Abortion and Gay Marriage


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Many have bought into the 'Hallmark version' of 'marriage equality' because they have heard nothing else...

Gay marriage is being forced on this country like legalized abortion was forced on the country in 1973....following the same blueprint....legalized abortion was a product of civil arrogance on a national scale...like gay marriage today....

We have the media tsunami, the judicial old-boys network making secret arrangements, an elite attack on tradition and values, the middle and working classes utterly ignored.

Civil rights today are really all about vengence...

The campaign for gay marriage targets the exact same things that abortion did: tradition, middle-class values, the family. Abortion was part of a large-scale effort by the “Dead Souls” – the upper-class elites – to destroy lower-class attitudes, traditions, and beliefs, above all involving religion and the family, that were thought to be holding back progressive social evolution. The same motive can be seen here.

Marriage has no actual place in homosexual culture. It never has. If marriage were of such overwhelming importance to homosexuals, they would have, at some point in the last several thousand years of civilization, created some institution of their own to reflect it within their ranks. There is no sign in the historical record that this has ever happened. (The reason is that the basic impulse behind same-sex attraction is profoundly different from the attraction between the sexes. But we won’t go into those complexities here.)

Andrew Sullivan and others have reflected this reality by declaring that gay marriage would be “different” from traditional marriage, involving open relationships, shifting liaisons, and the like. In other words, reflecting gay life as it is actually lived, and for all practical purposes not marriage at all. That is, something that could have been established generations ago if gays really wanted it.

So if this campaign is not about marriage per se, what is it about? To put it bluntly, it’s about vengeance. The modern view of civil rights does not involve justice, reconciliation, or tolerance. It involves revenge. No longer is it enough to correct injustices, to see to reparations, to guarantee that no backsliding with regard to minority rights occurs. Since the 1960s, it has been necessary to punish the majority for various historical sins – even if they had no actual involvement. This began with black civil rights, as the movement, at one time a campaign of high moral content, went off the rails with the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. In short order we got forced bussing, affirmative action, and political correctness, each of which was intended less to assist blacks than to punish, harass, and annoy whites. The same has followed with the feminists, Hispanics, and now gays.

Behind all those athletic young men and winsome girls stand the six-foot-tall drag queens and three-hundred-pound lesbians in tuxes who are the neglected image of “gay marriage.” The intention is to destroy marriage itself by turning it into a joke, a clown show. This is how gays seek their revenge: by striking at the key heterosexual ritual, one that for most women marks a peak experience in their lives and for men marks the moment of leaving behind carefree youth for responsible manhood. Marriage is the basis of the family, and more than that, a state that marks the differences between the middle class and on one side the “undeserving poor” who don’t care enough to marry, and the butterflies of the wealthy elite, to whom, as the old country western song put it, “love’s a passing fling.”

But there’s more to it.

Articles: Roe and Gay Marriage
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

No, that's not true! Allowing gays to marry LESSENS straight marriage....or sumptin'

Just like when they allow inter-racial marriage, it LESSENS same-race marriage....or sumptin'

And just like when they allow inter-faith marriage, it LESSENS same-faith marriage..or sumptin'
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Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

No, that's not true! Allowing gays to marry LESSENS straight marriage....or sumptin'

Just like when they allow inter-racial marriage, it LESSENS same-race marriage....or sumptin'

And just like when they allow inter-faith marriage, it LESSENS same-faith marriage..or sumptin'

Hey fucktard, how many dudes have you buttfucked lately?

fag marriage cheapens it, which is why you want it. Why have normal two parent households, when everyone can be a freak.
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

No, that's not true! Allowing gays to marry LESSENS straight marriage....or sumptin'

Just like when they allow inter-racial marriage, it LESSENS same-race marriage....or sumptin'

And just like when they allow inter-faith marriage, it LESSENS same-faith marriage..or sumptin'

Right. I forgot that letting women and minorities vote lessened the white vote.
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

No, that's not true! Allowing gays to marry LESSENS straight marriage....or sumptin'

Just like when they allow inter-racial marriage, it LESSENS same-race marriage....or sumptin'

And just like when they allow inter-faith marriage, it LESSENS same-faith marriage..or sumptin'

Hey fucktard, how many dudes have you buttfucked lately?

fag marriage cheapens it, which is why you want it. Why have normal two parent households, when everyone can be a freak.

Sounds like scapegoating your own inadequacies to me...

I've been legally married over 6 years now. Does it make you feel cheap? :lol:
Gay marriage is being forced on this country like legalized abortion was forced on the country in 1973....


Neither equal protection rights for gay Americans nor privacy rights for women are being ‘forced’ on the country.

The issue concerns the states violating the civil rights of same-sex couples and women by capriciously enacting measures repugnant to the Constitution motivated solely by subjective and errant religious and political dogma.

So if this campaign is not about marriage per se, what is it about? To put it bluntly, it’s about vengeance. The modern view of civil rights does not involve justice, reconciliation, or tolerance. It involves revenge.

Ignorant nonsense.

There is no ‘campaign’ or ‘agenda,’ the issue only concerns Americans seeking the consistent and appropriate application of 14th Amendment jurisprudence with regard to same-sex couples, and substantive due process jurisprudence concerning the right of Americans to decide personal, private matters absent unwarranted interference by the state, as intended by the Framers:

Constitutional protection of the woman's decision to terminate her pregnancy derives from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. It declares that no State shall "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." The controlling word in the case before us is "liberty." Although a literal reading of the Clause might suggest that it governs only the procedures by which a State may deprive persons of liberty, for at least 105 years, at least since Mugler v. Kansas, 123 U.S. 623, 660-661 (1887), the Clause has been understood to contain a substantive component as well, one "barring certain government actions regardless of the fairness of the procedures used to implement them." Daniels v. Williams, 474 U.S. 327, 331 (1986). As Justice Brandeis (joined by Justice Holmes) observed, "[d]espite arguments to the contrary which had seemed to me persuasive, it is settled that the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applies to matters of substantive law as well as to matters of procedure. Thus all fundamental rights comprised within the term liberty are protected by the Federal Constitution from invasion by the States." Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357, 373 (1927) (Brandeis, J., concurring).

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Gay Americans likewise enjoy the same liberty as all other Americans to express themselves as individuals also absent unwarranted interference by the state:

“ These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.” Ibid.

Persons in a homosexual relationship may seek autonomy for these purposes, just as heterosexual persons do. The decision in Bowers would deny them this right.


Therefore, in order for the state to seek to deny Americans their civil liberties, the right to make personal, private decisions absent unwarranted interference by the state, the state must meet a very heavy burden – a burden the states seeking to deny women their privacy rights and same-sex couples their equal protection rights have clearly failed to meet.
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

it's amazing what activist judges can find between the lines....:rolleyes:

just like abortion they have taken marriage out of the public arena...there are only 3 states that have it by popular vote...
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

No, that's not true! Allowing gays to marry LESSENS straight marriage....or sumptin'

Just like when they allow inter-racial marriage, it LESSENS same-race marriage....or sumptin'

And just like when they allow inter-faith marriage, it LESSENS same-faith marriage..or sumptin'

Hey fucktard, how many dudes have you buttfucked lately?

fag marriage cheapens it, which is why you want it. Why have normal two parent households, when everyone can be a freak.

And this is an example of the hate, stupidity, and ignorance the 14th Amendment was designed to protect the civil liberties of all Americans.
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

it's amazing what activist judges can find between the lines....:rolleyes:

just like abortion they have taken marriage out of the public arena...there are only 3 states that have it by popular vote...

What’s amazing is the willful ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law exhibited by most on the right, and the propensity of most on the right to seek to deny their fellow Americans their civil liberties.
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

it's amazing what activist judges can find between the lines....:rolleyes:

just like abortion they have taken marriage out of the public arena...there are only 3 states that have it by popular vote...

What’s amazing is the willful ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law exhibited by most on the right, and the propensity of most on the right to seek to deny their fellow Americans their civil liberties.

what's amazing is the liberal pick-and-choose method of what to believe is in the Constitution...

it's also amazing that some black robes twist things to make 'privacy rights' equate into killing the unborn and 'equal rights' into redefining marriage...

Americans know better.....killing babies is wrong....and making a mockery of marriage is also wrong...
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

No, that's not true! Allowing gays to marry LESSENS straight marriage....or sumptin'

Just like when they allow inter-racial marriage, it LESSENS same-race marriage....or sumptin'

And just like when they allow inter-faith marriage, it LESSENS same-faith marriage..or sumptin'

Hey fucktard, how many dudes have you buttfucked lately?

fag marriage cheapens it, which is why you want it. Why have normal two parent households, when everyone can be a freak.

At least you went for the stupid argument.
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

it's amazing what activist judges can find between the lines....:rolleyes:

just like abortion they have taken marriage out of the public arena...there are only 3 states that have it by popular vote...

So...you are losing...you irrelevant. Accept the fact society has passed you.now go die off in whatever peace you can muster.
Homosexuality serves no societal purpose. Good news is, with advances in genetics, we are coming closer and closer to discovering the potential "homosexual" gene or genes. If we can detect this genetic proclivity towards this anti-social behavior in the womb, we will be able to abort said fetus or use to gene therapy to address the issue. If this gene is discovered, and can be identified in the womb, I think many will go this route.
No, that's not true! Allowing gays to marry LESSENS straight marriage....or sumptin'

Just like when they allow inter-racial marriage, it LESSENS same-race marriage....or sumptin'

And just like when they allow inter-faith marriage, it LESSENS same-faith marriage..or sumptin'

Hey fucktard, how many dudes have you buttfucked lately?

fag marriage cheapens it, which is why you want it. Why have normal two parent households, when everyone can be a freak.

Sounds like scapegoating your own inadequacies to me...

I've been legally married over 6 years now. Does it make you feel cheap? :lol:

Good for you...and yes it does cheapen it...but then again i the 90s you were praising single moms an saying a two parent family didnt matter and attacking decisions that led to this circumstance were mean......

So why did you get married? And whomreally takes it seriously?
Homosexuality serves no societal purpose. Good news is, with advances in genetics, we are coming closer and closer to discovering the potential "homosexual" gene or genes. If we can detect this genetic proclivity towards this anti-social behavior in the womb, we will be able to abort said fetus or use to gene therapy to address the issue. If this gene is discovered, and can be identified in the womb, I think many will go this route.

Ooo the troll angle....
Properly recognizing the protections of the 14 Amendment as it applies to gay couples forces nothing on you.

No, that's not true! Allowing gays to marry LESSENS straight marriage....or sumptin'

Just like when they allow inter-racial marriage, it LESSENS same-race marriage....or sumptin'

And just like when they allow inter-faith marriage, it LESSENS same-faith marriage..or sumptin'

Hey fucktard, how many dudes have you buttfucked lately?

These kinds of comments help prove my assertion that so-called anti-gay straights talk and think more about gay sex than any gay person would.

fag marriage cheapens it, which is why you want it. Why have normal two parent households, when everyone can be a freak.

Well now. There are several states and several countries with legalized gay marriage. That makes your marriage pretty darn cheap now, if we go by your comment. :D

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