According to the IRS Trump did this


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?
i looked for your link.....cant find it.....must be an oversite....
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

After promising the smoothest transition into the WH ever Obama's transition was delayed and ran into all kind of problems because he couldn't find a liberal Cabinet nominee who had actually paid their taxes, to include eventual Secretary of the Treasurer Lil' Timmy Tax Cheat Geithner. (Great pick for Treasurer - some criminal who refused to pay his taxes - way to start off your Presidency, Barry!)


D- Charlie Rangel
This guy sat on the committee that wrote the tax code; yet, this criminal was caught numerous times hiding money, not paying his taxes -- tax fraud, tax evasion.... and thanks to his buddies in the Federal Govt he did not go to jail, did not have to pay a fine for his crimes, did not pay back taxes on the money he owed...he just had to finally pay the taxes he owed. (Yeah, that would happen to us, right?!)

'Reverend' Al Sharpton
This liberal Race-Baiter makes his money off of promoting racism...and business is GOOD! Al likes his money so much he refused to pay his taxes also.

But since we are talking about candidates in the 2016 Presidential election, let's mention another candidate besides Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton: 'FORGOT' to report to the IRS the tens of millions of foreign donations / dollars she was pulling in.

"No, Hillary Clinton did not “forget” to report her millions in foreign cash to the IRS. It wasn’t a “mistake” or an “oversight.” The Clinton Foundation reported zero dollars in foreign cash, from 2010 through 2012 , even as it was pulling in tens of millions."


No, Hillary Clinton Didn't 'Forget' To Report Her Foreign Millions To IRS - Breitbart
Another institution that should be removed is the federal court system. It actually is used to push the 'liberal' agenda in this country. It should be undone completely and just have one United States Supreme court. The court system will be completely gridlocked which would prevent it from being used to push the 'liberal' agenda in this country.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?
i looked for your link.....cant find it.....must be an oversite....
No need for a link. It's just another unfounded, idiotic rant by a know nothing moron.

While Trump is continuously being audited by the (Obama's) IRS, especially now that he is running against Hillary, the IRS has found nothing on Trump.

In this country people are innocent until proven guilty. You Libs seem to think Trump has done something wrong regarding his taxes - PROVE IT! The burden of proof is on the accuser. So once and for all, put up or shut up.

While Trump is continuously being audited by the (Obama's) IRS, especially now that he is running against Hillary, the IRS has found nothing on Trump.

In this country people are innocent until proven guilty. You Libs seem to think Trump has done something wrong regarding his taxes - PROVE IT! The burden of proof is on the accuser. So once and for all, put up or shut up.
when you make a statement about something,it should be the posters job to back it up....the super dem did not do that.....and your link says he has been continually audited since it looks like the Bush IRS was looking at him too,not just your buddy Obama...
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.

The reason? He actually made very little or no money last year.....on paper.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.

The reason? He actually made very little or no money last year.....on paper.

Only one way to find out.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

I seriously doubt they pay less than I do. Just the employers share of payroll taxes is a lot more than I pay.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

I seriously doubt they pay less than I do. Just the employers share of payroll taxes is a lot more than I pay.

I seriously doubt they pay less than I do. Just the employers share of payroll taxes is a lot more than I pay.

The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.

Maybe Trump just enjoys tweaking you libs by not releasing his tax returns, you seem obsessed with this. :laugh:
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.
Of course he can't release them because he's rich and paid no taxes - YOU LOSER He's a WINNER, and he'll put America FIRST (_: (he has a bit of a circular argument)
Liberals are obsessed with other people's money.

Has Trump, unlike Timmy Geithner / Charlie Rangel / Al Sharpton paid his taxes?
- Yes

Has Trump paid the legally required amount of taxes?
- Yes. If you aren't happy about that talk to Charlie Rangel about that - he helped write the tax code...that he has violated numerous times.

Liberals are not concerned with everyone paying their 'fair share' - they believe those who have should have MORE of their money taken away and re-distributed simply because 'they can afford it'.

Thanks to Liberals more Americans no longer pay taxes than those who do - reportedly 51% of Americans don't even pay taxes anymore.

This works great for the Libs, as more people NOT paying taxes means more citizens receiving govt hand-outs and thus more likely to vote Democrat to keep those freebies coming. Like all Socialist-run governments though, this works great until you crush those paying the taxes and you run out of other people's money.

For those people who can NOT see the proverbial train coming down the track you are in for a very rude awakening. The economy - the massive accumulation of debt, the burden being placed on our future generations can NOT continue. politicians have been living for the moment, focusing on getting as much money and power for themselves as possible while pushing as much of their own agendas as possible, hardly giving a damn abut the average American citizen.

They do not want to preserve / save anything - they are just trying to get as much as they can for themselves before they kill the 'fatted calf'.
It's not that the IRS found nothing. They found something. For several years in the 1970s, Donald Trump followed the law, to the letter, and paid no taxes.
It's funny how Liberals are still foaming at the mouth about Trump's tax returns. They are no one's business except for Trump. He has paid his taxes, as opposed to most / a host of Liberals. That's all that matters.

Trump HAS paid his taxes, and Libs are demanding to see his tax returns.

Hillary 'FORGOT' to claim millions of dollars she collected from foreign donors (if she had been a Republican it would have been called 'tax fraud' / 'tax evasion') and the left has no desire to put her tax returns under the microscope....

No, Hillary Clinton Didn't 'Forget' To Report Her Foreign Millions To IRS - Breitbart

Hmm, why is that... :p
How do we know Trump is always being audited ? He's telling us??? Like u can believe him.

Maybe his shady taxes raise red flags every year.

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