A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

Not really though, and you know this. Islam is a big problem in the world. You can stick your head in the sand and deny the facts all you want. I'm quite sure that there are no other religions where this kind of stuff is SO prominent. Killing homosexuals, stoning women, taking child brides. It does happen in other places that are not predominantly Muslim, but in most places where this stuff is happening regularly is in MUSLIM communities.

So I will ask you the same question I asked "Gipper" and he avoided.

Why is it "barbaric" to stone some woman to death, but it's considered "Civilized" to carpet bomb a city and kill thousands of people?

Islam is a problem for the One Percent that want to take their shit and not pay them for it. It's a problem for the Zionist who wants to take someone else's land because his magic sky fairy said so.

The rest of us, not so much. We stay on OUR side of the planet, they'll stay on theirs.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.
Not really though, and you know this. Islam is a big problem in the world. You can stick your head in the sand and deny the facts all you want. I'm quite sure that there are no other religions where this kind of stuff is SO prominent. Killing homosexuals, stoning women, taking child brides. It does happen in other places that are not predominantly Muslim, but in most places where this stuff is happening regularly is in MUSLIM communities.

So I will ask you the same question I asked "Gipper" and he avoided.

Why is it "barbaric" to stone some woman to death, but it's considered "Civilized" to carpet bomb a city and kill thousands of people?

Islam is a problem for the One Percent that want to take their shit and not pay them for it. It's a problem for the Zionist who wants to take someone else's land because his magic sky fairy said so.

The rest of us, not so much. We stay on OUR side of the planet, they'll stay on theirs.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?
Not really though, and you know this. Islam is a big problem in the world. You can stick your head in the sand and deny the facts all you want. I'm quite sure that there are no other religions where this kind of stuff is SO prominent. Killing homosexuals, stoning women, taking child brides. It does happen in other places that are not predominantly Muslim, but in most places where this stuff is happening regularly is in MUSLIM communities.

So I will ask you the same question I asked "Gipper" and he avoided.

Why is it "barbaric" to stone some woman to death, but it's considered "Civilized" to carpet bomb a city and kill thousands of people?

Islam is a problem for the One Percent that want to take their shit and not pay them for it. It's a problem for the Zionist who wants to take someone else's land because his magic sky fairy said so.

The rest of us, not so much. We stay on OUR side of the planet, they'll stay on theirs.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?

today------in the 21st century-------the countries which include ON THE BOOKS----
a criminal penalty for adultery being stoning to death are ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES which are adherent to ISLAMIC LAW. This fact makes
stoning ISLAMIC get it? Death by stoning for the "crime" of adultery
is ISLAMIC 100 % get it?
Not really though, and you know this. Islam is a big problem in the world. You can stick your head in the sand and deny the facts all you want. I'm quite sure that there are no other religions where this kind of stuff is SO prominent. Killing homosexuals, stoning women, taking child brides. It does happen in other places that are not predominantly Muslim, but in most places where this stuff is happening regularly is in MUSLIM communities.

So I will ask you the same question I asked "Gipper" and he avoided.

Why is it "barbaric" to stone some woman to death, but it's considered "Civilized" to carpet bomb a city and kill thousands of people?

Islam is a problem for the One Percent that want to take their shit and not pay them for it. It's a problem for the Zionist who wants to take someone else's land because his magic sky fairy said so.

The rest of us, not so much. We stay on OUR side of the planet, they'll stay on theirs.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?

today------in the 21st century-------the countries which include ON THE BOOKS----
a criminal penalty for adultery being stoning to death are ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES which are adherent to ISLAMIC LAW. This fact makes
stoning ISLAMIC get it? Death by stoning for the "crime" of adultery
is ISLAMIC 100 % get it?

John 8.
Check the date.
Centuries before Islam was create -d.

See also OT:
Exodus 19:13
Numbers 15:32–36
Leviticus 20:2-5 ... 13 ... 27 and 24:10-16
Deuteronomy 13:7-12 .... 17:2-7 ... 21:18-21 ... 22:13-21 ... 22:23-24 ... 22:25-27

All of which would be centuries-to-millennia before Muhammad even existed.

Linear time: it's not just a good idea -- IT'S THE LAW.
Last edited:
Not really though, and you know this. Islam is a big problem in the world. You can stick your head in the sand and deny the facts all you want. I'm quite sure that there are no other religions where this kind of stuff is SO prominent. Killing homosexuals, stoning women, taking child brides. It does happen in other places that are not predominantly Muslim, but in most places where this stuff is happening regularly is in MUSLIM communities.

So I will ask you the same question I asked "Gipper" and he avoided.

Why is it "barbaric" to stone some woman to death, but it's considered "Civilized" to carpet bomb a city and kill thousands of people?

Islam is a problem for the One Percent that want to take their shit and not pay them for it. It's a problem for the Zionist who wants to take someone else's land because his magic sky fairy said so.

The rest of us, not so much. We stay on OUR side of the planet, they'll stay on theirs.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?

today------in the 21st century-------the countries which include ON THE BOOKS----
a criminal penalty for adultery being stoning to death are ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES which are adherent to ISLAMIC LAW. This fact makes
stoning ISLAMIC get it? Death by stoning for the "crime" of adultery
is ISLAMIC 100 % get it?

John 8.
Check the date.
Centuries before Islam was create -d.

Linear time: it's not just a good idea -- IT'S THE LAW.

right before islam stoning was a manner of execution ------and before
islam execution was a penalty for adultery in many cultures and systems of
law most likely including arabia Islam retained that idea in its legal code.
The greeks gave it up, the jews gave it up, the romans considered
adultery by a queen to be a capital crime and muslims consider sex by a woman not owned by a man with any man to be a capital crime by Shariah law and the
preferred method is stoning. In the 21st century-----stoning for what muslims
call "illegal sex by a muslim woman" is a capital crime ----stoning preferred ---
today it is MUSLIM Law and Custom as is the overwhelming majority of
instances of FGM -----thus rendering FGM as muslim as pizza is Italian
So I will ask you the same question I asked "Gipper" and he avoided.

Why is it "barbaric" to stone some woman to death, but it's considered "Civilized" to carpet bomb a city and kill thousands of people?

Islam is a problem for the One Percent that want to take their shit and not pay them for it. It's a problem for the Zionist who wants to take someone else's land because his magic sky fairy said so.

The rest of us, not so much. We stay on OUR side of the planet, they'll stay on theirs.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?

today------in the 21st century-------the countries which include ON THE BOOKS----
a criminal penalty for adultery being stoning to death are ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES which are adherent to ISLAMIC LAW. This fact makes
stoning ISLAMIC get it? Death by stoning for the "crime" of adultery
is ISLAMIC 100 % get it?

John 8.
Check the date.
Centuries before Islam was create -d.

Linear time: it's not just a good idea -- IT'S THE LAW.

right before islam stoning was a manner of execution ------and before
islam execution was a penalty for adultery in many cultures and systems of
law most likely including arabia Islam retained that idea in its legal code.
The greeks gave it up, the jews gave it up, the romans considered
adultery by a queen to be a capital crime and muslims consider sex by a woman not owned by a man with any man to be a capital crime by Shariah law and the
preferred method is stoning. In the 21st century-----stoning for what muslims
call "illegal sex by a muslim woman" is a capital crime ----stoning preferred ---
today it is MUSLIM Law and Custom as is the overwhelming majority of
instances of FGM -----thus rendering FGM as muslim as pizza is Italian

Don't start that FGM song and dance with me again. We blew that out of the water before and we'lll just do it over again.

And btw remember the event in the OP that touched all this off? Afghanistan. Stoning is illegal there so it wasn't the law doing it. And her "crime" was eloping, which has jack shit to do with religion, so it wasn't religion either. It was HBV --- which is a social construct.

DEAL with it.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?

today------in the 21st century-------the countries which include ON THE BOOKS----
a criminal penalty for adultery being stoning to death are ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES which are adherent to ISLAMIC LAW. This fact makes
stoning ISLAMIC get it? Death by stoning for the "crime" of adultery
is ISLAMIC 100 % get it?

John 8.
Check the date.
Centuries before Islam was create -d.

Linear time: it's not just a good idea -- IT'S THE LAW.

right before islam stoning was a manner of execution ------and before
islam execution was a penalty for adultery in many cultures and systems of
law most likely including arabia Islam retained that idea in its legal code.
The greeks gave it up, the jews gave it up, the romans considered
adultery by a queen to be a capital crime and muslims consider sex by a woman not owned by a man with any man to be a capital crime by Shariah law and the
preferred method is stoning. In the 21st century-----stoning for what muslims
call "illegal sex by a muslim woman" is a capital crime ----stoning preferred ---
today it is MUSLIM Law and Custom as is the overwhelming majority of
instances of FGM -----thus rendering FGM as muslim as pizza is Italian

Don't start that FGM song and dance with me again. We blew that out of the water before and we'lll just do it over again.

And btw remember the event in the OP that touched all this off? Afghanistan. Stoning is illegal there so it wasn't the law doing it. And her "crime" was eloping, which has jack shit to do with religion, so it wasn't religion either. It was HBV --- which is a social construct.

DEAL with it.

Cute ------you declare VICTORY no matter what the outcome. You 'blew' nothing out of the water nor are you a "WE" ------you are a ----one jerk. In shariah adherent lands------the local IMAM does adjudicate The young girl was executed by stoning on the order of a QADI who adjudicated according to
shariah law. Today -----in Afghanistan -----real organized political entities in
the form of tribes and groups are doing the ISLAMIC THING. The same kind
of thing goes on in Pakistan and in parts of Indonesia -------it is considered LEGAL
IN THOSE LANDS. It does on in India too but not considered legal It goes on
in yemen and in lost of other MUSLIM political entities in Nigeria and in
Uganda and Sudan etc etc ----IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAMIC SHARIAH LAW--------not just "ancient custom" or sick "whim"-----Islamic shariah law
--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?

today------in the 21st century-------the countries which include ON THE BOOKS----
a criminal penalty for adultery being stoning to death are ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES which are adherent to ISLAMIC LAW. This fact makes
stoning ISLAMIC get it? Death by stoning for the "crime" of adultery
is ISLAMIC 100 % get it?

John 8.
Check the date.
Centuries before Islam was create -d.

Linear time: it's not just a good idea -- IT'S THE LAW.

right before islam stoning was a manner of execution ------and before
islam execution was a penalty for adultery in many cultures and systems of
law most likely including arabia Islam retained that idea in its legal code.
The greeks gave it up, the jews gave it up, the romans considered
adultery by a queen to be a capital crime and muslims consider sex by a woman not owned by a man with any man to be a capital crime by Shariah law and the
preferred method is stoning. In the 21st century-----stoning for what muslims
call "illegal sex by a muslim woman" is a capital crime ----stoning preferred ---
today it is MUSLIM Law and Custom as is the overwhelming majority of
instances of FGM -----thus rendering FGM as muslim as pizza is Italian

Don't start that FGM song and dance with me again. We blew that out of the water before and we'lll just do it over again.

And btw remember the event in the OP that touched all this off? Afghanistan. Stoning is illegal there so it wasn't the law doing it. And her "crime" was eloping, which has jack shit to do with religion, so it wasn't religion either. It was HBV --- which is a social construct.

DEAL with it.

Cute ------you declare VICTORY no matter what the outcome. You 'blew' nothing out of the water nor are you a "WE" ------you are a ----one jerk. In shariah adherent lands------the local IMAM does adjudicate The young girl was executed by stoning on the order of a QADI who adjudicated according to
shariah law. Today -----in Afghanistan -----real organized political entities in
the form of tribes and groups are doing the ISLAMIC THING. The same kind
of thing goes on in Pakistan and in parts of Indonesia -------it is considered LEGAL
IN THOSE LANDS. It does on in India too but not considered legal It goes on
in yemen and in lost of other MUSLIM political entities in Nigeria and in
Uganda and Sudan etc etc ----IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAMIC SHARIAH LAW--------not just "ancient custom" or sick "whim"-----Islamic shariah law

Social castes have nothing to do with religions. That's why they're social castes. NONE of this HBV shit --- OR FGM -- is prescribed or sanctioned by Islam or any other religion.

I've already posted myriad links backing that up throughout this thread and earlier ones -- you have linked NOTHING. That therefore is what your mythology is worth.

And yes, "we". Other posters besides you and I have set this bullshit straight before.
today------in the 21st century-------the countries which include ON THE BOOKS----
a criminal penalty for adultery being stoning to death are ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES which are adherent to ISLAMIC LAW. This fact makes
stoning ISLAMIC get it? Death by stoning for the "crime" of adultery
is ISLAMIC 100 % get it?

John 8.
Check the date.
Centuries before Islam was create -d.

Linear time: it's not just a good idea -- IT'S THE LAW.

right before islam stoning was a manner of execution ------and before
islam execution was a penalty for adultery in many cultures and systems of
law most likely including arabia Islam retained that idea in its legal code.
The greeks gave it up, the jews gave it up, the romans considered
adultery by a queen to be a capital crime and muslims consider sex by a woman not owned by a man with any man to be a capital crime by Shariah law and the
preferred method is stoning. In the 21st century-----stoning for what muslims
call "illegal sex by a muslim woman" is a capital crime ----stoning preferred ---
today it is MUSLIM Law and Custom as is the overwhelming majority of
instances of FGM -----thus rendering FGM as muslim as pizza is Italian

Don't start that FGM song and dance with me again. We blew that out of the water before and we'lll just do it over again.

And btw remember the event in the OP that touched all this off? Afghanistan. Stoning is illegal there so it wasn't the law doing it. And her "crime" was eloping, which has jack shit to do with religion, so it wasn't religion either. It was HBV --- which is a social construct.

DEAL with it.

Cute ------you declare VICTORY no matter what the outcome. You 'blew' nothing out of the water nor are you a "WE" ------you are a ----one jerk. In shariah adherent lands------the local IMAM does adjudicate The young girl was executed by stoning on the order of a QADI who adjudicated according to
shariah law. Today -----in Afghanistan -----real organized political entities in
the form of tribes and groups are doing the ISLAMIC THING. The same kind
of thing goes on in Pakistan and in parts of Indonesia -------it is considered LEGAL
IN THOSE LANDS. It does on in India too but not considered legal It goes on
in yemen and in lost of other MUSLIM political entities in Nigeria and in
Uganda and Sudan etc etc ----IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAMIC SHARIAH LAW--------not just "ancient custom" or sick "whim"-----Islamic shariah law

Social castes have nothing to do with religions. That's why they're social castes. NONE of this HBV shit --- OR FGM -- is prescribed or sanctioned by Islam or any other religion.

I've already posted myriad links backing that up throughout this thread and earlier ones -- you have linked NOTHING. That therefore is what your mythology is worth.

And yes, "we". Other posters besides you and I have set this bullshit straight before.

What Pogo?
irosie91 made it VERY clear her own husband went through this type of political oppression by CLASS

You can call it SOCIAL or RELIGIOUS or cultural conditioning that caused it.

but the suffering and damage and division that results came out the same.

Pogo you cannot argue with someone's EXPERIENCE going through this. That IS reality.
Why haggle over TERMS and whether to "call this social religious or political"

oppression is oppression. Clearly the problem in China and other countries is when the
collective govt becomes mitilarized, ruling by force, and not allowing for equal protection
of due process, free choice. etc.

Whether this is blamed on "religion, culture or politics," the ABUSIVE class/caste division has REAL
effects, and irosie91's husband came out of that.

I agree where you and irosie91 would all stand against abuse, but see no benefit in arguing
whose experiences or expressions are more valid than others. We could argue all day and all night whether "honor killings" are caused by religion, culture, politics or sexism
but that doesn't change the cases of people dying from that, when it DOES happen.
The EXPERIENCE is real, regardless if we disagree how to explain where the abuse
"social" patterns or conditioning comes from. Even Muslims would agree there are violations going on
Last edited:
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

Not the Christian thing to do? George W. Bush thought it was.

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a senior Palestinian politician in an interview to be broadcast by the BBC later this month.

Mr Bush revealed the extent of his religious fervour when he met a Palestinian delegation during the Israeli-Palestinian summit at the Egpytian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, four months after the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

Mr Bush went on: "And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

Not the Christian thing to do? George W. Bush thought it was.

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a senior Palestinian politician in an interview to be broadcast by the BBC later this month.

Mr Bush revealed the extent of his religious fervour when he met a Palestinian delegation during the Israeli-Palestinian summit at the Egpytian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, four months after the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

Mr Bush went on: "And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

Dear JoeB131 and gipper
Yes and No
True Christianity is the spirit of Restorative Justice
You can see where people mix Restorative Justice with Retributive. We cross the line all the time,
we're human and we go all over the place.

Extreme Terrorists, Zionists and militant Nationalists/Nazi's may be visibly invoking "Retribution"

But many people saw Bush's campaigns as more retributive than restorative.

Same with Obama who basically declared war on conservatives as the enemy.
That's not restoring relations, that's inciting people to go on the attack as a defense mechanism.

Both Presidents have crossed the line.
Both claim to be Christian but are questioned as to
what is consistent with law. What is Constitutional and respecting the law,
and what is "overreaching" and abusing executive power to make political statements.
Both Presidents have crossed the line and been accused of abusing executive office.

Both have played politics, for right or wrong reasons,
at the expense of Constitutional checks and limits
and the rights and costs of the taxpaying public and others affected by such policies.

To err is human, to forgive divine
and to correct problems is what it means to put Christian
faith into practice, where there is BOTH forgiveness AND correction.
As well as restitution needed to RESTORE good faith relations, peace and justice.
Neither President has following and inspired this in full, but both have divided the
nation by party. So we have yet to fully unite in Christ or by Conscience
as even Dr. King envisioned. We're not there yet, but the process will not
stop until we conquer this learning curve, unite and correct all these problems together.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

Not the Christian thing to do? George W. Bush thought it was.

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a senior Palestinian politician in an interview to be broadcast by the BBC later this month.

Mr Bush revealed the extent of his religious fervour when he met a Palestinian delegation during the Israeli-Palestinian summit at the Egpytian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, four months after the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

Mr Bush went on: "And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."
So W is your guide. The US bombings are the result of a Christian POTUS.. Really?

What are all the bombings committed by your beloved BO and Bubba?

You can't be this ignorant Joey...and do you really think your handlers at the DNC believe this crap?
Not really though, and you know this. Islam is a big problem in the world. You can stick your head in the sand and deny the facts all you want. I'm quite sure that there are no other religions where this kind of stuff is SO prominent. Killing homosexuals, stoning women, taking child brides. It does happen in other places that are not predominantly Muslim, but in most places where this stuff is happening regularly is in MUSLIM communities.

So I will ask you the same question I asked "Gipper" and he avoided.

Why is it "barbaric" to stone some woman to death, but it's considered "Civilized" to carpet bomb a city and kill thousands of people?

Islam is a problem for the One Percent that want to take their shit and not pay them for it. It's a problem for the Zionist who wants to take someone else's land because his magic sky fairy said so.

The rest of us, not so much. We stay on OUR side of the planet, they'll stay on theirs.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?

It is now! I'm quite sure they are the largest "group" to be actually performing ancient holy book rituals. They are wrong and they are out of control . . . obviously.
Not really though, and you know this. Islam is a big problem in the world. You can stick your head in the sand and deny the facts all you want. I'm quite sure that there are no other religions where this kind of stuff is SO prominent. Killing homosexuals, stoning women, taking child brides. It does happen in other places that are not predominantly Muslim, but in most places where this stuff is happening regularly is in MUSLIM communities.

So I will ask you the same question I asked "Gipper" and he avoided.

Why is it "barbaric" to stone some woman to death, but it's considered "Civilized" to carpet bomb a city and kill thousands of people?

Islam is a problem for the One Percent that want to take their shit and not pay them for it. It's a problem for the Zionist who waWhereto take someone else's land because his magic sky fairy said so.

The rest of us, not so much. We stay on OUR side of the planet, they'll stay on theirs.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?

It is now! I'm quite sure they are the largest "group" to be actually performing ancient holy book rituals. They are wrong and they are out of control . . . obviously.
Stoning women for adultery has always been part of Muslim law. Funny how the man gets off easy in comparison.

Where are the feminists?
today------in the 21st century-------the countries which include ON THE BOOKS----
a criminal penalty for adultery being stoning to death are ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES which are adherent to ISLAMIC LAW. This fact makes
stoning ISLAMIC get it? Death by stoning for the "crime" of adultery
is ISLAMIC 100 % get it?

John 8.
Check the date.
Centuries before Islam was create -d.

Linear time: it's not just a good idea -- IT'S THE LAW.

right before islam stoning was a manner of execution ------and before
islam execution was a penalty for adultery in many cultures and systems of
law most likely including arabia Islam retained that idea in its legal code.
The greeks gave it up, the jews gave it up, the romans considered
adultery by a queen to be a capital crime and muslims consider sex by a woman not owned by a man with any man to be a capital crime by Shariah law and the
preferred method is stoning. In the 21st century-----stoning for what muslims
call "illegal sex by a muslim woman" is a capital crime ----stoning preferred ---
today it is MUSLIM Law and Custom as is the overwhelming majority of
instances of FGM -----thus rendering FGM as muslim as pizza is Italian

Don't start that FGM song and dance with me again. We blew that out of the water before and we'lll just do it over again.

And btw remember the event in the OP that touched all this off? Afghanistan. Stoning is illegal there so it wasn't the law doing it. And her "crime" was eloping, which has jack shit to do with religion, so it wasn't religion either. It was HBV --- which is a social construct.

DEAL with it.

Cute ------you declare VICTORY no matter what the outcome. You 'blew' nothing out of the water nor are you a "WE" ------you are a ----one jerk. In shariah adherent lands------the local IMAM does adjudicate The young girl was executed by stoning on the order of a QADI who adjudicated according to
shariah law. Today -----in Afghanistan -----real organized political entities in
the form of tribes and groups are doing the ISLAMIC THING. The same kind
of thing goes on in Pakistan and in parts of Indonesia -------it is considered LEGAL
IN THOSE LANDS. It does on in India too but not considered legal It goes on
in yemen and in lost of other MUSLIM political entities in Nigeria and in
Uganda and Sudan etc etc ----IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAMIC SHARIAH LAW--------not just "ancient custom" or sick "whim"-----Islamic shariah law

Social castes have nothing to do with religions. That's why they're social castes. NONE of this HBV shit --- OR FGM -- is prescribed or sanctioned by Islam or any other religion.

I've already posted myriad links backing that up throughout this thread and earlier ones -- you have linked NOTHING. That therefore is what your mythology is worth.

And yes, "we". Other posters besides you and I have set this bullshit straight before.

social castes are described and prescribed in ANCIENT HINDU scriptural writings---- Poor Pogo never encountered the Bhagavad gita. The concept of designation of non muslims as a caste is described in the koran/hadiths and is a prominent aspect of shariah law. Pogo's statement is utterly idiotic. One of my best friends in college was a Brahmin from West Bengal-------so you know where West Bengal is, pogo dear-------do you know anything?
Not really though, and you know this. Islam is a big problem in the world. You can stick your head in the sand and deny the facts all you want. I'm quite sure that there are no other religions where this kind of stuff is SO prominent. Killing homosexuals, stoning women, taking child brides. It does happen in other places that are not predominantly Muslim, but in most places where this stuff is happening regularly is in MUSLIM communities.

So I will ask you the same question I asked "Gipper" and he avoided.

Why is it "barbaric" to stone some woman to death, but it's considered "Civilized" to carpet bomb a city and kill thousands of people?

Islam is a problem for the One Percent that want to take their shit and not pay them for it. It's a problem for the Zionist who wants to take someone else's land because his magic sky fairy said so.

The rest of us, not so much. We stay on OUR side of the planet, they'll stay on theirs.
You think the US gov, which you adore, bombs people because they think that is the Christian thing to do...like Muslims think stoning is the right thing.

Joey you need go get your head examined.

The US gov, which you love, is not Christian.

--- and stoning ain't "Muslim".

Get it?

It is now! I'm quite sure they are the largest "group" to be actually performing ancient holy book rituals. They are wrong and they are out of control . . . obviously.

muslims ALMOST the only group using stoning as a means of execution----
I know of no other legal code that prescribes execution for adultery or which so
LOOSELY described adultery. Even unmarried women can be accused of enough sexual license to be STONED
Jesus also said 'give to Caesar what is Caesar's.' Or, don't interfere in other countries' cultures. Fix your own first.

What does that have to do with Muzzie Beasts savagely murdering a young girl?

the "give unto ceasar" stuff in the NT was thrown in to justify ROMAN EMPIRE
EXPLOITATION ------the romans were intensely imperialistic and demanded tribute
from all the people they conquered and oppressed---------the idea of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" project was to convince the conquered that they should bow
down to "HOLY ROMAN"--------because their "god" wanted it that way
John 8.
Check the date.
Centuries before Islam was create -d.

Linear time: it's not just a good idea -- IT'S THE LAW.

right before islam stoning was a manner of execution ------and before
islam execution was a penalty for adultery in many cultures and systems of
law most likely including arabia Islam retained that idea in its legal code.
The greeks gave it up, the jews gave it up, the romans considered
adultery by a queen to be a capital crime and muslims consider sex by a woman not owned by a man with any man to be a capital crime by Shariah law and the
preferred method is stoning. In the 21st century-----stoning for what muslims
call "illegal sex by a muslim woman" is a capital crime ----stoning preferred ---
today it is MUSLIM Law and Custom as is the overwhelming majority of
instances of FGM -----thus rendering FGM as muslim as pizza is Italian

Don't start that FGM song and dance with me again. We blew that out of the water before and we'lll just do it over again.

And btw remember the event in the OP that touched all this off? Afghanistan. Stoning is illegal there so it wasn't the law doing it. And her "crime" was eloping, which has jack shit to do with religion, so it wasn't religion either. It was HBV --- which is a social construct.

DEAL with it.

Cute ------you declare VICTORY no matter what the outcome. You 'blew' nothing out of the water nor are you a "WE" ------you are a ----one jerk. In shariah adherent lands------the local IMAM does adjudicate The young girl was executed by stoning on the order of a QADI who adjudicated according to
shariah law. Today -----in Afghanistan -----real organized political entities in
the form of tribes and groups are doing the ISLAMIC THING. The same kind
of thing goes on in Pakistan and in parts of Indonesia -------it is considered LEGAL
IN THOSE LANDS. It does on in India too but not considered legal It goes on
in yemen and in lost of other MUSLIM political entities in Nigeria and in
Uganda and Sudan etc etc ----IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAMIC SHARIAH LAW--------not just "ancient custom" or sick "whim"-----Islamic shariah law

Social castes have nothing to do with religions. That's why they're social castes. NONE of this HBV shit --- OR FGM -- is prescribed or sanctioned by Islam or any other religion.

I've already posted myriad links backing that up throughout this thread and earlier ones -- you have linked NOTHING. That therefore is what your mythology is worth.

And yes, "we". Other posters besides you and I have set this bullshit straight before.

What Pogo?
irosie91 made it VERY clear her own husband went through this type of political oppression by CLASS

You can call it SOCIAL or RELIGIOUS or cultural conditioning that caused it.

but the suffering and damage and division that results came out the same.

Pogo you cannot argue with someone's EXPERIENCE going through this. That IS reality.
Why haggle over TERMS and whether to "call this social religious or political"

oppression is oppression. Clearly the problem in China and other countries is when the
collective govt becomes mitilarized, ruling by force, and not allowing for equal protection
of due process, free choice. etc.

Whether this is blamed on "religion, culture or politics," the ABUSIVE class/caste division has REAL
effects, and irosie91's husband came out of that.

I agree where you and irosie91 would all stand against abuse, but see no benefit in arguing
whose experiences or expressions are more valid than others. We could argue all day and all night whether "honor killings" are caused by religion, culture, politics or sexism
but that doesn't change the cases of people dying from that, when it DOES happen.
The EXPERIENCE is real, regardless if we disagree how to explain where the abuse
"social" patterns or conditioning comes from. Even Muslims would agree there are violations going on

give up-----the POGOs of the world are afraid that some people might read
the Koran/hadiths and know something about shariah law-------and Islamic
"culture" which is even more a CASTE society than is current day India

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