Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Well, they gave killed 40,000 Palestinians. Hard to make a case for them not having blood on their hands.
Nazi Germany lost 9 million people, that case would also apply to U.S. and the Allies that defeated them then.
You need to check Zionist terror groups even when we were fighting Hitler, the Stern gang tried to work with the Nazis to attack the British in Palestine, they also had a plan to kill Churchill.
Nah, the Nazi Mufti of Palestine was on Hitlers payroll and his Muslim Nazi army fought alongside Hitler and they were responsible for the murders of thousands of Christians across Eastern Europe. That’s why the Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Islamism.
It trendy these days to blame the mufti for the Holocaust instead of the Germans. The Zionists thinks it justifies what they have done.
It’s a fact. The Mufti was certified as. Nazi by the U.S. Deot of State and on Hitler’s payroll. His Muslim Nazi army fought alongside Hitler and was responsible for killing tens of thousands of Christians and Gypsies across Eastern Europe. Calling this factual history that actually occurred and therefore contributed to why Palestinians generally exhibit such savagery and depravity “trendy” is a lame attempt at whitewashing barbarism and bigotry.
The dead are almost all innocents.

If Isreal does not change it's abuse of the Palestinians, it's illegal settlements, these people fight back just as you I would.

How was Israel abusing Gaza?

They made a unilateral withdrawal from that place, dismantled all settlements. More or less said ‘Have have it. All to yourselves.
Get on with it.’

Drove Gazans to hospitals for treatment, welcomed workers over to the Kibbutz.

And what did they get for it? Daily rocket attacks, which they put up with. And the final denouement: October 7th.
Nah, the Nazi Mufti of Palestine was on Hitlers payroll and his Muslim Nazi army fought alongside Hitler and they were responsible for the murders of thousands of Christians across Eastern Europe. That’s why the Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Islamism.
Never mind Nah it happened you don't like inconvenient facts, i know about the Mufti but thousands of Palestinian Arabs fought in the British army alongside Jewish volunteers, in the Balkan wars of the 90s the Bosnian Muslims under that fanatic Izetbegovic who was a disciple of those WW2 Muslim SS volunteers was supported by the US and West, you need to watch this about Stern if you can face the truth.
The Ottomans were only temporary occupiers like the Romans, Ottomans, British and Zionists.

And when they occupied it, they owned all the land.

Glad you understand.

The British promised the Arabs all of Palestine if the Arabs would help fight the Ottoman Turks.

The British promised that? All the Brits?
Show me that writing would be nice.

The total population of Palestine was given as 757,182, of whom 590,890 (78%) were Muslims

It's true, there were a lot of Muslims. Very few who ever owned any land.
Just because your landlord dies, or loses a war, doesn't mean Grau suddenly owns the building.

1. Occupying land is not the same as owning it.
For example, you might occupy a barstool for a few hours but you don't own it.

2. Yes, the British did promise to give Palestine to the Arabs for their indispensable aid in fighting the Ottoman Turks under the McMahon Agreement:

Here is a brief clarification of the document approved by the British government, " writing", as you requested:
"The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED

3. Thank you for agreeing that Palestine was predominantly Muslim. As of 1900, the Jewish population was about 3% - 4% and the Muslim population was 80% +

The Palestinian Jews and Arabs generally got along well until the invasion of foreign Zionist terrorist gangs:

“Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians”

EXCERPT “He quotes the memoirs of Ya’akov Elazar from Jerusalem, who remembers how “the Muslim women cooperated respectfully with the customs of the Jewish religion…the Muslim neighbors allowed the Jewish women to pump water necessary before the Sabbath.” Klein also describes how some Muslims even joined their Jewish neighbors in reciting religious prayers. He describes the cheder (a traditional elementary school where the basics of Judaism and the Hebrew language were taught) run by Hacham Gershon in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where Arab parents brought their children so that they would learn how to behave properly. Klein also writes that sexual relations and marriages between Jews and Arabs were not unheard of, even if they were not considered legitimate.” CONTINUED

It is my sincere wish that Jews and Arabs return to a mutually beneficial co-operative existence.
The primary reason for hostilities is that the Palestinian Jews were used to sharing land, water and scarce resources and the recently arrived Zionists want all of Palestine for just foreign Jews.

4. Yes it is possible to acquire land simply by living on it through "Adverse Possession".
It's a fairly common occurrence for which there are 3 legal requirements.
The legal language is that your occupancy must be: "open", "notorious" and "hostile" all of which the Palestinians have fulfilled by living there for centuries.

If I wanted to slaughter all the Arabs in Gaza, I could have killed 100,000 in the first day.
I’m certain had your country of Israel done that on the first day, you’d continue to support them unconditionally forever.
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1. Occupying land is not the same as owning it.
For example, you might occupy a barstool for a few hours but you don't own it.

2. Yes, the British did promise to give Palestine to the Arabs for their indispensable aid in fighting the Ottoman Turks under the McMahon Agreement:

Here is a brief clarification of the document approved by the British government, " writing", as you requested:
"The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED

3. Thank you for agreeing that Palestine was predominantly Muslim. As of 1900, the Jewish population was about 3% - 4% and the Muslim population was 80% +

The Palestinian Jews and Arabs generally got along well until the invasion of foreign Zionist terrorist gangs:

“Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians”

EXCERPT “He quotes the memoirs of Ya’akov Elazar from Jerusalem, who remembers how “the Muslim women cooperated respectfully with the customs of the Jewish religion…the Muslim neighbors allowed the Jewish women to pump water necessary before the Sabbath.” Klein also describes how some Muslims even joined their Jewish neighbors in reciting religious prayers. He describes the cheder (a traditional elementary school where the basics of Judaism and the Hebrew language were taught) run by Hacham Gershon in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where Arab parents brought their children so that they would learn how to behave properly. Klein also writes that sexual relations and marriages between Jews and Arabs were not unheard of, even if they were not considered legitimate.” CONTINUED

It is my sincere wish that Jews and Arabs return to a mutually beneficial co-operative existence.
The primary reason for hostilities is that the Palestinian Jews were used to sharing land, water and scarce resources and the recently arrived Zionists want all of Palestine for just foreign Jews.

4. Yes it is possible to acquire land simply by living on it through "Adverse Possession".
It's a fairly common occurrence for which there are 3 legal requirements.
The legal language is that your occupancy must be: "open", "notorious" and "hostile" all of which the Palestinians have fulfilled by living there for centuries.


Occupying land is not the same as owning it.
For example, you might occupy a barstool for a few hours but you don't own it.

What if I sit on the barstool for 400 years?

"The McMahon Agreement"
Promises? Not a treaty? One guy, not all the Brits?

As of 1900, the Jewish population was about 3% - 4% and the Muslim population was 80% +

What percentage of the mandate land was given to the Muslims to create Jordan?
Israel dropped a lot of bombs, didn't kill nearly as many as they could have.

Now go whine some more.
Thanks for not murdering more children and standing against Israeli Genocide isn't whining it's being human.
1. Occupying land is not the same as owning it.
For example, you might occupy a barstool for a few hours but you don't own it.

2. Yes, the British did promise to give Palestine to the Arabs for their indispensable aid in fighting the Ottoman Turks under the McMahon Agreement:

Here is a brief clarification of the document approved by the British government, " writing", as you requested:
"The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED

3. Thank you for agreeing that Palestine was predominantly Muslim. As of 1900, the Jewish population was about 3% - 4% and the Muslim population was 80% +

The Palestinian Jews and Arabs generally got along well until the invasion of foreign Zionist terrorist gangs:

“Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians”

EXCERPT “He quotes the memoirs of Ya’akov Elazar from Jerusalem, who remembers how “the Muslim women cooperated respectfully with the customs of the Jewish religion…the Muslim neighbors allowed the Jewish women to pump water necessary before the Sabbath.” Klein also describes how some Muslims even joined their Jewish neighbors in reciting religious prayers. He describes the cheder (a traditional elementary school where the basics of Judaism and the Hebrew language were taught) run by Hacham Gershon in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where Arab parents brought their children so that they would learn how to behave properly. Klein also writes that sexual relations and marriages between Jews and Arabs were not unheard of, even if they were not considered legitimate.” CONTINUED

It is my sincere wish that Jews and Arabs return to a mutually beneficial co-operative existence.
The primary reason for hostilities is that the Palestinian Jews were used to sharing land, water and scarce resources and the recently arrived Zionists want all of Palestine for just foreign Jews.

4. Yes it is possible to acquire land simply by living on it through "Adverse Possession".
It's a fairly common occurrence for which there are 3 legal requirements.
The legal language is that your occupancy must be: "open", "notorious" and "hostile" all of which the Palestinians have fulfilled by living there for centuries.

There were even businesses owned by Jews and Arabs partners and working together, the fact is the Zionist cancer has been the problem from the start, the early Zionist invaders were from Poland.
"Dawood Barakat, the editor of the Egyptian paper Al-Ahram, wrote: “It is absolutely necessary that an entente be made between the Zionists and Arabs, because the war of words can only do evil. The Zionists are necessary for the country: The money which they will bring, their knowledge and intelligence, and the industriousness which characterizes them will contribute without doubt to the regeneration of the country.” "

Yeah... Zionism is a cancer...

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