Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

That's fine, you're entitled to your beliefs.

Indeed, the right to privacy safeguards your beliefs from government interference, just as the right to privacy prohibits government from forcing such personal, subjective beliefs on others as a matter of law.
It is my personal belief that no one should be allowed to murder another person. If someone comes after you with a gun, I expect the government to intervene and prosecute them. The killer has no "right to privacy" in such matters.

Human life, in or out of the womb, should be protected by the government.
By not ruling , they allowed the law to stand. That’s tacit approval
No, it isn't. All the Supreme Court did was deny an injunction.

I have little doubt they will strike down the law when it is challenged.
By not ruling , they allowed the law to stand. That’s tacit approval
It does not matter how many times your repeat your statement of abject ignorance, it remains a statement of abject ignroance.

When the USSC denies cert, it says -nothing- about the merits of the case or the ruling under appeal
In -this- instance, there isn't a ruling TO appeal; as such, their refusal to grant a stay says even LESS about the merits of the case.

It behooves you to learn how these things work, lest you appear more ignorant than you are.
If that's possible.
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He doesn't, that's the point; that the lawsuits are completely devoid of merit doesn't matter, they're intended to intimidate and one must still defend himself against them.

That is my point totally.

There is no standing for a total stranger to sue anyone who has an abortion.

This is a way for the anti choice to bankrupt any women's clinic they believe performs abortions. It doesn't matter if the abortion is legal.

This law forces the person or business to pay the court costs if they lose the case but if the anti choice people lose the case they don't have to pay the court costs.

So no matter if the person or business wins the case or not, they are left with astronomical legal costs, it puts them out of business.

Yes this is just intimidation by the anti choice people who will do everything they can to force women to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term.

Even in the case of rape and incest.

Most women are horrified by that.

I want to believe most men are too.
Yep, if they think this will be a big hit with the ladies they're sadly mistaken.

If a woman is raped, and some dipshit Texan sues anyone who helped her get an abortion, I think Jesus Christ himself would drop the plaintiff into the deepest bowels of hell.

I think the very souls of the legislators who passed this law without excepting rape or incest are imperiled.
This law as it stands… gives them standing and that’s insane

How is a total stranger harmed from someone having an abortion?

That is what standing is. A person has been harmed and has evidence of the harm.

No living person is harmed by an abortion.
If a woman is raped, and some dipshit Texan sues anyone who helped her get an abortion, I think Jesus Christ himself would drop the plaintiff into the deepest bowels of hell.

I think the very souls of the legislators who passed this law without excepting rape or incest are imperiled.
Fuck their souls. It’s their JOBS that should be imperiled
Yep, if they think this will be a big hit with the ladies they're sadly mistaken.


That should have read " Don't mess with the women of America."

We know that Florida and South Dakota have already said they are going to pass the same law.

Some people forget what happened in the 2018 election.

The republicans have just handed every woman in America a very good reason to go vote.

The one good thing from all of this, it has guaranteed that the republicans have lost the vote of most women in America for a very long time.

"A new Texas abortion law that bars the procedure after approximately six weeks of pregnancy took effect Wednesday, after the Supreme Court didn’t act on an emergency request by clinics and abortion-rights advocates to block it. When the court said nothing by midnight, the ban officially went into force, making it the most restrictive abortion law in effect in the U.S. The state law dictates that a physician can’t knowingly perform an abortion if there is a detectable fetal heartbeat after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion-rights advocates typically challenge new restrictions before they go into effect by suing the government officials -- but lawmakers devised a measure that shifts enforcement from the state to private parties. Under the new law private parties can file civil lawsuits against any person who allegedly performs or aids a banned abortion, or who intends to do so. Under the law, a successful suit entitles the plaintiff to collect at least $10,000 in damages per abortion challenged."

One of the many good things about living in Texas is now one is able to sue any whore whom they think had an abortion, along with the doctor that helped that whore; the receptionist at the clinic -- and even the person who gave the whore a ride to the clinic -- if you want, you can sue all of them.. In fact, there are already lawsuits in the works to sue..For example, there is a lawyer in Collin County, Tx who donated to abortion rights groups; now that person is getting sued...and there is this other lawyer who represents women who were impregnated from "sexual assault" and are trying to get abortions -- not so fast...they are getting sued too....At $10,000 per abortion challenge, one can make a pretty penny or at least put these folks who are part of this abortion industry out of business and hopefully in jail -- because that is what freedom is all about.
If only your mother was a fan of the Planned Parenthood extermination camps.
Before Roe v. Wade, the states decided who could or could not get an abortion. And I believe that is the way it should be.

The laws varied from state to state.

But I learned something incredibly surprising when I looked into this many years ago. Nationally, the number of abortions prior to Roe v. Wade was the same as the number of abortions after Roe v. Wade.

Not surprisingly, the claim that 5,000 to 10,000 women died every year from illegal abortions prior to Roe was a lie. NARAL later admitted to making up the number.

But pro-abortion people still quote that figure to this day.

The actual figure is less than 100 deaths a year from illegal abortions. That's because illegal abortions were not so much performed in the proverbial back alley, but in skilled doctors' offices.

From the book Aborting America published in 1973:

How many deaths were we talking about when abortion was illegal? In NARAL [the National Abortion Rights Action League], we generally emphasized the frame of the individual case, not the mass statistics, but when we spoke of the latter it was always '5,000 to 10,000 deaths a year.' I confess that I knew the figures were totally false, and I suppose the others did too if they stopped to think of it. But in the 'morality' of our revolution, it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics? The overriding concern was to get the laws eliminated, and anything within reason that had to be done was permissible.

I mentioned the number of abortions in America prior to Roe were about the same as after Roe. And in reality, the number of annual abortions in America has beens steadily declining despite an ever growing population.

The reason there were so many abortions prior to Roe is that many states where abortion was illegal still had a medical exemption for abortion. And sympathetic doctors were more than willing to craft a medical exemption for mothers who wanted to abort, virtually nullifying the abortion ban.
No living person is harmed by an abortion.
This is the exact center of the divide between pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-lifers believe a human is being murdered by abortion.

Here's something for you to think about: About half of Americans self-identify as pro-life, and half self-identify as pro-choice. However, 72 percent of Americans believe abortion should be banned after the first trimester.

Think about that. This means many people who consider themselves pro-choice actually hold a belief which is in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade which allows abortions will past the first trimester!

So at some point, even many pro-choice people believe a living person is harmed by an abortion.

You are in a minority.
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Hang on sloopy Am in Edinburgh which on the east cost near the bottom of Scotland the lowlands we normally dont get that much bad weather unlike the west cost because it across from Ireland and the Atlantic Ocean and if there storms the west coast the the worst of the storm of the Atlantic Ocean

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