is illegal… I say shoot first ask questions later
As I've been saying for months since I live near the Arizona border, the situation has been purposely downplayed by the Democratic Media to deceive the American public. Well they can't hide from this number. The housing, security, health and food services at all border towns is overwhelmed. And that is just the beginning as this massive numbers of illegals will quietly be distributed into communities of all 48 states.

CBP at breaking point, Trump administration says
Likely financed and arrainged by the tRump organization to bolster their fake "crisis" claims.
As I've been saying for months since I live near the Arizona border, the situation has been purposely downplayed by the Democratic Media to deceive the American public. Well they can't hide from this number. The housing, security, health and food services at all border towns is overwhelmed. And that is just the beginning as this massive numbers of illegals will quietly be distributed into communities of all 48 states.

CBP at breaking point, Trump administration says
This increase in illegals that the media is now reporting, is strange. On one hand the media condemns Trump for his EO on the border. Saying it’s not a national emergency. Then this happens.

They must really confuse consumers of MSM reporting.
Top story on DRUDGE right now :abgg2q.jpg:


LOL..........so much for the progressive myth, "There is no crisis!". Even the NY Times had a front page article yesterday about sickness and abuse occurring at the border.

Lets face it........open border Americans are domestic terrorists at this point.

U'll lose!:backpedal:
The invaders know that the Democrats support them. They are the replacement population that will welcome communism.

It really is time for Americans to act and put a stop to this invasion if no one else will.


Certainly nowhere near a record…or a crisis.


Certainly nowhere near a record…or a crisis.
I guess calling something a crisis is subjective.

Looks like it has been a crisis for a long time.

...but the MSM says it’s not a crisis. So believe them, since they only have your best interests.


Certainly nowhere near a record…or a crisis.
I guess calling something a crisis is subjective.

Looks like it has been a crisis for a long time.

...but the MSM says it’s not a crisis. So believe them, since they only have your best interests.

Mathematics are not on the side of the fear mongers.
How many illegals does it take for it to be a crisis?

There must be a joke in there somewhere.
I could have told anyone there are more illegals. Here, 230 miles north of the border, more have been spotted this winter than there were last fall.

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