A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

give up-----the POGOs of the world are afraid that some people might read
the Koran/hadiths and know something about shariah law-------and Islamic
"culture" which is even more a CASTE society than is current day India

Islam is an Apartheid religion.


It is also a caste society based on RELIGIOUS LAW AND CUSTOM ----koranic scholars have so determined based on the KORAN. In fact shariah societies cannot
function without an exploited ---"low caste" Saudi arabia solves the problem
by using imported impoverished non muslim workers from India, Indonesia--etc
20% of the residents of Saudi arabia are NON MUSLIMs who have, essentially,
no civil rights
give up-----the POGOs of the world are afraid that some people might read
the Koran/hadiths and know something about shariah law-------and Islamic
"culture" which is even more a CASTE society than is current day India

Islam is an Apartheid religion.


It is also a caste society based on RELIGIOUS LAW AND CUSTOM ----koranic scholars have so determined based on the KORAN. In fact shariah societies cannot function without an exploited ---"low caste" Saudi arabia solves the problem
by using imported impoverished non muslim workers from India, Indonesia--etc
20% of the residents of Saudi arabia are NON MUSLIMs who have, essentially, no civil rights

For all of which you have, as always........................................ no link.

give up-----the POGOs of the world are afraid that some people might read
the Koran/hadiths and know something about shariah law-------and Islamic
"culture" which is even more a CASTE society than is current day India

Islam is an Apartheid religion.


It is also a caste society based on RELIGIOUS LAW AND CUSTOM ----koranic scholars have so determined based on the KORAN. In fact shariah societies cannot function without an exploited ---"low caste" Saudi arabia solves the problem
by using imported impoverished non muslim workers from India, Indonesia--etc
20% of the residents of Saudi arabia are NON MUSLIMs who have, essentially, no civil rights

For all of which you have, as always........................................ no link.


"dismissed" ???? I have supplied expert testimony in State courts and no judge
ever asked me for a "link"
Pogo you cannot argue with someone's EXPERIENCE going through this. That IS reality.

Of course I can. Because it isn't "reality" --- It's hearsay on a message board. From a source, I might add, who never backs up anything she says. The argument "I know a guy who says ..." just does not, and cannot, stand up against centuries of recorded history.

The EXPERIENCE is real, regardless if we disagree how to explain where the abuse
"social" patterns or conditioning comes from. Even Muslims would agree there are violations going on

Of course they're going on. Nobody argues they're not, and nobody argues they're justified or not absolute barbarism. I'm simply making the distinction to quell the steamroller of cherrypicked ignoramitude that deliberately foments myths for the purpose of fomenting bigotry. I believe in context. So sue me.

There is no argument that can be made that settles bigot fantasy mythology over actual historical facts. None.
Pogo you cannot argue with someone's EXPERIENCE going through this. That IS reality.

Of course I can. Because it isn't "reality" --- It's hearsay on a message board. From a source, I might add, who never backs up anything she says. The argument "I know a guy who says ..." just does not, and cannot, stand up against centuries of recorded history.

The EXPERIENCE is real, regardless if we disagree how to explain where the abuse
"social" patterns or conditioning comes from. Even Muslims would agree there are violations going on

Of course they're going on. Nobody argues they're not, and nobody argues they're justified or not absolute barbarism. I'm simply making the distinction to quell the steamroller of cherrypicked ignoramitude that deliberately foments myths for the purpose of fomenting bigotry. I believe in context. So sue me.

There is no argument that can be made that settles bigot fantasy mythology over actual historical facts. None.

you have never state an "HISTORIC FACT" that supports your contention that
execution of women who commit sexual indiscretions like adultery or even
just sexual contact with men with whom they are not married is NOT supported as
ISLAMIC LAW -----by koranic scholars and so treated in shariah courts ------and
that the treatment of such actions is the SAME in every land and in the custom of ALL PEOPLE on the planet earth. You, simply, deny and then demand PROOF OF NEGATIVES
Jesus also said 'give to Caesar what is Caesar's.' Or, don't interfere in other countries' cultures. Fix your own first.

What does that have to do with Muzzie Beasts savagely murdering a young girl?
His post has nothing to do with the unbelievable intolerance and murder committed by Muslims, in the name of their crazy religion. It is about denigrating Christianity.

I wonder if leftists would prefer being ruled by Muslims or Christians. I suspect they could not tell the difference between the two religions. CRAZY!!!!
Jesus also said 'give to Caesar what is Caesar's.' Or, don't interfere in other countries' cultures. Fix your own first.

What does that have to do with Muzzie Beasts savagely murdering a young girl?
His post has nothing to do with the unbelievable intolerance and murder committed by Muslims, in the name of their crazy religion. It is about denigrating Christianity.

I wonder if leftists would prefer being ruled by Muslims or Christians. I suspect they could not tell the difference between the two religions. CRAZY!!!!

None of my posts are about "denigrating" anything. In fact they're about the opposite -- challenging denigration. They're about the simple anthropological historical facts that discredit it.
Pogo you cannot argue with someone's EXPERIENCE going through this. That IS reality.

Of course I can. Because it isn't "reality" --- It's hearsay on a message board. From a source, I might add, who never backs up anything she says. The argument "I know a guy who says ..." just does not, and cannot, stand up against centuries of recorded history.

The EXPERIENCE is real, regardless if we disagree how to explain where the abuse
"social" patterns or conditioning comes from. Even Muslims would agree there are violations going on

Of course they're going on. Nobody argues they're not, and nobody argues they're justified or not absolute barbarism. I'm simply making the distinction to quell the steamroller of cherrypicked ignoramitude that deliberately foments myths for the purpose of fomenting bigotry. I believe in context. So sue me.

There is no argument that can be made that settles bigot fantasy mythology over actual historical facts. None.

you have never state an "HISTORIC FACT" that supports your contention that
execution of women who commit sexual indiscretions like adultery or even
just sexual contact with men with whom they are not married is NOT supported as
ISLAMIC LAW -----by koranic scholars and so treated in shariah courts ------and
that the treatment of such actions is the SAME in every land and in the custom of ALL PEOPLE on the planet earth. You, simply, deny and then demand PROOF OF NEGATIVES

Once again.... yammeryammmer no link yammeryammer unhinged emotional crapola yammeryammer ipse dixit yammeryammeryammeryammer


And btw it's "a historic" not "an". The H is aspirated.
Jesus also said 'give to Caesar what is Caesar's.' Or, don't interfere in other countries' cultures. Fix your own first.

What does that have to do with Muzzie Beasts savagely murdering a young girl?
His post has nothing to do with the unbelievable intolerance and murder committed by Muslims, in the name of their crazy religion. It is about denigrating Christianity.

I wonder if leftists would prefer being ruled by Muslims or Christians. I suspect they could not tell the difference between the two religions. CRAZY!!!!

None of my posts are about "denigrating" anything. In fact they're about the opposite -- challenging denigration. They're about the simple anthropological historical facts that discredit it.

I think that the fact there is a problem with this particular religion and the violence espoused on it's behalf speaks clearly to most. It seems to me that these types of incidents are much more common occurrences in Muslim communities. Lots of violence seems to follow these people.
Jesus also said 'give to Caesar what is Caesar's.' Or, don't interfere in other countries' cultures. Fix your own first.

What does that have to do with Muzzie Beasts savagely murdering a young girl?
His post has nothing to do with the unbelievable intolerance and murder committed by Muslims, in the name of their crazy religion. It is about denigrating Christianity.

I wonder if leftists would prefer being ruled by Muslims or Christians. I suspect they could not tell the difference between the two religions. CRAZY!!!!

None of my posts are about "denigrating" anything. In fact they're about the opposite -- challenging denigration. They're about the simple anthropological historical facts that discredit it.

I think that the fact there is a problem with this particular religion and the violence espoused on it's behalf speaks clearly to most. It seems to me that these types of incidents are much more common occurrences in Muslim communities. Lots of violence seems to follow these people.

Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion. That was the first bullshit story I was ever served.
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Jesus also said 'give to Caesar what is Caesar's.' Or, don't interfere in other countries' cultures. Fix your own first.

What does that have to do with Muzzie Beasts savagely murdering a young girl?
His post has nothing to do with the unbelievable intolerance and murder committed by Muslims, in the name of their crazy religion. It is about denigrating Christianity.

I wonder if leftists would prefer being ruled by Muslims or Christians. I suspect they could not tell the difference between the two religions. CRAZY!!!!

None of my posts are about "denigrating" anything. In fact they're about the opposite -- challenging denigration. They're about the simple anthropological historical facts that discredit it.

I think that the fact there is a problem with this particular religion and the violence espoused on it's behalf speaks clearly to most. It seems to me that these types of incidents are much more common occurrences in Muslim communities. Lots of violence seems to follow these people.

Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion.

No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."
Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion. That was the first bullshit story I was ever served.

So the acts of a terrorist in 1994 are the same as the ongoing proscription by a major religion, the mainstream of which is doing these acts today?

Ah Pogo, you always were a fucking liar, spewing the most insane bullshit to promote your Muslim allies.
Jesus also said 'give to Caesar what is Caesar's.' Or, don't interfere in other countries' cultures. Fix your own first.

What does that have to do with Muzzie Beasts savagely murdering a young girl?
His post has nothing to do with the unbelievable intolerance and murder committed by Muslims, in the name of their crazy religion. It is about denigrating Christianity.

I wonder if leftists would prefer being ruled by Muslims or Christians. I suspect they could not tell the difference between the two religions. CRAZY!!!!

None of my posts are about "denigrating" anything. In fact they're about the opposite -- challenging denigration. They're about the simple anthropological historical facts that discredit it.
I was not referring to you as my post clearly shows. I was referring to Delta.
Jesus also said 'give to Caesar what is Caesar's.' Or, don't interfere in other countries' cultures. Fix your own first.

What does that have to do with Muzzie Beasts savagely murdering a young girl?
His post has nothing to do with the unbelievable intolerance and murder committed by Muslims, in the name of their crazy religion. It is about denigrating Christianity.

I wonder if leftists would prefer being ruled by Muslims or Christians. I suspect they could not tell the difference between the two religions. CRAZY!!!!

None of my posts are about "denigrating" anything. In fact they're about the opposite -- challenging denigration. They're about the simple anthropological historical facts that discredit it.
I was not referring to you as my post clearly shows. I was referring to Delta.

I see now. None of that showed up here as I have the previous poster on Ignore (Pothead, not Delta).
Oh well, it still applies.
What does that have to do with Muzzie Beasts savagely murdering a young girl?
His post has nothing to do with the unbelievable intolerance and murder committed by Muslims, in the name of their crazy religion. It is about denigrating Christianity.

I wonder if leftists would prefer being ruled by Muslims or Christians. I suspect they could not tell the difference between the two religions. CRAZY!!!!

None of my posts are about "denigrating" anything. In fact they're about the opposite -- challenging denigration. They're about the simple anthropological historical facts that discredit it.

I think that the fact there is a problem with this particular religion and the violence espoused on it's behalf speaks clearly to most. It seems to me that these types of incidents are much more common occurrences in Muslim communities. Lots of violence seems to follow these people.

Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion.

No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.
His post has nothing to do with the unbelievable intolerance and murder committed by Muslims, in the name of their crazy religion. It is about denigrating Christianity.

I wonder if leftists would prefer being ruled by Muslims or Christians. I suspect they could not tell the difference between the two religions. CRAZY!!!!

None of my posts are about "denigrating" anything. In fact they're about the opposite -- challenging denigration. They're about the simple anthropological historical facts that discredit it.

I think that the fact there is a problem with this particular religion and the violence espoused on it's behalf speaks clearly to most. It seems to me that these types of incidents are much more common occurrences in Muslim communities. Lots of violence seems to follow these people.

Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion.

No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.
None of my posts are about "denigrating" anything. In fact they're about the opposite -- challenging denigration. They're about the simple anthropological historical facts that discredit it.

I think that the fact there is a problem with this particular religion and the violence espoused on it's behalf speaks clearly to most. It seems to me that these types of incidents are much more common occurrences in Muslim communities. Lots of violence seems to follow these people.

Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion.

No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.
I think that the fact there is a problem with this particular religion and the violence espoused on it's behalf speaks clearly to most. It seems to me that these types of incidents are much more common occurrences in Muslim communities. Lots of violence seems to follow these people.

Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion.

No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.
What other current day religion promotes and uses it today?
What other religion uses be-headings today?
What other religion uses rape today?
Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion.

No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.
What other current day religion promotes and uses it today?
What other religion uses be-headings today?
What other religion uses rape today?

No religions use that shit, Pinky.

Read the thread. You want the gory details? See posts 237 and 100.

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