Aaron Rodgers and Live-In Split. What a surprise! Shack ups Don't Last, People.

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Divorce rates, and premarital sex mean less than the increase in couples who simply don't marry. I think that coincides with the increase in % of people who find organized religion at best irrelevant, and in many cases simply hostile to intelligent life. LOL

And yet the embrace of the evangelicals of Trump was accepting not just immorality and rich men's purchase of trophy sex from women with less power, but simple incivility. So notions of the effect of premarital sex, with no attempt to differentiate individuals, and even the demise of organized religion .... seem antiquated at best.
So he was raised as a Christian but went to Berkley and the Libtard filth there turned him into an Atheist?

Who would have ever figured something like that would ever happen?
Yes women have more choices and don't have to spend a life time paying for a mistake.
Back when I attended "church services" regularly, it amused me to see other parish couples splitting up and then recoupling. It was like they were trading off child support. I could see how that could seem "exciting," but I didn't really think either the men or women were really making improvements. LOL

And I find my 26 yr old daughter incredibly amusing.
Well, you generalized that women (and men) who have premarital sex are more likely to get divorced. Now even if that was true, and it is at best an overgeneralization of what actually occurs, it would not be true for millions of Americans.
And what does that have to do with answering posts for others?
But I just stated a fact that is backed up with research. Sorry if you don't like the fact.
So Berkley is more powerful than the christian religion?

Leftest are always good at brainwashing. They don't know shit about Economics but they know how to lie. They have been doing it for well over 100 years and there are always idiots that will fall for it.
Leftest are always good at brainwashing. They don't know shit about Economics but they know how to lie. They have been doing it for well over 100 years and there are always idiots that will fall for it.
That's what they do.
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