Aaron Rodgers and Live-In Split. What a surprise! Shack ups Don't Last, People.

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President Trump is the most beloved President in American history. Dispute that.
You mean the serial cheater and sexual assaulter and con-man who lost the popular vote TWICE, was impeached TWICE, and couldn't win re-election.....:heehee:
Where's that rape indictment and con-viction?

You worship a thrice divorced serial cheater who brags about sexually assaulting women. Not to mention at least 7 abortions he has paid for with his mistresses.
I don't know of any thrice-divorced president. Was it Chimpy?
And President Biden got 81 million votes. 81 million is more than 75 million....even if you cook the books like the fat former guy does.
Heh. Right. 81 million votes. Like anyone thinks Depends Biden is the most beloved president in history.
But back to the Chimpster, I'd heard he had affairs. I didn't know he was twice divorced though. Very interesting you think he was unfit, though.
Heh. Right. 81 million votes. Like anyone thinks Depends Biden is the most beloved president in history.
But back to the Chimpster, I'd heard he had affairs. I didn't know he was twice divorced though. But thanks for condemning him as unfit, though. I'll have to agree.
No one has claimed that President Biden is the most beloved President in history.............except you just now.

Who's the "Chimpster"?
Actually I mistyped.....but it's not as if you can tell the difference between a lie and a mistype. You are in thrall to the fat former guy and have lost your ability to discern when you lost your soul.
If you do it twice, it's not a mistype.
Actually I mistyped.....but it's not as if you can tell the difference between a lie and a mistype. You are in thrall to the fat former guy and have lost your ability to discern when you lost your soul.
'fat former guy'. You mean Moochele? ROFLLLLLL.
View attachment 603037 You mean the serial cheater and sexual assaulter and con-man who lost the popular vote TWICE, was impeached TWICE, and couldn't win re-election.....:heehee:
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the guy who just said Can't-Find'The'Toilet Biden is the most beloved president in American history. lololololol
And what does that have to do with answering posts for others?
But I just stated a fact that is backed up with research. Sorry if you don't like the fact.
Your "research" is slip shod, as the link I posted from psychology today discussed. You are telling people they and their loved ones will be more likely to get divorced if they have premarital sex. That's simply religious dogma, and you ARE MAKING MORAL JUDGMENTS about others, which is not just rude but bullying.

And even if one group was 33% more likely to get divorced than another group, it's statistically "small," and is simply propaganda. You can use statistics to show people who smoke or don't get covid vaccinations have some x% of being more likely to get sick. But divorce is based upon personality and another party's personality, and those are individual characteristics. You could even show statistics ... say .... showing evangelicals or first generation catholic hispanics are less likely to get divorced. BUT SO WHAT. It's the personalities involved .... not some god micromanaging events
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