Aaron Rodgers and Live-In Split. What a surprise! Shack ups Don't Last, People.

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LMAO, I don't talk big. I just made a statement. Stick your nose in my business and find out. Now once again--stay on topic or it could be removed to the Flame Zone where it belongs anyway.
Old man, you're the one doing the name calling and threatening, but I guarantee you wouldn't do a thing in person. You're very brave behind the screen. I've put up with your crap longer than I normally do. And now you go where all the trolls go. On iggy.
See, this is what leftwingers do. They come in and troll and namecall and curse you, hoping to get you into a flame war and have the thread sent down.
I've seen it over and over.
All right. All y'all trolls are cleared out. No more trolling comments will be responded to. This is a thread about Aaron Rodgers and another failed shack up. I just wanted everyone to understand WHY it failed, and what we should start teaching America's school children from an early age: the Christian principle that sex outside marriage is wrong and harmful to relationships.
I propose we get this in the curriculum immediately, particularly in the black ghettos. Those people are in most need of it.
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Aaron Rodgers has split with another live-in, proving once again, cohabitations don't work and sex before marriage leads to break ups. Rodgers, is of course an atheist. So none of the results are a big surprise.

When will people understand? When people make up their own rules instead of following the time-tested rules of God, things tend to fall apart.

Rodgers is also estranged from his parents and brothers. Hasn't spoken to them in years. Hence, another fast fact: Atheists have a disproportionately high number of family estrangements.

Live right, and things go smoother. Rodgers should have gotten married and had kids by now. All he has now is a big fat nothing. Little boys shack up and play house. Real men marry and build families.

Rodgers grew up a Christian household and early in his career appeared to be devout. But something happened. According to his father, Rodgers' fame went to his head. The lure of worldliness is very strong. Hopefull Aaron will come to his senses and return to his faith.

Judgmental much? I've been with my wife going on 46 years, married for 40+ of those, and yes, we lived together 5+ years before we got married. So you were saying about relationships like that not lasting? Give me a freaking break.

When will people understand? When people make up their own rules instead of following the time-tested rules of God, things tend to fall apart.

NFBW wrote: Do you believe the time tested rules of God are exalted for impressionable young future citizens more by the living arrangements and sexual exploits of a football player who gets there on his athletic ability and a god given gift for throwing footballs at moving targets. Or does the pathetic excuse for a man you put in the White House in 2016 have more an effect on young men deciding to take the path of atheism or walk through life according to the time-tested rules of God?

Trolls don’t ask questions like that Mashmont. 22FEB18-POST#0139
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