About that shooting at the Balitmore university shooting...why the story disappeared so fast. Wanna guess?

Nope.....you say they have lax gun laws....that means they should have lots more violence than Chicago...they do not....their criminals don't have to cross state lines if you are correct....you are not.

This is the fault of democrat party prosecutors and judges in Chicago, as well as democrat party politicians in Springfield.....releasing violent criminals with no cash bail, and lowering sentences, not charging criminals.........that is the problem

Nope, the problem is we have too many guns out there, and it's too easy to get them.

Full Stop.

If guns and jails made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.
Nope, the problem is we have too many guns out there, and it's too easy to get them.

Full Stop.

If guns and jails made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.
If people like you would agree to keep violent criminals in jail and execute murderers we WOULD have the lowest crime rates in the civilized world. But no, you have to feel sorry for scum that would rape your grandmother and steal the last bite of food from a starving infant.
Nope, the problem is we have too many guns out there, and it's too easy to get them.

Full Stop.

If guns and jails made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Nope...the problem we have is the democrat party. The democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians are destroying local police and their ability to arrest criminals, and they are releasing the most violent gun offenders over and over again who then commit 99% of our gun crime and gun murder.
If people like you would agree to keep violent criminals in jail and execute murderers we WOULD have the lowest crime rates in the civilized world. But no, you have to feel sorry for scum that would rape your grandmother and steal the last bite of food from a starving infant.

Again, Europe and Japan ban guns, they have VERY Few people in prison, and except for Japan, they've all abolished the death penalty. (And Japan uses it very sparingly.)

Nope...the problem we have is the democrat party. The democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians are destroying local police and their ability to arrest criminals, and they are releasing the most violent gun offenders over and over again who then commit 99% of our gun crime and gun murder.
You remind me of one of those Campus radicals who stands on a corner ranting slogans.

We've already established most gun murder is domestic violence.
We don't have enough room in the prisons for "just happened to have a gun". We don't even have enough room in there now for the real criminals.
Again, Europe and Japan ban guns, they have VERY Few people in prison, and except for Japan, they've all abolished the death penalty. (And Japan uses it very sparingly.)

You remind me of one of those Campus radicals who stands on a corner ranting slogans.

We've already established most gun murder is domestic violence.
We don't have enough room in the prisons for "just happened to have a gun". We don't even have enough room in there now for the real criminals.

No...you lied about that too......guns aren't the issue in domestic violence....women shacked up with violent criminals who then go on to murder them is the issue....as well as shacking up with drug addicts, drug dealers, and violent alcoholics.

We have more than enough room for violent gun criminals...but if they are locked up for 30 years, the democrats won't be able to release them so they can keep shooting people.....which the democrats need to push gun control.
Again, Europe and Japan ban guns, they have VERY Few people in prison, and except for Japan, they've all abolished the death penalty. (And Japan uses it very sparingly.)

You remind me of one of those Campus radicals who stands on a corner ranting slogans.

We've already established most gun murder is domestic violence.
We don't have enough room in the prisons for "just happened to have a gun". We don't even have enough room in there now for the real criminals.
No, YOU claim to have established that. The actual studies don't agree with you.
No...you lied about that too......guns aren't the issue in domestic violence....women shacked up with violent criminals who then go on to murder them is the issue....as well as shacking up with drug addicts, drug dealers, and violent alcoholics.

We have more than enough room for violent gun criminals...but if they are locked up for 30 years, the democrats won't be able to release them so they can keep shooting people.....which the democrats need to push gun control.

We have 2 million people in prison (more than any other county in the world including Communist China) and another 7 million on probation or parole. Simple math tells you that we don't lock up the vast majority of criminals because we simply don't have the room.

The average murderer only serves 13 years. Some twit who waived around a gun during a stickup, we simply don't have room for them all.

No, YOU claim to have established that. The actual studies don't agree with you.
Actually, they have. People are rarely murdered by strangers.


We have 2 million people in prison (more than any other county in the world including Communist China) and another 7 million on probation or parole. Simple math tells you that we don't lock up the vast majority of criminals because we simply don't have the room.

The average murderer only serves 13 years. Some twit who waived around a gun during a stickup, we simply don't have room for them all.

Actually, they have. People are rarely murdered by strangers.

View attachment 850592

Yes......the baby momma is murdered by the gang banger she is schacked up with......and the other thing you lie about the "known" part of that pie? Gang banger Latin King, "knows" gang banger MS-13, and shoots them.......they know each other...you idiot.
Yes......the baby momma is murdered by the gang banger she is schacked up with......and the other thing you lie about the "known" part of that pie? Gang banger Latin King, "knows" gang banger MS-13, and shoots them.......they know each other...you idiot.
Yup, they are all socializing when they aren't shooting at each other.
The Breweries promote responsible use. How many "don't drink and drive" commercials do they purchase, education for servers, etc.

MEANWHILE ,the gun industry is deliberately marketing to the crazy people.
Proof, evidence?
Except it really isn't. The industry tolerates shops like that.
Proof, evidence? You're spouting conjecture and you know it.
We have 600 mass shootings a year. The media can't pay attention to them all.
If more than 4 were hurt in a single shooting event (injured or killed), that's a mass shooting.

If 4 or more or killed, that's a mass killing. So everything is a mass shooting, but gun nuts go for mass killings because it's a lower number.
Proof, evidence?


Proof, evidence? You're spouting conjecture and you know it.

The sweeping Gun Trace Report that then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration published in 2017 showed that nearly one in four guns picked up by the Chicago police between 2013 and 2016 came from just 10 stores in Illinois and northern Indiana. The top three stores together accounted for 2,000 crime guns.

In four inspections at Blythe’s Sports Shop in Griffith, Indiana, between 2000 and 2009, ATF issued warnings to owner Rodger Blythe for violations that included selling to underage customers and to someone who identified themself as a convicted felon, failing to notify the ATF of multiple sales and failing to properly record firearm transfers.

In a 2011 inspection, investigators found the store had “aided the making of false statements” on federally mandated purchasing forms and sold to a person buying weapons on behalf of someone else — a federal crime known as straw purchasing.
Again, Europe and Japan ban guns, they have VERY Few people in prison, and except for Japan, they've all abolished the death penalty. (And Japan uses it very sparingly.)

You remind me of one of those Campus radicals who stands on a corner ranting slogans.

We've already established most gun murder is domestic violence.
We don't have enough room in the prisons for "just happened to have a gun". We don't even have enough room in there now for the real criminals.
How are you going to ban guns and confiscate them retard. 1) that's illegal and 2) impossible to do.

Where did you dig this up from? Some random pic from a google search to support your narrative.
I'm not even sure how relevant "Bushmaster", especially within the AR platform.

So, when was the last time you saw a commercial for a firearm?
When was the last time you saw a billboard for a gun MFG?
When was the last time you saw an ad in any non-gun or non-sporting magazine or publication?

Guess, what you won't find any. So again, tell me how the MFGs are marketing their product outside their very narrow and targeted market?

The sweeping Gun Trace Report that then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration published in 2017 showed that nearly one in four guns picked up by the Chicago police between 2013 and 2016 came from just 10 stores in Illinois and northern Indiana. The top three stores together accounted for 2,000 crime guns.

In four inspections at Blythe’s Sports Shop in Griffith, Indiana, between 2000 and 2009, ATF issued warnings to owner Rodger Blythe for violations that included selling to underage customers and to someone who identified themself as a convicted felon, failing to notify the ATF of multiple sales and failing to properly record firearm transfers.

In a 2011 inspection, investigators found the store had “aided the making of false statements” on federally mandated purchasing forms and sold to a person buying weapons on behalf of someone else — a federal crime known as straw purchasing.
But again, you seem to eloquently evade the point I'm making. What is happening in Chicago is against the law, not only the criminals that illegally obtain them but also any stores and or associates that willingly engages and allowing strawman purchases. There is no argument. And let's point out that because a store is isolated, doesn't mean that the owner of the store or the majority of the store's associates are engaging in illegal activity. It is very plausible that the illegal activity could be specific employees.

What you want to do is paint a sweeping narrative that Chicago and the subculture that promotes gangs and gang related activity paints the picture for the entire "Industry" as you like to put it. You're in essence throwing the baby out with the bath water. You know your premise is illogical and you will fall on that sword no matter how dull it might be.
How are you going to ban guns and confiscate them retard. 1) that's illegal and 2) impossible to do.
Don't have to.

All we have to do is stop selling new ones, and use red flag laws and the like to take them out of the hands of bad actors.. Combine that with gun buy-backs, and we can clean up the problem.

Guess, what you won't find any. So again, tell me how the MFGs are marketing their product outside their very narrow and targeted market?

Because their narrow and targetted audience is the kind of people who shouldn't have guns to start with? Who do you think the "Man Card" ad was targeted towards?

But again, you seem to eloquently evade the point I'm making. What is happening in Chicago is against the law, not only the criminals that illegally obtain them but also any stores and or associates that willingly engages and allowing strawman purchases. There is no argument. And let's point out that because a store is isolated, doesn't mean that the owner of the store or the majority of the store's associates are engaging in illegal activity. It is very plausible that the illegal activity could be specific employees.

Oh, please, these guns stores know exactly what they are doing, because the ATF has caught them doing it. But because the ATF is a toothless tiger, they give them minor citations and they keep on doing it.

What you want to do is paint a sweeping narrative that Chicago and the subculture that promotes gangs and gang related activity paints the picture for the entire "Industry" as you like to put it. You're in essence throwing the baby out with the bath water. You know your premise is illogical and you will fall on that sword no matter how dull it might be.

Quite the contrary.

If you aren't a cop or a soldier, there is ZERO good reason for you to have a gun. If the gun industry can't make even a token effort to keep guns out of the wrong hands, then I'm happy to throw out that baby with the bathwater.

The reality is, the gun industry WANTS guns to get to crooks. Crime causes fear. Fear drives gun sales. (Because most people are too stupid to realize a gun in the home increases your chance of being murdered, usually by a household member)
Because their narrow and targetted audience is the kind of people who shouldn't have guns to start with? Who do you think the "Man Card" ad was targeted towards?
That maybe one of your dumbest and most illogical comment, to date. You're beginning to rival IM2 with your illogical bias against firearms and the 2A. Seriously... you might be the same guy at this point.
Oh, please, these guns stores know exactly what they are doing, because the ATF has caught them doing it. But because the ATF is a toothless tiger, they give them minor citations and they keep on doing it
Again, you want it to be a industry gun store thing because you don't want to be wrong. Therefore you latch onto conjecture and hyperbole.
Quite the contrary.

If you aren't a cop or a soldier, there is ZERO good reason for you to have a gun. If the gun industry can't make even a token effort to keep guns out of the wrong hands, then I'm happy to throw out that baby with the bathwater.

The reality is, the gun industry WANTS guns to get to crooks. Crime causes fear. Fear drives gun sales. (Because most people are too stupid to realize a gun in the home increases your chance of being murdered, usually by a household member)
Again, you have no proof that the "Gun Industry" want guns in the hands of crooks. None. You're postulating conjecture because you can't be wrong.

The 2A along with state constitutions support and reinforce our rights to bare arms with strong historical evidence (that you have tried to refute time and time again). That doesn't mean someone like YOU should carry a gun, because not all men are created equal and if something were to happen inside this country that real men need to standup and fight for, we don't need some men pissing their pants.
Don't have to.

All we have to do is stop selling new ones, and use red flag laws and the like to take them out of the hands of bad actors.. Combine that with gun buy-backs, and we can clean up the problem.

Because their narrow and targetted audience is the kind of people who shouldn't have guns to start with? Who do you think the "Man Card" ad was targeted towards?

Oh, please, these guns stores know exactly what they are doing, because the ATF has caught them doing it. But because the ATF is a toothless tiger, they give them minor citations and they keep on doing it.

Quite the contrary.

If you aren't a cop or a soldier, there is ZERO good reason for you to have a gun. If the gun industry can't make even a token effort to keep guns out of the wrong hands, then I'm happy to throw out that baby with the bathwater.

The reality is, the gun industry WANTS guns to get to crooks. Crime causes fear. Fear drives gun sales. (Because most people are too stupid to realize a gun in the home increases your chance of being murdered, usually by a household member)
Dude you are retarded. It's illegal to ban the sale of firearms. Red flags laws will have very little impact. This isn't precrime in that Tom Crusie sci fi movie.
Don't have to.

All we have to do is stop selling new ones, and use red flag laws and the like to take them out of the hands of bad actors.. Combine that with gun buy-backs, and we can clean up the problem.

Because their narrow and targetted audience is the kind of people who shouldn't have guns to start with? Who do you think the "Man Card" ad was targeted towards?

Oh, please, these guns stores know exactly what they are doing, because the ATF has caught them doing it. But because the ATF is a toothless tiger, they give them minor citations and they keep on doing it.

Quite the contrary.

If you aren't a cop or a soldier, there is ZERO good reason for you to have a gun. If the gun industry can't make even a token effort to keep guns out of the wrong hands, then I'm happy to throw out that baby with the bathwater.

The reality is, the gun industry WANTS guns to get to crooks. Crime causes fear. Fear drives gun sales. (Because most people are too stupid to realize a gun in the home increases your chance of being murdered, usually by a household member)
Hey Joe is this a Red Flag? He also lied on his gun purchase app. Known drug addict.

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