A WMD: Conservative Supreme Court

A conservative Supreme Court probably IS a good and destructive weapon... against liberalsim.

And that's a GOOD thing.

In fact, that's the USSC's job. They are charged with upholding and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. And the Constitution has no greater enemies (domestically, anyway) than modern liberals.

Let me get this straight. Your boy king, along with that IDIOT RINO George Bush- legislate from the Executive Branch, usurping the US Constitution and it's the Conservative wing of the SCOTUS who puts a halt to it who is at fault???

There is partisanship and then there's willful fucking stupidity.. The OP is entrenched in it.
This is a great article everyone should read as it really tells it like it is! It really makes great sense.

The Supreme Court's Conservatives Have Turned The Constitution Into A Weapon of Mass Destruction

The Supreme Court’s five male conservative Christians, in ruling for Hobby Lobby, announced in grand fashion that, indeed, the war on women is based on the Christian Right’s faulty interpretation of their rule book, the Christian bible.


The SC makes a ruling the details of which you are obviously unaware, and you think the country is coming unglued. Po, po pitiful you the Liberal. :lol:
Thank the Gods the Supreme court leans towards the Conservative side.

20 years of Liberalism in the court would destroy the country.
The supremes were also a right wing court.with roe vs wade some war on women
The court merely ruled (quite properly) that Obama's Executive Order to alter Obamacare was unconstitutional in that it conflicted with a law signed by Bill Clinton in 1993 after UNANIMOUS approval of the House and near UNANIMOUS approval in the Senate.
The liberal loon OP article says the Tea Party has taken over the Supreme Court and the Republican House.

Yet, last week these same rabid liberals were saying the Tea Pay had been defeated and was on the run.

So liberals....which way is it?? .. :cool:
Roberts has been a swing vote in some instances, and Kennedy is as rational as they come.
Thank God there are those on the Supreme Court that understand their responsibilities as they relate to the Constitution.
As for liberals and birth control, I think it should be mandatory that all liberals, progressives, and socialists practice what they preach, and abstain from reproducing.
Thank God there are those on the Supreme Court that understand their responsibilities as they relate to the Constitution.
As for liberals and birth control, I think it should be mandatory that all liberals, progressives, and socialists practice what they preach, and abstain from reproducing.


try not to think, it'll be ok.
This is a great article everyone should read as it really tells it like it is! It really makes great sense.

The Supreme Court's Conservatives Have Turned The Constitution Into A Weapon of Mass Destruction

Holy crap are you liberals still f..king whining? The SCOTUS made two rulings that really don't make much of a difference to anyone, including yourself, and you would think this was the Dred Scott decision. Funny how elections have consequences except when things don't go your way. Your side told the right side tough shit when the SCOTUS ruled in favor of Obamacare now at least do us all a favor and STFU.

And I will have to say if ever there was a paid shill poster for the DNC it has to be you. The same old crap from the same old crap mine everyday is all we get from you.
The liberal loon OP article says the Tea Party has taken over the Supreme Court and the Republican House.

Yet, last week these same rabid liberals were saying the Tea Pay had been defeated and was on the run.

So liberals....which way is it?? .. :cool:

Do you own a weather vane?
The court merely ruled (quite properly) that Obama's Executive Order to alter Obamacare was unconstitutional in that it conflicted with a law signed by Bill Clinton in 1993 after UNANIMOUS approval of the House and near UNANIMOUS approval in the Senate.

When did this occur?
The court merely ruled (quite properly) that Obama's Executive Order to alter Obamacare was unconstitutional in that it conflicted with a law signed by Bill Clinton in 1993 after UNANIMOUS approval of the House and near UNANIMOUS approval in the Senate.

When did this occur?

As if you care anything about facts.. You just came from a thread where your hero Hillary Clinton was shown to be a stone cold liar about their finances-- 54 million alone in speaking fees and Hilly claimed they were dead broke, her words.. what did you do???? You changed the narrative about how slick they were in hiding revenue so they didn't have to pay much in taxes.. What a slimy liberal you are.

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