Acceptance of the outcome

Will you agree with the Special investigations final conclusions?

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The OP sure has gone to great lengths to call Dems butthurt.

Trombies cannot look forward. Trump speaks of his campaign with more love than he speaks of his own family. He's marking the anniversary of the day he announced his run.

You fuckers have no reason to be positive about a Trump future and you have nothing to show for his first 5 months in office, so you are fixated on election night.

Move on.
I will accept it. I do however want to reserve the right to object to Trump on ethical grounds. Legal doesn't necessarily mean right. For instance Trump has the right to give the Russians intel developed by Israel and in so doing compromise America's capability to get intel from it's allies, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. I will flip the question. Will you accept the outcome if the outcome isn't what you think? Will you disavow Trump?
Disavow Trump? Have you Disavowed Clinton?

I've made no claim as to whether or not you approve of Trump. I'm merely trying to get a read on what I can expect from the left when this goes down.
Comey established the facts and the DOJ choose not to prosecute, meeting the requirements you established by this post. Now again if Trump is found to have colluded with the Russians, or something I find equally likely, found he broke the law trying to cover the Russian involvement, or as an offspring of this investigation is found to breaking other laws and Mueller charges him with a crime, will YOU accept those findings? I find it interesting to know how you will react to a for you unexpected result, since you want to put the question out there.
He did not, and in fact, skirted the truth. However, again that is not what I am saying. I'm taking a historic reality (the left refused, then and to this day, to accept Trump's election) and trying to get a read on what I can expect from the left here at USMB. I absolutely believe that if Mueller comes out with a 'no collusion charge against Trump, the media will lose their shit...again.
Deflecting yet again, why are you so hesitant about giving your own opinion to your question? You poll something and then you don't want to give your own position. I suspect it's because you know the answer would show you a hypocrite.
You can, if you so chose, click on the percentage of the poll and look at who voted what. I was actually the very first vote.
Ah my bad. I do apologize darkwind. The only thing I can say in my defense is that you seemed very evasive to what I was saying.
Disavow Trump? Have you Disavowed Clinton?

I've made no claim as to whether or not you approve of Trump. I'm merely trying to get a read on what I can expect from the left when this goes down.
Comey established the facts and the DOJ choose not to prosecute, meeting the requirements you established by this post. Now again if Trump is found to have colluded with the Russians, or something I find equally likely, found he broke the law trying to cover the Russian involvement, or as an offspring of this investigation is found to breaking other laws and Mueller charges him with a crime, will YOU accept those findings? I find it interesting to know how you will react to a for you unexpected result, since you want to put the question out there.
He did not, and in fact, skirted the truth. However, again that is not what I am saying. I'm taking a historic reality (the left refused, then and to this day, to accept Trump's election) and trying to get a read on what I can expect from the left here at USMB. I absolutely believe that if Mueller comes out with a 'no collusion charge against Trump, the media will lose their shit...again.
Deflecting yet again, why are you so hesitant about giving your own opinion to your question? You poll something and then you don't want to give your own position. I suspect it's because you know the answer would show you a hypocrite.
You can, if you so chose, click on the percentage of the poll and look at who voted what. I was actually the very first vote.
Ah my bad. I do apologize darkwind. The only thing I can say is that you were very evasive to what I was saying.
I'm just trying to keep the thread on the rails long enough to get a good polling. This other discussion is really more of the same from other threads. Everyone is locked in their talking points, and I have made My views well known on how I feel about Comey and the entire investigation.

I have been trying (with moderate success) to get away from the "did too", "did not" style of debate that occurs here. To that end, I'll often make My points, defend My position and then move on. I will not engage in a weeks, months, years-long debate with people who simply decide that their opinion is only one that is truth. It's a waste of time.

Oh, and apology accepted, thank you.
Comey established the facts and the DOJ choose not to prosecute

Correction: COMEY chose not to prosecute, after AG Lynch staged her phony meeting with Bill Clinton to provide an excuse to distance herself (and Obama) from this "matter." Even so, it should have been up to the Assistant AG to decide whether to prosecute Hillary, not COMEY.

But you already knew this.
I am confident that if the Russia investigation does not provide proof leading to impeachment and removal from office, it won't be long until Trump does something that does.

That's because Trump simply does not know what he's doing. He is incredibly unqualified to be President and he is proving that beyond a shadow of a doubt every day. The big question is how much of a disaster will he cause before he's removed form office.

So, if the Russia investigation doesn't end in an indictment I'll be disappointed, but accept it. It seems like the fastest way to end this Presidential buffoonery.

In other words, the radical Left in this country is attempting to stage a (relatively) bloodless coup to remove the duly elected President of the United States. This end justifies any means at their disposal. Sieg Heil!

Your reading comprehension is incredibly poor:

I said:

"that if the Russia investigation does not provide proof leading to impeachment and removal from office, it won't be long until Trump does something that does"

That means that I predicate his impeachment and removal on a justifiable reason.

Can you comprehend?
Comey established the facts and the DOJ choose not to prosecute, meeting the requirements you established by this post. Now again if Trump is found to have colluded with the Russians, or something I find equally likely, found he broke the law trying to cover the Russian involvement, or as an offspring of this investigation is found to breaking other laws and Mueller charges him with a crime, will YOU accept those findings? I find it interesting to know how you will react to a for you unexpected result, since you want to put the question out there.
He did not, and in fact, skirted the truth. However, again that is not what I am saying. I'm taking a historic reality (the left refused, then and to this day, to accept Trump's election) and trying to get a read on what I can expect from the left here at USMB. I absolutely believe that if Mueller comes out with a 'no collusion charge against Trump, the media will lose their shit...again.
Deflecting yet again, why are you so hesitant about giving your own opinion to your question? You poll something and then you don't want to give your own position. I suspect it's because you know the answer would show you a hypocrite.
You can, if you so chose, click on the percentage of the poll and look at who voted what. I was actually the very first vote.
Ah my bad. I do apologize darkwind. The only thing I can say is that you were very evasive to what I was saying.
I'm just trying to keep the thread on the rails long enough to get a good polling. This other discussion is really more of the same from other threads. Everyone is locked in their talking points, and I have made My views well known on how I feel about Comey and the entire investigation.

I have been trying (with moderate success) to get away from the "did too", "did not" style of debate that occurs here. To that end, I'll often make My points, defend My position and then move on. I will not engage in a weeks, months, years-long debate with people who simply decide that their opinion is only one that is truth. It's a waste of time.

Oh, and apology accepted, thank you.
I do the same thing actually. I try to make an actual point defend it, sometimes at nausea. But I also try to be fair, that means when I get caught putting my foot in my mouth, I acknowledge it without trying to deflect to much.
He did not, and in fact, skirted the truth. However, again that is not what I am saying. I'm taking a historic reality (the left refused, then and to this day, to accept Trump's election) and trying to get a read on what I can expect from the left here at USMB. I absolutely believe that if Mueller comes out with a 'no collusion charge against Trump, the media will lose their shit...again.
Deflecting yet again, why are you so hesitant about giving your own opinion to your question? You poll something and then you don't want to give your own position. I suspect it's because you know the answer would show you a hypocrite.
You can, if you so chose, click on the percentage of the poll and look at who voted what. I was actually the very first vote.
Ah my bad. I do apologize darkwind. The only thing I can say is that you were very evasive to what I was saying.
I'm just trying to keep the thread on the rails long enough to get a good polling. This other discussion is really more of the same from other threads. Everyone is locked in their talking points, and I have made My views well known on how I feel about Comey and the entire investigation.

I have been trying (with moderate success) to get away from the "did too", "did not" style of debate that occurs here. To that end, I'll often make My points, defend My position and then move on. I will not engage in a weeks, months, years-long debate with people who simply decide that their opinion is only one that is truth. It's a waste of time.

Oh, and apology accepted, thank you.
I do the same thing actually. I try to make an actual point defend it, sometimes at nausea. But I also try to be fair, that means when I get caught putting my foot in my mouth, I acknowledge it without trying to deflect to much.
I've just begun to drop the 'ad nausea' part. To much time wasted over the past 20 years. There are people who are actually using the same talking points/arguments today that they were using 15+ years ago. When you see that, you realize that nothing is to be gained by continuing with that person.
Of course I will accept it.

That collusion happened will be established.

The question is how deep and far did it go.

John Brennan (“I don’t know whether or not such collusion—and that’s your term, such collusion existed. I don’t know.”).

James Clapper (“as I’ve said before—I’ve testified to this effect—I saw no direct evidence of political collusion between the campaign and—the Trump campaign and the Russians.”).

James Comey ("As I said, when I left, we did not have an investigation focused on president trump".).

So Comrade Fakey, what is it that you know (wish) that the head's of US intelligence disagree with you on?
Comrade Flakeykwc, will you accept the findings of the investigation?
Given the past performance of this nations left, and those here on this forum who have completely lost their composure, I have a single question with regard to the Mueller investigation.

When he comes back with a final report that shows there was no collusion with Trump and the Russians, will you accept it and agree with it?

The poll has only two options.

Yes you'll accept the outcome of the report regardless of the finding

No, you'll only agree with the report if you get the outcome you want.
I will accept it. I do however want to reserve the right to object to Trump on ethical grounds. Legal doesn't necessarily mean right. For instance Trump has the right to give the Russians intel developed by Israel and in so doing compromise America's capability to get intel from it's allies, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. I will flip the question. Will you accept the outcome if the outcome isn't what you think? Will you disavow Trump?
or it is the right thing to do. why do you think you get to make that call? I'm laughing at your thought process though.
Short memory span I guess?

I guess YOU forgot about Harry Reid, who wouldn't allow a Senate vote on the budget for 3-1/2 years (even though the Dems were in the majority). Short memory span?
Deflecting yet again, why are you so hesitant about giving your own opinion to your question? You poll something and then you don't want to give your own position. I suspect it's because you know the answer would show you a hypocrite.
You can, if you so chose, click on the percentage of the poll and look at who voted what. I was actually the very first vote.
Ah my bad. I do apologize darkwind. The only thing I can say is that you were very evasive to what I was saying.
I'm just trying to keep the thread on the rails long enough to get a good polling. This other discussion is really more of the same from other threads. Everyone is locked in their talking points, and I have made My views well known on how I feel about Comey and the entire investigation.

I have been trying (with moderate success) to get away from the "did too", "did not" style of debate that occurs here. To that end, I'll often make My points, defend My position and then move on. I will not engage in a weeks, months, years-long debate with people who simply decide that their opinion is only one that is truth. It's a waste of time.

Oh, and apology accepted, thank you.
I do the same thing actually. I try to make an actual point defend it, sometimes at nausea. But I also try to be fair, that means when I get caught putting my foot in my mouth, I acknowledge it without trying to deflect to much.
I've just begun to drop the 'ad nausea' part. To much time wasted over the past 20 years. There are people who are actually using the same talking points/arguments today that they were using 15+ years ago. When you see that, you realize that nothing is to be gained by continuing with that person.
I just like to argue lol. And very, VERY rarely I get the satisfaction of changing somebodies mind a bit. To me this forum is more a personal betterment project. It helps me define my position by imposing very strict rules on myself and let people try to out argue me. it doesn't happen all that often but it does sometimes move or even more rarely change my position which I then consider a lesson learned. Sorry to be so heavy handed, but I felt I had to explain my motivation.
I am confident that if the Russia investigation does not provide proof leading to impeachment and removal from office, it won't be long until Trump does something that does.

That's because Trump simply does not know what he's doing. He is incredibly unqualified to be President and he is proving that beyond a shadow of a doubt every day. The big question is how much of a disaster will he cause before he's removed form office.

So, if the Russia investigation doesn't end in an indictment I'll be disappointed, but accept it. It seems like the fastest way to end this Presidential buffoonery.
You make a good point because Trump has the same misconceptions about the presidency now as when he entered office. He sees the presidency as being about himself, not about the country, just an extension of his campaign attacks. Trump lives for the fight. He always has. Unfortunately, he is not fighting for anyone but himself and eventually that will defeat him.
Your reading comprehension is incredibly poor:

I said:

"that if the Russia investigation does not provide proof leading to impeachment and removal from office, it won't be long until Trump does something that does"

That means that I predicate his impeachment and removal on a justifiable reason.

Can you comprehend?

Having you entire post read back to you ver batim is a real bitch...
Correction: COMEY chose not to prosecute, after AG Lynch staged her phony meeting with Bill Clinton to provide an excuse to distance herself (and Obama) from this "matter."

We do understand what you're doing.

You understand how criminal your side is. Everyone does. However, for whatever reasons, you don't care. You want your gang of criminals to form an authoritarian dictatorship.

However, the impartial justice system threatens your authoritarian dreams. Thus, you've created this conspiracy theory where every Republican is automatically innocent, a poor little victim of the corrupt justice system.

What, you actually thought your corruption wasn't obvious?
Given the past performance of this nations left, and those here on this forum who have completely lost their composure, I have a single question with regard to the Mueller investigation.

When he comes back with a final report that shows there was no collusion with Trump and the Russians, will you accept it and agree with it?

The poll has only two options.

Yes you'll accept the outcome of the report regardless of the finding

No, you'll only agree with the report if you get the outcome you want.
I will accept it. I do however want to reserve the right to object to Trump on ethical grounds. Legal doesn't necessarily mean right. For instance Trump has the right to give the Russians intel developed by Israel and in so doing compromise America's capability to get intel from it's allies, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. I will flip the question. Will you accept the outcome if the outcome isn't what you think? Will you disavow Trump?
or it is the right thing to do. why do you think you get to make that call? I'm laughing at your thought process though.
You think it is a good thing to share HUMINT sources coming from probably the best intelligence gathering agency in the Middle East (MOSSAD) with Russia? You don't think it will have any effect on the US's ability to get information from allies, when it comes out you shared that information with a country that those allies consider an enemy?
I am confident that if the Russia investigation does not provide proof leading to impeachment and removal from office, it won't be long until Trump does something that does.

That's because Trump simply does not know what he's doing. He is incredibly unqualified to be President and he is proving that beyond a shadow of a doubt every day. The big question is how much of a disaster will he cause before he's removed form office.

So, if the Russia investigation doesn't end in an indictment I'll be disappointed, but accept it. It seems like the fastest way to end this Presidential buffoonery.

In other words, the radical Left in this country is attempting to stage a (relatively) bloodless coup to remove the duly elected President of the United States. This end justifies any means at their disposal. Sieg Heil!
A coup is a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. An impeachment is not a coup.

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