Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

Wow, "using women to vote like idiots" and put "communists in power" is the most ludicrous set of phrases posted in this century. This sentence - so to speak - is beyond an idiot-gram.
That's what your typical fascist/communist would say in response.

Anyone who has read history knows that the left and fascists use fear, anger, and populist slogans to fool the masses into putting them in power.
They create a hot-button issue and folks blindly follow them without weighing the consequences.
Being able to spot this isn't difficult.
I've learned about Marxist tactics for decades.
It's why they focus on the young and the easily manipulated like children, women, people of color, and members of the gay community.
The subjective definition of "murder"
Nothing subjective about it.
What, in your opinion makes it murder?
There is a beating heart. Does that make it clear for you? Once again, the tired old "the fetal mass could not survive outside of the mother" doesn't fly either. Many people could not survive for a limited amount of time while on a ventilator. Does that give us the right to remove them from a ventilator because they are no more than a "fetal mass" (for all intents and purposes) at that point. Abortion for convenience is nothing more than legalized MURDER.
Nothing subjective about it.

There is a beating heart. Does that make it clear for you? Once again, the tired old "the fetal mass could not survive outside of the mother" doesn't fly either. Many people could not survive for a limited amount of time while on a ventilator. Does that give us the right to remove them from a ventilator because they are no more than a "fetal mass" (for all intents and purposes) at that point. Abortion for convenience is nothing more than legalized MURDER.
It's not really a heart yet at 6 weeks it's just some fluttering tissue
Murder is unlawful
OK, let's just say it is legal to kill anyone with brown hair. Do you still think that it is not murder? That is the stupidest, most moronic defense I've ever heard--it also does not settle with the definition that I posted. Talk about subjectivity. Duh, murder isn't murder if it is legal. SMFH It was legal to kill Jews in Hitler's Germany, was that any less murder?
That's what your typical fascist/communist would say in response.

Anyone who has read history knows that the left and fascists use fear, anger, and populist slogans to fool the masses into putting them in power.
They create a hot-button issue and folks blindly follow them without weighing the consequences.
Being able to spot this isn't difficult.
I've learned about Marxist tactics for decades.
It's why they focus on the young and the easily manipulated like children, women, people of color, and members of the gay community.
You're funny. You've learned Marxist tactics for "decades"? That's funny and stupid - Stalin and the President Kim Il-sung are only too whose tactics are not what Marx and Engles wrote in the Manifesto of the Communist Party:

While I am no fan of abortion whatsoever, going after no option after a rape,etc is a bridge too far and will result in losses. America doesn't want those things.
Nothing subjective about it.

There is a beating heart. Does that make it clear for you? Once again, the tired old "the fetal mass could not survive outside of the mother" doesn't fly either. Many people could not survive for a limited amount of time while on a ventilator. Does that give us the right to remove them from a ventilator because they are no more than a "fetal mass" (for all intents and purposes) at that point. Abortion for convenience is nothing more than legalized MURDER.

We take such people off of ventilators all the time. It’s called pulling the plug. Are you saying those making such medical decisions are committing murder?
Decades? The right to hire somebody to terminate the unborn life inside you has only been in effect for decades based on a bad S.C. decision that found a Constitutional "right to privacy" that did not exist. Despite the anger and the violence and the hatred on the left, it's possible that young women are relieved that they can't easily be forced into an abortion by an abusive husband or boyfriend.
At a time when illegal aliens are transporting fentanyl that kills American kids and the crime rate is out of sight and trannie terrorists are beating up young conservative women and killing kids sitting in classrooms, the left wants to revisit abortion. No surprise here.
White people.
White people run the Democrat Party.
Why not start your own party.
Just don't name it after Native-Americans....because for some reason Native-Americans find that offensive.

What keeps the cops from busting down your door and looking around without a warrant? Your right to be secure in your person and papers. What keeps the cops from beating a confession out of you? Since when is a local armed robbery Federal Business?

Protecting the rights of everyone is exactly the Federal Issue. That is first and foremost the duty of the Federal Government. George Washington took the very first Oath of Office. Do you know what is says? I will support and defend the Constitution. If the Constitution is the highest law in the land, then those rights are paramount.

Abortion and marriage is NOT akin to unwarranted police action of kicking in doors etc. Liberals are such dolts.
At a time when illegal aliens are transporting fentanyl that kills American kids and the crime rate is out of sight and trannie terrorists are beating up young conservative women and killing kids sitting in classrooms, the left wants to revisit abortion. No surprise here.
Every time one of their hoaxes blows up in their faces....they create another one to get the media to change the subject.
There is an old saying, I’d call it a curse. Watch what you wish for. You just might get it.

For decades Conservatives dreamed of overturning Roe. They salivated at ending this right. They imagined that this would be the culmination of all their dreams.

For elected Republicans the trap is right here before them. If they back off of Abortion to represent the majority view, they alienate the base and lose their positions. If they embrace the base they still risk losing their positions to a majority populist view.

For decades Republicans claimed that the Democrats didn’t dare allow the issue onto the ballot as they would lose. It was a favorite claim of Rush Limbaugh as one example. But the truth turns out to be much stranger than fiction. Every time Abortion is on the ballot the Left wins.

Now this is apparently supported by polling which shows roughly 60% of the people supporting the right to an Abortion in most cases. In other words the standards of the old Roe decision.

So how did this happen? How did decades of polling get it so wrong? I think it is money where the mouth was syndrome.

I don’t like Abortions. I would prefer the woman choose another path. However my dislike doesn’t change my duty as an American to protect her rights. As I argue to protect other rights, even if the individual is doing something I disagree with, I argue in favor of the woman’s right to choose her own path.

For those who would argue it is a Sin. Perhaps it is. But I’m not the one who judges such things. That is God. That is between God and her. I may be able to pray that God have mercy. But that is about all I can do.

I always oppose someone having their rights stripped away. I would hope that you feel the same way. I suspect many of you do not.
True. I've "salivated" for years the end of murdering helpless, defenseless, little babies who are 100% reliant on their "loving" mother to protect them from harm. But alas ... the monsters still walk among us.

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