A VERY VERY VERY good question!!!

Political Chic -

A few of those numbers are shockingly high, but I wonder how many American Christians would fight to defend their faith?

While it is absurd to compare Christianity with what those polls show....to even the slightest degree.....I be happy to find that you agree that "those numbers are shockingly high," and you'd think about what that means.

If you have not done so, you should view the argument made by the ultra Liberal Bill Maher and atheist Sam Harris....two guys with whom I rarely agree....eviscerating the abysmally stupid Ben Affleck.

Speaking of atheists....did you know that "(Reuters) - In 13 countries around the world, all of them Muslim, people who openly espouse atheism or reject the official state religion of Islam face execution under the law, according to a detailed study issued on Tuesday."
Atheists face death in 13 countries global discrimination study Reuters

They are both pro-Israel and anti-Muslim. Their dislike of Islam means nothing except they are prejudiced bigots.
Political Chic -

Have you ever been to a Muslim country?

It just pizzles me that you talk about hoping people "think about what that means" if you actually have no first hand knowledge of this topic, whilst clearly most other people in the discussion actually have considerable experience of this topic.

I have watched the video previously, and I agree that Affleck did not do well, but then neither did Bill Maher. I thought Sam Harris made some very strong points and spoke well. It doesn't mean that I agree with all of his conclusions, however.

Also - why is it absurd to ask if Christians would fight to defend their faith?

"Have you ever been to a Muslim country?"

Pleeeezzzz....don't act like a dope.

Ask that question of the ones who conducted the polls, and reported the homicidal mania of the people in question.
Political Chic -

A few of those numbers are shockingly high, but I wonder how many American Christians would fight to defend their faith?

While it is absurd to compare Christianity with what those polls show....to even the slightest degree.....I be happy to find that you agree that "those numbers are shockingly high," and you'd think about what that means.

If you have not done so, you should view the argument made by the ultra Liberal Bill Maher and atheist Sam Harris....two guys with whom I rarely agree....eviscerating the abysmally stupid Ben Affleck.

Speaking of atheists....did you know that "(Reuters) - In 13 countries around the world, all of them Muslim, people who openly espouse atheism or reject the official state religion of Islam face execution under the law, according to a detailed study issued on Tuesday."
Atheists face death in 13 countries global discrimination study Reuters

They are both pro-Israel and anti-Muslim. Their dislike of Islam means nothing except they are prejudiced bigots.

I have always felt that the art of conversation is beset served when all parties have at least some vague idea of what they are talking about....you seem to have been left out of the loop.
Political Chic -

A few of those numbers are shockingly high, but I wonder how many American Christians would fight to defend their faith?

While it is absurd to compare Christianity with what those polls show....to even the slightest degree.....I be happy to find that you agree that "those numbers are shockingly high," and you'd think about what that means.

If you have not done so, you should view the argument made by the ultra Liberal Bill Maher and atheist Sam Harris....two guys with whom I rarely agree....eviscerating the abysmally stupid Ben Affleck.

Speaking of atheists....did you know that "(Reuters) - In 13 countries around the world, all of them Muslim, people who openly espouse atheism or reject the official state religion of Islam face execution under the law, according to a detailed study issued on Tuesday."
Atheists face death in 13 countries global discrimination study Reuters

They are both pro-Israel and anti-Muslim. Their dislike of Islam means nothing except they are prejudiced bigots.

I have always felt that the art of conversation is beset served when all parties have at least some vague idea of what they are talking about....you seem to have been left out of the loop.

Honey, you're the one left out because you are so simple minded. If the phrasing in all these polls you report is simply "Would you defend your religion with violence?" then the question is vague, ambigous and open to interpretation. If the polls ask specific questions, then the polls are valid. If they ask vague questions open to broad interpretation, then the polls are not valid. Duh, btw.

The art of conversation for you is the art of velvet Elvis paintings, sold on some vacant lot along the highway by some chain smoking hag in a lawn chair.
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P.Chic -

My point was not to end the discussion, btw - just to point out that it is a little childish of you to be throwing around taunts when you are clearly posting from a position of very little firsthand experience.

It's always good to be a little realistic about what one knows and doesn't know. Bluffing rarely achieves much.
Political Chic -

Have you ever been to a Muslim country?

You have a point there. But, if you part your hair right no one will notice.

Have you asked that question of the ones who conducted the polls, and reported the homicidal mania of the people in question?
Political Chic -

Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
LOL She believes a huge percentage of the world wide Muslim population are homicidal maniacs. No, she has not directly experienced the Muslim world.

"...she has not directly experienced the Muslim world."
I live in NYC.
Clearly, I have "directly experienced the Muslim world."

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

History, both recent and past, provide proof for my thesis.

"The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”
Chic -

I don't mind discussing this topic with people who haven't been to the Islamic world, but I do mind discussing it with peple who haven't been to the Islamic world but still pretend to be experts.

I think I'll sit this one out.
Chic -

I don't mind discussing this topic with people who haven't been to the Islamic world, but I do mind discussing it with peple who haven't been to the Islamic world but still pretend to be experts.

I think I'll sit this one out.

The fact that you have yet to deny anything.....anything....that I've posted pretty much explains your departure.
Political Chic -

Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
LOL She believes a huge percentage of the world wide Muslim population are homicidal maniacs. No, she has not directly experienced the Muslim world.

"...she has not directly experienced the Muslim world."
I live in NYC.
Clearly, I have "directly experienced the Muslim world."

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

History, both recent and past, provide proof for my thesis.

"The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

first of all, they do not dress the same, nuns don't cover their faces and most do not dress like the one in the picture.

secondly Nuns have a choice to become nuns and even most nuns have a choice as to what they wear.

They are not beaten into submission nor afraid to show their faces lest some mongrel can't control himself.

Firstly, 90% of Muslim women do not cover their faces either.

Secondly, most women who veil choose to do so freely and of their own volition.

Thirdly, it is really only in countries like the Gulf states, Iran or Nigeria women face violence for not veiling.

Would I be correct in guessing that you have never been to a Muslim country?
Who, in their right mind, would want to go to a muslim country?
LOL You are such a no nothing. My experience in Muslim countries has been quite pleasant. You have absolutely no idea what it is like, yet you go on and on about it as if you did, with a completely misguided vision of the reality. And you refuse to listen to or accept what people who have been in those countries know. What a fool.
That's "know nothing", stupid. And I don't have to go into a sewer to know it stinks. I know that muslims are responsible for almost 100% of terrorism throughout the world and people of low moral values (like you) think that's fine. You will defend the murdering bastards no matter what. I have no desire to visit any muslim country, I've known enough of them to know how disgusting they are. You claim to have lived in some of them but we really have no way of knowing if you are telling the truth, and given your rabid defense of terrorists and abuse of women, it's clear you have little or no integrity and lying is something we can expect from you.

first of all, they do not dress the same, nuns don't cover their faces and most do not dress like the one in the picture.

secondly Nuns have a choice to become nuns and even most nuns have a choice as to what they wear.

They are not beaten into submission nor afraid to show their faces lest some mongrel can't control himself.

I have a better question.

When are you going to come out of the closet?

hobelim: I love your reply, and am still laughing, sorry.
You made your informative points very effectively with integrity,
but the added humor just made it all the more pointed.

If I can't find a way to memorialize your reply on a website,
I think I want to have this bronzed, it is so funny.

Thank you, and my apologies to Mr. Ofa Oao at his expense,
because the cartoon is very cute and makes this so funny.

To his credit and all venerable Muslim followers:
It is true that the respectful Muslim followers I know are as
reverent as nuns and monks, and should be credited for their
touching humility to God and charity to all people as true believers.
Such faith is beautiful and does not deserve to be demeaned and discredited because of Jihadists who worship Jihad instead of the natural love and beauty of God as true Muslims do.

I hope I can help make that point clear
while enjoying the classic humor in hobelim's reply
that is also dead honest and funnier because of it.
Do 1% of Christians fly planes into buildings?

Have you heard of Timothy McVeigh?
Have you heard of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS? You really don't want to go there.

Simply because no one has heard about all the domestic anti government armed militia groups in America doesn't make them any less of a terrorist threat.

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

March 5, 2013

The rhetoric and threat of domestic terrorist plots mirror the mood observed in the six months before the Oklahoma City bombing, the Southern Poverty Law Center says.

Radical anti-government "patriot" groups and militias, galvanized against gun control, will continue to grow even as the number of groups operating in the USAreached an all-time high in 2012, a report Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center finds.

The center tracked 1,360 radical militias and anti-government groups in 2012, an eightfold increase over 2008, when it recorded 149 such groups. The explosive growth began four years ago, sparked by the election of President Obama and anger about the poor economy, the center says. That growth is likely to continue as the groups recruit more members with a pro-gun message, the center's senior fellow Mark Potok said.
Political Chic -

Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
LOL She believes a huge percentage of the world wide Muslim population are homicidal maniacs. No, she has not directly experienced the Muslim world.

"...she has not directly experienced the Muslim world."
I live in NYC.
Clearly, I have "directly experienced the Muslim world."

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

History, both recent and past, provide proof for my thesis.

"The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

I see you prefer not to think before posting....so as to be just as surprised as everyone else.

Your example is that of a speck of dust being equated with an avalanche.

Congrats...you've managed to get three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket.

first of all, they do not dress the same, nuns don't cover their faces and most do not dress like the one in the picture.

secondly Nuns have a choice to become nuns and even most nuns have a choice as to what they wear.

They are not beaten into submission nor afraid to show their faces lest some mongrel can't control himself.

I have a better question.

When are you going to come out of the closet?

Really? I see women in headcoverings here and there almost every day I'm out and about. I'll bet you anything not one of them was beaten into wearing it.

Maybe nuns aren't beaten into submissions because the men in the Catholic hierarchy are too busy with other abuses.
Political Chic -

Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
LOL She believes a huge percentage of the world wide Muslim population are homicidal maniacs. No, she has not directly experienced the Muslim world.

"...she has not directly experienced the Muslim world."
I live in NYC.
Clearly, I have "directly experienced the Muslim world."

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

History, both recent and past, provide proof for my thesis.

"The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

I see you prefer not to think before posting....so as to be just as surprised as everyone else.

Your example is that of a speck of dust being equated with an avalanche.

Congrats...you've managed to get three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket.

No one is more addicted to the fallacious use of anecdotal evidence on this forum than you are.

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