A VERY VERY VERY good question!!!

Have you lived in Muslim countries?[/QUOTE]


Does a neurosurgeon need to have had his own brain operated on before he can be a qualified neurosurgeon?[/QUOTE]

Its not like I asked if you were once a Muslim,

but yes I think someone who has traveled around has some info on the culture and the dress of some of these places is worth listening to , of course they would be limited to the area they were in.

I mean its like asking an evangelical and a RC about Christianity , you will get much different perspectives. So much depends on our experience and perspective and what and whom we read and believe, and I don't know what to believe anymore, so I question everything, and read different sources.
My criticism of your despicable source had nothing whatsoever to do with the math but since you could not defend your vile source you had no other option but to engage in facile nitpicking on something that is utterly irrelevant.

The source is accurate.

You, a moron.


The one with superior intelligence!
Well, there you go. It's Deri all the way.

Is your name Maple Syrup? It should be, you sap.

Why post that with a hot link?

Is that some sort of Cliff's Notes for idiots?

I Know! Pick me. Pick me!!!
The clothes of the one on the left hides a rosary. The clothes of the one on the right hides shop lifted stuff and bombs. :)

Why do self-described christians tell such ridiculous lies like this?

Every time I think I'll read this forum, I see hate-filled lies like this one.

Christians. BLECH.

Well let's see Nuddley, You try to find an account of a nun who strapped a bomb onto herself and I'll see if I can find an account of a Muslim woman concealing a bomb under her clothing....
No where in the Bible does it call for Christians to disregard the truth.

The suicide vest, stuffed with explosives, nails, ball bearings and various metal fragments, weighed close to 40 pounds. But it felt "like roses on my shoulders," Shefa'a al-Qudsi told me when I interviewed her this spring in an Israeli security prison near Tel Aviv. "I was even more eager to do it after I put the vest on," said the now 31-year-old Palestinian from Tulkarem. "Many would have died. No fence in the world would have stopped me.

Out bletch that......

Don't compound it by lying again. That's not what you said. You did not say "a Muslim woman" and your quote does not say "we".

Where does your bible/god tell you to lie about an entire group of people?

If I wrote "all christians are ignorant, racist bigots", you would object. Instead, I'm saying YOU are an ignorant, racist bigot and its ignorant, racist bigots who drive good sane people away from religion.

There are good, decent Christians. You are not one of them.

In other words, you couldn't find one nun that strapped a bomb under her clothing..... Thought not.

I Know! Pick me. Pick me!!!
The clothes of the one on the left hides a rosary. The clothes of the one on the right hides shop lifted stuff and bombs. :)

Why do self-described christians tell such ridiculous lies like this?

Every time I think I'll read this forum, I see hate-filled lies like this one.

Christians. BLECH.

Well let's see Nuddley, You try to find an account of a nun who strapped a bomb onto herself and I'll see if I can find an account of a Muslim woman concealing a bomb under her clothing....
No where in the Bible does it call for Christians to disregard the truth.

The suicide vest, stuffed with explosives, nails, ball bearings and various metal fragments, weighed close to 40 pounds. But it felt "like roses on my shoulders," Shefa'a al-Qudsi told me when I interviewed her this spring in an Israeli security prison near Tel Aviv. "I was even more eager to do it after I put the vest on," said the now 31-year-old Palestinian from Tulkarem. "Many would have died. No fence in the world would have stopped me.

Out bletch that......

Don't compound it by lying again. That's not what you said. You did not say "a Muslim woman" and your quote does not say "we".

Where does your bible/god tell you to lie about an entire group of people?

If I wrote "all christians are ignorant, racist bigots", you would object. Instead, I'm saying YOU are an ignorant, racist bigot and its ignorant, racist bigots who drive good sane people away from religion.

There are good, decent Christians. You are not one of them.

In other words, you couldn't find one nun that strapped a bomb under her clothing..... Thought not.

IOW, you don't have the courage to address what I wrote.


I don't know why it is but some "christians" are just huge pimples, filled with bile and venom and pus. You are one of those.
A Nun chooses to become a Nun. A Nun chooses to wear a habit. It is all free will. In Islamic Countries and cultures women are FORCED to wear body coverings, not by choice but by order. Failure to comply ends in beatings murder and arrest or rape.
By far, women are not "forced" to cover. It depends on the family and how conservative they are. They are not beaten into submission, not murdered or arrested or raped if they don't cover. It all has to do with specific cultures and then, within that culture, how fundamental and conservative the family is. You are very ignorant about this issue.

In addition, I have spoken to many Muslim young women who are still in school, but when they graduate and look forward to adult life, are eager to adopt a traditional dress for their culture: to cover, essentially. They want to cover and look forward to covering. Others have different ideas. It is their choice, it has to do with themselves and the conservativism of their families.
Stop calling those freaks conservatives. There's nothing conservative about them and it's a cheap shot on your part. You should be ashamed of yourself, have you no dignity?
I know these people, you don't.
So in Pakistan tribal area, In Afghanistan Tribal area In ISIS controlled territory, In Saudi Arabia and else where women are NOT forced to wear Burka's according to you? What world do you live in? It sure isn't this one.
This is not what I said. You choose to be ignorant.
You Stated as I quoted that women CHOOSE to cover I pointed out that is NOT true in lots of places where in fact it is the LAW and is FORCED on women. Your quote is in this string.

I Know! Pick me. Pick me!!!
The clothes of the one on the left hides a rosary. The clothes of the one on the right hides shop lifted stuff and bombs. :)

Why do self-described christians tell such ridiculous lies like this?

Every time I think I'll read this forum, I see hate-filled lies like this one.

Christians. BLECH.

Well let's see Nuddley, You try to find an account of a nun who strapped a bomb onto herself and I'll see if I can find an account of a Muslim woman concealing a bomb under her clothing....
No where in the Bible does it call for Christians to disregard the truth.

The suicide vest, stuffed with explosives, nails, ball bearings and various metal fragments, weighed close to 40 pounds. But it felt "like roses on my shoulders," Shefa'a al-Qudsi told me when I interviewed her this spring in an Israeli security prison near Tel Aviv. "I was even more eager to do it after I put the vest on," said the now 31-year-old Palestinian from Tulkarem. "Many would have died. No fence in the world would have stopped me.

Out bletch that......

Don't compound it by lying again. That's not what you said. You did not say "a Muslim woman" and your quote does not say "we".

Where does your bible/god tell you to lie about an entire group of people?

If I wrote "all christians are ignorant, racist bigots", you would object. Instead, I'm saying YOU are an ignorant, racist bigot and its ignorant, racist bigots who drive good sane people away from religion.

There are good, decent Christians. You are not one of them.

Since my courage runneth over, I'm happy to address what you said.
I said the "one" . Singular. An example is one example.
For example:
You can't find one example of a terrorist nun, is the same as, You can't find an example of a terrorist nun.
A nun is one nun. A Muslim is one Muslim. There is 1 (one) example of each in this thread.

For more than 1 example of a hate filled post, look to your own. Then sweep your own porch.

What I believe is that Christ will remove the hate between the Muslims and Jews, and they will live in peace with one another, because Abraham loved 2 children, and God loves Abraham:
The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance."

Until that happens, I believe what God said about one of those lines:
And he shall be as a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him; ...
Christian's like Irish Ram love to misuse this bible verse about Abraham's son Ishmael.

Genesis 16:12 "And he shall be as a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him"

The verse only refers to Ishmael.

But haters like Irish Ram claim that the verse applies to all descendants of Ishmael.......even those living today.

They are both oppressed by the same patriarchal bullshit inherent upon all religion.

The only way to stop this institutionalized sexism is to ban religion and force everyone to become atheist.

What a GD Nazi mo-fo.

If we don't give up our religion what will be the punishment?

Should we be repeatedly forced to watch episodes of Glee!!!

It would be a good start.

See, conservatards? You know what right, you just refuse to actually do it.
A Nun chooses to become a Nun. A Nun chooses to wear a habit. It is all free will. In Islamic Countries and cultures women are FORCED to wear body coverings, not by choice but by order. Failure to comply ends in beatings murder and arrest or rape.
By far, women are not "forced" to cover. It depends on the family and how conservative they are. They are not beaten into submission, not murdered or arrested or raped if they don't cover. It all has to do with specific cultures and then, within that culture, how fundamental and conservative the family is. You are very ignorant about this issue.

In addition, I have spoken to many Muslim young women who are still in school, but when they graduate and look forward to adult life, are eager to adopt a traditional dress for their culture: to cover, essentially. They want to cover and look forward to covering. Others have different ideas. It is their choice, it has to do with themselves and the conservativism of their families.

This is a subject we'd all be more than happy to remain ignorant of altogether.

The idea behind your wanting to share this info with us suggests how important this step in the process of Islamifying America must be to you as well as to the Muslim Brotherhood leaders in America and abroad. Acceptance of Muslims by American non-Muslims is an important step in the process and it will benefit Muslims greatly.

Us, not so much.

I see it as islam's attempt at conditioning us to accept larger numbers of you in this country in the future.

As Muslims have stated, and demonstrated, they intend to raise the flag of Islam over the White House some day. So, I don't feel the least bit inclined to facilitate your religion's attempt to undermine my nation's government or take away my freedoms.

Nothing personal but I'd make it as unpleasant and difficult as possible for Muslims in America in order to keep their numbers from reaching critical mass when the typical Muslim disruptions such as, protests, making demands of government for special treatment and social upheavals begin.

Maybe they will try Canada instead.
This post represents a terrific amount of ignorance. And you seem to revel in that ignorance. Only a tiny, miniscule number of the 1.6 billion Muslims on this planet are extremists. And, though I am American, I do not live there and have no interest one way or the other about your unfounded fear of Muslims and Islam. Muslims are not taking over America: they represent about 2% of the population. You are hysterical.

whats a "tiny" amount of 1.6 BILLION- OH thats right A TON OF PEOPLE.
A Nun chooses to become a Nun. A Nun chooses to wear a habit. It is all free will. In Islamic Countries and cultures women are FORCED to wear body coverings, not by choice but by order. Failure to comply ends in beatings murder and arrest or rape.
By far, women are not "forced" to cover. It depends on the family and how conservative they are. They are not beaten into submission, not murdered or arrested or raped if they don't cover. It all has to do with specific cultures and then, within that culture, how fundamental and conservative the family is. You are very ignorant about this issue.

In addition, I have spoken to many Muslim young women who are still in school, but when they graduate and look forward to adult life, are eager to adopt a traditional dress for their culture: to cover, essentially. They want to cover and look forward to covering. Others have different ideas. It is their choice, it has to do with themselves and the conservativism of their families.

This is a subject we'd all be more than happy to remain ignorant of altogether.

The idea behind your wanting to share this info with us suggests how important this step in the process of Islamifying America must be to you as well as to the Muslim Brotherhood leaders in America and abroad. Acceptance of Muslims by American non-Muslims is an important step in the process and it will benefit Muslims greatly.

Us, not so much.

I see it as islam's attempt at conditioning us to accept larger numbers of you in this country in the future.

As Muslims have stated, and demonstrated, they intend to raise the flag of Islam over the White House some day. So, I don't feel the least bit inclined to facilitate your religion's attempt to undermine my nation's government or take away my freedoms.

Nothing personal but I'd make it as unpleasant and difficult as possible for Muslims in America in order to keep their numbers from reaching critical mass when the typical Muslim disruptions such as, protests, making demands of government for special treatment and social upheavals begin.

Maybe they will try Canada instead.
This post represents a terrific amount of ignorance. And you seem to revel in that ignorance. Only a tiny, miniscule number of the 1.6 billion Muslims on this planet are extremists. And, though I am American, I do not live there and have no interest one way or the other about your unfounded fear of Muslims and Islam. Muslims are not taking over America: they represent about 2% of the population. You are hysterical.

whats a "tiny" amount of 1.6 BILLION- OH thats right A TON OF PEOPLE.
You people seem totally miss the point. First, you make a broad, sweeping generalization about all Muslims, then when I point out that within the 1.6 billion Muslims on the planet, only a minority wear the Abaya, and most of those do it by choice, you say how it is still a lot of people. It may be a lot of people, but it is not most Muslims. So, stop believing and saying that Muslim women are forced to wear the abaya and hajab. It is simply not true.

first of all, they do not dress the same, nuns don't cover their faces and most do not dress like the one in the picture.

secondly Nuns have a choice to become nuns and even most nuns have a choice as to what they wear.

They are not beaten into submission nor afraid to show their faces lest some mongrel can't control himself.

Firstly, 90% of Muslim women do not cover their faces either.

Secondly, most women who veil choose to do so freely and of their own volition.

Thirdly, it is really only in countries like the Gulf states, Iran or Nigeria women face violence for not veiling.

Would I be correct in guessing that you have never been to a Muslim country?
"In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined." Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

It is a large number, I agree - but do you really want to talk about the nutcase beliefs of 1% of Christians?

Is it fair to claim that Christians believe that 'god hates fags' or is it really own the belief of 1% of Christians, and patently not the belief of 99% of Christians.

Really - 1% of ANY group of people are likely to be weird, violent, disturbed people.

first of all, they do not dress the same, nuns don't cover their faces and most do not dress like the one in the picture.

secondly Nuns have a choice to become nuns and even most nuns have a choice as to what they wear.

They are not beaten into submission nor afraid to show their faces lest some mongrel can't control himself.

Firstly, 90% of Muslim women do not cover their faces either.

Secondly, most women who veil choose to do so freely and of their own volition.

Thirdly, it is really only in countries like the Gulf states, Iran or Nigeria women face violence for not veiling.

Would I be correct in guessing that you have never been to a Muslim country?
Who, in their right mind, would want to go to a muslim country?
"In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined." Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

It is a large number, I agree - but do you really want to talk about the nutcase beliefs of 1% of Christians?

Is it fair to claim that Christians believe that 'god hates fags' or is it really own the belief of 1% of Christians, and patently not the belief of 99% of Christians.

Really - 1% of ANY group of people are likely to be weird, violent, disturbed people.

Interestingly enough---the standard observation of psychiatrists is that 1% of every population is schizophrenic------HOWEVER---no delusion or behavior---
even PSYCHOTIC----comes from thin air The behaviors and delusions of a nut-----are culturally and environmentally
mediated. Most nuts kill no one. A nut coming from a culture which pays one's family for killing an "enemeeee of islaaaaaam"-----is likely to kill an "enemeeeee of islaaaaam"
the last nut I saw-----thought she was seeing angels in her
house----she was a Christian sunday school teacher
before she got nuts

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