A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

right before islam stoning was a manner of execution ------and before
islam execution was a penalty for adultery in many cultures and systems of
law most likely including arabia Islam retained that idea in its legal code.
The greeks gave it up, the jews gave it up, the romans considered
adultery by a queen to be a capital crime and muslims consider sex by a woman not owned by a man with any man to be a capital crime by Shariah law and the
preferred method is stoning. In the 21st century-----stoning for what muslims
call "illegal sex by a muslim woman" is a capital crime ----stoning preferred ---
today it is MUSLIM Law and Custom as is the overwhelming majority of
instances of FGM -----thus rendering FGM as muslim as pizza is Italian

Don't start that FGM song and dance with me again. We blew that out of the water before and we'lll just do it over again.

And btw remember the event in the OP that touched all this off? Afghanistan. Stoning is illegal there so it wasn't the law doing it. And her "crime" was eloping, which has jack shit to do with religion, so it wasn't religion either. It was HBV --- which is a social construct.

DEAL with it.

Cute ------you declare VICTORY no matter what the outcome. You 'blew' nothing out of the water nor are you a "WE" ------you are a ----one jerk. In shariah adherent lands------the local IMAM does adjudicate The young girl was executed by stoning on the order of a QADI who adjudicated according to
shariah law. Today -----in Afghanistan -----real organized political entities in
the form of tribes and groups are doing the ISLAMIC THING. The same kind
of thing goes on in Pakistan and in parts of Indonesia -------it is considered LEGAL
IN THOSE LANDS. It does on in India too but not considered legal It goes on
in yemen and in lost of other MUSLIM political entities in Nigeria and in
Uganda and Sudan etc etc ----IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAMIC SHARIAH LAW--------not just "ancient custom" or sick "whim"-----Islamic shariah law

Social castes have nothing to do with religions. That's why they're social castes. NONE of this HBV shit --- OR FGM -- is prescribed or sanctioned by Islam or any other religion.

I've already posted myriad links backing that up throughout this thread and earlier ones -- you have linked NOTHING. That therefore is what your mythology is worth.

And yes, "we". Other posters besides you and I have set this bullshit straight before.

What Pogo?
irosie91 made it VERY clear her own husband went through this type of political oppression by CLASS

You can call it SOCIAL or RELIGIOUS or cultural conditioning that caused it.

but the suffering and damage and division that results came out the same.

Pogo you cannot argue with someone's EXPERIENCE going through this. That IS reality.
Why haggle over TERMS and whether to "call this social religious or political"

oppression is oppression. Clearly the problem in China and other countries is when the
collective govt becomes mitilarized, ruling by force, and not allowing for equal protection
of due process, free choice. etc.

Whether this is blamed on "religion, culture or politics," the ABUSIVE class/caste division has REAL
effects, and irosie91's husband came out of that.

I agree where you and irosie91 would all stand against abuse, but see no benefit in arguing
whose experiences or expressions are more valid than others. We could argue all day and all night whether "honor killings" are caused by religion, culture, politics or sexism
but that doesn't change the cases of people dying from that, when it DOES happen.
The EXPERIENCE is real, regardless if we disagree how to explain where the abuse
"social" patterns or conditioning comes from. Even Muslims would agree there are violations going on

give up-----the POGOs of the world are afraid that some people might read
the Koran/hadiths and know something about shariah law-------and Islamic
"culture" which is even more a CASTE society than is current day India

I'd say you are both right and both wrong about this.
YES, the wrongs are going on.
But it is more about the political beliefs and how the govt is and is NOT set up
in these countries to be "democratically checked".

Not all Islam is about the political beliefs -- for Jihadists YES
but for many Muslims they are secular and don't mix their spiritual beliefs with politics.

Same with Christians and Constitutionalists -- some followers
DO make and enforce political beliefs, while others do not.

So you and Pogo may keep going round and round back and forth,
because you are both right in some cases and wrong in others.

there are BOTH things going on, it isn't all one way covering all cases out there!
Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion.

No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.
What other current day religion promotes and uses it today?
What other religion uses be-headings today?
What other religion uses rape today?

Dear DarkFury
1. Our prison system still has prison rapes going on, with people "accepting" that as part of that system.
2. There are forced abortions. slave labor and sex trafficking, and executions without public trials going on in China. North Korea. other countries. The gangs and cartels in Mexico use beheadings to make statements, too.

Whatever political beliefs they have, obviously, it doesn't take being Muslim to carry out these policies.
I think that the fact there is a problem with this particular religion and the violence espoused on it's behalf speaks clearly to most. It seems to me that these types of incidents are much more common occurrences in Muslim communities. Lots of violence seems to follow these people.

Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion.

No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.

Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D
No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.
What other current day religion promotes and uses it today?
What other religion uses be-headings today?
What other religion uses rape today?

No religions use that shit, Pinky.

Read the thread. You want the gory details? See posts 237 and 100.

But they do use those tactics.
Aye. And "seems" might be the operative word via the lens of media. Violence is espoused on "behalf of" every religion; that doesn't make the latter a causation of the former. We've already noted the examples of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolf, the Ku Klux Klan, et al.

In any case what we're doing is looking at co-incidence versus causation, and discriminating between the two.

I approach everything I see with the knowledge that popular perceptions are heavily manipulated, and get cynically inquisitive accordingly. In other words I want to know "what's really behind this?" And ironically that probably started, for me, with questioning religion.

No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.

Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D

Dem birds must be very studious. So that's what they're doing down there... :eusa_think:
Can't help it -- I studied Anthropology. That's a course you never "finish".
No, not discriminating. Looking at life through the lens called "reality."

I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.

Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D

Dem birds must be very studious. So that's what they're doing down there... :eusa_think:
Can't help it -- I studied Anthropology. That's a course you never "finish".

Maybe Professor Ostrich? :D
I am indeed. Thangyew. Thangyew vurra much.

No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.

Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D

Dem birds must be very studious. So that's what they're doing down there... :eusa_think:
Can't help it -- I studied Anthropology. That's a course you never "finish".

Maybe Professor Ostrich? :D

It's gittin' better and better. "Professor Os" (voiced S, like "oz"). I like it. :)

I won't have to smoke a pipe, will I? :eusa_sick:
No, I am the realistic one. You want to bury your head in the sand and deny that there are real "social" problems with ONE particular religion pretty much everywhere it seems.

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.

Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D

Dem birds must be very studious. So that's what they're doing down there... :eusa_think:
Can't help it -- I studied Anthropology. That's a course you never "finish".

Maybe Professor Ostrich? :D

It's gittin' better and better. "Professor Os" (voiced S, like "oz"). I like it. :)

I won't have to smoke a pipe, will I? :eusa_sick:

You can just fake it, but you do have to wear a black sweater vest. :D

I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.

Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D

Dem birds must be very studious. So that's what they're doing down there... :eusa_think:
Can't help it -- I studied Anthropology. That's a course you never "finish".

Maybe Professor Ostrich? :D

It's gittin' better and better. "Professor Os" (voiced S, like "oz"). I like it. :)

I won't have to smoke a pipe, will I? :eusa_sick:

You can just fake it, but you do have to wear a black sweater vest. :D


Yup, dat's me, looking under the surface to see what's really going on as always.
I'm lovin' it!
Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D

Dem birds must be very studious. So that's what they're doing down there... :eusa_think:
Can't help it -- I studied Anthropology. That's a course you never "finish".

Maybe Professor Ostrich? :D

It's gittin' better and better. "Professor Os" (voiced S, like "oz"). I like it. :)

I won't have to smoke a pipe, will I? :eusa_sick:

You can just fake it, but you do have to wear a black sweater vest. :D


Yup, dat's me, looking under the surface to see what's really going on as always.
I'm lovin' it!

You are a comedian too, Professor Ostrich. ;)
Dem birds must be very studious. So that's what they're doing down there... :eusa_think:
Can't help it -- I studied Anthropology. That's a course you never "finish".

Maybe Professor Ostrich? :D

It's gittin' better and better. "Professor Os" (voiced S, like "oz"). I like it. :)

I won't have to smoke a pipe, will I? :eusa_sick:

You can just fake it, but you do have to wear a black sweater vest. :D


Yup, dat's me, looking under the surface to see what's really going on as always.
I'm lovin' it!

You are a comedian too, Professor Ostrich. ;)

In dis woild ya gotta be voisatile!
Maybe Professor Ostrich? :D

It's gittin' better and better. "Professor Os" (voiced S, like "oz"). I like it. :)

I won't have to smoke a pipe, will I? :eusa_sick:

You can just fake it, but you do have to wear a black sweater vest. :D


Yup, dat's me, looking under the surface to see what's really going on as always.
I'm lovin' it!

You are a comedian too, Professor Ostrich. ;)

In dis woild ya gotta be voisatile!

That's hard when your head is in the sand though! ;) You need to come out and take a look around. Get your head out of the sandy old books, Professor!

It's gittin' better and better. "Professor Os" (voiced S, like "oz"). I like it. :)

I won't have to smoke a pipe, will I? :eusa_sick:

You can just fake it, but you do have to wear a black sweater vest. :D


Yup, dat's me, looking under the surface to see what's really going on as always.
I'm lovin' it!

You are a comedian too, Professor Ostrich. ;)

In dis woild ya gotta be voisatile!

That's hard when your head is in the sand though! ;) You need to come out and take a look around. Get your head out of the sandy old books, Professor!


Is that what I should call you? "Sandy"?

Dat looks like me, yelling at you. "Sandy!! Pay attention! Don't make me light my pipe!"
You can just fake it, but you do have to wear a black sweater vest. :D


Yup, dat's me, looking under the surface to see what's really going on as always.
I'm lovin' it!

You are a comedian too, Professor Ostrich. ;)

In dis woild ya gotta be voisatile!

That's hard when your head is in the sand though! ;) You need to come out and take a look around. Get your head out of the sandy old books, Professor!


Is that what I should call you? "Sandy"?

Dat looks like me, yelling at you. "Sandy!! Pay attention! Don't make me light my pipe!"

:lol: That's hilarious!

It's supposed to be you after coming out of the sand and realizing, to your surprise, what is actually REALLY happening. :D
Yup, dat's me, looking under the surface to see what's really going on as always.
I'm lovin' it!

You are a comedian too, Professor Ostrich. ;)

In dis woild ya gotta be voisatile!

That's hard when your head is in the sand though! ;) You need to come out and take a look around. Get your head out of the sandy old books, Professor!


Is that what I should call you? "Sandy"?

Dat looks like me, yelling at you. "Sandy!! Pay attention! Don't make me light my pipe!"

:lol: That's hilarious!

It's supposed to be you after coming out of the sand and realizing, to your surprise, what is actually REALLY happening. :D

It does kinda resemble the look on my face when I read some of the posts in this place...
So W is your guide. The US bombings are the result of a Christian POTUS.. Really?

What are all the bombings committed by your beloved BO and Bubba?

You can't be this ignorant Joey...and do you really think your handlers at the DNC believe this crap?

Guy, Bubba and BO didn't have overwhelming support of Christians. Christians who continued to support him even after we found out he lied about WMD's.

Bush said God told him to Invade Iraq. Of course, God could have told him there weren't any WMD's, being omniscient and all, but never mind.

So getting back to my questions, how is stoning someone barbaric and carpet bombing people is "civilized"?

You still haven't answered that one because there isn't an answer.

We are angry, murderous creatures in general, and trying to pretend that our magic sky pixie is better than their magic sky pixie and we are somehow more civilized because we kill people with billion dollar planes dropping million dollar bombs instead of some rocks you picked up along the road is just silly.

So W is your guide. The US bombings are the result of a Christian POTUS.. Really?

What are all the bombings committed by your beloved BO and Bubba?

You can't be this ignorant Joey...and do you really think your handlers at the DNC believe this crap?

Guy, Bubba and BO didn't have overwhelming support of Christians. Christians who continued to support him even after we found out he lied about WMD's.

Bush said God told him to Invade Iraq. Of course, God could have told him there weren't any WMD's, being omniscient and all, but never mind.

So getting back to my questions, how is stoning someone barbaric and carpet bombing people is "civilized"?

You still haven't answered that one because there isn't an answer.

We are angry, murderous creatures in general, and trying to pretend that our magic sky pixie is better than their magic sky pixie and we are somehow more civilized because we kill people with billion dollar planes dropping million dollar bombs instead of some rocks you picked up along the road is just silly.

Damn joey...

Your question is typical left wing kookery. No said one said bombing is civilized dummy. Why the strawman?

Christians don't bomb people. Corrupt lying pols bomb people...pols that you love and adore...but only if they are D's.
Damn joey...

Your question is typical left wing kookery. No said one said bombing is civilized dummy. Why the strawman?

Christians don't bomb people. Corrupt lying pols bomb people...pols that you love and adore...but only if they are D's.

Your are engaging in the "No True Scotsman Fallacy". Of course, those Christians who do unchristian things like wars and concentration camps and genocides, they aren't Christians at all!

No matter how much they say they love Jesus.

So again, how is carpet bombing more civilized than Stoning. Still waiting for you to answer that one.
Damn joey...

Your question is typical left wing kookery. No said one said bombing is civilized dummy. Why the strawman?

Christians don't bomb people. Corrupt lying pols bomb people...pols that you love and adore...but only if they are D's.

Your are engaging in the "No True Scotsman Fallacy". Of course, those Christians who do unchristian things like wars and concentration camps and genocides, they aren't Christians at all!

No matter how much they say they love Jesus.

So again, how is carpet bombing more civilized than Stoning. Still waiting for you to answer that one.

Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.
Damn joey...

Your question is typical left wing kookery. No said one said bombing is civilized dummy. Why the strawman?

Christians don't bomb people. Corrupt lying pols bomb people...pols that you love and adore...but only if they are D's.

Your are engaging in the "No True Scotsman Fallacy". Of course, those Christians who do unchristian things like wars and concentration camps and genocides, they aren't Christians at all!

No matter how much they say they love Jesus.

So again, how is carpet bombing more civilized than Stoning. Still waiting for you to answer that one.

Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.


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