Abortion Survivor Melissa Ohden: "What About My Choice?"

Hmmm...instead of forcing the government to make abortion illegal maybe you should form your own charity to convince woman to choose life and support them in that decision?
Good grief, where have you been ? There are already countless charities and education programs including having women through sonogram technology, and ultra sound technology, look at their babies living in the womb, and this before they make a terrible decision to end the babies life while still in the womb.

Just by checking Google I found this below.

Any woman who's pregnant is bound to wonder at various points over nine months: What is she doing in there? Is she bored? Is she loving that pint of superfudge chunk ice cream I just engulfed? Turns out babies are busy, busy, busy in the womb! So what, exactly, are they up to?

Sure, there are flutters and flips and kicks, but you won't believe what else babies do in the womb as they grow! Here's what scientists say about all the ways your fetus is developing and learning during your pregnancy:

1. They learn taste.

2. They practice facial expressions.

3. They cry.

4. They recognise nursery rhymes.

5. They recognize songs.

6. They recognize touch.

Then why use the government to make it illegal?

Why use the government to force those told to butt out of a woman's choice to fund things related to those choices? Why, if what a woman does with her body is a private matter, so much public money goes to things related to those choices? Why are taxpayers being forced to support the kids a woman CHOOSES to have that she can't support financially? Why is tax money going to places like Planned Parenthood for things related to what a WOMAN chooses to do with her body?
Hmmm...instead of forcing the government to make abortion illegal maybe you should form your own charity to convince woman to choose life and support them in that decision?
Good grief, where have you been ? There are already countless charities and education programs including having women through sonogram technology, and ultra sound technology, look at their babies living in the womb, and this before they make a terrible decision to end the babies life while still in the womb.

Just by checking Google I found this below.

Any woman who's pregnant is bound to wonder at various points over nine months: What is she doing in there? Is she bored? Is she loving that pint of superfudge chunk ice cream I just engulfed? Turns out babies are busy, busy, busy in the womb! So what, exactly, are they up to?

Sure, there are flutters and flips and kicks, but you won't believe what else babies do in the womb as they grow! Here's what scientists say about all the ways your fetus is developing and learning during your pregnancy:

1. They learn taste.

2. They practice facial expressions.

3. They cry.

4. They recognise nursery rhymes.

5. They recognize songs.

6. They recognize touch.

Then why use the government to make it illegal?

Why use the government to force those told to butt out of a woman's choice to fund things related to those choices? Why, if what a woman does with her body is a private matter, so much public money goes to things related to those choices? Why are taxpayers being forced to support the kids a woman CHOOSES to have that she can't support financially? Why is tax money going to places like Planned Parenthood for things related to what a WOMAN chooses to do with her body?

Depends on what you really want. To rant at women and rant about abortion, or do things to reduce the need for abortion and the societal cost of unwanted children and drop out mothers :dunno:
Besides being stupid, your cat is going to leave you, and YOU LIE!

How much does the government pay to Planned Parenthood? Bush is right that Planned Parenthood receives $500 million a year in government funding — or, to be more exact, $528 million last year, according to Planned Parenthood's latest annual report.Aug 5, 2015

None of which is used to pay for abortions... they pay for things like contraception.

Contraception is a good thing, it reduces the need for abortion.

That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.
Are you so dumb that you need government to provide you with birth control that is available on the free market place ??
Thanks for making my point.

Countries that have free birth control and comprehensive sexual education programs have lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies meanwhile you guys explode in rage at the idea that health insurance must provide free contraception (a hell of a lot cheaper than a pregnancy) and are doing your best to shut down PP who’s main business is...contraception.

It's not free.

It's also not the responsibility of the government, an insurance company, an employer, or the taxpayers to provide something related to a choice women say isn't anyone's business but theirs.
Hmmm...instead of forcing the government to make abortion illegal maybe you should form your own charity to convince woman to choose life and support them in that decision?
Good grief, where have you been ? There are already countless charities and education programs including having women through sonogram technology, and ultra sound technology, look at their babies living in the womb, and this before they make a terrible decision to end the babies life while still in the womb.

Just by checking Google I found this below.

Any woman who's pregnant is bound to wonder at various points over nine months: What is she doing in there? Is she bored? Is she loving that pint of superfudge chunk ice cream I just engulfed? Turns out babies are busy, busy, busy in the womb! So what, exactly, are they up to?

Sure, there are flutters and flips and kicks, but you won't believe what else babies do in the womb as they grow! Here's what scientists say about all the ways your fetus is developing and learning during your pregnancy:

1. They learn taste.

2. They practice facial expressions.

3. They cry.

4. They recognise nursery rhymes.

5. They recognize songs.

6. They recognize touch.

Then why use the government to make it illegal?

Why use the government to force those told to butt out of a woman's choice to fund things related to those choices? Why, if what a woman does with her body is a private matter, so much public money goes to things related to those choices? Why are taxpayers being forced to support the kids a woman CHOOSES to have that she can't support financially? Why is tax money going to places like Planned Parenthood for things related to what a WOMAN chooses to do with her body?

Depends on what you really want. To rant at women and rant about abortion, or do things to reduce the need for abortion and the societal cost of unwanted children and drop out mothers :dunno:

Society isn't responsible for taking care of someone's children.
None of which is used to pay for abortions... they pay for things like contraception.

Contraception is a good thing, it reduces the need for abortion.

That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.
Are you so dumb that you need government to provide you with birth control that is available on the free market place ??
Thanks for making my point.

Countries that have free birth control and comprehensive sexual education programs have lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies meanwhile you guys explode in rage at the idea that health insurance must provide free contraception (a hell of a lot cheaper than a pregnancy) and are doing your best to shut down PP who’s main business is...contraception.

It's not free.

It's also not the responsibility of the government, an insurance company, an employer, or the taxpayers to provide something related to a choice women say isn't anyone's business but theirs.

Yet you want to take that choice away from her AND not provide any of those things.
Hmmm...instead of forcing the government to make abortion illegal maybe you should form your own charity to convince woman to choose life and support them in that decision?
Good grief, where have you been ? There are already countless charities and education programs including having women through sonogram technology, and ultra sound technology, look at their babies living in the womb, and this before they make a terrible decision to end the babies life while still in the womb.

Just by checking Google I found this below.

Any woman who's pregnant is bound to wonder at various points over nine months: What is she doing in there? Is she bored? Is she loving that pint of superfudge chunk ice cream I just engulfed? Turns out babies are busy, busy, busy in the womb! So what, exactly, are they up to?

Sure, there are flutters and flips and kicks, but you won't believe what else babies do in the womb as they grow! Here's what scientists say about all the ways your fetus is developing and learning during your pregnancy:

1. They learn taste.

2. They practice facial expressions.

3. They cry.

4. They recognise nursery rhymes.

5. They recognize songs.

6. They recognize touch.

Then why use the government to make it illegal?

Why use the government to force those told to butt out of a woman's choice to fund things related to those choices? Why, if what a woman does with her body is a private matter, so much public money goes to things related to those choices? Why are taxpayers being forced to support the kids a woman CHOOSES to have that she can't support financially? Why is tax money going to places like Planned Parenthood for things related to what a WOMAN chooses to do with her body?

Depends on what you really want. To rant at women and rant about abortion, or do things to reduce the need for abortion and the societal cost of unwanted children and drop out mothers :dunno:

Society isn't responsible for taking care of someone's children.

Yet it does. Just like it will take care of you one way or the other if you fall on hard times and have no one to turn to.
Besides being stupid, your cat is going to leave you, and YOU LIE!

How much does the government pay to Planned Parenthood? Bush is right that Planned Parenthood receives $500 million a year in government funding — or, to be more exact, $528 million last year, according to Planned Parenthood's latest annual report.Aug 5, 2015

None of which is used to pay for abortions... they pay for things like contraception.

Contraception is a good thing, it reduces the need for abortion.

That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.

It's not free nor should it be. If the woman wants the sole choice with her body, she gets the sole cost of it. Don't claim something is private then demand public money to fund it.
That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.
Are you so dumb that you need government to provide you with birth control that is available on the free market place ??
Thanks for making my point.

Countries that have free birth control and comprehensive sexual education programs have lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies meanwhile you guys explode in rage at the idea that health insurance must provide free contraception (a hell of a lot cheaper than a pregnancy) and are doing your best to shut down PP who’s main business is...contraception.

It's not free.

It's also not the responsibility of the government, an insurance company, an employer, or the taxpayers to provide something related to a choice women say isn't anyone's business but theirs.

Yet you want to take that choice away from her AND not provide any of those things.

She made the choice to spread her legs. Let her pay the price for things associated with that. If she can't, let her and her kids go without. Maybe next time she'll make a better choice if she sees what happens as a result of the poor ones.
Good grief, where have you been ? There are already countless charities and education programs including having women through sonogram technology, and ultra sound technology, look at their babies living in the womb, and this before they make a terrible decision to end the babies life while still in the womb.

Just by checking Google I found this below.

Any woman who's pregnant is bound to wonder at various points over nine months: What is she doing in there? Is she bored? Is she loving that pint of superfudge chunk ice cream I just engulfed? Turns out babies are busy, busy, busy in the womb! So what, exactly, are they up to?

Sure, there are flutters and flips and kicks, but you won't believe what else babies do in the womb as they grow! Here's what scientists say about all the ways your fetus is developing and learning during your pregnancy:

1. They learn taste.

2. They practice facial expressions.

3. They cry.

4. They recognise nursery rhymes.

5. They recognize songs.

6. They recognize touch.

Then why use the government to make it illegal?

Why use the government to force those told to butt out of a woman's choice to fund things related to those choices? Why, if what a woman does with her body is a private matter, so much public money goes to things related to those choices? Why are taxpayers being forced to support the kids a woman CHOOSES to have that she can't support financially? Why is tax money going to places like Planned Parenthood for things related to what a WOMAN chooses to do with her body?

Depends on what you really want. To rant at women and rant about abortion, or do things to reduce the need for abortion and the societal cost of unwanted children and drop out mothers :dunno:

Society isn't responsible for taking care of someone's children.

Yet it does. Just like it will take care of you one way or the other if you fall on hard times and have no one to turn to.

Only to those so irresponsible they won't take care of themselves.

Don't worry about me. I've prepared. I don't live by the mindset that if something doesn't work out, it's someone else's responsibility to do for me. Perhaps you should try it. It will make you feel better about yourself and not have such a leech mentality. If you don't, hopefully you'll starve when you don't get help.
Besides being stupid, your cat is going to leave you, and YOU LIE!

How much does the government pay to Planned Parenthood? Bush is right that Planned Parenthood receives $500 million a year in government funding — or, to be more exact, $528 million last year, according to Planned Parenthood's latest annual report.Aug 5, 2015

None of which is used to pay for abortions... they pay for things like contraception.

Contraception is a good thing, it reduces the need for abortion.

Here's a contraception concept for the Planned Parenthood Folks. If they were focused on Planning and education and contraception why so many unplanned pregnancies. Here's my concept Don't have unprotected sex out of wedlock. Morons. Let's see no sex no pregnancy pretty simple concept what do you think, How much does it cost to get that universal truth out there. Tax payers who did not have the unprotected sex should not have to pay for the Abortion the Affected citizen desires. We didn't get to have the fun we shouldn't have to bare the Burden. Make it a single payer system, the person having the procedure is the only one who pays. Like for a face lift or cosmetic surgery.
That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.
Are you so dumb that you need government to provide you with birth control that is available on the free market place ??
Thanks for making my point.

Countries that have free birth control and comprehensive sexual education programs have lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies meanwhile you guys explode in rage at the idea that health insurance must provide free contraception (a hell of a lot cheaper than a pregnancy) and are doing your best to shut down PP who’s main business is...contraception.
Besides being stupid, your cat is going to leave you, and YOU LIE!

How much does the government pay to Planned Parenthood? Bush is right that Planned Parenthood receives $500 million a year in government funding — or, to be more exact, $528 million last year, according to Planned Parenthood's latest annual report.Aug 5, 2015

None of which is used to pay for abortions... they pay for things like contraception.

Contraception is a good thing, it reduces the need for abortion.

That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.

It's not free nor should it be. If the woman wants the sole choice with her body, she gets the sole cost of it. Don't claim something is private then demand public money to fund it.

Everyone has the sole choice with their own body. Why are women held to a different standard?
Besides being stupid, your cat is going to leave you, and YOU LIE!

How much does the government pay to Planned Parenthood? Bush is right that Planned Parenthood receives $500 million a year in government funding — or, to be more exact, $528 million last year, according to Planned Parenthood's latest annual report.Aug 5, 2015

None of which is used to pay for abortions... they pay for things like contraception.

Contraception is a good thing, it reduces the need for abortion.

That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.

Don't make it illegal just don't make uninvolved party's have to pay for it.
Besides being stupid, your cat is going to leave you, and YOU LIE!

How much does the government pay to Planned Parenthood? Bush is right that Planned Parenthood receives $500 million a year in government funding — or, to be more exact, $528 million last year, according to Planned Parenthood's latest annual report.Aug 5, 2015

None of which is used to pay for abortions... they pay for things like contraception.

Contraception is a good thing, it reduces the need for abortion.

That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.

It's not free nor should it be. If the woman wants the sole choice with her body, she gets the sole cost of it. Don't claim something is private then demand public money to fund it.

Everyone has the sole choice with their own body. Why are women held to a different standard?

Women are holding themselves to a different, and lower standard, by demanding those they tell to butt out of their body choices to pay for them. Why aren't women expected to pay for that sole choice?
Then why use the government to make it illegal?

Why use the government to force those told to butt out of a woman's choice to fund things related to those choices? Why, if what a woman does with her body is a private matter, so much public money goes to things related to those choices? Why are taxpayers being forced to support the kids a woman CHOOSES to have that she can't support financially? Why is tax money going to places like Planned Parenthood for things related to what a WOMAN chooses to do with her body?

Depends on what you really want. To rant at women and rant about abortion, or do things to reduce the need for abortion and the societal cost of unwanted children and drop out mothers :dunno:

Society isn't responsible for taking care of someone's children.

Yet it does. Just like it will take care of you one way or the other if you fall on hard times and have no one to turn to.

Only to those so irresponsible they won't take care of themselves.

Don't worry about me. I've prepared. I don't live by the mindset that if something doesn't work out, it's someone else's responsibility to do for me. Perhaps you should try it. It will make you feel better about yourself and not have such a leech mentality. If you don't, hopefully you'll starve when you don't get help.

Even the best prepared can have bad luck.
None of which is used to pay for abortions... they pay for things like contraception.

Contraception is a good thing, it reduces the need for abortion.

That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.

It's not free nor should it be. If the woman wants the sole choice with her body, she gets the sole cost of it. Don't claim something is private then demand public money to fund it.

Everyone has the sole choice with their own body. Why are women held to a different standard?

Women are holding themselves to a different, and lower standard, by demanding those they tell to butt out of their body choices to pay for them. Why aren't women expected to pay for that sole choice?

They are holding themselves to the same standard as men. Pregnancy is like any other medical condition.
Why use the government to force those told to butt out of a woman's choice to fund things related to those choices? Why, if what a woman does with her body is a private matter, so much public money goes to things related to those choices? Why are taxpayers being forced to support the kids a woman CHOOSES to have that she can't support financially? Why is tax money going to places like Planned Parenthood for things related to what a WOMAN chooses to do with her body?

Depends on what you really want. To rant at women and rant about abortion, or do things to reduce the need for abortion and the societal cost of unwanted children and drop out mothers :dunno:

Society isn't responsible for taking care of someone's children.

Yet it does. Just like it will take care of you one way or the other if you fall on hard times and have no one to turn to.

Only to those so irresponsible they won't take care of themselves.

Don't worry about me. I've prepared. I don't live by the mindset that if something doesn't work out, it's someone else's responsibility to do for me. Perhaps you should try it. It will make you feel better about yourself and not have such a leech mentality. If you don't, hopefully you'll starve when you don't get help.

Even the best prepared can have bad luck.

Bad results for bad choices has nothing to do with bad luck. However, your bad luck doesn't mean someone else is responsible for the costs.
That argument is blatantly false.

No tax money should be used for contraception. It's a woman's body and her choice. Let her pay.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.

It's not free nor should it be. If the woman wants the sole choice with her body, she gets the sole cost of it. Don't claim something is private then demand public money to fund it.

Everyone has the sole choice with their own body. Why are women held to a different standard?

Women are holding themselves to a different, and lower standard, by demanding those they tell to butt out of their body choices to pay for them. Why aren't women expected to pay for that sole choice?

They are holding themselves to the same standard as men. Pregnancy is like any other medical condition.

Not when they demand someone else pay for a choices they say is no one else's business.

Pregnancy is a result of a choice. Many medical conditions don't fit that.
Depends on what you really want. To rant at women and rant about abortion, or do things to reduce the need for abortion and the societal cost of unwanted children and drop out mothers :dunno:

Society isn't responsible for taking care of someone's children.

Yet it does. Just like it will take care of you one way or the other if you fall on hard times and have no one to turn to.

Only to those so irresponsible they won't take care of themselves.

Don't worry about me. I've prepared. I don't live by the mindset that if something doesn't work out, it's someone else's responsibility to do for me. Perhaps you should try it. It will make you feel better about yourself and not have such a leech mentality. If you don't, hopefully you'll starve when you don't get help.

Even the best prepared can have bad luck.

Bad results for bad choices has nothing to do with bad luck. However, your bad luck doesn't mean someone else is responsible for the costs.

No it doesn’t. But society still picks up the tab for your bad luck and your bad choices. One way or the other.
That is the utter stupidity of some on the right. Make abortion illegal, but hey don’t you dare do anything to reduce the need for it. Don’t invest in evidence based sexual education, don’t provide free birth control to those that need it, don’t even allow pills to be available over the counter.
Are you so dumb that you need government to provide you with birth control that is available on the free market place ??
Thanks for making my point.

Countries that have free birth control and comprehensive sexual education programs have lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies meanwhile you guys explode in rage at the idea that health insurance must provide free contraception (a hell of a lot cheaper than a pregnancy) and are doing your best to shut down PP who’s main business is...contraception.

It's not free.

It's also not the responsibility of the government, an insurance company, an employer, or the taxpayers to provide something related to a choice women say isn't anyone's business but theirs.

Yet you want to take that choice away from her AND not provide any of those things.

She made the choice to spread her legs. Let her pay the price for things associated with that. If she can't, let her and her kids go without. Maybe next time she'll make a better choice if she sees what happens as a result of the poor ones.
So you are pro choice just like me, ie: you made the choice to have unprotected sex now you have the obligation to bare the financial responsibility that goes with it. Have your abortion but don't expect others to pay for it.
Society isn't responsible for taking care of someone's children.

Yet it does. Just like it will take care of you one way or the other if you fall on hard times and have no one to turn to.

Only to those so irresponsible they won't take care of themselves.

Don't worry about me. I've prepared. I don't live by the mindset that if something doesn't work out, it's someone else's responsibility to do for me. Perhaps you should try it. It will make you feel better about yourself and not have such a leech mentality. If you don't, hopefully you'll starve when you don't get help.

Even the best prepared can have bad luck.

Bad results for bad choices has nothing to do with bad luck. However, your bad luck doesn't mean someone else is responsible for the costs.

No it doesn’t. But society still picks up the tab for your bad luck and your bad choices. One way or the other.

No they don't. I've yet to expect society to do that. Maybe you've made so many in your life you think it's normal to be a fuck up and demand someone else pay the price.

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