Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

I get why people are against abortion. If you believe it is an independent life at conception, it follows that you would not want it killed.

But this all or nothing attitude from either side is ridiculous. But the total ban on any abortion procedures is the worst. Women are out there risking their lives because some tightass decided all abortions should be illegal.

Women are being sent home with a dead fetus in their womb because removing it is illegal. One in particular, an Anya Cook in Florida lost most of her amniotic fluid when she was 4 months pregnant. The fetus was going to die. That is not even a question. But she was sent home and the following day miscarried and lost half the blood in her body. And why? Doctors were not allowed to apply the only rational medical treatment, removing the fetus.

It is sadistic and barbaric.
A growing number of men would ship many Progressive Socialist American women to Asia for the same number of Asian women sent here. That would be compassionate for guys.
But this all or nothing attitude from either side is ridiculous.
And terribly destructive. And about ego more than anything else. As usual.

To toss out an idea that would actually be workable if the two ends could grow up and work together:

First, a 15-week limit on gestation. Second, the two ends pool their incredible passion and energy, and work together (ha ha) to educate and motivate young people to reduce demand, and to make the adoption process as smooth, efficient and effective as possible.

Just a spark of a plan to get things going.

But no. As you say, it's all or nothing for both sides. Pretty much every issue is like this now. We really need to grow up before it's too late.
A growing number of men would ship many Progressive Socialist American women to Asia for the same number of Asian women sent here. That would be compassionate for guys.

Nice post. Pity it has nothing to do with what you quoted.
In order to be charged with that crime there has to be something I did which caused the circumstance where in you were killed. If we were walking down the street and I slip and fall and in the process of falling down I trip you and you fall down hitting your head and are killed, I wouldn’t be charged with anything.

Not the point. But you knew that

Why? Can you not articulate why that is the case? All I’m asking is for you to defend your position.
You need to look up the law.

in fact negligent homicide is usually charged because you didn't do something.

If as you say an embryo is no different than a child then you must want punishment for those responsible for "killing" them. Or is it only when those embryos are in the womb that you really care?

A fertilized ovum is human life yes but it is not a person yet but merely a potential person.
You need to look up the law.

in fact negligent homicide is usually charged because you didn't do something.

But I have some culpability in your death. Whether that’s because I did or didn’t do something I still bear some responsibility.
If as you say an embryo is no different than a child then you must want punishment for those responsible for "killing" them. Or is it only when those embryos are in the womb that you really care?

A fertilized ovum is human life yes but it is not a person yet but merely a potential person.

what makes a person a person then? You still haven’t articulated the difference.
But I have some culpability in your death. Whether that’s because I did or didn’t do something I still bear some responsibility.

what makes a person a person then? You still haven’t articulated the difference.
And so would the lab tech that dropped a test tube full of "children" and killed them all. You haven't really thought out the whole idea and all its ramifications that a fertilized ovum is exactly the same as a born child and has all the rights of personhood have you?

A person has the ability to be a wholly separate self functioning being. Which is why I say viability out of the womb the marker
And terribly destructive. And about ego more than anything else. As usual.

To toss out an idea that would actually be workable if the two ends could grow up and work together:

First, a 15-week limit on gestation. Second, the two ends pool their incredible passion and energy, and work together (ha ha) to educate and motivate young people to reduce demand, and to make the adoption process as smooth, efficient and effective as possible.

Just a spark of a plan to get things going.

But no. As you say, it's all or nothing for both sides. Pretty much every issue is like this now. We really need to grow up before it's too late.

Nice post. Pity it has nothing to do with what you quoted.

You need to look up the law.

in fact negligent homicide is usually charged because you didn't do something.

If as you say an embryo is no different than a child then you must want punishment for those responsible for "killing" them. Or is it only when those embryos are in the womb that you really care?

A fertilized ovum is human life yes but it is not a person yet but merely a potential person.
Abortions are so cool, they’re so glamorous, they should be used as a contraceptive more often…especially in our ghettos and barrios and we should exhaust all effort teaching Mexico’s people about how cool abortions are…we really need them to conduct about 10 million per year down there. Come on people…LETS SELL PEOPLE ON THE AWESOMENESS OF ABORTIONS!
Abortions are so cool, they’re so glamorous, they should be used as a contraceptive more often…especially in our ghettos and barrios and we should exhaust all effort teaching Mexico’s people about how cool abortions are…we really need them to conduct about 10 million per year down there. Come on people…LETS SELL PEOPLE ON THE AWESOMENESS OF ABORTIONS!

WTF? Did any of the people you quoted say anything like that? Or is hyperbole just your standard now?
And so would the lab tech that dropped a test tube full of "children" and killed them all. You haven't really thought out the whole idea and all its ramifications that a fertilized ovum is exactly the same as a born child and has all the rights of personhood have you?

There has to be some culpability in their actions. If it's an accident yes they have certainly killed a being (or multiple beings) but that doesn't make them criminally negligent. Maybe you should read the law you're citing.
A person has the ability to be a wholly separate self functioning being. Which is why I say viability out of the womb the marker

So a person on life support isnt a person then? Can I walk into a hospital and stab a person on life support without consequence? And we are back to your definition of a person depends on medical advancement. A "person" today wouldnt have been a "person" 50 years ago using your definition.
Abortions are so cool, they’re so glamorous, they should be used as a contraceptive more often…especially in our ghettos and barrios and we should exhaust all effort teaching Mexico’s people about how cool abortions are…we really need them to conduct about 10 million per year down there. Come on people…LETS SELL PEOPLE ON THE AWESOMENESS OF ABORTIONS!
Once again we see the emotional idiots don't really understand the issue.

The issue is choice and sovereignty over one's own person.

I am neither for nor against abortion what I am for is people making their own choices.
There has to be some culpability in their actions. If it's an accident yes they have certainly killed a being (or multiple beings) but that doesn't make them criminally negligent. Maybe you should read the law you're citing.

So a person on life support isnt a person then? Can I walk into a hospital and stab a person on life support without consequence? And we are back to your definition of a person depends on medical advancement. A "person" today wouldnt have been a "person" 50 years ago using your definition.

Yes they were guilty of negligence. If I don't feed a child and the child dies that is negligence. If I leave a baby in a car in the summer and he dies that is negligence. If I am charged with the safety of a baby and that baby dies on my watch because I did not take the proper measures to ensure his safety I am guilty of negligence

And what about this fantastic artificial womb you keep saying is going to be used? Do you realize that there will have to be human embryos or children as you call them that will have to be used in the experiments and that many of them will die?

As I said you people have not thought out your position very well or the ramifications of saying an embryo is equivalent to a born child and therefore has all the rights of personhood.

And people on life support with zero brain function and absolute no hope of recovery are no longer persons because without that medical intervention they would be dead and in almost all these cases families opt to pull the plug and it isn't murder.

If a person is temporarily on life support and will eventually recover is in an entirely different situation that a person who is basically an artificially animated corpse with no brain function.
Once again we see the emotional idiots don't really understand the issue.

The issue is choice and sovereignty over one's own person.

I am neither for nor against abortion what I am for is people making their own choices.

Or, at the very least, to be able to get medical treatment when the fetus dies.
Yes they were guilty of negligence. If I don't feed a child and the child dies that is negligence. If I leave a baby in a car in the summer and he dies that is negligence. If I am charged with the safety of a baby and that baby dies on my watch because I did not take the proper measures to ensure his safety I am guilty of negligence
If the lab tech was negligent then Im fine with the charge. You didnt specify.
And what about this fantastic artificial womb you keep saying is going to be used? Do you realize that there will have to be human embryos or children as you call them that will have to be used in the experiments and that many of them will die?

Or we will experiment with animals prior to that happening. Im relatively certain the protocols wont allow for whoever is developing it to say "well we think this will work, stick an embryo in there and see what happens". But you're trying to change the subject.

As I said you people have not thought out your position very well or the ramifications of saying an embryo is equivalent to a born child and therefore has all the rights of personhood.

And people on life support with zero brain function and absolute no hope of recovery are no longer persons because without that medical intervention they would be dead and in almost all these cases families opt to pull the plug and it isn't murder.

If a person is temporarily on life support and will eventually recover is in an entirely different situation that a person who is basically an artificially animated corpse with no brain function.

So what if someone is temporarily on life support for 9 months? What about 24 weeks?
You're one crazy motherfucker.

Doesn't matter what I say because you pile every false label onto anyone who doesn't agree with you.

You're a waste of bandwidth.

You are the crazy motherfucking Nazi.

You don't like being called out for what you are.

You are nothing but human waste.
Well, I guess you accept that there are alternatives to murder, good on you.

Do you pay attention to what you write? Plan B. Methinks you might be one of those irresponsible young women who have chosen to murder their offspring. Unfortunate.

Your generalization is untrue.

There is no murder. You are a right wing lunatic. You certainly do not pay attention to what you write. You are a right wing fascist Christian.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, Republicans took back the House and have recently had 3 dems switch parties and polls show Trump over Biden, while polls also show Biden under water in approval numbers.

Democrats won the race for the state Supreme Court by 11 points. The only polls that show Trump over Biden are fake polls such as Rasmussen.
Once again we see the emotional idiots don't really understand the issue.

The issue is choice and sovereignty over one's own person.

I am neither for nor against abortion what I am for is people making their own choices.
Yeah we know… “My body my choice“ until you want to force people to take experimental medicine they don’t need or want.

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