Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

It doesn’t matter if the baby is dependent on the mother, it’s not the baby’s fault, and there’s no justification for killing an innocent human being, period.
Don't kill the baby. Simply remove it from mother.
You also wrongly assume that the mother is going to feel enslaved the whole way through. That is not what happens. Once the mother sees the baby growing, sees the beating heart in the ultrasound, feels the baby moving, etc, it is natural and inevitable that the mother will begin to love her baby. I have never once heard of a woman regretting choosing life, even if they gave the baby up for adoption. But I have heard tons and tons and tons of women regretting killing their baby.
You wrongly assume that the mother will feel any of that. The mother's feelings are irrelevant.

Their regret is their own problem, and I believe they should be aware of the SERIOUS regret they will feel.

The reality is that government forcing a mother to carry an unwanted baby is overreach. That's it. Period. You can make what you want of that, but it is overreach in my opinion.

Again, I do NOT advocate for abortion, but I don't mind if morons rid the world of their worthless idiot bastard spawn. I am only showing how it can't be called "murder" without considering all available affirmative defenses.
He doesn't, that's the point; that the lawsuits are completely devoid of merit doesn't matter, they're intended to intimidate and one must still defend himself against them.
This law as it stands… gives them standing and that’s insane
The USSC refused to grant an emergency stay.
The case did not go to the USSC on appeal, and the USSC did not hear the case.
Thus, the USSC did not, in any way "approve" the law.

They could have put a stay on the obviously unconstitutional law but choose to remain silent and allowed Texas Women to lose their rights. Texas women are second class citizens right now thanks to the inaction of this Court.
I am pro-life, and I think the Texas law is a little harsh. Particularly for not making exceptions for rape and incest.

However, rape and incest make up only about 1 percent of all abortions. I am weary of pro-abortion people using these victims of the most heinous of crimes as human shields to protect the 99 percent of abortions which are convenience abortions.

As for abortions due to rape, this can and is mitigated by the availability of the "morning after pill" which can be administered immediately following the rape.

I believe abortions would be greatly reduced if people would just use birth control. More than half of all abortions are the result of NO birth control being used or the improper use of birth control. This is flat out ridiculous considering the wide availability and low cost of birth control. Low income people can get birth control for free.

It is incredibly irresponsible to have sex without using birth control if you don't want to get pregnant. The onus of an unwanted pregnancy is entirely on the woman. There simply is no excuse, so I don't have much pity if they get pregnant and demand an abortion.
That's fine, you're entitled to your beliefs.

Indeed, the right to privacy safeguards your beliefs from government interference, just as the right to privacy prohibits government from forcing such personal, subjective beliefs on others as a matter of law.
They could have put a stay on the obviously unconstitutional law but choose to remain silent and allowed Texas Women to lose their rights. Texas women are second class citizens right now thanks to the inaction of this Court.
And this is going to spread to other red states
Ok, Fidel, next time I need to find a hub cap for a 57 Chevy in Havana, I will knock on the door of your grass hut. For now, leave interpreting the law to those of us that walk upright and speak English.
You choose to be wrong.
I will let you.
The women in Texas really should wake up.

The politicians in Texas are taking away their rights and our courts won't do anything about it.

The women and all intelligent people of Texas really should vote those republicans out of office.

The women of child bearing years in Texas will now have to take pregnancy tests monthly so they know if they are pregnant before that 6 week deadline.

We will see women leave Texas for their abortions. We will see women and young girls die or harmed because of this law. They will try to induce miscarriage or go on line to buy the abortion pill and take it without doctor to monitor the process for any complications. Women could end up bleeding which could cause infertility or even die.

This could cause backlash big time on the republicans.

Yep, if they think this will be a big hit with the ladies they're sadly mistaken.


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