Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

"I'm about to explode, I'm nervous and scared," said a father who couldn't find his daughter, a student at the Texas school where a gunman killed at least 19 children and a teacher, in the aftermath of the shooting

“I just want to find her well and alive"


Uvalde Demographics​

According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Uvaldewas:

  • White: 92.19%
  • Other race: 4.30%
  • Asian: 1.37%
  • Black or African American: 0.97%
  • Two or more races: 0.54%
  • Native American: 0.51%
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.11%
Look everyone…Mr Clever says Hispanics/Latinos are no longer minorities.
Yeah, I can defend my daughter with my guns better than any other person I know. She sleeps safe and secure when she is home.

Not if she's in school. Or anywhere else outside your home, for that matter.
I like to play the odds and connect the dots…for now, like all sane bold people, I’ll assume that Ramos is barely legal and here on a stolen citizenship…you can play stupid against the odds if you wish but take no pride in shoving your head up your ass to avoid the PC programmers.
You make the assumption because you are a bigot plain and simple. The fact of the matter is you have absolutely no data whatsoever to back up your assumption other than your own racist bias.

Uvalde Demographics​

According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Uvaldewas:

  • White: 92.19%
  • Other race: 4.30%
  • Asian: 1.37%
  • Black or African American: 0.97%
  • Two or more races: 0.54%
  • Native American: 0.51%
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.11%

I predicted this. The Freaking Dims would call the shooter "A White Hispanic" just like George Zimmerman. :lol:
You make the assumption because you are a bigot plain and simple. The fact of the matter is you have absolutely no data whatsoever to back up your assumption other than your own racist bias.
Maybe…but those who are owned by the PC programmers are just plain ignorant and scared shitless. They’re terrified to use their intellect to make “assumptions” when ethnicity is involved.
And there you go, the 2nd Amendment on display in it's full glory. 2aguy will have to botch his list to squirm out of this, M14 Shooter will want something demonstrated but here's some more gun demonstration for him and westwall will just go around giving the thumbs down to anything said negatively about a gun. And the rest of the gun nuts.........the mouth frothing will start.

Thank goodness my kids and I live in the UK, idiots with guns are rare over here.

And 19 kids lose their lives so you can keep your 2nd Amendment in arming nutters. Well America, when it comes to guns, the world can't fix stoopid.

Way to go gun nuts, way to go, hats off to you :clap2:

Gutierrez said Ramos bought the firearms on his birthday, legally, from a dealer. “That was the first thing he did on his 18th birthday,” he said, according to the AP. According to Gutierrez, Ramos was originally from North Dakota.

He is also a sexual deviant. Pictures from his instagram. I guess this is the brave new transgender World Dims want us to live in.

The Tranny was killed by an off duty Border Patrol Agent who was also wounded. You know, the Border Partol that Potato Head Joe Biden called racist?

That Border Patrol agent saved a lot of lives. I wonder if Joe will thank him?

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