Abortion is murder

Abortion is not the holocaust, or like it, except in your opinion. Your fallacy of false equivalency does not make it so.

It is worse. The holocaust claimed 7 million lives. In this country alone, abortion has claimed 50 million lives since Roe v Wade.
They are not human lives. Or you can show me that abortion is taking a "human life." Show us.

If they are not human lives then you tell us what they are, Jake. I have seen many via ultrasound and they all seem to have arms, legs, a human head, ten fingers and toes. Even the doctor addresses them as the expectant parents' child or if the sex has been discovered via ultrasound, as "your son" or "your daughter". The doctors must believe they are human beings.
That has already been determined in law and by bioethicists, being.
being is like reagan, saying, "I don't understand this," when shortly he will understand none of it. Stop whining, and tell me what you believe should be the limits of abortion.

Since I believe abortion to be the premediated murder for hire of a defenseless human being, I see no instance where it should be permitted.

...and fortunately for all of our country, your belief's are not worth a warm bucket of piss until you are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.
Abortion is not murder.
But we should be talking about wrong. Would you have stood idly by during the holocaust? That was legal too?
One again a false equivalency.
but it shows where his heart is at, and where your's is at.
ty, your church allows abortion, as you well know

my standard is abortion in case of genetic malformation that results in death after birth, in case of rape, in case of incest, and in case of danger to mother's health.

Your church is fine with that.

You need to talk to your brethren in your ward and with your high councilor assigned to your ward.

You are in strange hiways and biways.

If Ty is a Christian, what his earthly church condones or does not condone is not charged to Ty. What matters to Ty is his walk with God. Christians are most often at odds with you people of the World.
Abortion is not the holocaust, or like it, except in your opinion. Your fallacy of false equivalency does not make it so.

It is worse. The holocaust claimed 7 million lives. In this country alone, abortion has claimed 50 million lives since Roe v Wade.
They are not human lives. Or you can show me that abortion is taking a "human life." Show us.

If they are not human lives then you tell us what they are, Jake. I have seen many via ultrasound and they all seem to have arms, legs, a human head, ten fingers and toes. Even the doctor addresses them as the expectant parents' child or if the sex has been discovered via ultrasound, as "your son" or "your daughter". The doctors must believe they are human beings.
That has already been determined in law and by bioethicists, being.

Answer the question, Jake. Don't wiggle out of it.
being is like reagan, saying, "I don't understand this," when shortly he will understand none of it. Stop whining, and tell me what you believe should be the limits of abortion.

Since I believe abortion to be the premediated murder for hire of a defenseless human being, I see no instance where it should be permitted.

...and fortunately for all of our country, your belief's are not worth a warm bucket of piss until you are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.
Abortion is not the holocaust, or like it, except in your opinion. Your fallacy of false equivalency does not make it so.

It is worse. The holocaust claimed 7 million lives. In this country alone, abortion has claimed 50 million lives since Roe v Wade.
They are not human lives. Or you can show me that abortion is taking a "human life." Show us.

If they are not human lives then you tell us what they are, Jake. I have seen many via ultrasound and they all seem to have arms, legs, a human head, ten fingers and toes. Even the doctor addresses them as the expectant parents' child or if the sex has been discovered via ultrasound, as "your son" or "your daughter". The doctors must believe they are human beings.
That has already been determined in law and by bioethicists, being.

Answer the question, Jake. Don't wiggle out of it.
There is no question to answer. Whatever you think the doctors 'believe" is immaterial.
being is like reagan, saying, "I don't understand this," when shortly he will understand none of it. Stop whining, and tell me what you believe should be the limits of abortion.

Since I believe abortion to be the premediated murder for hire of a defenseless human being, I see no instance where it should be permitted.

...and fortunately for all of our country, your belief's are not worth a warm bucket of piss until you are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.
That is for you to believe, if you wish, but never to force on a woman.
It is worse. The holocaust claimed 7 million lives. In this country alone, abortion has claimed 50 million lives since Roe v Wade.
They are not human lives. Or you can show me that abortion is taking a "human life." Show us.

If they are not human lives then you tell us what they are, Jake. I have seen many via ultrasound and they all seem to have arms, legs, a human head, ten fingers and toes. Even the doctor addresses them as the expectant parents' child or if the sex has been discovered via ultrasound, as "your son" or "your daughter". The doctors must believe they are human beings.
That has already been determined in law and by bioethicists, being.

Answer the question, Jake. Don't wiggle out of it.
There is no question to answer. Whatever you think the doctors 'believe" is immaterial.

Yes Jake. I should have realized that you consider yourself more intelligent than they. Point taken.
Since I believe abortion to be the premediated murder for hire of a defenseless human being, I see no instance where it should be permitted.

...and fortunately for all of our country, your belief's are not worth a warm bucket of piss until you are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.
That is for you to believe, if you wish, but never to force on a woman.

Well Dude, if the unborn child is her own body or a body part of hers then when the child is born she is now two people or suffering from the loss of a body part. LOL. You have zero credibility nor common sense.
being is like reagan, saying, "I don't understand this," when shortly he will understand none of it. Stop whining, and tell me what you believe should be the limits of abortion.

Since I believe abortion to be the premediated murder for hire of a defenseless human being, I see no instance where it should be permitted.

...and fortunately for all of our country, your belief's are not worth a warm bucket of piss until you are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.
Which of these is human and which are animal?

...and fortunately for all of our country, your belief's are not worth a warm bucket of piss until you are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.
That is for you to believe, if you wish, but never to force on a woman.

Well Dude, if the unborn child is her own body or a body part of hers then when the child is born she is now two people or suffering from the loss of a body part. LOL. You have zero credibility nor common sense.
Of course I do, and you are wandering around. Yes, you are an intelligent human being, whom I happen to believe far too narrow on this issue. Your age has made you too restricted. You have failed to comprehend the mystery of life.

The universe no more condemns you than me.
being is like reagan, saying, "I don't understand this," when shortly he will understand none of it. Stop whining, and tell me what you believe should be the limits of abortion.

Since I believe abortion to be the premediated murder for hire of a defenseless human being, I see no instance where it should be permitted.

...and fortunately for all of our country, your belief's are not worth a warm bucket of piss until you are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.

So, your take on set of beliefs this makes it your right to criminalize her decisions about her fetus, and her body.

Got it! however, I hope that you don't reach some moral decisions about whether it is against god's wishes for someone to treat an illness through doctors and drugs, instead of through prayer, as some folks have done. That would pretty much criminalize the entire healing profession.
I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.
That is for you to believe, if you wish, but never to force on a woman.

Well Dude, if the unborn child is her own body or a body part of hers then when the child is born she is now two people or suffering from the loss of a body part. LOL. You have zero credibility nor common sense.
Of course I do, and you are wandering around. Yes, you are an intelligent human being, whom I happen to believe far too narrow on this issue. Your age has made you too restricted. You have failed to comprehend the mystery of life.

The universe no more condemns you than me.

The universe has nothing to do with me. What condemns me is my own conscience. Of course, Christ is the judge of the quick and the dead.

You are correct concerning the current interpretaion of federal law however, 12 states appear to agree that the unborn child is a human being. California, as liberal as it is, has ruled accordingly. I fully realize I cannot change people's minds. The only thing I can do and will continue to do is vote against any politician who supports abortion. The same is true for those who support gay marriage. I answer to my own conscience Jake, not to yours.
Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.
That is for you to believe, if you wish, but never to force on a woman.

Well Dude, if the unborn child is her own body or a body part of hers then when the child is born she is now two people or suffering from the loss of a body part. LOL. You have zero credibility nor common sense.
Of course I do, and you are wandering around. Yes, you are an intelligent human being, whom I happen to believe far too narrow on this issue. Your age has made you too restricted. You have failed to comprehend the mystery of life.

The universe no more condemns you than me.

The universe has nothing to do with me. What condemns me is my own conscience. Of course, Christ is the judge of the quick and the dead.

You are correct concerning the current interpretaion of federal law however, 12 states appear to agree that the unborn child is a human being. California, as liberal as it is, has ruled accordingly. I fully realize I cannot change people's minds. The only thing I can do and will continue to do is vote against any politician who supports abortion. The same is true for those who support gay marriage. I answer to my own conscience Jake, not to yours.
being does not speak for Christ.

I don't care about your conscience, but I do are about you being a false teacher.
Since I believe abortion to be the premediated murder for hire of a defenseless human being, I see no instance where it should be permitted.

...and fortunately for all of our country, your belief's are not worth a warm bucket of piss until you are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.

So, your take on set of beliefs this makes it your right to criminalize her decisions about her fetus, and her body.

Got it! however, I hope that you don't reach some moral decisions about whether it is against god's wishes for someone to treat an illness through doctors and drugs, instead of through prayer, as some folks have done. That would pretty much criminalize the entire healing profession.

Whether I think she is a murderess or not carries absolutely zero weight. Personally, I will never have an abortion being male but I do have the right to my opinion and will vote accordingly. Get over it.
...and fortunately for all of our country, your belief's are not worth a warm bucket of piss until you are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.

So, your take on set of beliefs this makes it your right to criminalize her decisions about her fetus, and her body.

Got it! however, I hope that you don't reach some moral decisions about whether it is against god's wishes for someone to treat an illness through doctors and drugs, instead of through prayer, as some folks have done. That would pretty much criminalize the entire healing profession.

Whether I think she is a murderess or not carries absolutely zero weight. Personally, I will never have an abortion being male but I do have the right to my opinion and will vote accordingly. Get over it.
No one is concerned about your opinion, and no one cares how you vote.
Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.
That is for you to believe, if you wish, but never to force on a woman.

Well Dude, if the unborn child is her own body or a body part of hers then when the child is born she is now two people or suffering from the loss of a body part. LOL. You have zero credibility nor common sense.
Of course I do, and you are wandering around. Yes, you are an intelligent human being, whom I happen to believe far too narrow on this issue. Your age has made you too restricted. You have failed to comprehend the mystery of life.

The universe no more condemns you than me.

The universe has nothing to do with me. What condemns me is my own conscience. Of course, Christ is the judge of the quick and the dead.

You are correct concerning the current interpretaion of federal law however, 12 states appear to agree that the unborn child is a human being. California, as liberal as it is, has ruled accordingly. I fully realize I cannot change people's minds. The only thing I can do and will continue to do is vote against any politician who supports abortion. The same is true for those who support gay marriage. I answer to my own conscience Jake, not to yours.
being does not speak for Christ.

I don't care about your conscience, but I do are about you being a false teacher.

Actually Jake, there is very little you actually care about. You certainly are not a Christian.
I can't argue with that because that is true. I am simply adult enough and possess enough common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.

Well, I guess that means that we have found common ground, because I know that it is wrong to tell a woman that she is violating the law and can be prosecuted because she wants to make her own decisions about control her own body, instead of submitting to someone else's control who has absolutely nothing to do with her. I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone make those decisions for my wife.

Except that in reality the body and life she is destroying is not her own body.

So, your take on set of beliefs this makes it your right to criminalize her decisions about her fetus, and her body.

Got it! however, I hope that you don't reach some moral decisions about whether it is against god's wishes for someone to treat an illness through doctors and drugs, instead of through prayer, as some folks have done. That would pretty much criminalize the entire healing profession.

Whether I think she is a murderess or not carries absolutely zero weight. Personally, I will never have an abortion being male but I do have the right to my opinion and will vote accordingly. Get over it.
No one is concerned about your opinion, and no one cares how you vote.

Nor yours Jake. You mean absolutely nothing to anyone except yourself. Many besides myself have seen you for the fraud you really are.
That is for you to believe, if you wish, but never to force on a woman.

Well Dude, if the unborn child is her own body or a body part of hers then when the child is born she is now two people or suffering from the loss of a body part. LOL. You have zero credibility nor common sense.
Of course I do, and you are wandering around. Yes, you are an intelligent human being, whom I happen to believe far too narrow on this issue. Your age has made you too restricted. You have failed to comprehend the mystery of life.

The universe no more condemns you than me.

The universe has nothing to do with me. What condemns me is my own conscience. Of course, Christ is the judge of the quick and the dead.

You are correct concerning the current interpretaion of federal law however, 12 states appear to agree that the unborn child is a human being. California, as liberal as it is, has ruled accordingly. I fully realize I cannot change people's minds. The only thing I can do and will continue to do is vote against any politician who supports abortion. The same is true for those who support gay marriage. I answer to my own conscience Jake, not to yours.
being does not speak for Christ.

I don't care about your conscience, but I do are about you being a false teacher.

Actually Jake, there is very little you actually care about. You certainly are not a Christian.
See, you are the false teacher.
Well Dude, if the unborn child is her own body or a body part of hers then when the child is born she is now two people or suffering from the loss of a body part. LOL. You have zero credibility nor common sense.
Of course I do, and you are wandering around. Yes, you are an intelligent human being, whom I happen to believe far too narrow on this issue. Your age has made you too restricted. You have failed to comprehend the mystery of life.

The universe no more condemns you than me.

The universe has nothing to do with me. What condemns me is my own conscience. Of course, Christ is the judge of the quick and the dead.

You are correct concerning the current interpretaion of federal law however, 12 states appear to agree that the unborn child is a human being. California, as liberal as it is, has ruled accordingly. I fully realize I cannot change people's minds. The only thing I can do and will continue to do is vote against any politician who supports abortion. The same is true for those who support gay marriage. I answer to my own conscience Jake, not to yours.
being does not speak for Christ.

I don't care about your conscience, but I do are about you being a false teacher.

Actually Jake, there is very little you actually care about. You certainly are not a Christian.
See, you are the false teacher.

Coming from you, I consider that a compliment. I would not wish for a moment to be in the same camp as you.

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