Accidental gun deaths...505. Accidental Medical deaths, 250,000.

From the BMJ metaanalysis itself: "Medical error has been defined as an unintended act (either of omission or commission) or one that does not achieve its intended outcome...."

This means if you come to my ED and you are dieing, and I give you medication to try to keep you from dieing, yet you still die, then it counts in this terrible metaanalysis as a "medical error."

Statistics lie, and liars use statistics.
From the BMJ metaanalysis itself: "Medical error has been defined as an unintended act (either of omission or commission) or one that does not achieve its intended outcome...."

This means if you come to my ED and you are dieing, and I give you medication to try to keep you from dieing, yet you still die, then it counts in this terrible metaanalysis as a "medical error."

Statistics lie, and liars use statistics.
Going to the doctor is much more dangerous than any firearm…
Cute, but there are many reasons they did not attack the Swiss. I doubt that is one they even considered.
Actually, even PBS says that was a big reason. Been there and done that one already.

There are many theories on the subject:
Switzerland was no threat to Germany and during this time didn't have much to offer, neither wealth nor resources. But it did have a main trading route to Italy which would stay protected from the allies as long as Switzerland stayed neutral. On top of that it is well known that Swiss banks accepted Nazi gold.
I have always felt the banks had a lot to do with it. And no one knows exactly why Hitler amassed a force to invade them, but never did. There were lots of reasons, no doubt, but the citizenry being armed did factor into it, they say. "They" being reasonable people who don't spend their days dreaming of being an armed Hero.

435,000 armed civilians ready to fight any occupation......unlike all the other countries hitler invaded and occupied....

Yes Russia had millions of armed military.

And an unarmed population.......
Care to quantify that "many"?
Yes, 265 people were shot by kids under the age of 18 in 2015. Or approximately 5 a week. Some resulted in death . Each one of the guns used by kids passed through the hands of an adult. Gun nuts will go through contortions trying to rationalize why this is okay or not a problem, or 265 shootings is a drop in the bucket compared to the number of kids that hit each other with hammers or drown in buckets.

Please link.......the gun grabbers often call a 16 year old gang soldier as a "kid" and when they shoot another 15 year old gang soldier.....that is a kid shooting a kid....

So your source.......
It was always lower than ours even before they confiscated their guns......they confiscated their guns...and the gun crime rate stayed the same...confiscating guns from people who did not use them to commit crime did not lower the gun crime fact it went up....then went back to the same level.......

They had a low gun murder rate compared to us long before they confiscated guns.......and our gun murder rate went down as more Americans owned and carried guns....

You mean crime has gone down since the Bill Clinton crime bill.
I've been trying to point that out to him for ages.

And you have yet to acknowledge that gun ownership went up at the same time and gun murder and gun crime went down at he same time...

Making your whole point about guns being a problem silly.......

Hey dummy.......:bye1::bye1:..........very, very few Americans care about gun control. Do we maybe have a bit of an OCD issue here? Ummmm..........yes, indeed we do!!!:up:

You're a emotional hemophiliac nut like all gun control obsessed >>>

Gallup: Only 4% of Americans Think Gun Control is an Important Problem

Record low #'s of Americans favor hand gun ban (Gallup Oct 2011) -

What The Media Isn't Saying About Support For Stronger Gun Laws

But knock yourself out.............. :spinner:
But....but....Obama has been talking gun control for 8 years......and of her top 5 issues.....

He has been appointing anti gun judges to the Courts.......and when gun cases reach them, then they act.
And, to what do you compare this 265 number that justifies calling it "many"?
I've said before, gun nuts will argue how many is too many, and how many is not enough. One accidental gun death is too many. 265 accidental shootings by children (accidental, not gang shootings) by children is TOO many. If it was your child doing the shooting, would you argue about numbers?
And, to what do you compare this 265 number that justifies calling it "many"?
I've said before, gun nuts will argue how many is too many, and how many is not enough. One accidental gun death is too many. 265 accidental shootings by children (accidental, not gang shootings) by children is TOO many. If it was your child doing the shooting, would you argue about numbers?
More laws will doing nothing to address this, just make it worse. Dumbass
And, to what do you compare this 265 number that justifies calling it "many"?
I've said before, gun nuts will argue how many is too many, and how many is not enough. One accidental gun death is too many. 265 accidental shootings by children (accidental, not gang shootings) by children is TOO many. If it was your child doing the shooting, would you argue about numbers?

You are talking a majority who are criminals having accidents because they don't have access to proper firearm education.....and please...liink to that we can see who is saying it....
And, to what do you compare this 265 number that justifies calling it "many"?
I've said before, gun nuts will argue how many is too many, and how many is not enough. One accidental gun death is too many. 265 accidental shootings by children (accidental, not gang shootings) by children is TOO many. If it was your child doing the shooting, would you argue about numbers?

So you would support gun safety education in public help get that number down...right?
And, to what do you compare this 265 number that justifies calling it "many"?
I've said before, gun nuts will argue how many is too many, and how many is not enough. One accidental gun death is too many. 265 accidental shootings by children (accidental, not gang shootings) by children is TOO many. If it was your child doing the shooting, would you argue about numbers?

And 1,500,000 million times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.......

THose are lives saved......and crimes stopped.....far more lives than we know because when an armed citizens stops a criminal, lives are saved when that criminal gets locked up...
And, to what do you compare this 265 number that justifies calling it "many"?
I've said before, gun nuts will argue how many is too many, and how many is not enough. One accidental gun death is too many. 265 accidental shootings by children (accidental, not gang shootings) by children is TOO many. If it was your child doing the shooting, would you argue about numbers?

In 2010 there were 74.2 million children in the United States...please show us the link you used to come up with your number.....CDC table 10, 2013 shows a total of 69 children actually killed in gun accidents......

2013 car accident deaths..... 35,000

2013 drowning deaths..... 3,000

Try to run those numbers and tell us which ones are more truthful.
And, to what do you compare this 265 number that justifies calling it "many"?
I've said before, gun nuts will argue how many is too many, and how many is not enough. One accidental gun death is too many. 265 accidental shootings by children (accidental, not gang shootings) by children is TOO many. If it was your child doing the shooting, would you argue about numbers?
So... not only can you not cite the source for your claim, you do not have a meaningful standard by which you can claim "many".
Thank you .
So... not only can you not cite the source for your claim, you do not have a meaningful standard by which you can claim "many".
Thank you .
Look up shootings by children in 2015. You'll find the sources. And my meaningful standard is: One is too many. How many is too many for you? Site a number that is "many". Is 265 " a few" or "some"? These are numbers of children who shot a gun, not semantics.
So you would support gun safety education in public help get that number down...right?[/QUOTE]
No, I don't support public schools promoting guns. I support educating gun owners to be careful and safety conscious, and responsible. I support gun safes and locks. Children are curious and will pick up a gun, even if they've been warned not to. Why should we let the idiot adults in their lives go scot free when an "accident" happens? Do you promote charging these gun owners with at least child endangerment?
So... not only can you not cite the source for your claim, you do not have a meaningful standard by which you can claim "many".
Thank you .
Look up shootings by children in 2015.
I'm sorry,, you'll have to provide the information for your claim, as "look it up" is not an acceptable citation for anything, save for discussions on the day-care playground.
Until then....
Not only can you not cite the source for your claim, you do not have a meaningful standard by which you can claim "many".
We don't all have the same intellectual capabilities. If you're not able to "look up" accidental shootings by children in 2015, have someone do it for you. As for sex ed, sex is inevitable, guns are not.
We don't all have the same intellectual capabilities. If you're not able to "look up" accidental shootings by children in 2015, have someone do it for you. As for sex ed, sex is inevitable, guns are not.

Not the way it said say you have a source for what you need to link it so we all get a peeky boo at your source.......otherwise you weaken your point......

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