Absolutely disgusting! US cluster munitions targets civilians in Sevastopol

One moment please. Do you like to say we have the right to eliminate Russia and to build a route for a magnetic levitation train from Paris to Montreal? Should we really do so? ...

State promoted war propaganda works on you EVERY time.

They lie repeatedly to you for decades, but you still believe.
:cuckoo: :uhoh3::laughing0301:
You know nothing. Stop posting.
"Stop posting." I'm sorry to tell you but I really don't care if your feelings are hurt. You can choose to reply to me or not. And if I get bored enough I might stop on my own volition. You however, can not make me stop.
"Stop posting." I'm sorry to tell you but I really don't care if your feelings are hurt. You can choose to reply to me or not. And if I get bored enough I might stop on my own volition. You however, can not make me stop.
Also, we didn't start shit! That was Obama's bagman Biden who started it

Trump held Putin and the WEF in check even after Obama's Maiden Coup.

First fucking thing the subversives did was have drag queen Vindman eavesdrop on Trump and pretend it wasn't the most corrupt nation in the Western hemisphere, paying off Biden and other DC Families (Pelosi, Kerry and Romney, probably many others)

This is why Trump needs Michael Franzese or someone a lot like him as his AG or VP
Lol, all blow and no show. You Russian twats invaded and are now getting what ya deserved. So quit crying.
State promoted war propaganda works on you EVERY time.

They lie repeatedly to you for decades, but you still believe.
:cuckoo: :uhoh3::laughing0301:

Russian - your young Russian soldiers kill other young Russian soldiers on reasons of compassion - because your stupid leader Putin is not even able to organize medical support for heavily wounded soldiers. I guess the reason for this absurde behavior is it that it is better for his future regime if only "heroes" will come back from this war and no one who is crippled for life. This makes it more easy for the next generation of Russians to deny the hell of their neverending self-made psychological traumata.


When we hit our children
In the face and on the bum
Because we can't stand ourselves
I'm sad anyway

When free opinion dies out
Nobody against, nobody for
If you only court hypocrisy
I'm sad anyway

When I see myself being spied on
Everywhere and nowhere
No matter where I go
I'm sad anyway

When a friend runs off to the West
Someone smiles gloatingly
And no one trusts the other
I'm sad anyway

When you offer the highest prices
For threshed empty straw
And you rivet your brain
I'm sad anyway

When the ideal is fucked up
And hope doesn't know where
Boredom eats us up
I'm sad anyway

And I think of the poet
Who fled in optimism
Only for friendly faces
I'm sad anyway

When the houses beat us to death
With the barbed wire level
Tears only for binge drinking
I'm sad anyway

When I think of prison
That of us and elsewhere
All the benches that have been left behind
I'm sad anyway

If I keep on singing anyway
I also take the risk
And my head's already in a noose
I'm sad anyway

Man, as long as we're still laughing
And we don't feel alone
And we can still do something
I can still be sad

Man, as long as we're still laughing
And we don't feel alone
And we can still do something
I'm allowed to be sad

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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IL-76 with Orenburg pilots was shot down by the AFU using the US PATRIOT system
The Investigative Committee announced details of the examination of the crash of IL-76 with the Orenburg crew. The plane crashed in January in the Belgorod region.
What happened?
On January 24, the plane with the Orenburg crew crashed in the Belgorod region. On board the plane were 65 captured Ukrainian military personnel who were being taken for exchange, 6 crew members and 3 escorts. On the afternoon of January 25, the Russian Defense Ministry issued a second official statement on the crash. The Russian military ministry called the crash of the Ilyushin Il-76 in Belgorod Region a "terrorist act of the Kiev regime".
IL-76 with Orenburg pilots was shot down by the AFU using the US PATRIOT system
The Investigative Committee announced details of the examination of the crash of IL-76 with the Orenburg crew. The plane crashed in January in the Belgorod region.
What happened?
On January 24, the plane with the Orenburg crew crashed in the Belgorod region. On board the plane were 65 captured Ukrainian military personnel who were being taken for exchange, 6 crew members and 3 escorts. On the afternoon of January 25, the Russian Defense Ministry issued a second official statement on the crash. The Russian military ministry called the crash of the Ilyushin Il-76 in Belgorod Region a "terrorist act of the Kiev regime".

Why are tyres around this puzzle? And why has Russia murdered this pows - and heroes? Did they try to overtake the plane?

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