Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

The closer you are to God, the more Satan is against you.

That's funny considering that christians pray to god maybe once a week, while muslims pray to god five times a day, seven days a week.

Most Muslims pray five times a day, with their prayers being known as Fajr (before dawn), Dhuhr (afternoon), Asr (late afternoon), Maghrib (after sunset), and Isha (nighttime), always facing towards the Kaaba.
That way the crazies on either side of the issue can't influence a general statewide or national election like we saw this past November.....I know that the abortion issue cost the gop a more resounding victory in the House and the loss in the Senate.

I remember when the dems were calling for it early-on but they have determined since that it's the gift that keeps on giving due to the inability of the gop to pull it's head out of it's ass.

Vote on it and put it to rest and make it a non-issue.
The opposite is true. You know that off year elections have far lower turn. The crazies always turn out so in an off year election, their influence is accentuated.
That way the crazies on either side of the issue can't influence a general statewide or national election like we saw this past November.....I know that the abortion issue cost the gop a more resounding victory in the House and the loss in the Senate.

Any referendum on abortion should be during a year when the MOST people vote. That way it's decided by the biggest majority of voters. Doing it in an off year, means that as few as 15% of eligible voters casting the deciding vote.
That way the crazies on either side of the issue can't influence a general statewide or national election like we saw this past November.....I know that the abortion issue cost the gop a more resounding victory in the House and the loss in the Senate.

I remember when the dems were calling for it early-on but they have determined since that it's the gift that keeps on giving due to the inability of the gop to pull it's head out of it's ass.

Vote on it and put it to rest and make it a non-issue.
I believe marches or something are expected related to the recent judge verdict in Texas.
It isn’t murder. Again if I handed you a Fetus that was two months old. You couldn’t keep it alive with all the medical technology in the world. If it can’t live on its own it can’t be a human yet. Maybe it will be in the future. Maybe it won’t. We don’t know.

As for why she is getting an Abortion. Let me ask you this. Why don’t we blame the guy? How did the girl get the injection of sperm? Why don’t we hold the guy responsible? No we shame the girl. We saddle her with the kid ruining her life. We scream she’s a loser and lazy if she needs food stamps to help feed the kid.

If you want to know why 60% of the people disagree with you, it isn’t because I’m the one lying. It’s because you are irrational and borderline insane.

If it can’t live on its own it’s not human yet?

Newborns can’t live on their own either.

So not human?

What a dick.
Letting the crazies decide is far different than letting the people decide.

You’re just trying to have your cake and eat it too.
I like cake. ;)

But yeah, lets have a easily decided issue keep people out of office because abortion has turned into some kind of retarded litmus test were hopefuls have to kowtow to the crazies.

I remember saying at the time when SCOTUS killed RvW that it would cost the gop many elections in close states. I was proven correct.
Newborns can’t live on their own either.

Most adults can't live on their own either, too.
They need roads, and infrastructure, and grocery stores, or they would starve.

Most people don't (and can't) hunt, fish, gather, raise livestock, or grow crops to feed themselves.

Now take a two month fetus, who given all the medical resources in the world, can't survive.
That's funny considering that christians pray to god maybe once a week, while muslims pray to god five times a day, seven days a week.

Most Muslims pray five times a day, with their prayers being known as Fajr (before dawn), Dhuhr (afternoon), Asr (late afternoon), Maghrib (after sunset), and Isha (nighttime), always facing towards the Kaaba.


That is how they get fervent, otherwise known as radicalized.
There is an old saying, I’d call it a curse. Watch what you wish for. You just might get it.

For decades Conservatives dreamed of overturning Roe. They salivated at ending this right. They imagined that this would be the culmination of all their dreams.

For elected Republicans the trap is right here before them. If they back off of Abortion to represent the majority view, they alienate the base and lose their positions. If they embrace the base they still risk losing their positions to a majority populist view.

For decades Republicans claimed that the Democrats didn’t dare allow the issue onto the ballot as they would lose. It was a favorite claim of Rush Limbaugh as one example. But the truth turns out to be much stranger than fiction. Every time Abortion is on the ballot the Left wins.

Now this is apparently supported by polling which shows roughly 60% of the people supporting the right to an Abortion in most cases. In other words the standards of the old Roe decision.

So how did this happen? How did decades of polling get it so wrong? I think it is money where the mouth was syndrome.

I don’t like Abortions. I would prefer the woman choose another path. However my dislike doesn’t change my duty as an American to protect her rights. As I argue to protect other rights, even if the individual is doing something I disagree with, I argue in favor of the woman’s right to choose her own path.

For those who would argue it is a Sin. Perhaps it is. But I’m not the one who judges such things. That is God. That is between God and her. I may be able to pray that God have mercy. But that is about all I can do.

I always oppose someone having their rights stripped away. I would hope that you feel the same way. I suspect many of you do not.

No, the curse is on the US for continuing this murderous practice.

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