A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

Damn joey...

Your question is typical left wing kookery. No said one said bombing is civilized dummy. Why the strawman?

Christians don't bomb people. Corrupt lying pols bomb people...pols that you love and adore...but only if they are D's.

Your are engaging in the "No True Scotsman Fallacy". Of course, those Christians who do unchristian things like wars and concentration camps and genocides, they aren't Christians at all!

No matter how much they say they love Jesus.

So again, how is carpet bombing more civilized than Stoning. Still waiting for you to answer that one.

Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.


Don't eyeball me! :lol:

It's true though, Pogo. :D Aside from the occasional outlier, Christians aren't the ones beheading people, stoning women as a method of punishment, hanging homosexuals, committing acts of terrorism worldwide.
Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.

NO, Muslims are a problem because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest..

Hey, did you hear about all the terrorist attacks against Japan last year? No? Why is that? Oh, that's right, the Japs aren't fucking with them.

How about all those terrorist attacks against Chile? Oh, that's right. the Chileans aren't fucking with them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Stop bombing and invading their countries, stop propping up the Zionists, stop trying to find the "nice hornet' who is going to do our bidding.

Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA told Ronnie Raygun that we could "Work with". How'd that turn out again?
It's true though, Pogo. :D Aside from the occasional outlier, Christians aren't the ones beheading people, stoning women as a method of punishment, hanging homosexuals, committing acts of terrorism worldwide.

And niether are 99.9% of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims.

Come on, how many homosexuals were hanged last year? How many people were beheaded?

Frankly, as a method of execution, beheading is less cruel than lethal injection. Incidentally, the last execution in the Christian West by beheading was in - wait for it - 1977. So our supposed "advancement" is less than my lifetime.

Now for "Terrorism" (A word I would truly like to expunge from the English Language) again, i ask, how is it that carpet bombing isn't terrorism but planting a bomb in a pressure cooker is?

But you guys will whine about the 14 Americans killed "terrorist" attacks last year, but the 33,000 Americans who died from gun violence- well, Gosh Darn, the Founding Fathers said we could have us our guns.
Frankly, as a method of execution, beheading is less cruel than lethal injection.

That's true, assuming it's done cleanly. I may have mentioned this already -- so many threads -- but when Henry VIII had his wife Anne Boleyn beheaded (in another "honor killing"), he actually in a twisted way is considered to have showed her "mercy" --- in that his other recourse would have been burning her at the stake.
Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.

NO, Muslims are a problem because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest..

Hey, did you hear about all the terrorist attacks against Japan last year? No? Why is that? Oh, that's right, the Japs aren't fucking with them.

How about all those terrorist attacks against Chile? Oh, that's right. the Chileans aren't fucking with them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Stop bombing and invading their countries, stop propping up the Zionists, stop trying to find the "nice hornet' who is going to do our bidding.

Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA told Ronnie Raygun that we could "Work with". How'd that turn out again?

Please. They have been savages for a very long time now. It's like they did well up until the middle ages and then they just completely stopped any kind of progress whatsoever. They are stagnant people who are living in the past and trying to force all of their people to do the same, and they are fighting a losing battle and they know it. That is why they are such an angry people.
Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.

NO, Muslims are a problem because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest..

Hey, did you hear about all the terrorist attacks against Japan last year? No? Why is that? Oh, that's right, the Japs aren't fucking with them.

How about all those terrorist attacks against Chile? Oh, that's right. the Chileans aren't fucking with them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Stop bombing and invading their countries, stop propping up the Zionists, stop trying to find the "nice hornet' who is going to do our bidding.

Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA told Ronnie Raygun that we could "Work with". How'd that turn out again?

Please. They have been savages for a very long time now. It's like they did well up until the middle ages and then they just completely stopped any kind of progress whatsoever. They are stagnant people who are living in the past and trying to force all of their people to do the same, and they are fighting a losing battle and they know it. That is why they are such an angry people.

Mooooooooooooooslims are all that, huh? All of them? The ones in Turkey and Tunisia and Albania and Maylasia and Morocco and golly gee just everywhere huh?

Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.

NO, Muslims are a problem because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest..

Hey, did you hear about all the terrorist attacks against Japan last year? No? Why is that? Oh, that's right, the Japs aren't fucking with them.

How about all those terrorist attacks against Chile? Oh, that's right. the Chileans aren't fucking with them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Stop bombing and invading their countries, stop propping up the Zionists, stop trying to find the "nice hornet' who is going to do our bidding.

Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA told Ronnie Raygun that we could "Work with". How'd that turn out again?

Please. They have been savages for a very long time now. It's like they did well up until the middle ages and then they just completely stopped any kind of progress whatsoever. They are stagnant people who are living in the past and trying to force all of their people to do the same, and they are fighting a losing battle and they know it. That is why they are such an angry people.

Mooooooooooooooslims are all that, huh? All of them? The ones in Turkey and Tunisia and Albania and Maylasia and Morocco and golly gee just everywhere huh?


It's common among their communities. Their leaders are their own worst enemies, so of course they like to blame America for all of their own failings and their own "plundering" of their own people. They like to keep their people ignorant and focus their hatred on "the west" and the "infidels." That keeps the focus off their own failings.
Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.

NO, Muslims are a problem because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest..

Hey, did you hear about all the terrorist attacks against Japan last year? No? Why is that? Oh, that's right, the Japs aren't fucking with them.

How about all those terrorist attacks against Chile? Oh, that's right. the Chileans aren't fucking with them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Stop bombing and invading their countries, stop propping up the Zionists, stop trying to find the "nice hornet' who is going to do our bidding.

Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA told Ronnie Raygun that we could "Work with". How'd that turn out again?

Please. They have been savages for a very long time now. It's like they did well up until the middle ages and then they just completely stopped any kind of progress whatsoever. They are stagnant people who are living in the past and trying to force all of their people to do the same, and they are fighting a losing battle and they know it. That is why they are such an angry people.

Mooooooooooooooslims are all that, huh? All of them? The ones in Turkey and Tunisia and Albania and Maylasia and Morocco and golly gee just everywhere huh?


It's common among their communities. Their leaders are their own worst enemies, so of course they like to blame America for all of their own failings and their own "plundering" of their own people. They like to keep their people ignorant and focus their hatred on "the west" and the "infidels." That keeps the focus off their own failings.

That's what Mali's doing, is it?
Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.

NO, Muslims are a problem because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest..

Hey, did you hear about all the terrorist attacks against Japan last year? No? Why is that? Oh, that's right, the Japs aren't fucking with them.

How about all those terrorist attacks against Chile? Oh, that's right. the Chileans aren't fucking with them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Stop bombing and invading their countries, stop propping up the Zionists, stop trying to find the "nice hornet' who is going to do our bidding.

Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA told Ronnie Raygun that we could "Work with". How'd that turn out again?

Please. They have been savages for a very long time now. It's like they did well up until the middle ages and then they just completely stopped any kind of progress whatsoever. They are stagnant people who are living in the past and trying to force all of their people to do the same, and they are fighting a losing battle and they know it. That is why they are such an angry people.

Mooooooooooooooslims are all that, huh? All of them? The ones in Turkey and Tunisia and Albania and Maylasia and Morocco and golly gee just everywhere huh?


It's common among their communities. Their leaders are their own worst enemies, so of course they like to blame America for all of their own failings and their own "plundering" of their own people. They like to keep their people ignorant and focus their hatred on "the west" and the "infidels." That keeps the focus off their own failings.

That's what Mali's doing, is it?

I said it's common among their communities.
NO, Muslims are a problem because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest..

Hey, did you hear about all the terrorist attacks against Japan last year? No? Why is that? Oh, that's right, the Japs aren't fucking with them.

How about all those terrorist attacks against Chile? Oh, that's right. the Chileans aren't fucking with them.

How's this for a crazy idea. Stop bombing and invading their countries, stop propping up the Zionists, stop trying to find the "nice hornet' who is going to do our bidding.

Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA told Ronnie Raygun that we could "Work with". How'd that turn out again?

Please. They have been savages for a very long time now. It's like they did well up until the middle ages and then they just completely stopped any kind of progress whatsoever. They are stagnant people who are living in the past and trying to force all of their people to do the same, and they are fighting a losing battle and they know it. That is why they are such an angry people.

Mooooooooooooooslims are all that, huh? All of them? The ones in Turkey and Tunisia and Albania and Maylasia and Morocco and golly gee just everywhere huh?


It's common among their communities. Their leaders are their own worst enemies, so of course they like to blame America for all of their own failings and their own "plundering" of their own people. They like to keep their people ignorant and focus their hatred on "the west" and the "infidels." That keeps the focus off their own failings.

That's what Mali's doing, is it?

I said it's common among their communities.

Yuh huh. So this is going on in Azerbaijan and Indonesia and Kosovo, is it?
Please. They have been savages for a very long time now. It's like they did well up until the middle ages and then they just completely stopped any kind of progress whatsoever. They are stagnant people who are living in the past and trying to force all of their people to do the same, and they are fighting a losing battle and they know it. That is why they are such an angry people.

Mooooooooooooooslims are all that, huh? All of them? The ones in Turkey and Tunisia and Albania and Maylasia and Morocco and golly gee just everywhere huh?


It's common among their communities. Their leaders are their own worst enemies, so of course they like to blame America for all of their own failings and their own "plundering" of their own people. They like to keep their people ignorant and focus their hatred on "the west" and the "infidels." That keeps the focus off their own failings.

That's what Mali's doing, is it?

I said it's common among their communities.

Yuh huh. So this is going on in Azerbaijan and Indonesia and Kosovo, is it?

Yes, in some areas it actually does happen.
Pew Research (2013): Large majorities of Muslims favor Sharia. Among those who do, stoning women for adultery is favored by 89% in Pakistanis, 85% in Afghanistan, 81% in Egypt, 67% in Jordan, ~50% in ‘moderate’ Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, 58% in Iraq, 44% in Tunisia, 29% in Turkey, and 26% in Russia.

Pew Research (2013): Honor killing the woman for sex outside of marriage is favored over honor killing the man in almost every Islamic country. Over half of Muslims surveyed believed that honor killings over sex were at least partially justified.
Interesting. So this is going on in Kazakhstan and Dubai and Gambia huh?

You are just grasping at straws now. My link demonstrates that the majority of Muslims who reside in "Muslim" countries in fact do support Sharia law, including the harsh punishments doled out to women. I cannot understand how anyone can defend that. Sickening.
Interesting. So this is going on in Kazakhstan and Dubai and Gambia huh?

You are just grasping at straws now. My link demonstrates that the majority of Muslims who reside in "Muslim" countries in fact do support Sharia law, including the harsh punishments doled out to women. I cannot understand how anyone can defend that. Sickening.

ALL of the countries I've listed are "Muslim countries". And they're demonstrating your generalization broad-brush to be pretty damn silly. As all broad-brush generalizations are except this one.

Want some more countries? Huh? Do ya?
Interesting. So this is going on in Kazakhstan and Dubai and Gambia huh?

You are just grasping at straws now. My link demonstrates that the majority of Muslims who reside in "Muslim" countries in fact do support Sharia law, including the harsh punishments doled out to women. I cannot understand how anyone can defend that. Sickening.

chris------the real horror is that when it comes to stuff like honor killing
and stoning for sex crimes for women------the people who support it just as
much as the men are the WOMEN------including the mothers. Girls
do not get the support of their own mothers and certainly not the
support of their mothers-in-law. they are in many circumstances, completely
Interesting. So this is going on in Kazakhstan and Dubai and Gambia huh?

You are just grasping at straws now. My link demonstrates that the majority of Muslims who reside in "Muslim" countries in fact do support Sharia law, including the harsh punishments doled out to women. I cannot understand how anyone can defend that. Sickening.

chris------the real horror is that when it comes to stuff like honor killing and stoning for sex crimes for women------the people who support it just as much as the men are the WOMEN------including the mothers. Girls do not get the support of their own mothers and certainly not the support of their mothers-in-law. they are in many circumstances, completely abandoned

Actually you're right about that, and the same is true of FGM, which is normally performed by the women.

--- which both underscore everything I've noted about its roots in ancient culture -- not in religion. And what I keep saying about these traditions' base in patriarchy.
No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.

Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D

Dem birds must be very studious. So that's what they're doing down there... :eusa_think:
Can't help it -- I studied Anthropology. That's a course you never "finish".

I studied anthropology too------I doubt you passed, pogo dear I took
so many elective courses in the "SOCIAL SCIENCES"------that I could have
declared a double major-------I did not------but those social science coursea
did keep my grade point average up so that I graduated cum laude-----
crème puff crap-----I used to get thru most of the syllabus in a weekend.
pleasant light reading
I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.

Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D

Dem birds must be very studious. So that's what they're doing down there... :eusa_think:
Can't help it -- I studied Anthropology. That's a course you never "finish".

I studied anthropology too------I doubt you passed, pogo dear I took
so many elective courses in the "SOCIAL SCIENCES"------that I could have
declared a double major-------I did not------but those social science coursea
did keep my grade point average up so that I graduated cum laude-----
crème puff crap-----I used to get thru most of the syllabus in a weekend.
pleasant light reading

4.0 actually. :D
Interesting. So this is going on in Kazakhstan and Dubai and Gambia huh?

You are just grasping at straws now. My link demonstrates that the majority of Muslims who reside in "Muslim" countries in fact do support Sharia law, including the harsh punishments doled out to women. I cannot understand how anyone can defend that. Sickening.

chris------the real horror is that when it comes to stuff like honor killing and stoning for sex crimes for women------the people who support it just as much as the men are the WOMEN------including the mothers. Girls do not get the support of their own mothers and certainly not the support of their mothers-in-law. they are in many circumstances, completely abandoned

Actually you're right about that, and the same is true of FGM, which is normally performed by the women.

--- which both underscore everything I've noted about its roots in ancient culture -- not in religion. And what I keep saying about these traditions' base in patriarchy.

of course it is done by women-----it involves a NAKED GIRL-----muslim men do not
fool around with naked girls EXCEPT to screw them. Muslim men do not do child
care. The women do it with religious conviction just as they support and sometimes even participate in honor killings out of RELIGIOIUS CONVICTION.
Your focus on the FIRST WHO DID IT-----is idiotic. Muslims incorporated it
into ISLAM and took it to every place in which islam was either introduced or
imposed . You could claim that no eating pig is not a religious custom too----go
right ahead and let us know why you failed anthropology

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