Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

My Morals come neither from Religion nor Politics and supersede both. My values were taught and engraved on my Soul by my family and the community I grew up in.

Half right. I believe in an Authoritarian form of government. I believe in Traditional Febder Riles (and only 2 genders). I believe in the Superiority of Americans (of every skin tone and ethnic background) over foreigners (white or otherwise).

The main stream is almost always wrong.
Yeah you're all for authoritarianism until it's pointed at you.
... when we have way too many people on this planet? We're not struggling for survival any more. We're struggling with over population.

We (=all mankind) is using the resources of more than one Earth - but we have only one. So we are indeed struggling not only for our own survival - whether we know this or not.

See: The World Counts
Utter bullshit....

The gullible has spoken....

Unless you are Catholic you didn't give two fucks about Abortion until 1977....

Abortion is a wedge issue, drummed up by the Evangelical Churches to give them power after they lost school segregation issue...

This is an issue so these churches could yield power...

Time to get out of the dark ages an know when you are being played.

After Roe v Wade was decided, the anti-abortion leagues went to a “marketing firm”, to rebrand themselves and sell American on the idea that abortion was wrong.

First they rebranded themselves as “Pro-Life”, which is the first lie. Being anti-abortion made them sound “anti-freedom”, which of course is what they are. From a marketing standpoint, it is better to be for something. People like to be associated with something positive.

As an added bonus, you can relabel the pro-choice movement as the “pro-abortion movement”.

But the anti-abortion movement isn’t prol-life at all. They don’t oppose war, or the death penalty. Nor are the pro-choice people “pro-abortion” at all.

We are pro choice, and many people who are pro choice are anti-abortion. They would never have an abortion under any circumstance. That is a choice for many of us.

I’ve never had to make a choice, but I sweated out the results of an amniocentesis until I was 23 weeks pregnant at age 40. 4 weeks of terror there would be something wrong and sobbing with relief when I got the results.

The late term abortions are always the ones no one ever wanted to have. These children were wanted and mourned.

American women will refuse to have babies. Period. The risk to your own life is too much.
After Roe v Wade was decided, the anti-abortion leagues went to a “marketing firm”, to rebrand themselves and sell American on the idea that abortion was wrong.

First they rebranded themselves as “Pro-Life”, which is the first lie. Being anti-abortion made them sound “anti-freedom”, which of course is what they are. From a marketing standpoint, it is better to be for something. People like to be associated with something positive.

As an added bonus, you can relabel the pro-choice movement as the “pro-abortion movement”.

But the anti-abortion movement isn’t prol-life at all. They don’t oppose war, or the death penalty. Nor are the pro-choice people “pro-abortion” at all.

We are pro choice, and many people who are pro choice are anti-abortion. They would never have an abortion under any circumstance. That is a choice for many of us.

I’ve never had to make a choice, but I sweated out the results of an amniocentesis until I was 23 weeks pregnant at age 40. 4 weeks of terror there would be something wrong and sobbing with relief when I got the results.

The late term abortions are always the ones no one ever wanted to have. These children were wanted and mourned.

American women will refuse to have babies. Period. The risk to your own life is too much.

Roe v Ward was always wrong. The death of a human being is not a private decision. And it is not difficult not to have a baby.
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Shut up, moron. You can literally hire someone to kill the unborn. They are the mother’s literal property to dispose of as they will.

There as no such thing as the "unborn". The fetus is not an ''unborn". They're not a viable life form outside the womb.

Women deal with miscarriages all of the time. We have pregnancies which are not viable. The creation of a human being from a fertilized egg is fraught with problems, and 1/3 of the little swimmers don't make it at all. When a woman becomes pregnant, we're told not to tell anyone until the second trimester because, you never know. And don't get too excited either.

My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, and I am still traumatized from it. It was God's will. I wasn't given a choice. But if I had had that miscarriage in Texas today, I might have died because they would not have done the D&C I needed after the pregnancy ended.

Two of my pregnancies ended in miscarriages. In the case of the second miscarriage, I carried my dead fetus for two weeks, before being admitted to hospital. In Texas I would have been forced to continue to carry it until I suffered sepsis.

This shit isn't "pro-life". It's killing women.
your opinion

No. That's not only an opinion. An abortion is not self-defence.

you have no authority to force your opinion on anyone.

Empty idiotic phrase. About 1 million human beings die every year in the USA. This reduces the average life expectation from about 80 years to about 60 years. The "solution" of the mayorite of people is to ignore such facts.
No. That's not only an opinion. An abortion is not self-defence.

Empty idiotic phrase. About 1 million human beings die every year in the USA. This reduces the average life expectation from about 80 years to about 60 years. The "solution" of the mayorite of people is to ignore such facts.
There are over 13000 death an hour the world over.

And fyi life span is counted from the day of birth not the day of conception.

You people who think a fertilized human ovum is the exact same thing as a child who has been born haven't really thought out your position very well.
There as no such thing as the "unborn". The fetus is not an ''unborn". They're not a viable life form outside the womb.

Women deal with miscarriages all of the time. We have pregnancies which are not viable. The creation of a human being from a fertilized egg is fraught with problems, and 1/3 of the little swimmers don't make it at all. When a woman becomes pregnant, we're told not to tell anyone until the second trimester because, you never know. And don't get too excited either.

My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, and I am still traumatized from it. It was God's will. I wasn't given a choice. But if I had had that miscarriage in Texas today, I might have died because they would not have done the D&C I needed after the pregnancy ended.

Two of my pregnancies ended in miscarriages. In the case of the second miscarriage, I carried my dead fetus for two weeks, before being admitted to hospital. In Texas I would have been forced to continue to carry it until I suffered sepsis.

This shit isn't "pro-life". It's killing women.

What had happened here with you has nothing to do with "abortion". You are totally right. What had happened to you is absolutelly not "pro life". This is what a stupid form of politics makes with the real problems. Nevertheless you as well as I and everyone else here was once a fetus - a human fetus. Often are dying such fetusses - what is a very big problem and trauma for many women.
There are over 13000 death an hour the world over.

Please. This is stupid. A fetus is losing in average 80 years.

And fyi life span is counted from the day of birth not the day of conception.

That's a question of open and closed eyes - and a question of mind manipulation.

You people who think a fertilized human ovum is the exact same thing as a child who has been born haven't really thought out your position very well.

I am tired to hear such extremely stupid sentences since decades. You was not aborted - that's why you are here. Others are aborted - they are not here.
I am tired to hear such extremely stupid sentences since decades. You was not aborted - that's why you are here. Others are aborted - they are not here.

So what? I would have never known if I was aborted would I?

And what is stupid is your claim that the average lifespan in the US is 60 years old
It’s time for your meds. You keep complaining about warmongering Democrat. Democrats wanna fight for democracy at the ballot box

And that right there is a reason to oppose the tyrants - Democracy is shit. It should be fought against, tightly controlled.
First they rebranded themselves as “Pro-Life”, which is the first lie.

The human right to life is not a lie, hatemongering moron.

Being anti-abortion made them sound “anti-freedom”, which of course is what they are.

Being against needless killing is not anti-freedom, hatemongering moron.

From a marketing standpoint, it is better to be for something. People like to be associated with something positive.
Yes, like you vile idiots who claim to be “pro-choice,” to lie that we who oppose killing just don’t like personal choice as a general concept.

Instead of specifically opposing killing innocent human being.

But the anti-abortion movement isn’t prol-life at all. They don’t oppose war, or the death penalty.
A lot do. Immaterial though, as defensive wars are just wars, self-defense killings are fine, and executing a murderer is fine. None of these things contrast with the right to life at all.

Nor are the pro-choice people “pro-abortion” at all.
Shut up, pro-abort liar.

American women will refuse to have babies. Period. The risk to your own life is too much.
Oh well. It’s best for the vile ***** who have it in their character to kill others in cold blood to never reproduce.

Not all women are trash like that, though.
ooRoe v Ward was always wrong. The death of a human being is not a private decision. And it is not difficult not to have a baby.

Yes it is. 0ur bodies are built for two primary functions, one of which is reproduction. Fully half the women who have abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant. I personally have two beautiful grandchildren who were both conceived while my daughter was on the Pill.

I was never able to take the Pill, and despite all of the precautions I took, I had two unplanned pregnancies, one of which ended in miscarriage. My other "surprise" will be turning 49 this year.

Virtually every woman I know has had at least one unplanned pregnancy. In my daughter's case, they were planning a second child, so the second pregnancy was a bit early, but welcome. When you're married, financially secure, and well situated, it's easy to say, yeah, it's not what we planned but let's do this. Which is mostly what happens.

But for those whose relationships are unstable, or worse, dangerous, or who have other children to support with few resources, it's a much different decision.
A fetus can neither agree nor disagree with anyone as it has zero capacity to do so.
Seems our declaration of independence stated clearly that we have the right to LIFE, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. You democrats seem to think the right to life is limited and happiness is guaranteed. Wrong again.
Seems our declaration of independence stated clearly that we have the right to LIFE, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. You democrats seem to think the right to life is limited and happiness is guaranteed. Wrong again.
All men are created equal. A fetus is not a "man", or even a "person", and as such has such NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER, except what its mother is in a position to provide.

This right wing campaign to bestow more rights on a gestating fetus than its mother, will be the death of the Republican Party.

Ron DeSantis, by signing that misogynistic and dangerous abortion bill last night, made himself unelectable in the 2024 General election, and will cost him the governorship in the next election.

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