Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Genocide in Israel has little to do with religion for most of the people around the world protesting. If Christians or Buddhists or any group was doing it they would feel the same way.
"Dawood Barakat, the editor of the Egyptian paper Al-Ahram, wrote: “It is absolutely necessary that an entente be made between the Zionists and Arabs, because the war of words can only do evil. The Zionists are necessary for the country: The money which they will bring, their knowledge and intelligence, and the industriousness which characterizes them will contribute without doubt to the regeneration of the country.” "

Yeah... Zionism is a cancer...
Every Imperialist and Colonialist in History has said that.
Thanks for not murdering more children and standing against Israeli Genocide isn't whining it's being human.

There were even businesses owned by Jews and Arabs partners and working together, the fact is the Zionist cancer has been the problem from the start, the early Zionist invaders were from Poland.

The Islamist cancer is much, much worse.
“Anti-Semitism is always a means rather than an end; it is a measure of the contradictions yet to be resolved. It is a mirror for the failings of individuals, social structures and State systems. Tell me what you accuse the Jews of—I’ll tell you what you’re guilty of.”

This passage from Vasily Grossman’s extraordinary novel Life and Fate, often quoted by Douglas Murray, may explain better than anything else how masses of people around the world, upon witnessing the most horrific slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, could erupt to accuse not the Jews’ killers, but the raped, kidnapped and tortured victims. Understanding is admittedly cold comfort when you’re witnessing a level of depravity and hostility you wouldn’t have dreamed possible—some of it maybe carried out by people you once respected, even people you thought were friends. But cold comfort is something.

What do the October 7 celebrants accuse the Jews of? Killing babies. Terror. Wanton cruelty. Rape. All gruesome crimes, all of which Hamas perpetrated against Israeli Jews, and others, on October 7. And the protesters’ ultimate accusation—genocide—a goal Hamas inscribed in its founding charter, carried out to the best of its ability during its terror spree, and has vowed to finish. Indeed, tell me what you accuse the Jews of and I’ll tell you what you’re guilty of.

Yet we’re left wondering how this happens. How do people—seemingly intelligent people who are not monsters—read in their New York Times or Facebook feeds about families in Israel being slaughtered, and come out euphoric—certain that what happened was not a pogrom, but righteous vengeance visited on an evil people? What kind of degeneracy accounts for this?


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