Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

Are you retarded?.....I said put it to the people for a vote, not by some proxy BS.

Fuckin' dems see it as the gift that keeps on giving and if the gop does not pull their head out of their ass and put it to rest in the barely red states where they still hold sway that's exactly what it's going to be, a ox yoke around their necks.

They made it abundantly clear that a vote for the Liberal would be a vote to protect Abortion in Wisconsin. The Conservatives warned it would be the case. Huge amounts of money were spent making sure everyone knew what was at stake. The Liberal won and for the first time in a decade and a half Liberals have the majority in the State Supreme Court.

Kansas held a Vote on the Constitution of the State. The question. Should the State Constitution be amended to allow the Legislature to decide Abortion. The answer, again by about 60% of the voters. A resounding no.

I guess you can denounce them as proxy votes. But it appears to me to be quite clear.
There is an old saying, I’d call it a curse. Watch what you wish for. You just might get it.

For decades Conservatives dreamed of overturning Roe. They salivated at ending this right. They imagined that this would be the culmination of all their dreams.

For elected Republicans the trap is right here before them. If they back off of Abortion to represent the majority view, they alienate the base and lose their positions. If they embrace the base they still risk losing their positions to a majority populist view.

For decades Republicans claimed that the Democrats didn’t dare allow the issue onto the ballot as they would lose. It was a favorite claim of Rush Limbaugh as one example. But the truth turns out to be much stranger than fiction. Every time Abortion is on the ballot the Left wins.

Now this is apparently supported by polling which shows roughly 60% of the people supporting the right to an Abortion in most cases. In other words the standards of the old Roe decision.

So how did this happen? How did decades of polling get it so wrong? I think it is money where the mouth was syndrome.

I don’t like Abortions. I would prefer the woman choose another path. However my dislike doesn’t change my duty as an American to protect her rights. As I argue to protect other rights, even if the individual is doing something I disagree with, I argue in favor of the woman’s right to choose her own path.

For those who would argue it is a Sin. Perhaps it is. But I’m not the one who judges such things. That is God. That is between God and her. I may be able to pray that God have mercy. But that is about all I can do.

I always oppose someone having their rights stripped away. I would hope that you feel the same way. I suspect many of you do not.
I wonder how many of them realize they've gone too far.

You can't ask, of course, because they're not allowed to admit anything.

But I'd bet some of them know.
I don’t believe in Rights. I believe in Right and Wrong. Nothing else. I didn’t define Right and Wrong. No human being did. They should be as instinctive to us as the yearly migration is to the animals.
Actually humans have defined "right" and "wrong" and those definitions are also quite subjective.
Try being honest for a change. We are not talking about miscarriages, early births, births that would be a danger to the mother, rape or incest--all very clearly excepted in so-called abortion bans. Those arguments are normal disingenuous democrat distraction. We ARE talking about abortion for the convenience of a slut that couldn't keep her legs together or think far enough ahead to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. In short MURDER. BTW, I hope you never go on a ventilator, you could not survive without it, so we can murder you as well, eh?
Actually most abortions are nothing but medically induced miscarriages.
Instinctive is the worst way to determine right and wrong.

Slavery existed for millennia. It was considered right because those with the power could do it. The instinctive operates with a basic me first attitude. It is the pathway towards greed. Towards self destruction. It is specifically what we are taught by every major religion to avoid.

Understanding the instinctive is important. Controlling it with principled thought is vital.
I disagree with pretty much everything you’ve said.

Slavery still exists, and I have no problem with that. It has its place in Society, just like everything else.

I don’t follow the self-serving and distorted versions of Morality taught by ANY Religion.
I disagree with pretty much everything you’ve said.

Slavery still exists, and I have no problem with that. It has its place in Society, just like everything else.

I don’t follow the self-serving and distorted versions of Morality taught by ANY Religion.
Cool maybe we should all vote to see if you should be a slave since you have no problem with it.
God murdered babies. True story if you believe the bible.
Jesus said anyone who does anything to children that harms them in any way will find a special place in Hell, that includes Trannies that like shooting up schools.

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God murdered babies. True story if you believe the bible.
And GOD continues to "murder babies" through miscarriage aka spontaneous abortion.
GOD performs more abortions than all the medical and surgical abortions combined.
There should be off-year ballot referendum on abortion in every state but the couple that already had them.....Let the people decide the issue by direct vote, not legislatures beholden to the crazies on either side of the issue.
Why make it “off year”?
Why make it “off year”?
That way the crazies on either side of the issue can't influence a general statewide or national election like we saw this past November.....I know that the abortion issue cost the gop a more resounding victory in the House and the loss in the Senate.

I remember when the dems were calling for it early-on but they have determined since that it's the gift that keeps on giving due to the inability of the gop to pull it's head out of it's ass.

Vote on it and put it to rest and make it a non-issue.

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